Read Faris and Jack Page 6

  Chapter 4 – The Cave of History

  A long time later Jack stopped and let Faris catch up with him. Faris wasn’t sure how far they’d walked, but he thought they must be close to the end of the earth. For a long time they had been following the passage upwards and Faris’s legs felt they might drop off with tiredness.

  “Don’t worry, two-legs, we’re nearly there now. Just around this next corner.” Jack grinned. Faris tried to smile back but it came out as a tired grimace.

  As they rounded the final bend Faris found himself standing next to Jack in a large round cave. Several other holes in the walls led off to passages that looked exactly like the one they had just entered by. The most interesting thing about the cave was that on every wall wherever he looked were pictures of horses and men, which looked to Faris like they had been painted with mud. Faris walked in a wide circle looking at the paintings on the walls while Jack settled himself down on the floor for a rest, curling his four large legs beneath him. Faris glanced at Jack. He looks like a giant cat, Faris thought before turning his attention back to the pictures on the walls.

  As Faris wandered around the cave he noticed that there were other creatures in the paintings. Many of them were strange animals that Faris didn’t recognise. Stranger still was that in most of the paintings the creatures, whatever they were, were fighting. Sometimes the horses looked as though they were fighting alongside the men and in other pictures they were fighting against them. Finally, after walking around the cave several times, Faris went to where Jack was lying on the floor and dropped onto the stone beside him.

  Jack opened his eyes as Faris plopped onto the floor. Lifting his head he stretched out his neck as though fighting back a yawn and shook his mane quietly.

  “What are all these pictures?” Faris asked gesturing to the walls.

  “They tell the story of our history, of a battle that took place many years ago.” Jack replied, stifling another yawn.

  “You mean horse history?” Faris was sceptical and raised one of eyebrows as he spoke.

  “Yes horse history. But it’s not just that – it’s much more than just about horses – and it’s not really about horses as you know them.” Jack said firmly. “It is your history.” He yawned loudly showing his large teeth. “But it’s also a long story, much too long for tonight. Make yourself comfortable and we’ll sleep here. We’ve got a long day tomorrow.”

  Faris was grateful for the offer of sleep, he had suddenly realised just how tired he was. Shuffling himself around on the floor he leaned sideways against Jack. Jack’s big, black tummy made a warm pillow for Faris’s head and his eyelids drooped as he fought against sleep.

  “Jack?” Faris spoke dreamily but kept his eyes shut. “Why do you need me?”

  “Aaaahhhhhh,” Jack yawned loudly and shook his head from side to side before laying it down on his front hooves. “We need you because there is evil rising to threaten our world and you were born with the power to protect and help us,” Jack said sleepily.

  “But what am I to protect you from? What power do I have? What...?” Faris had so many more questions and lots more things he needed to know, but it was no use. His voice trailed away to a soft snore.

  Jack sighed sleepily and opened one eye to look at Faris. Times were changing more than Faris could ever realise at that moment. There were dark times were coming, more dangerous than people in their world could ever remember. But for now, there was still time for questions and for sleeping… Jack nudged Faris into a more comfortable position and then curled his head back down onto his front hooves. It was going to be a long journey and they would both need the rest.