Read Fang Chronicles: Amy's Story Page 6

  Chapter 4

  Ivan paced the carpeted living room. “Why is she here?”

  Marcus shot him a furious glare. “I thought she was a young drug addicted prostitute and might need some help.” It was one thing to kill in the moment. It was entirely another to go up to the room and kill the woman now. He should have done it in the alley.

  “Do you want me to take care of her?”

  He knew Ivan would do it. They had hunted together on many occasions, but neither of them was a blood thirsty animal, and killing for the sake of killing had lost any appeal it might once have had. “I’ll do it, but I need you to remove the body. Don’t let the other pack members feed off her. I guess I’m getting sentimental in my old age, but it’s really not her fault she has to die. Making it painless is the least we can do.”

  Ivan nodded.

  Marcus knew his clan was more civilized than ever before, but they were still part animal and often needed the taste of a kill. It helped to keep them under control when it was important. “We’ll head to the ranch after this merger’s finished.” Once in Texas they could hunt game. The Pack was in need and it could become dangerous very quickly.

  Ivan acknowledged the decision as Marcus began a slow walk up the stairs. When he opened the door, Alba was sitting next to the woman.

  “She’s a very beautiful. I too thought she was a child. It’s sad that her life will be cut short. I must be getting soft and old to be thinking this way. I wasn’t in favor of becoming civilized, but you were right and we had to find a way to exist in modern times. Now, I grieve for a young woman I don’t even know.”

  Marcus looked at Alba. She was one of his best killing machines. She always fought as a mother would to protect her cubs. Besides Ivan, he wanted Alba at his back if the shit hit the fan.

  “It’s my fault. I should have killed her in the alley.”

  “Take her back, Marcus. I’ll watch over her until she’s found. We don’t need her blood on our hands.”

  Marcus’ disturbed gaze settled on the woman lying on the bed. “It isn’t safe. She’s seen Ivan, you, and me, plus this room.”

  Alba growled. It wasn’t the first time he was the focus of her anger and it wouldn’t be the last. The biggest surprise was that Alba stood in front of the woman, positioning her body as a shield. This was outright rebellion and Marcus knew he was in for a fight. Not a fight of words, but one of blood.

  He attacked and Alba was thrown across the room. She was up and on him before he could blink. She was now a wolf. Even with clothing tripping and slowing her, she managed to rake his face and arm with her claws. His fangs pulled out a chunk of fur and flesh before he threw her against the wall again.

  Ivan raced into the room, his voice loud with rage. “Stop Alba, are you out of your mind? Oh shit, Marcus can’t you smell it? She’s pregnant again.”

  The fight went out of Marcus. Shame filled him. He should have scented the pregnancy. “Damn it Alba, are you okay?” Blood dripped from his face onto his shirt and the floor but was nothing an hour wouldn’t cure.

  Alba was in just as bad, if not worse shape, but she wasn’t letting up.

  “Fuck you, Marcus. You are not killing this girl!”

  Marcus turned and glared at Ivan. Ivan just stared back. They both knew they had lost. A new cub was being born to the Pack and momma wolf would get her way. Pack children were rare and one hadn’t been born in over fifty years.

  Marcus spoke to Ivan, “Take the woman back to the alley and keep watch until someone finds her. Tell the Pack to prepare the house for departure. I’ll finish the merger tomorrow and we’ll leave immediately after.”

  Alba answered, “I’ll protect the woman until she’s found and safe.”

  One hour later, Alba hid behind a dumpster, in wolf form, until a couple of prostitutes notified the authorities. The woman was beat up. It would look like a client got a little rough and she passed out from drugs.

  As the ambulance pulled away, Alba grinned. She felt the life inside her, actually two lives. She wouldn’t tell the boys for a while. She hated the city and would insist on giving birth at the ranch.

  Alba knew she became unreasonable when pregnant although it had been over one hundred years since her last childbirth. She usually became bloodthirsty and wanted to fight everyone and anyone, but for some reason this woman brought out her mothering instinct. The woman would live. As long as their secret was safe, Alba knew she had made the best decision. She hadn’t told anyone that she dreamed of this woman. It took time for her to understand the meaning of her dreams. But she had figured them out and specifically, how this woman fit into their secret lives. She was special and her life would be forever intertwined with theirs. Alba would need to think some more about it, but this had been coming for a long time. Now that the woman was here things would change for the best.

  Alba let out a sigh, and placed her hand on her stomach. It was a relief to have her pregnancy out in the open. Worrying about Ivan’s reaction when he found out exhausted her. She knew there would be anger but also knew he would make room in his heart and eventually forgive her.

  She needed to be on the ranch. Her hormones were becoming too unpredictable. To stay in control, it was best that she keep away from humans. The threat she posed while carrying put her pack at risk. She also wanted to see her four sons together. The boys were grown and they needed to start families of their own.

  It was important to the Clan that they have children. Unfortunately, her two new ones would give the boys the excuse they needed to delay a family. She shook her head. Now wasn’t the time to worry about it. As much as she loved carrying a child, she realized her yearning for family togetherness was brought on by the pregnancy. She really hated this shit.