Read Fang Chronicles: Amy's Story Page 35

  Chapter 29

  Amy went into the kitchen. She saw Alba as soon as she walked into the room. Alba whined. Amy got on her knees and rubbed her head. She didn’t want to touch Alba anywhere else and cause pain.

  “You should have said something.” Amy whispered.

  “The longer I can put off letting everyone being aware the better it will be. Did Ivan tell you?”

  “Of course Ivan told me. You’re being stupid and making me say mean things when you just need love, so stop with those thoughts. What do I need to do?”

  “Go for a walk outside with me. It will be a while yet before the cubs come and I need to walk.”

  “Okay, I can do that. Let me grab a jacket. Do you want the men with us?”

  “Absolutely not! Birthing is for women and I don’t care how the world has changed. When it comes to including men in childbirth I’m not changing.”

  “I’ll get my jacket. Can I at least tell them where we are going?”

  Alba just sent a long sigh through Amy’s mind. Amy took that as a yes. Marcus was just waking up and Amy felt him. She told him what was going on as she walked up the stairs to get her jacket. He was waiting.

  “Don’t go far. It’s best for the safety of you, Alba and the babies.” He said. “I will alert the wolves to keep their distance so Alba has some privacy.”

  “Thank you, I love you.”

  She gave him a brief excited hug and hurried back downstairs.

  It was a beautiful night for a walk. It was obvious the seasons were changing, but it had been unseasonably warm over the past few days and Amy was thankful.

  They didn’t walk far, but proceeded at a slow pace. Alba stopped every few minutes and Amy could hear her labored breathing. Alba finally turned back toward the house. Once they were inside, Amy followed her to her favorite spot by the fireplace. Alba circled the rug a few times before she finally lay down.

  She spoke in Amy’s mind, “Towels are in the kitchen pantry. Go find Philip and he will help.”

  Amy did as she was told. Philip was helpful, but refused to go into the dining room. Mary and Yvette arrived and despite Amy’s strong feelings of animosity towards Mary she was glad to have her present during the birth.

  Amy sat beside Alba but didn’t touch her. Alba said it was best and that she didn’t want to chance biting Amy because she was in pain. Amy took Alba at her word and just sat quietly as the next hour dragged by.

  Alba finally let out a low whine and Amy could see the head of a baby crowning. Alba knew what to do when it was finally clear the birth canal and began licking the small, almost bald puppy. When she finished she nudged the small body towards Amy. “Place him in a towel and dry him. The other will be here soon.”

  Amy did as she was told and held the small precious bundle as she gently rubbed a towel over its body. When she was finished she held the baby to her chest. Mary reached over to take the baby from her but Alba growled. Mary backed off.

  The next baby came soon enough and the process was repeated. Amy laid the first pup back next to Alba as she took the next small body. “A female,” Alba said.

  “She’s beautiful,” Amy said as she rubbed the soft body.

  “I secretly wanted a girl, but I was afraid to voice my thoughts. I would have taken two boys, but having a girl will help with the healing my heart still needs.” Alba’s voice was quiet and tired in Amy’s mind.

  “Can I get Ivan and Marcus?”

  “Yes, it’s time. Ivan will be going crazy. The pups need to eat and I’m very tired.”

  Amy left after laying the female by Alba’s side. Neither puppy had any trouble finding their food source. It was beautiful to see.

  Amy went in search of Marcus and Ivan. Her connection with Marcus made it easy to find him. He was sitting in his office chair and Ivan was pacing back and forth. Amy saw the bottle of whisky on the desk. There were no glasses. Ivan had been drinking straight from the bottle. She lifted her eyebrows as she glanced at the bottle and then at Marcus.

  “It was the only way I could keep him in the room. The effects wear off too soon for the wolves, but it at least helped to restrain him.”

  Amy turned her head toward Ivan, “You’re a father again, congratulations.”

  “How is Alba?” The distress could be heard in his voice.

  “Alba and the babies are wonderful. She wants you with her and it’s time you met your new children.”

  Ivan was out the door. Amy walked over and hugged Marcus as he drew her into his lap. “You smell like baby wolves. I haven’t scented that in many years. Babies are a blessing.”

  “Do you regret the fact you can’t have children?”

  “Yes, I believe I do. It’s one of the reasons I wanted the wolves to procreate after I took over the clan. They’re my family and I get a taste of fatherhood through them. What of you? If you change you will never have babies.”

  “I really never planned to have children. I understand that sounds very un-woman like, but my career came first. I appreciate how hard it was for my mother when I was young. Her career meant everything and she had to put it on hold for me.”

  “And now you’re giving up your career for me.” Marcus’ voice sounded sad.

  “No I’m not. I’m giving up my career for something I feel is more important. I have no decision to make. I wouldn’t go back if I could. I’m afraid you’re stuck with me.” Amy placed her lips against his.

  Marcus deepened the kiss. He finally rose with Amy in his arms, but gently lowered her to the floor. “Let’s go see the new additions to the family. I’m sure they will be grown like their brothers in no time, so this time is special.”

  “One will be nothing like her brothers I’m sure.”

  The smile he gave her was filled with delight.

  When they arrived, Ivan was in wolf form and lying beside Alba with his head lying gently on her neck. He was watching the babies as they nursed. The other two women were nowhere in sight.

  Marcus leaned down and rubbed the fur on Alba’s head. “They are beautiful and I hear one will grow to be as fierce as her mother while the other will remain as tame was his father.”

  Alba laughed and nudged Marcus’s hand towards one of the puppies. Marcus had no problem picking up the small body. He soon handed the male to Amy and picked up the female. He nuzzled her small face with his nose then drew her to his chest. Amy did the same and the puppies quieted down and fell asleep.

  “Sit down and hold them for a while. I need a nap.” Alba said with exhaustion.

  Both Marcus and Amy complied. It was the request they were waiting for. When Amy tried to switch pups, Marcus refused and said he had held plenty of scrawny boys and a baby girl was special, he was not letting go.

  She didn’t mind and continued to hold the boy. She found him special even if the others were impressed with the girl.

  About an hour later, Philip came in carrying a whelping box. He said that it wouldn’t contain them for long, but would allow Alba and Ivan some freedom for the first few days.

  When Alba woke up, Ivan named the babies Sierra and Roland. He explained that the father always names the babies as he held both his children. Ivan had such a look of softness and bliss on his face that Amy couldn’t look away and felt tears well up in her eyes.

  Amy had no doubt Ivan would love his children. Their sperm donor was all but forgotten. Babies were a miracle and Amy was grateful to be a part of this incredible family. Even she could smell the new pups and they smelled wonderful.