Read Fandri's Adventures Page 7

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  Fandri awoke to find something wet licking the tip of his nose. Yuck. He opened his eyes to see the bay-coloured pony he had ridden yesterday pulling its head away from his face.

  “Eww.” Fandri-La fluttered in front of him and shook her bell in the pony’s face. It followed the fairy over to where she drank nectar from nearby flowers.

  A chuckle sounded nearby and Fandri saw Varl roll across the blankets to him, before jumping to his feet. “Now, that is a novel way to awaken.” The squire stooped to inspect the grass next to the halfling. “Fandri, what is this?”

  Fandri-La smiled at Varl. “That’s my bed. We grow a fresh toadstool every night to sleep.” The toadstool was white with red spots and flattened on top to create a perfect bed for the tiny fairy.

  Varl stared at her with wide-eyed wonder and admiration.

  Fandri stood up and led the pony away from the sleeping area. The knights, squires and guards were now stirring as well. Varl took the halfling a short distance away. The boys fed and released the large hounds, which barked and ran to stretch their legs after being secured all night.

  The biggest hound, Wolfer almost bowled Fandri over with his enthusiasm. His head stood taller than the halfling, causing the fairy to dart high out of reach, lest she be inhaled.

  “Steady on.” Fandri stood panting with his hands on his knees and his heart fluttering in his chest.

  Telmane approached the halfling, who noted the long sword hanging from his belt and the serious glint in his cool hazel eyes. “The king commands your presence, halfling. Follow me.”

  “Do you think he likes me, Guardian?”

  The look he received was a measured one. “I have served the king for most of my fifty-two years and I believe you have piqued his curiosity. He appreciates honesty and abhors falsehood. Be true to yourself, Fandri. I believe you are special.”

  Fandri’s eyes widened in surprise at hearing praise from this serious elf. “What do I do?

  “Follow my lead.”

  The elf pulled back the flap of the purple marquee and ushered the halfling inside. They advanced together as their eyes adjusted to the darkness. Fandri wondered why the king was sitting in the gloom. He was grateful for the steady hand of Telmane guiding him. The elf stopped and Fandri felt him kneel down, so he followed suit and placed one knee to the velvet rug.

  The king’s voice was a bare whisper in the darkness. “Glow, fairy.”

  Fandri-La obliged and the room was lit by her golden luminosity, to the enthusiastic applause of the king. “Thank you my dear. I need a little brightness in my day today. The queen has experienced an ominous premonition overnight. I don’t know what it means, but her fae sense is never wrong. I trust you will stand by us, through the good and the bad.”

  Fandri stepped up, his chest puffed out with confidence. “Your majesty, we offer our service in whatever manner we can be of help to you.”

  The king gave an audible sigh of relief. Fandri struggled to see him in the low light, but could sense the elf was troubled. He found it difficult to believe that someone as old and powerful as this would have anything to fear. A little seed of unease sprouted in his own young heart.

  Telmane remained kneeling and looked up into the face of his king, noticing lines across his brow for the first time. With his hand on his heart he reasserted his loyalty and begged to remain at the king’s side throughout the day.

  The king nodded slowly, his long black hair spilling over one shoulder. “I appreciate your service, Telmane and would have you both by my side…and Fandri-La, of course.” He smiled to the fairy and she flew to rest in his upturned hand. “I wish you could heal us all, sweet fairy, for I have a deep fear today.”

  Fandri-La’s eyes widened with fright and her glow dimmed for a moment. “I…don’t believe anything could harm you or the Grand Mage, your majesty. Surely all would fear you, not the other way around.” Tears welled in her eyes and fell unchecked on his hand.

  Fandri’s curiosity made him blurt out. “What are these lizard-men I’ve heard you talking about, sir? Are they to be the cause of this doom you mentioned?”

  Phelaeron-Sky sighed and wiped an embroidered kerchief across his brow. “Yes, that is my fear. Reloria was almost destroyed by these foul Vergai invaders decades ago and it is my belief they are the dark menace which troubles my Queen. These sturdy lizard-men with an appetite for flesh almost conquered us, which is why we made the Elven Shield. It is believed they have been eliminated from our land, but will undoubtedly keep trying to return.

  “But, come, let us dwell no more on these forebodings; for the day is young and we here are a strong and formidable assembly.”

  A flap at the rear of the tent opened and the queen entered with her three handmaidens.

  “It is time to break camp, my love. Have you eaten?” She offered him a bread roll and apple, which the king declined, although he drank deeply from her goblet.

  The monarchs stepped outside whilst Telmane, Fandri and others packed up the marquees and loaded the pack animals.

  Grand Mage Nnarndam flew down to them as a winged horse. He shimmered and changed into his regular form, with a crooked tilt to his starry hat. “Take a look at that red sunrise. Red sky in dawning, wizard take warning. We are in for some wild weather today, mark my words.” He turned to the king. “Phelaeron, the ships have come up the coast to meet us. It is not safe at Land’s End with so many pirates there at present. Our transport awaits, but a few leagues from here.”

  Fandri studied the mage to see if he could detect any reservations, but Nnarndam appeared as happy as ever. His twinkling eyes were an unusual shade of bluish purple. He realised that the fabric of the mage’s cloak and hat matched the hue of his eyes.

  The king nodded to Nnarndam and they mounted their horses and pony.

  Fandri was relieved that they would not have to ride a full day, but he wondered what it would be like to travel on a ship. So many new adventures.

  Telmane practiced forms with his sword while the convoy was created. He passed Fandri a dagger which was the length of the halfling’s arm and they performed the movements together, with the elf giving advice and corrections.