Read Fatal Alien Affection Page 8

  “Get in. It’s safe.” Quint ushered him inside, and slowly the cable car moved downward until it reached the bottom. They got out a moment later and headed down another hall until they reached a door that read: maintenance. Quint pushed open the door. A mixture of voices rose around Jonathan as he stepped through. His eyes widened as he took it all in. People lived down here? Large pipes were above his head, and he could smell the faint stench of waste.

  “Welcome, to our home,” Quint said, pushing back his hood and revealing a very young face. His eyes were nearly black, his skin a shade of blue. Jonathan nearly gasped. What is this kid?

  “Everyone has that reaction, it’s okay.” He gave a laugh. The sound filled the room. “You’re safe here.” Quint ushered his hand out to the crowd around him. Jonathan saw many different types of faces, but the blue skin of some of the people made him pause.

  “What are they?” he whispered more to himself than Quint. Quint was staring at him, amused at his reaction.

  “You’ve never seen a Halfsie before have you?”

  “Halfsie?” Jonathan couldn’t help but stare at the mixture of people who looked happy.

  “Listen.” Quint put a hand on his arm. “I’ll show you.” The young man removed his hooded jacket and set it on a nearby bench. He removed another layer of clothing, and Jonathan watched as a pair of black, leathery wings unfolded from the boy’s back. He tried not to let his panic show, but he knew the color was draining from his face. Suddenly it struck him. A Halfsie. Half human. Half Citizen.

  The boy stretched his wings out and shook them as if letting them air out. He turned toward Jonathan, looking at him with that amused smile again. “Get it now?”

  “Yah.” Jonathan was still a bit afraid of the boy, but by the looks of things there was a mixture of these Halfsies along with humans. No one was looking at Quint in fear, or any of the other creatures for that matter. “How?”

  Quint gave a laugh again. “I don’t think I need to explain how that works do I?” He tucked his wings back and donned his clothing again.

  “No…I guess not. I just didn’t know…” Jonathan was still trying to get over the fact that this place even existed. It was exactly what those Guardians had been talking about. An underground hideaway for humans to exist. “Why don’t you guys go back to the wild?”

  “Some find this haven safer than being exposed where Human Co can capture their families all over again. The wild isn’t safe for children. But, we’ve build up a system here. It’s dangerous, but we manage to survive. We have those who supply us with resources.”

  Jonathan’s mind went to Fanna. “So Fanna and Lon were part of this? Why would they risk their lives for humans?” He thought of the bubbly Citizen who loved the beauty of the human soul.

  “She and her husband have helped us for many years—not all Citizens crave power. They were kindhearted toward us.” He stared at Jonathan. “I’m sorry about the both of them, and I’m sorry about the girl.” Quint’s face filled with worry. “They will hurt her—possibly kill her.”

  Jonathan’s fists curled. “I’ll find her.”

  “I know the Guardian that took her…” Quint’s face filled with several emotions. After a pause he said, “It’s my father.”

  Chapter 18

  Sharp heat rippled up and down Zahara’s arm as she grasped the reality around her. She could hear voices intermixed in the atmosphere but couldn’t seem to make out any of the words. A muffled cry resounded, but she couldn’t tell from what direction it had come. Why did she feel so groggy? She forced her eyelids open only to want to shut them all over again.

  “Look, one of my little beauties is awake,” a cold voice said. She shifted and pain went down both her legs. Oh…yeah…I was struck down. Her mind went to Jonathan. Did he get away? If so, where is he? She felt a sense of betrayal that he’d left her behind. He was coming back, Zahara. She bit her bottom lip, straining against whatever was holding her in place. She looked up to see the Guardian that had struck her down grinning at her. Moy. Of course.

  “Good morning, princess. Did you have fun last night?”

  Zahara suddenly got a grasp on where she was. It looked like an apartment of some kind. There was hardly any lights on, so that the Guardian was barely lit up, his white smile taking on an eerie glow. She noticed several other girls were tied up off to the side. They were staring at her with blank expressions, as if someone had forgotten to give them personalities. A dead weight sat in her stomach. She’d seen that look before, back home something had happened to one of the girls, and for months she’d walked around in a dead state. She sharply turned toward the monster who was now looking at her as if she was something to eat.

  “I like a girl with…spirit.” Moy didn’t move closer, but Zahara felt the air from her lungs leaving. “I like a girl who fights a little bit.”

  Zahara yanked her arms and realized she was tied to the bed. A small whimper escaped another girl’s mouth. Three more sat beside her in the corner. Something in Zahara snapped. The big Citizen’s smile. The girl’s whimper. Her brother’s face as he died. It all built into a ball of rage inside of her. One thing her father had taught her over the years was how to tie and untie a knot. Moy walked away from her, distracted by the other girls.

  Zahara began to twist her hand back and forth, gently as to not cause too much attention to herself. The ropes slacked a bit.

  “Oh, don’t worry, you’ll get your turn again, sweetheart,” the alien said to the whimpering girl. He touched her chin with his webbed hand. The girl let out a sob. During that time Zahara had gotten one hand free. This creature was an idiot and couldn’t tie a knot. She maneuvered her other hand as quick as possible. She had but mere moments to get free. Pain went down her legs again, but she ignored it, continuing to wriggle her hand until the second came loose. A small triumphant feeling filled her. Her legs were also tied, and that was going to be a lot harder to get free in a matter of seconds.

  The Guardian turned his attention back to her and let out a scoff.

  “Wow. I’m impressed. Most just lay there and take it like a dog. I’m going to have fun with you.” He was over to her in seconds, but she moved quick and got a punch to his groin. The creature let out a howl, backing away from her, his face filled with pain. She made quick work of freeing one foot, then the other, as Moy hopped and howled. She scrambled to her feet, running toward the exit.

  “You’re going to die!” A lightning bolt struck the door, bits and pieces of wood flying in all directions. A loud growl came from the alien’s mouth as he got his footing back. She yanked open the door, her feet slipping as she ran. Luckily the apartment was on the first floor. Her legs were screaming from the burns she’d received, but she pushed through any pain, forcing herself to move faster than she’d ever moved before. The roar of the creature behind her shook the hallway. The front door loomed before her as if a hand reaching out. She flung it open and ran as fast as she could.

  Chapter 19

  Jonathan and Quint pressed their backs up against an alleyway, shadows hiding them from sight. Jonathan heard the roar of a Citizen and saw a streak moving from where Quint had led him.

  “That’s his place,” Quint whispered. Someone was moving quickly away from the building—at a manic speed.

  “Oh my god, I think that’s Zahara.” Jonathan saw a flash of blonde hair.

  “Alright, we got to grab her before he catches her.” Quint’s hood hid his expression, but Jonathan could feel his urgency. “She’s headed in the wrong direction. He’ll corner her that way.”

  The Guardian was a mess as he came out the door. Moy. Why is it always Moy? The alien’s face was filled with pain as his wings unfurled around him. Quint looked at the Citizen.

  “I’ll distract Ugly. Follow her, but then head the opposite way toward the shop.” Quint was already moving toward the Guardian. Jonathan was a bit in awe of the young man’s speed. As soon as the Guardian saw him he did a double
take. A low growl escaped the creature’s mouth.

  “Hey! Stop!”

  Obviously, Quint had a reputation amongst the Guardians, enough to make the creature forget about Zahara for a moment. Jonathan moved. His feet ate up the pavement as he darted towards her. He could hear the stir of wings as he caught up to the girl in a few moments. She was panting hard, her body stiff as she realized the direction she was going was a dead end. She turned around.

  “Jon…athan…” she panted, her blue eyes huge. She raced into his arms, throwing herself at him, nearly knocking him off his feet.

  “Come on. We need to go. Now.” He grabbed her hand and raced the opposite way, taking her between buildings and shops like Quint had done on the way there. He wasn’t sure what was happening with the young Halfsie, but he knew the kid could take care of himself. He paused for a moment so they could catch their breath.

  “Where are we going?” Fear was etched in Zahara’s voice.

  “Trust me.” He ushered her forward again, holding her hand as they continued their dash. They got to the old shop building and he led her inside.

  “What is this?”

  “Trust me, Zahara.” He pulled her into the shadows to wait for Quint. The young man knew each turn by heart to make it to where they needed to go. He prayed the kid would make it back safely.

  After ten minutes, they heard the soft rustle of clothing, and a shadow slipped into the room. A hooded figure stood before them.

  “Come on. Ugly is as stupid as he looks.” Quint led them to the door.

  “What is going on? Where are we going?” Zahara cast Jonathan an uncertain look.

  “Someplace safe. Trust me.”

  They made their way down the stairs. Jonathan went into the cable car first to show her it was safe. Quint followed and finally Zahara piled in behind them. The ride down was silent, and Jonathan could sense something was wrong with the blonde girl. She was trembling.

  “You alright?” He began to put an arm around her when she flinched.

  “I don’t know. I feel…funny.”

  Quint turned to look at her, but Jonathan couldn’t read his face beneath the hood. They made it to the bottom. The young Halfsie opened the door that led them into the underground refuge. Zahara gasped.

  “Oh god…” Her hands flung up to her mouth, and he could hear the emotion in her voice. “What is this place?”

  “It’s a safe haven.” Quint finally lowered his hood, which made Zahara jump back in fright. “It’s alright. I won’t hurt you. I’m not one of them.”

  “What are you then?” Her face was pale, and Jonathan saw she was still shaking. He grabbed her hand, hoping that would help her calm down. She barely noticed it.

  “I’m half Citizen half human. My mother was raped by a Guardian.” His face took on a hard look. “The same Guardian that…” He looked her in the eyes, and Jonathan saw Zahara’s face crumple. His heart shattered in his chest. Did that thing hurt her?

  Chapter 20

  It all flooded back to Zahara. She had thought she’d escaped without Moy hurting her, but suddenly she remembered it all. She’d been half awake, drugged. That thing had done something to her. Her body was sore, aching. She’d thought it had been the burns from her legs, but that was not what it was. Everything ached. A sob rose in her throat at the thought of that creature defiling her like that. He was about to…do it again when she’d fully come to. Her body was remembering the trauma. Vomit rose up her throat, and she heaved any food that was in her stomach onto the floor. Once. Twice.

  “Oh my…god…oh my god…” She covered her face with her hands, sobs raking over her. She felt arms encircle her, but all she felt was pain. That thing had… She pushed Jonathan away and puked again.

  “Zahara,” Jonathan spoke in a gentle voice. “Tell me, what’s going on.”

  “I thought I got away. I thought he didn’t…oh god…” She wiped her mouth, but her entire body was still retching. Jonathan didn’t say anything, but she saw his extreme anger. She looked up at him, tears pooling in her eyes. “I’d been knocked out…drugged…but that didn’t matter. I remember some of it now.”

  Jonathan turned around, his fist driving into the wall. He let out a groan of anger. Quint stood beside them both, his eyes full of empathy.

  “Please, come with me to my mother. She’ll know what to do.”

  Zahara numbly followed behind the Halfsie, her body felt like someone had pulled it in several directions. Jonathan was a stone beside her, but she knew he was hurting. His head dipped downward, like he was fighting off tears. They got to a little area of the huge room, where an older brunette was sitting with a young girl.

  “Mother?” Quint didn’t have to say anything more. The woman rose to her feet and came over to Zahara. She put a hand on her cheek and made a soft shushing noise.

  “I know what to do. Please…sit beside Mari and me. We shall talk.”

  Jonathan threw Zahara a look as if he didn’t want to let her from his sight. She gave a small nod to him, and he frowned.

  “She will be fine. Just for a few minutes we shall talk.” The woman put a gentle hand on Zahara’s arm.

  “Okay. I’ll be right over there.” Jonathan pointed to an area where a few men sat.

  “Okay.” Zahara wasn’t sure what to feel right now. The memories that were dancing around in her mind were terrifying.

  “Please sit, sweetheart,” the woman said. “I’m Lil and this is Mari. I want you to know that it gets better. I promise.” She smiled at them, and Zahara could see her beauty in her smile. Her mother’s face flashed before her, and a sob rose up her throat. I wish you were here, Mother.

  “Oh, sweetie, what’s your name?”


  “Zahara, would you like to tell me and Mari what happened to you?”

  Zahara recalled as much as she could about the event, the escape, and finally how she’d ended up here.

  “Tell me, is your stomach feeling like there’s needles in it?” The woman’s face grew very serious. Zahara slowly nodded.

  “Oh…” Lil let out a soft sigh, her eyes looking sad. “Alright. Please don’t fear. I will take good care of you and help you give birth. Alright? Don’t panic.”

  “Birth?” Zahara’s head began to spin. Her stomach knotted even more, until she felt she was going to vomit again.

  “Sweetheart, if you feel the needles, you are pregnant. But don’t worry, Mari is too. We will face this together, girls. Halfsies are beautiful. Look at my son.” She pointed to Quint who was standing beside Jonathan. Zahara’s mind was numb. She was pregnant. Up until the other day everything had seemed fairly normal. She’d almost been happy, and now this woman was telling her she was pregnant from that monster?

  “I…I…can’t…” She stood to her feet, shaking her head.

  “It’s going to be okay. Sit down. I’ll explain everything.” Lil grabbed her hand and gently pulled her down beside her. “Please…please sit.”

  Zahara allowed the woman to sit her back down. She found her eyes resting on Jonathan again. What would he say? I wish it was his baby. The thought made tears come to her eyes. She felt dirty. Used. The woman rubbed her back in small circles.

  “It’s going to be alright. The negative feelings will pass eventually. A Halfsie child is a blessing, despite the pain of its conception. They are a joy. I know it doesn’t feel it now, but it will. It will.” The woman’s voice was soothing, and Zahara found herself wanting to hear it more. Mari grasped Lil’s hand and then held Zahara’s in her other.

  “We can do this together.” The younger girl’s eyes locked onto Zahara’s. “Up there…they would have killed us and our baby. My master loved me enough to free me. He didn’t want me or our child destroyed.”

  Zahara’s eyes were wide with unbelief. “Your master loved you?” She didn’t think those creatures could love.

  After another hour of talking to both women, Jonathan came over to he

  “Are you alright?” He put a hand carefully on her back. This time she didn’t flinch, but her stomach fluttered.

  “I’m pregnant, Red. That thing…” She pulled her face away, and a soft sob escaped her throat. She felt Jonathan’s distress, but he didn’t say anything.

  “Can I please hold you? Just for a few moments? Please.” His voice broke.

  “Okay.” She sagged into his arms, feeling weak, but not caring as his warm embrace encircled her. His body shook lightly, and she knew he was crying.

  “I’m so sorry, Zahara, I should have taken you with me right away.” He pulled her back and looked at her face. Tears trickled down her cheeks.

  “It’s okay. I forgive you, Red.”

  He pulled her back into his arms for another long while. Her fears subsided, and his soothing presence made her relax.

  “Do you think there is still hope to save the human race?” she whispered into his chest. He smoothed her hair from her face.

  “There is always hope.”

  “I’m going to have a Halfsie.”

  Jonathan’s face displayed a mixture of emotions. He put a gentle hand on her stomach, and her mouth twitched lightly.

  “Maybe it is he who will save us all.”

  “He?” She was trying to breathe at the gentleness of the man’s touch.

  “Yes, he.” He pulled her back into his arms.


  Zahara woke up screaming. Arms instantly went around her, tucking her close.

  “It’s okay, it’s okay, I’m here,” Jonathan’s voice whispered in her ear. The memories kept returning stronger and stronger with time. Zahara lay a hand on her belly, feeling movement inside. Lips pressed up against her neck, and the warmth of the man she loved filled her.

  “When will those stop?” Frustration seeped into her voice.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Do you believe in the prophesy, Red?” Her hand searched for his face and rested there. He pressed his own hand against hers.


  “You really think my baby will help save us?” A heartbeat passed at the question.