Read Fatal Alien Affection Page 6

  “This is Fawn, Raven, and…oh…dear…” Moon put a finger to her lips. “Our newest girl has yet to be named. Mistress may have thought of something by now. Forgive me, Red, I must ask her if she has anything in mind.” The girl bolted away for a few minutes, leaving Jonathan to stand there staring at her. Out of all the households in the city what was the chance they’d ended up together? A few minutes passed and Moon came back in looking flushed.

  “I have it.” She grinned at all of them. “Brook. Mistress says her voice sounds like a pretty, bubbling brook.”

  As far as names went, it could have been worse, so Zahara smiled. Moon gave a little clap and turned around. “They will tell you what you need to do next. I bid you good luck!” Moon waved at Jonathan and walked out with a bounce. For being a slave she’d never met a more positive person in his life. Fawn looked Jonathan up and down and gave him a smile of approval. Jonathan and Zahara stared at one another for a few seconds, before Fawn cleared her throat.

  “You two know each another?” She turned her head to Zahara and then Jonathan.

  “We met at the warehouse,” Jonathan filled in for her.

  “Ah, I see,” Fawn said. “We don’t have time to teach you our new set today, but we will begin to instruct you for tomorrow’s performance.” She ushered her hand toward her companion. “Raven?” His light blue eyes were a bit unnerving as they turned to look at Jonathan.

  “Copy these notes for me.” The man began a series of perfect pitches, to which Jonathan mimicked back. Raven’s eyebrows rose with surprise. “Very good. Again.” They went through the pitches a second time, to which Jonathan followed once more. “We have ourselves a natural, Fawn. A lot like Brook here.”

  “Our mistress grows easily bored, so we have to mix up our performances with different styles. She also quite enjoys it when we dance. Tell me, can you dance, Brook, Red?”

  Jonathan squirmed slightly. “Not sure. Haven’t really been taught that.”

  “A little bit.” Zahara waved her hand back and forth.

  “Follow me.” Fawn began a series of steps as Raven let out a string of notes for her. Jonathan watched closely, and Zahara figured he was memorizing the motions in his head. After she was done, Raven went through the notes again, and Jonathan danced the steps Fawn had performed.

  All three of them stared at him.

  “Impressive. We have ourselves a born dancer. You sure you’ve never danced before?” Raven’s head bobbed up and down.

  “Only village dancing, but those were rare where I was from.” They repeated the dance and song again, and Zahara noticed that both she and Jonathan’s movements smoothed out with each pass. After an hour of practicing, Fawn and Raven both grinned.

  “Well done. I think you will be ready by tomorrow night for that one. You two are quick learners,” Raven said.

  “It’s probably good to get some rest now.” Fawn gave them a gentle smile. Zahara and he walked out of the room, and she felt lighter, despite everything.

  “What happened to you?” she asked.

  “I survived a fight with a Citizen. I should be a piece of burnt flesh, but instead here I am singing and dancing.” He covered his mouth as a hysteric laugh bubbled up. Her lips twitched into a smile as well. It was rather hilarious, besides the fact that it was morbid.

  They both made it to their rooms, and Zahara bid him goodnight. I can’t believe he’s here with me. Her room was far more luxurious and comfortable than her family’s hut, but inside she was aching for the familiarity of her old surroundings. The emptiness inside was still there, but something far stronger was beginning to stir. Hope.

  She ran a brush through her thick blonde hair, her blue eyes blank, staring at the wall. It had felt like a lifetime ago she was running through the woods with her little brother, Ray. I never thought it would happen to me. That I’d be a slave. That my village would get captured by those monsters. She’d always found it odd how the creatures were like humans in many ways, as if they were distorted views of humanity. The myths over time of how and when the aliens had taken over their planet were so jumbled that no one really knew what had happened.

  She sat on the edge of her bed, memories rolling around in her head. Her mother’s laugh. Her little brother chasing tiny field mice. Jonathan’s face. She pushed him from her mind, but like a wave lapping back at the shore he returned. She climbed beneath the covers, her exhaustion catching up with her. Her head hit the pillow and the world around her faded.

  Chapter 13

  “Are you sleeping?” a whispered voice spoke in Jonathan’s ear. He’d been in and out of a dream-like state before rousing. He felt a presence beside his bed.

  “Zahara?” More than a week had gone by, and Jonathan and she had been dedicating their time to learning songs as well as the basics of the household.

  “Who else?” Her laugh was musical, and Jonathan could smell the flowery scent of her hair. “Can I lay beside you for a while?”

  They both hadn’t touched each other since they’d reunited, and he’d found himself aching for her before going to bed.

  “Of course you can.” The risk of being seen here was far less than the warehouse, but he still feared upsetting the mistress. Something far worse than the Quarry could still happen.

  “I know living in this place is comfortable, but is it just me or do you still want to help end all of this?” She slipped into his bed, and his body eased against hers, hungry for her touch.

  “I think about my family’s faces every night. I can’t ignore what’s happening. No matter how nice our slavery is. It’s still slavery.” He put a hand on her cheek and brushed a curl. He heard her gently sigh, and she snuggled closer to him.

  “I missed this. Is it weird? Is this weird?” She suddenly sat up on her elbows looking at him in the dim moonlight.

  “Nah, it’s not weird.” He gave a chuckle under his breath. “I mean, a little weird, but I’m okay with it.”

  She put a hand against his bare chest. “Good. Oh. I wanted to ask you something.” Her warm breath was against his cheek. “Do you like kissing?”

  Jonathan’s face filled with heat. She wants to kiss me? Not that he wasn’t attracted to Zahara, in fact he was extremely attracted to her, but he had thought she saw him more like a brother.

  “I’ve only kissed one girl, and she ran away from me.” His body shook with light laughter. The girl, who’d kissed him, had been so shy and embarrassed she hadn’t stuck around to see if he had actually enjoyed it.

  “Wow. You got moves, Red.”

  “Shut up.”

  “I promise I won’t run away.” Her voice got breathy as she leaned over him, her hands going on either side of his face. She climbed on top of him, and his entire body hummed with the feel of her. This is going to get dangerous fast. She leaned in close, warm against his chest. Her lips gently brushed his, soft at first.

  Wow. His arms wrapped around the back of her, and he kissed her back just as soft.

  “That wasn’t so bad now was it?” she said.

  “Have I ever complained about anything you do?” He brushed a hair from her face.

  “I think we may have to try that again. Hmm…” Her hands wrapped around the back of his head, fingers intertwining into his hair. She pressed her lips more passionately against his own, and his body filled with ecstasy at the touch. Images of a life they could have shared rolled around in his mind. This isn’t fair to either of us. He shoved the depressive thoughts away, pulling the girl closer, letting himself get lost in her kisses. He heard her gasp softly and she pulled back.

  “I’d say you enjoyed that,” she teased him.

  “I’d say I did.” His hand gently moved down her cheek to rest against the side of her neck. “Zahara…” If they continued, more would come out of this night than either of them expected.

  “I’ve never…” she whispered. He could tell she wanted more, but part of her wasn’t allowing it.

?I haven’t either.” He wanted to put her at ease. He’d never touched any of the girls from his village, and he’d not been taught anything by his father. She seemed to relax at his words.

  “I barely know how to kiss.” Her hand rested on his cheek, and she played with his hair. “I’m kind of terrible at this whole romance thing.”

  “I think you’re perfect.” He pulled her lips to his, and again found his body reacting to her touch, her smell, the feel of her pressed up against him. She let out small gasps, until he released her.

  “I wish I’d met you in my village,” he told her.

  “Me too. At least we would have had a few years.” Her voice turned sad. “I should go back. This was…” Zahara climbed out of bed, and he immediately missed her warmth. “Nice.”

  He heard her walk away.


  “There has been rumors,” Moon said as she walked down the hall beside Jonathan. “Rumors that have Mistress worried about all of us.” The girl’s normally smiling face was strained with tension. “We all know how well Mistress treats us, and now Guardians have been investigating some strange happenings in the city. That horrible creature Jeol has been having them investigate some of the wealthy Citizens’ homes about an underground facility of some kind.” Moon’s hands were waving in the air as she talked. “It’s silly really. Mistress does enjoy the beauty of humans’ gifts, but really, an underground thing? Mistress hates cold, damp places!”

  Moon stopped walking for a moment and stared at Jonathan. “Anyways, Mistress wanted me to inform you, Brook, Raven, and Fawn about the upcoming party she is attending. She was asked to bring some entertainment. So tonight you four will be performing for Master Jeol. She is hoping to put that nosy creature’s mind at ease.” Moon did a little skip as she came to the music room. “Show us proud!”

  Jonathan bid her goodbye as he walked into the room, spotting Fawn, Raven, and Zahara. He couldn’t get the girl’s kisses out of his head. His cheeks turned pink at the sight of her, but he prayed she didn’t notice.

  “Did you hear the news then?” Zahara asked as soon as he approached her. “We are performing for that creep.”

  “Yeah I heard.”

  Her eyes rested on him a moment too long, and he had a feeling she was thinking about the night before.

  “We have to perform flawlessly tonight.” Fawn was shuffling about the floor looking worried. “Mistress is all in a fit about this Jeol creature, and we need to make sure we show her proud.”

  Jonathan and Zahara exchanged a look before the four of them all began to work on their performance for the night.

  Chapter 14

  The room was abuzz with Citizens smiling, drinking, and talking to one another. Dim lights flickered off blue faces, an open dance floor was dotted with dressed up tables and little bits of diamond-shaped glass for décor. A food table was against one wall and a flowing fountain of red liquid bubbled over into laughing Citizens’ glasses. Zahara, Jonathan, Fawn, and Raven were standing beside a small stage awaiting their performance. Zahara had a bad feeling, like she’d eaten something bitter and couldn’t get the taste out of her mouth. Jonathan looked just as nervous as she felt.

  There was a hidden tension in the air, as if all the creatures in the room were on their best behavior. This creep really scares people. She saw pictures of the business alien on one of the walls, smiling with a beautiful female beside him. They almost look normal. On a separate wall was a picture of Jeol and his wife with two young children. She shuddered inside. If he’s as bad as everyone says I wonder what kind of monsters he’s going to raise? She brought her attention back as Fanna walked up to the stage and lifted her hands.

  “I want to thank Jeol and his beautiful mate Laloa for having me here today. I count it a privilege that I was asked to bring the entertainment tonight. I hope you all enjoy my beautiful collection of singers.” The golden-haired female left the stage as Zahara followed behind Jonathan, Raven, and Fawn. The room fell into silence as Fawn opened her mouth and began a beautiful melody. Raven soon joined in followed by Jonathan and finally her. When they were finished, the entire room was deadly still. All eyes were fixated on them.

  I wish someone would at least cough. What’s with the awkward stares? Suddenly, a burst of applause erupted from one of the tables, followed by the entire room.

  “Isn’t my Fawn, Raven, Red, and Brook lovely?” Fanna said, rising to her feet, applauding the loudest.

  Zahara saw cold stares fall on her mistress. Fanna realized a moment too late what she’d said out loud. From what Zahara had overheard, Citizens didn’t name their humans. It was considered unlawful. The golden-haired female’s eyes shifted, landing on her husband beside her. “What did I say?”

  “Fanna, I’ve told you not to name those foul creatures.” Lon lay a hand on his mate’s arm and pulled her slowly toward the door. “You know the laws, darling.”

  Zahara could hear the strain in Lon’s voice, trying his best to convince the crowd of his wife’s innocence.

  “They are such beautiful creatures,” Fanna said. “I don’t see what all the fuss is about.” Her pretty face turned pouty.

  “There has been rumors,” Jeol began, stepping forward. “Perhaps they are more than rumors.” Tension filled the air. Zahara’s heart hammered in her chest as she watched their mistress and master looking more and more intimidated.

  “Jeol, Fanna and Lon are dear to us. Please, let’s enjoy the party.” The red-haired female gently touched her husband’s arm. Jeol’s body didn’t lose its tension as he stared Fanna and Lon down. A blur of blue ran across the room, a flutter of black wings filled the air, tiny feet pattering.

  “Mother? Can I drink some?” A young red-haired female alien flung herself at Jeol’s wife. Zahara couldn’t help but smile at the little child.

  “Lila,” Laloa said gently. “That is for when you’re older. Go play with your brother.”

  The child darted away, but her presence seemed to break the stress in the air. Jeol visibly relaxed and nodded toward Fanna and Lon, but Zahara could see that this discussion wasn’t over.


  “There is something I need to show you,” Zahara whispered in Jonathan’s ear.

  “Alright.” Jonathan, Zahara, Fawn, and Raven sat in the back of a speedcar on their way home. Like splashes of color on a black canvas, the city lights blurred by as they traveled with a soft purr of the engine. Fanna and Lon were silent in the front, and Zahara could feel the tension building. Something is wrong. Our mistress and master are in danger… She wondered if the secret room had something to do with all of this. She wanted to tell Jonathan about it, but now was not the time.

  “I will meet you later…” she whispered. Fawn and Raven stirred beside her, and Fawn gave Zahara a gentle smile.

  “You both did so well tonight, I am sure the mistress and master are very pleased.” Fawn’s face softened.

  “Don’t fret about Jeol,” Raven said in a calm voice. “This isn’t the first time our mistress and master have been confronted. He doesn’t agree with their business.” Raven’s hand rested on Fawn’s shoulder, and Zahara noticed a deep affectionate look cross his features. Does he love her?

  “What is their business?” Jonathan leaned forward, interlocking his fingers together.

  “A substance Master creates to heal burns and wounds called Obsidian Gel. As you can see, he makes quite a profit from his invention. Jeol has gotten quite jealous of his…brother’s creation. He’d do anything to get his hands on Master’s ingredients.”

  “Raven, we don’t know that Jeol is related to Master.”

  “Fawn, dear, they look alike.”

  “Again, they have never acknowledged that they are related somehow. That is all your assumptions.”

  “Why else would that sadistic monster constantly attack our household? He’s holding a grudge at the wealth his brother carries.” Raven looked between all of them. “I’m very good at reading pe
ople, darling.”

  Fawn gave a soft laugh. “Alright, alright, perhaps you are right and Master is Jeol’s brother. If they are family, I think we are perfectly safe then.”

  “You’ve never met my brother then.” Raven’s eyes twinkled with laughter. “Sometimes, my dear, brothers hate one another.”

  Zahara listened in silence. If they are family, and Master’s wealth causes such hostility, perhaps that is why there is a secret garden hidden below. But why the supplies? Her eyebrows furrowed in thought. Whatever the case, Jonathan and I need to find out.

  Chapter 15

  An intimate caress woke Jonathan out of a light sleep. Whoa… A lithe form bathed in the soft glow of the moon stood before him. Instantly he was awake as the person bent over him.

  “You awake?” The whisper came to his ear, Zahara’s cheek resting against his own.

  “I am now.” Jonathan’s fingers caressed the side of her face, stroking the soft skin there.

  “Good…” She climbed up onto his bed, pressing him down, fingers trickling over his bare chest. Excitement rippled through him at her intimate touch. She bent down and pressed her lips against his.

  Jonathan wrapped his arms around her and tucked her body close against his own. His lips traveled to her neck, and she groaned softly in his ear. Her mouth tasted sweet, her tongue gently exploring his.

  “I want to try something new,” she whispered. “I know we’ve never…but I want to…” Zahara curled her fingers around his jaw, kissing him deeper.

  Jonathan’s body heated up, eyes widening. It didn’t take a genius to grasp what Zahara wanted. Her hands traveled down his bare chest, her lips brushing against the side of his neck. He was flooded with pleasure at her touch, her fingers slipping further and further until he let out a soft sound as she stroked him. Feather light, her fingers caressed, and pleasure washed over his body.

  Something sparked inside, and he let all his guards down. I love this woman. Neither of them had spoken the words out loud, but in this moment he knew they both felt it.