Read Fantôme de l'Opéra. English Page 26

  Chapter XXIII The Tortures Begin


  The voice repeated angrily: "What have you done with my bag? So itwas to take my bag that you asked me to release you!"

  We heard hurried steps, Christine running back to the Louis-Philipperoom, as though to seek shelter on the other side of our wall.

  "What are you running away for?" asked the furious voice, which hadfollowed her. "Give me back my bag, will you? Don't you know that itis the bag of life and death?"

  "Listen to me, Erik," sighed the girl. "As it is settled that we areto live together ... what difference can it make to you?"

  "You know there are only two keys in it," said the monster. "What doyou want to do?"

  "I want to look at this room which I have never seen and which you havealways kept from me ... It's woman's curiosity!" she said, in a tonewhich she tried to render playful.

  But the trick was too childish for Erik to be taken in by it.

  "I don't like curious women," he retorted, "and you had better rememberthe story of BLUE-BEARD and be careful ... Come, give me back my bag!... Give me back my bag! ... Leave the key alone, will you, youinquisitive little thing?"

  And he chuckled, while Christine gave a cry of pain. Erik hadevidently recovered the bag from her.

  At that moment, the viscount could not help uttering an exclamation ofimpotent rage.

  "Why, what's that?" said the monster. "Did you hear, Christine?"

  "No, no," replied the poor girl. "I heard nothing."

  "I thought I heard a cry."

  "A cry! Are you going mad, Erik? Whom do you expect to give a cry, inthis house? ... I cried out, because you hurt me! I heard nothing."

  "I don't like the way you said that! ... You're trembling... You'requite excited ... You're lying! ... That was a cry, there was a cry!... There is some one in the torture-chamber! ... Ah, I understandnow!"

  "There is no one there, Erik!"

  "I understand!"

  "No one!"

  "The man you want to marry, perhaps!"

  "I don't want to marry anybody, you know I don't."

  Another nasty chuckle. "Well, it won't take long to find out.Christine, my love, we need not open the door to see what is happeningin the torture-chamber. Would you like to see? Would you like to see?Look here! If there is some one, if there is really some one there,you will see the invisible window light up at the top, near theceiling. We need only draw the black curtain and put out the light inhere. There, that's it ... Let's put out the light! You're notafraid of the dark, when you're with your little husband!"

  Then we heard Christine's voice of anguish:

  "No! ... I'm frightened! ... I tell you, I'm afraid of the dark! ... Idon't care about that room now ... You're always frightening me, likea child, with your torture-chamber! ... And so I became inquisitive...But I don't care about it now ... not a bit ... not a bit!"

  And that which I feared above all things began, AUTOMATICALLY. We weresuddenly flooded with light! Yes, on our side of the wall, everythingseemed aglow. The Vicomte de Chagny was so much taken aback that hestaggered. And the angry voice roared:

  "I told you there was some one! Do you see the window now? Thelighted window, right up there? The man behind the wall can't see it!But you shall go up the folding steps: that is what they are therefor! ... You have often asked me to tell you; and now you know! ...They are there to give a peep into the torture-chamber ... youinquisitive little thing!"

  "What tortures? ... Who is being tortured? ... Erik, Erik, say you areonly trying to frighten me! ... Say it, if you love me, Erik! ... Thereare no tortures, are there?"

  "Go and look at the little window, dear!"

  I do not know if the viscount heard the girl's swooning voice, for hewas too much occupied by the astounding spectacle that now appearedbefore his distracted gaze. As for me, I had seen that sight toooften, through the little window, at the time of the rosy hours ofMazenderan; and I cared only for what was being said next door, seekingfor a hint how to act, what resolution to take.

  "Go and peep through the little window! Tell me what he looks like!"

  We heard the steps being dragged against the wall.

  "Up with you! ... No! ... No, I will go up myself, dear!"

  "Oh, very well, I will go up. Let me go!"

  "Oh, my darling, my darling! ... How sweet of you! ... How nice of youto save me the exertion at my age! ... Tell me what he looks like!"

  At that moment, we distinctly heard these words above our heads:

  "There is no one there, dear!"

  "No one? ... Are you sure there is no one?"

  "Why, of course not ... no one!"

  "Well, that's all right! ... What's the matter, Christine? You're notgoing to faint, are you ... as there is no one there? ... Here ...come down ... there! ... Pull yourself together ... as there is no onethere! ... BUT HOW DO YOU LIKE THE LANDSCAPE?"

  "Oh, very much!"

  "There, that's better! ... You're better now, are you not? ... That'sall right, you're better! ... No excitement! ... And what a funnyhouse, isn't it, with landscapes like that in it?"

  "Yes, it's like the Musee Grevin ... But, say, Erik ... there are notortures in there! ... What a fright you gave me!"

  "Why ... as there is no one there?"

  "Did you design that room? It's very handsome. You're a great artist,Erik."

  "Yes, a great artist, in my own line."

  "But tell me, Erik, why did you call that room the torture-chamber?"

  "Oh, it's very simple. First of all, what did you see?"

  "I saw a forest."

  "And what is in a forest?"


  "And what is in a tree?"


  "Did you see any birds?"

  "No, I did not see any birds."

  "Well, what did you see? Think! You saw branches And what are thebranches?" asked the terrible voice. "THERE'S A GIBBET! That is why Icall my wood the torture-chamber! ... You see, it's all a joke. Inever express myself like other people. But I am very tired of it! ...I'm sick and tired of having a forest and a torture-chamber in my houseand of living like a mountebank, in a house with a false bottom! ...I'm tired of it! I want to have a nice, quiet flat, with ordinarydoors and windows and a wife inside it, like anybody else! A wife whomI could love and take out on Sundays and keep amused on week-days ...Here, shall I show you some card-tricks? That will help us to pass afew minutes, while waiting for eleven o'clock to-morrow evening ... Mydear little Christine! ... Are you listening to me? ... Tell me youlove me! ... No, you don't love me ... but no matter, you will! ...Once, you could not look at my mask because you knew what was behind...And now you don't mind looking at it and you forget what is behind! ...One can get used to everything ... if one wishes... Plenty of youngpeople who did not care for each other before marriage have adored eachother since! Oh, I don't know what I am talking about! But you wouldhave lots of fun with me. For instance, I am the greatestventriloquist that ever lived, I am the first ventriloquist in theworld! ... You're laughing ... Perhaps you don't believe me? Listen."

  The wretch, who really was the first ventriloquist in the world, wasonly trying to divert the child's attention from the torture-chamber;but it was a stupid scheme, for Christine thought of nothing but us!She repeatedly besought him, in the gentlest tones which she couldassume:

  "Put out the light in the little window! ... Erik, do put out the lightin the little window!"

  For she saw that this light, which appeared so suddenly and of whichthe monster had spoken in so threatening a voice, must mean somethingterrible. One thing must have pacified her for a moment; and that wasseeing the two of us, behind the wall, in the midst of that resplendentlight, alive and well. But she would certainly have felt much easierif the light had been put out.

  Meantime, the other had already begun to play the ventriloquist. Hesaid:

p; "Here, I raise my mask a little ... Oh, only a little! ... You see mylips, such lips as I have? They're not moving! ... My mouth isclosed--such mouth as I have--and yet you hear my voice... Where willyou have it? In your left ear? In your right ear? In the table? Inthose little ebony boxes on the mantelpiece? ... Listen, dear, it's inthe little box on the right of the mantelpiece: what does it say?'SHALL I TURN THE SCORPION?' ... And now, crack! What does it say inthe little box on the left? 'SHALL I TURN THE GRASSHOPPER?' ... Andnow, crack! Here it is in the little leather bag ... What does itsay? 'I AM THE LITTLE BAG OF LIFE AND DEATH!' ... And now, crack! Itis in Carlotta's throat, in Carlotta's golden throat, in Carlotta'scrystal throat, as I live! What does it say? It says, 'It's I, Mr.Toad, it's I singing! I FEEL WITHOUT ALARM--CO-ACK--WITH ITS MELODYENWIND ME--CO-ACK!' ... And now, crack! It is on a chair in theghost's box and it says, 'MADAME CARLOTTA IS SINGING TO-NIGHT TO BRINGTHE CHANDELIER DOWN!' ... And now, crack! Aha! Where is Erik's voicenow? Listen, Christine, darling! Listen! It is behind the door ofthe torture-chamber! Listen! It's myself in the torture-chamber! Andwhat do I say? I say, 'Woe to them that have a nose, a real nose, andcome to look round the torture-chamber! Aha, aha, aha!'"

  Oh, the ventriloquist's terrible voice! It was everywhere, everywhere.It passed through the little invisible window, through the walls. Itran around us, between us. Erik was there, speaking to us! We made amovement as though to fling ourselves upon him. But, already, swifter,more fleeting than the voice of the echo, Erik's voice had leaped backbehind the wall!

  Soon we heard nothing more at all, for this is what happened:

  "Erik! Erik!" said Christine's voice. "You tire me with your voice.Don't go on, Erik! Isn't it very hot here?"

  "Oh, yes," replied Erik's voice, "the heat is unendurable!"

  "But what does this mean? ... The wall is really getting quite hot! ...The wall is burning!"

  "I'll tell you, Christine, dear: it is because of the forest nextdoor."

  "Well, what has that to do with it? The forest?"


  And the monster laughed so loudly and hideously that we could no longerdistinguish Christine's supplicating cries! The Vicomte de Chagnyshouted and banged against the walls like a madman. I could notrestrain him. But we heard nothing except the monster's laughter, andthe monster himself can have heard nothing else. And then there wasthe sound of a body falling on the floor and being dragged along and adoor slammed and then nothing, nothing more around us save thescorching silence of the south in the heart of a tropical forest!