Read Fang Chronicles: Amy's Story Page 15

  Chapter 9

  Amy sat down hard in the chair behind her. She heard what Ivan said, but it didn’t register. Her heart was beating like a hammer. Al raced into the room, looked at Marcus and growled. “It will be okay, Alba, pull your teeth in. Our guest is smarter than we realized and keeping secrets will only cause her to continue digging. We can’t have that.”

  Al bared her teeth, threatening Marcus.

  Marcus rose from his chair, pushing it back suddenly. It flew across the room, and slammed into the wall. Amy jumped from her seat, thinking Marcus was going after the dog. She was staring at them both, not sure what to do. In the blink of an eye, the dog became a beautiful woman. The woman who cared for Amy the night she was attacked. She was not only gorgeous she was completely naked.

  Amy collapsed back into her chair. Spots were appearing before her eyes. She never believed people fainted over something they saw. She might be wrong.

  “Alba, what are you doing? This is not good for you while you’re pregnant. Are you out of your mind? Amy please get a chair and help me sit her down. My temper may not have hurt her, but this could.”

  She could do little more than he asked. Her brain was not working properly. She tentatively assisted Alba into the chair.

  “I had things to say, and I was not waiting a month or more to say them. You tune out my mind when you don’t want to listen.”

  Ivan came running into the room and took in what had happened in an instant, “This entire house is fucked up, Marcus. Of all the…”

  “Do not use profanity in our home Ivan, regardless of the cause. I think Alba and I are on the same page and you’re just a little slow on the uptake.”

  Ivan threw his hands up in the air and stormed back out.

  Alba took Amy’s trembling hand.

  “This must be hard for you to accept. We could pussyfoot around, but showing you is the only way I can be sure you truly understand. We mean you no harm. You are safe with us, but our secrets must remain undisclosed and you know too much. We need you to learn what we are and understand what is at stake.”

  “I’m sure of what I saw, but I don’t think I believe it.” Amy whispered.

  “I will change back after I’ve had my say, but it will be the last time before the babies are born.”

  Marcus stared at Alba, not mistaking her words. “Babies, as in two?” he asked.

  “Yes two. So help me, stop frightening the poor girl and get her some wine. Amy I need you to look at me, my eyes Amy.” She said this as Amy’s eyes traveled her body.

  “Look into my eyes. I’m Al, I wouldn’t harm you and I will protect you.”

  Amy gazed into her eyes. They were the same dark color as Al’s. They were beautiful.

  Amy glanced towards Marcus. “Can you do that? Turn into a wolf?”

  “No, Amy,” he said. “I’m a vampire.” This time his smile showed fangs.

  Amy tried to bolt. She made it halfway to the door, but Marcus appeared in front of her out of thin air, blocking the way.

  “Was that absolutely necessary Marcus? You scared the poor girl half to death. At least I let her grow comfortable with me in my wolf form before I showed off. Come on Amy, sit and let Marcus get you something to drink.”

  “Something stronger, please, I may be able to drink the entire bottle.” Amy said in a choked voice.

  “You see, Amy? You still have your sense of humor,” Alba said.

  Marcus brought an entire bottle of whisky. It was not her first choice, but it would do. He poured the whisky into a shot glass and she took it with a shaking hand and downed it with a grimace. Her hand was still shaking as she handed the glass back to Marcus and asked for another. She finished the second glass and placed the tumbler on the table.

  Alba took Amy’s cold hand into her warm one. “I’m sorry. I can’t even imagine the shock you must feel at this moment. We can answer questions, if you’d like?”

  Amy regarded Alba’s dark eyes. As the alcohol entered her system, she could feel herself calm. She glanced towards Marcus.

  “Why don’t we eat, and at least then you will have a full stomach.” He said.

  As soon as the words left Marcus’ mouth, the door opened and another young, good-looking man entered, carrying a table setting.

  After placing the dishes on the table, the young man said, “Master, I will return with dinner.”

  “Thank you, Philip.”

  As soon as Philip left, Ivan returned to the room, carrying a robe. He handed it to Alba “I see you haven’t eaten our guest.” He said looking at Marcus.”

  “Ivan, I’ve had about as much of you as I can take. Maybe you and I should have a discussion later tonight, in private.”

  “I think that’s a great idea. I have a few things I too would like to… discuss with you. Amy, you are taking this better than I expected.”

  “Are you a wolf or a vampire?”

  Ivan laughed and then laughed some more, almost bending double. He couldn’t help it. He had not laughed this hard in a while. He glanced towards Marcus and saw the look of death thrown his way. His laughter continued.

  “Forgive Ivan his manners, I fear he is off his medication,” Alba said, with a smile in her voice.

  “He didn’t answer my question. What is he?”

  “He’s a wolf. I’m the only vampire we have in residence and you are the only human here at the moment,” Marcus said.

  “Do you get humans visiting often?”

  “Only when we’re hungry,” Ivan stopped laughing long enough to say.