Read Fang Chronicles: Amy's Story Page 29

  Chapter 23

  They sat talking for hours and Amy finally asked softly, “How did your sons die?”

  “It’s a long story, but it must be started at the beginning if you are to understand. Kirill did not allow us to breed. He wanted no babies and I don’t want to imagine what he might have done if one of the females had one. In the early years it’s hard for a pup to control their change and for some reason Kirill hated if we were in human form. After he died, things changed and Marcus wanted us to have children. He didn’t care if babies changed and he loved all the children and especially Alba’s. She was his right hand man so to speak. I would have had to fight her to the death to become Alpha. It was Marcus’ idea for me to marry her. Alba kicked and screamed and felt she could beat me in a fight to the death. Marcus wouldn’t allow it.”

  “I bet that went over well with her?”

  “It went over so well that Marcus finally had to back down and we fought. It was brutal and I wanted to win so badly, but when the time came, I couldn’t kill her. I stopped and Alba came within a breath of killing me. I kissed her instead and she knocked me out.”

  Amy laughed. “That’s the Alba I know and love.”

  “We were married two weeks later. It was many years before Alba brought up the subject of having a child. It was hard, but in the end I helped her find a sire for the baby. I wanted to kill him afterwards, but Alba wouldn’t allow it and we struck a deal. The baby’s sire was allowed to live and I was allowed to help choose him when she was ready again. The twins were born. Their names were Samuel and Sasha. They were wonderful and loving them made it easier to forget that another man touched my wife.”

  “Your sons that died, they were twins?”

  “Yes, and they were very close. It would have been almost impossible if one had lived and the other died, but for us, it was heartbreaking to lose them both. Marcus has made some enemies through the centuries. He was powerful and many were afraid of him. His worst enemy is the pride’s queen. She knew what those boys meant to us and she had them murdered.”

  “Marcus killed the man that took your sons last night.”

  “The only thing that bothers me is it wasn’t by my hand, but I’ll take him just plain dead if I must.”

  “Marcus took off his head.”

  “That, I did not know. Marcus has always taken care of us. I will always protect him.”

  “I’ve never met this woman, the pride queen, and I hate her.”

  “I couldn’t agree with you more. We’ve been out here for hours and its getting cold. Let’s go inside. You make a wonderful addition to our family and I will die for you if necessary.”

  “Thank you, let’s hope, it never comes to that.”

  They walked inside and went in search of Alba.

  She was lying in front of the fire in the dining room and seemed exhausted. Amy went to her, giving her fur a gentle rub as she sat down. Alba rolled over and showed her belly. Amy brushed the fur gently with her fingers and gave Alba the attention she wanted.

  Ivan watched the two of them for a moment and then left the room.

  Amy could see the sun going down and she finally got up and went upstairs to dress for dinner. Alba stayed by the fire.

  Amy entered her room but found it empty. All her personal items had been removed. She turned around and walked towards Marcus’ room and entered. He wasn’t in bed and she could hear water running in the sink.

  Amy felt uncomfortable and wasn’t sure how much privacy Marcus wanted. He stuck his head around the bathroom door. His face was partially covered with shaving cream.

  “You’re rich, you’re a vampire, you’re king of the wolves and you shave,” she said with a feminine giggle that she couldn’t hold in.

  Marcus turned around and she heard a soft click as he sat his razor on the counter. She thought he might come out, but then suddenly she was pulled from behind onto the bed.

  “You mock me in my own room, when I’m trying to get rid of stubble and keep your skin from chafing.”

  Marcus said this as he rubbed the scratchy side of his face against hers. Amy reached her hand up and rubbed the smooth side.

  “I’m not sure which I prefer, soft or rough.”

  “Now you are making comments on the softness of my skin. I don’t know if my manhood can take it,” he said as he placed his hands on her breasts. “Now this is soft.”

  She placed her hands over his as he leaned over and kissed her mouth.

  “I must go back to the city and I want you to go with me,” he said as he placed light kisses on her neck.

  “What’s going on?”

  “There’s a fund raiser I can’t get out of and I need a date.”

  “You’re kidding me right? You always have beautiful women on your arm.”

  “I take one of the she-wolves with me just so I can keep the single ladies away. You can’t leave me on my own, besides I’m now spoken for.”

  “Well, if you put it that way, I guess I’ll have to go with you. I take it, its formal dress?”

  “Yes, and I’ll even let you go shopping and pick out something. I’m that desperate.”

  Amy laughed, “I have plenty of clothes back in my apartment. I can be your date and not embarrass you in public.”

  “You could wear nothing at all and I would never be embarrassed by you. I’ve always wondered what would happen if one of the wolves removed her clothing at one of these events.”

  “I don’t think removing clothes would be a problem, but growing fur would make world news.”

  “You’re right on that count, so you’ll be my date?”

  “Mm, I will do anything for you if you keep touching me.”

  Marcus leaned over and deepened the kiss. His arms brought Amy up to her knees and then forward. Feminine sounds of ecstasy escaped her. His fingers found her core and created the lubrication for his entry. His strokes were deep from this angle and he entered her slowly and then withdrew only to bury himself in her heat once more. Amy’s cries became louder as the unhurried assault continued. It was an hour before Marcus made it to the bathroom to finish shaving.

  They went down to dinner and enjoyed talking with Ivan and Alba. Now that Amy didn’t need to keep her secret, Alba could join the conversation. The subject turned to Sinner’s funeral the following day. Marcus explained it would be at the ranch and Sinner would be buried on the property.

  Amy was tired after the long day and ready to go up to their room.

  Once they arrived, Marcus sat in a large oversized chair and held her on his lap.

  “Did you think I would forget the conversation you promised me?”

  “I know you have been waiting patiently throughout the evening. It’s important for you to understand because it could mean more danger to you if you don’t know everything. I need you to accept all parts of my life and this is one of them.”

  Amy snuggled closer. “I’m ready. Tell me.