Read Fang Chronicles: Amy's Story Page 33

  Chapter 27

  Marcus knew he was being uptight and over protective. He couldn’t bear to let go of her in the crowd. He hadn’t thought it would be so hard. He wanted to stake his claim. He needed to. He also knew that since he had brought so many women to these events no one would take Amy seriously. That’s why he was possessive. She deserved to be treated like a beautiful intelligent woman, not arm candy.

  Brian had greeted him cordially when Marcus went upstairs to get him and his wife. Marcus knew he would need to deal with Brian man to man. Amy cared about the suspicious man and Marcus wanted her to be happy. If he couldn’t kill the guy the least he could do was become his friend. If Brian was game they would work things out.

  Amy’s guards had told him what Brian said at their lunch together. He knew Brian was investigating him. It would make things much easier on Brian if he stopped checking into his past. It was rock solid, but Marcus did not like unnecessary attention brought to his life. He received enough notice from the press as it was.

  Amy was the most beautiful and charming woman in the room and Marcus was proud to have her with him. After dinner he took her out onto the dance floor. They were about halfway through a slow sensual dance when he felt it. It was like an electrical current. Another vampire was in the room and he knew who she was. He looked around for his wolves. They also sensed her. He finished the dance with Amy but kept his eyes open.

  “Is everything okay?” Amy asked. She had felt the tightening of his body midway through the song.

  “Victoria is here.” Marcus’ voice was steady but Amy could sense his tension.

  “Will she do anything with all these people around?”

  “I would say no, but she is not a sane woman and I’m not sure how far she would go to hurt me and mine.” Marcus’ eyes narrowed in across the large ballroom as he first glimpsed Victoria. She began a slow glide in their direction.

  Marcus stepped in front of Amy. No one else in the room seemed to be aware that anything unusual was happening. Victoria was a sensuous looking woman with dark black hair, dark eyes and a beautiful body. Amy understood the attraction Marcus must have felt all those years ago.

  No softness could be seen in Victoria’s eyes. She’d had none since she became vampire. She appeared to be slithering as she approached Marcus. Her gait was menacing and stealthy like a cat stalking its prey.

  “My love, it has been a while.” Her soft silky voice lacked any emotion.

  “What do you want Victoria?” Marcus knew she was unpredictable and he was ready for anything from threats to a direct attack. Amy’s hand was on his arm and she was peering around his shoulder.

  “I wanted to meet your new friend or should I say dinner companion?”

  “Where are your cats?”

  “I left them behind because I wanted to meet your lady without an all-out war this first time. She’s lovely Marcus and you’ve been a naughty boy. You’re sharing blood, I can feel it. I guess the link of you making me vampire does not break with time nor does a diminishing fondness.”

  “No fondness remains and this time you will die. I’ve owed you that for a long time and I’m ready to pay up.”

  “Oh Marcus, I come here to see your new love and you threaten my life. What a shame. Has she learned all your secrets in bed? I would be delighted to give her some pointers to keep you happy.”

  He ignored her taunts and said, “It’s not a threat Victoria, it’s a fact.”

  Victoria was not happy with Marcus’ words. She made a slight hissing noise. Amy knew Marcus could growl like his wolves and it was obvious Victoria could copy her cats. It didn’t scare Amy, it just made her angry. This was the woman Marcus had loved and this was the woman that ended the lives of Ivan and Alba’s twins. If Marcus couldn’t kill her, she was willing to do it for him.

  “Where would you like to meet Marcus? I think we have avoided our final confrontation long enough. I just don’t think I’ll be the one to die and when you’re gone, your little human will be next. I will rip her arms and legs off and feed them to my cats. She’ll still be screaming when I take her head.”

  Marcus almost leapt from Amy’s side. Amy knew she couldn’t stop him, but she grabbed his arm in a tight grip. “It’s okay Marcus. She’s not worth it now. There will be a better time.”

  “Has someone finally tamed you Marcus? I still see the need to kill in your eyes. I wonder if she has ever seen it.”

  Amy had had enough. She stepped beside Marcus. She refused to back down from this woman. She knew Victoria had held Marcus’ heart for many years. Part of what Amy was feeling was jealousy and part was territorial.

  “Vickie, I don’t think we’ve been introduced. I’m Amy; I’m the woman that has enough love to keep Marcus and want to be with him for all eternity. I’m the woman not afraid to live.”

  Victoria flew at Amy, but Marcus and his wolves blocked her. The term “if looks could kill” was made for this moment.

  “You will pray to die when I have you. I’ll make sure death doesn’t come too soon. My cats would love a plaything. They enjoy terrorizing their food. It makes the taste sweeter when screams accompany the cream.”

  With that Victoria turned away and left the ballroom. People in their immediate vicinity cast them curious looks and Brian and Lori were coming their way. Brian did not appear happy. Lori just looked bewildered.

  When Brian was by their side he was giving Marcus the look. It was a man thing and Marcus was not backing down. Amy didn’t think she needed to worry about Marcus killing him, but just to be sure, she grabbed Brian’s hand and asked him to dance. Marcus was a complete gentleman and asked Lori in turn.

  As soon as Brain placed his hand in hers and led her into the dance he wanted to know what was going on.

  “That was an old girlfriend of Marcus’ and she was not happy to see me with her long lost beau.”

  “Amy, I saw that woman in one place and then before I could blink she was five feet closer. It was obvious she was threatening you. Are those bodyguards that stepped in? Marcus is a dangerous man and I don’t trust him.”

  “Yes, they are bodyguards and they go everywhere Marcus goes. As for the woman, she did move rather fast, but I don’t think she flew if that’s what you’re implying. Lori trusts Marcus and her judge of men is much better than yours.”

  “I’m not imagining things Amy. Something is wrong with this picture and it’s happening too fast. This guy has been on the market for a long time and had a string of beautiful woman. Don’t take this badly, but what does he see in you?”

  “Now you’re being offensive. I may not be the beauty queen he’s usually with, but he loves me and I love him. It will be easier if you accept it. I would hate to choose between Marcus and my best friend, but if I am forced to find another best friend I will.”

  Brian stopped dancing. “I don’t like him Amy. My spidey sense is working in overdrive. Even if you’re letting stars rule your vision you’re still my friend and I will do my best to protect you.”

  Amy softly kissed his cheek, “I understand, but I really don’t want you to interfere. You’re my friend too, but I won’t let you hurt him.”

  Marcus walked over and took Amy’s hand, “Let’s all get a drink and sit out the next dance.”

  Lori no longer had a bewildered look on her face and she smiled at Marcus. “That sounds wonderful.” She took her husband’s arm and walked beside him back to their table.

  An hour later, the evening was coming to an end. Marcus led them to the waiting limousine. His eyes were scanning everywhere as they got in. Two of his wolves joined them. In Amy’s mind, Marcus told her cats were around. They dropped Brian and Lori off then went back to Marcus’ home. Amy did not breathe easily until they were inside.

  Marcus grabbed her as soon as the door shut behind him. “Are you all right?” He whispered softly into her ear. “I love you and I won’t let anything happen to you. She is unstable and a danger to all of us; I should have killed her
long ago. She will never take anything of mine again.”

  “I want to kill her. I don’t want you to do it.”

  “She would eat you alive and I will not let you be harmed.”

  “I have a better chance if I’m a vampire.”

  Marcus was stunned. He knew she was serious. It was Marcus that was not ready. He remembered what happened with Victoria even if the circumstances were nothing alike. He could not bear for Amy to hate him.

  Amy opened the link between their minds. “I love you, I could never hate you. This is what I want. I don’t want to grow old and leave you. I want to be with you forever.” She leaned forward and kissed him.

  It didn’t take much for him to return the kiss. He picked her up and carried her to their room.

  When he laid her on the bed, she softly asked, “Will you do it?”

  I want you to be sure. It’s too soon and I want you to have time to think about what you’re choosing. You will never have children. You will never experience what it’s like to be a mother.”

  “I will never leave you so I won’t know anyway. I’ve chosen, but it doesn’t need to be tonight or tomorrow. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Marcus kissed her passionately and removed every item of her clothing as if opening a special present on Christmas morning. The sun was coming over the horizon when they finally fell asleep.