Read Fandri's Adventures Page 47

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  As they entered the Great Hall, row upon row of knights dressed in formal tabards stood and raised a fist across their chest to their heart. Fandri looked up at their solemn faces for a hint as to the occasion, but neither a smile nor nod was cast his way.

  When he passed Sir Rawlan in the front row before the raised dais, the usually taciturn man greeted Varl with a wink.

  Fandri-La whispered in his ear. “Something’s up, Fandri. I hope we’re not in trouble.”

  He raised a hand to reassure her. “Don’t worry Fandy. I’m sure Varl will stick up for us.”

  King Varan was seated in formal robes made of a vivid purple that Fandri had never seen before. He also wore a heavy golden crown with red jewels and held a sceptre with a dazzling diamond. The throne had been carefully positioned so that a beam of light shone through the glass window; illuminating the large diamond.

  Fandri-La gasped as the light bounced off the gem and became directed at her face; blinding her sight. This effect was magnified causing Fandri-La to shine in brilliance. All within the room shielded their eyes from the painful onslaught to their vision as she turned bright white.

  King Varan placed his hand over the diamond and the room dimmed in a heartbeat.

  Everyone stood there blinking; some with tears cascading from their painful eyes.

  “Halfling, your fairy does make a grand entrance. Welcome Fandri and Fandri-La of Southdale.” Varan waved a hand and the audience seated themselves with whispers and shuffling of feet. They looked to the king with wide-eyed anticipation.

  Butterflies swirled in Fandri’s stomach. He worried how much trouble he was in for disobeying Sir Rawlan and following Varl to Flame Mountain. He noticed Varl fidgeting with the long parcel he had collected from the Blacksmith and thoughts of awful punishment raced through his mind. Maybe it is some kind of torture device or an axe for severing the hand from my body like that beggar in the street.

  The halfling broke out in beads of sweat and felt his curly hair stick to the nape of his neck. He gulped in terrified anticipation.

  The king cleared his throat and the hall fell into silence. Fandri raised his head to look into the piercing eyes of the king. The ruler glanced down at him, but no expression displayed his thoughts.

  “Lords, ladies, knights and peoples of the Diagro Plains. The actions of our smallest visitors have been brought to my attention.”

  Fandri watched as a bead of sweat dripped from his nose and landed on his worn leather boots. The tips of his big toes protruded through the boots, but he doubted he could afford a new pair because he had not been given any coins during their long travels. He sighed, then sneaked a glance at Varl, seated at the right hand of his father. Fandri leant forward to listen as the king spoke again.

  “…from a halfling village called Southdale was recruited by the late King Phelaeron-Sky and Queen Liara-Star on their important mission to inspect the Elven Shield. As you know, there had been concerns of the shield not expanding to all reaches of Reloria and the elven queen herself had a premonition of a second Vergai invasion. It has been only ten moons since Vergai were discovered at Bare-top Mountains and we had to send knights to defeat them. There was also a single Vergai discovered near the Western Outpost recently who was defeated by the elves.

  “I fear this war with the mountain men sometimes distracts us from the real threat to our peoples. These Vergai lizard-men were thought to have been defeated in our lands many years ago, but they still remain a danger and we must not become complacent. Our army must be maintained as a mighty force to protect our land.

  “And this, my friends is where this small halfling boy comes into the story. Although small in stature, he has proven his heart is as big as any man’s. Several times he has rescued our own Prince Varl from dangers where any brave knight would have hesitated.”

  Fandri felt an inkling of hope stir inside him. Perhaps he was not about to be punished for entering the forbidden mountain men lands. He gave an involuntary sigh and Varl smiled at him.

  Meanwhile the king continued to speak. “…against our laws for a plainsman to enter the land of our mountain foe, due to the fact that none have ever returned from there. Fandri, son of Farli and his tiny fairy followed the dragons who had captured our prince and through means of stealth and cunning, he infiltrated their Council and pleaded for Varl’s life. His request was denied, but still the halfling persisted and although all hope seemed lost, he made an ally of a shifter and they conspired for the rescue.

  “When the treachery became known to the Council, the might of the mountain men was sent to destroy them, but through Fandri’s bravery again, he persuaded the shifters to abandon their attack on our army. Had he not achieve this reprieve, it is doubtful any of us who went south would have returned to Varx Castle.”

  A cheer arose from the packed hall of knights and nobles. Fandri felt heat rising in his face as it flushed as red as a beetroot. Feelings of pride and happiness flowed into him through the halfling-fairy bond. He turned to see Fandri-La’s eyes shining with delight.

  “You’re a hero, Fandri. I’m so proud of you.” She had to yell above the din in the hall.

  A herald banged a staff on the table to restore order in the room.

  King Varan continued, but this time Fandri noticed the serious look had been replaced with a gentle smile.

  “Well done, halfling Fandri. Prince Varl has seen fit to present you with a small sword as recognition of your heroic deeds. Step forward.”

  With his heart beating fast, Fandri took a tentative step forward. Varl signalled for him to kneel and Fandri did so, on one knee as Varl had taught him when they first met. Fandri-La flew close to his shoulder and the king waved her back.

  The people gathered in the hall were so quiet you could have heard a pin drop.

  The king bent low and touched the flat blade of the sword to Fandri’s right shoulder. It was then passed over his head, ruffling his hair to rest on his left shoulder. “Stand Sir Fandri of the Diagro Plains.” The halfling stood, facing the king. “I bequeath to you the title of Duke of Chister. It is a small town, but a day’s ride from here. There is not yet a suitable manor for a Duke, but I will commission one to be built for you. I trust you will spend much of your time here in the capitol to continue your knight’s training.”

  Fandri gave a deep bow. “Yes I will. I am very honoured sir, thank you.”

  Fandri-La clapped her hands and her shiny new bell tinkled loud in the hall.

  Varan cleared his throat. “There is one more very important presentation I must give here today.”

  Fandri and his fairy exchanged glances, with feelings of puzzlement running both ways along their bond. With crinkled brows they turned to the king.

  “Fairy Fandri-La is the most diminutive of my subjects, but I believe she has proven herself to be the most significant. In the Battle of the Disputed Lands it was Fandri-La whose magic saved our knights from destruction at the hands of our foe. The elves made a shield to repel the dragons, but I am told they would have failed were it not for this brave fairy.

  “Now, this is the first time a female has received recognition for her efforts in battle, therefore I shall set a new precedent. “Fairy Fandri-La, I award you with the title Fairy Queen of the Diagro Plains. Please come forward.”

  Fandri-La beamed with pride as she flew in front of the king and hovered there.

  Taking a tiny parcel from his pocket, King Varan unwrapped a cloth to reveal a silver ring with three diamonds on one side. His lifted it up to her head and whispered, “I hope this fits.”

  Fandri-La removed her cap, showing a mop of curly hair.

  Varan bit his lip as he gently placed the circlet onto her head. Rather than sit in place, the crown slid right down past her ears and rested on her shoulders. He chuckled. “Fear not, dear fairy. We will amend that for you promptly.” The king removed and pocketed the tiny crown.

  He gestured to someone behind Fandri.

  Strong arms from behind the halfling lifted him up into the air. He yelped with surprise as he was placed onto muscular shoulders. He glanced down and recognised Sir Rawlan’s short hair. He heard that gruff voice. “Wave to the crowd, Duke of Chister.”

  Fandri waved and Fandri-La flew up to wave beside him. The hall erupted into cheers. As Sir Rawlan walked through the crowd, everyone stopped the heroes to offer congratulations.

  Varl ran ahead of them and led Sir Rawlan by the hand out of the hall and into the Knight’s Tavern, which was within the inner castle walls. Fandri had to stoop his head to avoid hitting the wooden doorframe.

  “A pint of mead for everyone from the cellars of the king.” Rawlan’s announcement was met with cheers.

  Seated at a long table, surrounded by knights, Fandri felt the happiest he had been since leaving home and Emina many long months ago.

  Lost in his own thoughts and taking tentative sips of the honey ale, Fandri was surprised to feel a hand on his shoulder. He turned his head to see King Varan of all people in the tavern with three young ladies who looked close to Fandri’s own age of fourteen.

  “So, Duke Fandri, it is time for you to choose a bride to make your home in Chister.”

  The halfling’s heart sank as realisation dawned on him. His flustered mind whirled with the thought of being married to one of these girls of the Diagro Plains. He appraised each of them: tall at almost twice his height, with long blonde hair, almost perfect teeth and very pretty. They must be the loveliest maidens to be found in this citadel.

  He felt his throat close over as the tavern grew silent and felt as though every eye bored into his face. He coughed to try and loosen his vocal chords. “Ahem. Oh well, your highness, sir, I am not actually ready to marry. We halflings, um, er, um, don’t marry until we are at least sixteen, um. I hope you don’t um mind if I wait a few years before making such an um big, important decision.” Oh Reloria! Emina. How am I going to escape from this one?

  He could feel a wave of support coming from Fandri-La. He realised if he stayed here, there was no chance of her finding love either. Although. He looked at Varl’s face and saw the adoration that had been there from their very first meeting. Varl was very much infatuated by the fairy. Love sure is a strange match-maker.

  There was dead silence as every eye again stared at Fandri and he realised they were completely dumbstruck that he would refuse an offer from the king. As he looked around at their creased brows and frowns, an idea popped into his head.

  “In fact, I am already promised to a fair halfling girl named Emina, so I have to decline your generous offer. I’m sorry to cause offence, your highness.”

  He could see disappointment in the maidens’ expressions, but there was also a hint of relief mixed in there. Perhaps the thought of marry someone of such short stature was a little embarrassing to them. The maidens turned swiftly and left at a gesture from the king.

  “Very well, Fandri. I shall respect your previous betrothal. If, however you remain unmarried by your sixteenth birthday, I shall provide a bride for you. No nobleman should be alone in his manor. Enjoy your mead, my boy.”

  He rumpled Fandri’s curls and downed a pint of ale himself, before disappearing into the crowd.

  Fandri let out a slow, deep breath. He caught Varl looking at him with an amused grin. He poked his tongue out in return. “You enjoyed seeing me squirm just now, didn’t you? Some friend you are.”

  Varl laughed. “Oh Fandri. The love of a fine woman should be a blessing, not a curse. Anyway, I agree, you are not ready. Why, you have had a mere six sips of mead and you are ready to fall off your seat. Huzzah!”

  Fandri smiled back, feeling a little lightheaded, but content. After all his adventures, he was looking forward to more peaceful times with his fairy and his best friend.

  Artwork: ‘Fairy above the castle’ by Tahlia, grade 5