Read Fatal Desire Page 2

Present Day, Running from New Orleans

  She was on the run again. She did not know where she was going but she knew she had to get there fast. Afraid to stop for fear he would find her again, she had been driving for thirteen hours straight and she was getting tired. She kept checking behind her and was sure no one was following but somehow he always found her.

  She decided to drive another hour then find a place to sleep for the night before continuing. She would look at the map and decide where to go next. Somewhere she could disappear again.

  Twenty-eight year old Amber Curtis sighed as she thought back to when her life had been less complicated. She had grown up in a small town in Alma, Georgia, where her parents had met and fell in love. She was an only child lovingly doted on until a gruesome car accident had taken both parents from her at the tender age of eighteen.

  Because of her parents careful planning and strategic financial investments, Amber was able to go to college and find a job she really enjoyed. She had wanted to be a nurse for as long as she could remember and her parents had made sure she was able to see that dream to fruition even though they would not be there to see it happen.

  Amber continued to think back to her hometown as she drove. Her best friend throughout high school, Olivia Carnes, had seen her through that first tough year after losing her parents. They went to college together, started their first job together, and were rarely apart from the day they met until that fateful day Amber decided she had to leave Alma.

  Amber smiled as she thought of Olivia. She missed her so much, but never more than when she was on the run. Amber knew she could not call her until she got to her destination. Olivia was the only person she still kept in touch with and only because she needed her best friend in her life. She would not have been able to endure these lonely days without Olivia.

  She missed the lunch dates, the short vacations, the long phone calls, and the girl’s night in when they watched their favorite television shows with a bowl of popcorn and a glass of wine. Olivia and she had been friends for ten years before Amber went on the run. Amber had only gone home one time in the past four years and that had been for Olivia’s wedding.

  Now Olivia was expecting. Would Amber be able to see the child? Would she be able to hold her best friend’s baby in her arms? Amber sighed again. These long, lonely drives were the hardest. She could not stop to talk with anyone and wherever she decided to live, she would not be able to make friends. She had learned that the hard way. He had made sure of that.

  She did not know how he always found her. She did not even know who he was. It began about five years ago when Amber started receiving cards and flowers. A secret admirer signed the notes. Olivia and she had thought it romantic and fun at first and tried to find out who might be behind the gifts.

  Then the sweet gestures tuned into threats towards her friends and coworkers. Anyone she was close to seemed to be having accidents that seriously injured him or her. Each time one of her friends was hurt, Amber would receive another letter letting her know her friend's injuries were because of her. He did not want her to have friends. He was trying to cut her off from everyone she knew. The sad thing was it had worked.

  Amber started closing herself off from friends and coworkers and even refused to hang around with Olivia afraid of what would happen. Olivia talked her into going to the police who told Amber there was nothing that could be done unless the person physically harmed her. Then, Olivia was in a serious car accident that almost took her life. The note that came next sent Amber on the run.

  I warned you and now look what you have done. If you

  go to the cops again I will kill her. I know what she means

  to you and I will make sure she suffers before I take her life.

  Do not cross me again, or else!!

  The notes continued only to be signed by a secret admirer leaving Amber with no idea who would be that obsessed with her. She did not consider herself very pretty. She had dirty blond hair that never seemed to fix properly, plain green eyes, and a square chin that made her look too stubborn for her own good. At least that was what her mother would tell her. She could not understand why any man would want to take her away from her friends. Nevertheless, she would not allow any more people to get hurt because of her.

  Amber went to visit Olivia in the hospital and was there by her bed when she was finally awake. She could not leave before telling her goodbye.

  “I just don’t understand why you think you have to leave,” Olivia said.

  “I received another letter, Olivia. You were not in an accident. The hit was on purpose. You were nearly killed because of me and this guy is not going to stop,” Amber responded. She continued to hold Olivia’s hand as she recited what the note said.

  Amber watched the emotions that played across her best friend's face. Olivia's long, chestnut hair was spread across her pillow. Her dark brown eyes showed the concern she was feeling for Amber.

  “Have you taken the letter to the police,” asked Olivia. “Surely they will believe you now. You have actual proof this time.”

  “No, Olivia, I will not take a chance that he might really kill you next time. I'm going away."

  "What will you do," Olivia asked looking scared.

  "I’m a nurse. I can get a job almost anywhere and I still have the money mom and dad left me. I'll be fine.”

  Olivia sighed. “I know you’re right but I am going to miss you so much. What if that crazy maniac finds you?”

  “I’ll be careful. I will leave in the middle of the night and make sure no one is following me.” Amber gave a weak smile. Leaving her best friend and the place she grew up would be almost as hard as losing her parents.

  Amber hugged Olivia one last time and went home to try to get a little sleep. She had already packed, paid all of her bills, rented her house and was ready for whatever lay ahead. She had the alarm on her phone set to 2 a.m. and hoped whoever was watching her would not realize she was gone until it was too late.

  Amber left her small hometown, drove through Georgia, and crossed the Alabama state line. She had searched online and had seen some job postings at a hospital in Birmingham. She thought she might be able to get lost in a big city so she would start there.

  She was able to find a job and an apartment within a week and settled into her new life quickly. She waited a month before calling Olivia to let her know where she was and what was happening in her life.

  “Oh honey, that is wonderful! Have you made any friends yet,” Olivia asked.

  “No, I am still just settling in and learning my way around. I'm not used to living in such a large city. Tell me how you are. I miss you,” Amber said.

  “I’m doing well. I have been able to go back to work completely healed from the accident. Everyone is still asking about you,” Olivia told her.

  “Please don’t tell them where I am or why I left,” Amber cried.

  “No, I wouldn’t do that. I usually act just as shocked as they are that you just quit and disappeared the way you did. I will not give that creep any reason to find you. I just wish I knew who it was."

  “I know. Maybe this will all blow over and I will be able to come back home soon."

  “Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. There is a new person working at the hospital. He went to school with us."

  “Who is he,” asked Amber.

  “His name is Patrick Green. He was in one of our classes in college but he was always so shy. I don't know if you remember him or not. That was right after your parents died,” Olivia said.

  “I don’t remember much about that first year of college after my parents died. What about him?” asked Amber.

  “Well, he just recently got a job here at the hospital and we have been talking. He is taking me out tomorrow night. I am so excited, Amber. Do you know how long it has been since I have had a date?”

  Amber laughed. “Five months, fourteen days, three
hours, and twenty-two minutes.”

  Olivia laughed as well. “Oh, Amber. I miss you so much. Please be careful and stay in touch. I love you.”

  “I love you, too. Good luck on your date.” Amber hung up the phone and sighed. She really did miss Olivia.