Read Fate and Fury Page 30

  Their heads whipped around as they heard Sally scream.

  “COSTIN!” She was off in a dead sprint before they could take a step.

  “GO!” Decebel yelled at her. Jen obeyed, immediately running after the healer. Decebel was on her heels.

  Peri saw the three take off running. “Rachel, come on!” She yelled at the healer and headed after Decebel and Jen.

  Costin, Skender, Sorin, Gavril, and Drake were the only wolves from his pack that he recognized as they closed in on Mona. They could finally see her. She stood behind Cypher, the Warlock King who was on his knees in a pool of his own blood. Costin could see that a river of it had formed and was flowing to a black seam that was ripping into the air of the human realm. Costin could see writhing forms through the opening, grotesque arms and legs, red eyes and sharp teeth. He shook off the feeling of oily hands rubbing over his body and growled when Mona turned and faced them.

  “Welcome! So glad you could make it. Please, come have front row seats. That will make your death quicker at least.” Mona smiled as if she were inviting old friends into her home. The wolves continued forward while the elves stayed just beyond her vision, bows at the ready. Their weapons were the only ones capable of killing demons, so they would be ready when the veil finally opened.

  Costin’s ears lowered and his lips pulled back from his wicked sharp teeth. He crouched low as he moved forward. Gavril, Sorin, and the other wolves moved along with him. Mona attempted to keep them all in her line of sight, but she had been cocky, or so the wolves crouching behind her thought.

  Gavril lunged first, but his teeth only reached the bottom of her cloak before her hand flew out and sent him crashing into a tree. Costin had begun his lunge before Gavril had reached Mona and managed to sink his teeth into her leg. Each wolf lunged immediately after the other one, not giving her a chance to regroup. She pressed her hand against Costin’s side and he felt a pulse of electricity enter his body. He yelped and fell flat, unable to retain his hold. He felt his heart stutter from the shock and he had to focus to keep from blacking out. He didn’t realize that he had pulled on the healing power of his mate to steady his shocked heart, until he heard her scream.

  He shook his head and regained his bearings. He looked up and saw that the wolves were continuing their assault, one after another lunging, some making their mark, others being thrown back before they could reach her. Costin swung around when he felt a surge of power come barreling past him.

  Decebel’s huge form ran straight for the witch. Her attention was focused elsewhere and so she didn’t realize that she had a new enemy until Decebel’s huge head was in her stomach, knocking her to the ground. He tried for her throat, but she blasted him off with a blast of wild force. Decebel landed on his back several feet away. He jumped to his feet, settling into a crouch, snarling, and circling her.

  Sally came bursting through the trees with Jen, Peri, and Rachel just behind her. She ran straight to Costin and ran her hands over him.

  “I’m fine brown eyes,” he reassured her.

  “I felt your heart stop.” Her hands trembled as they ran through his fur.

  “You saved me. Now, get back so that the witch doesn’t decide to notice you.”

  Sally started to step back but her eyes landed on Cypher. She turned to Rachel, whose eyes were on the King as well. Sally knew that Rachel felt the same pull she did to go to him, to help him. It’s what they were, they healed, and something in them could not stand to see someone in pain. They both started to slowly move towards him, trying not to draw Mona’s attention. Gavril and Costin inched in front of the two healers trying to block any attack.

  Peri’s hand shot up just as Mona turned and threw a spell at her. She blocked it and redirected it back at the witch. Peri reached into her pocket and pulled out two stones. She looked down in shock. She'd had all of them, how did she now only have two?

  Mona’s laugh broke through her confusion and she looked up. “Your, sister, my dear, really hates you,” Mona sneered. "What did you do to her Perizada?”

  Peri’s mouth dropped open and her head turned as Elle and Adam came rushing into the gathering circle. “Lorrelle?” Peri’s eyes filled with betrayal. Elle’s hand came up to cover her mouth and Adam looked just as confused and angry as Peri.

  “Yes, Lorrelle. She has been somewhat helpful to me in my endeavors, if not extremely annoying with all the boo-hooing about how you thought you were so much better than her. The truth is that you are better than her, Peri. You are much more powerful and she couldn’t stand it. So, if you are wondering where your precious stones are, you have your sister to thank.”

  Peri’s face morphed into anger as her form grew and her light surrounded her. Elle and Adam’s forms changed as well as they stepped forward and drew upon their own power. Alston came roaring through in his own Fae glory, throwing magic wildly at Mona. The other Fae joined in and Mona laughed as she danced out of the way and blocked shot after shot. The wolves began to regroup and circle the witch, trying to get a get chance to move in without getting hit by one of the flying magical bolts.

  Skender nudged Sorin, motioning with his muzzle toward the bulging opening. The veil was nearly open. Sorin raised his head and howled, calling out to Vasile. Mona whipped around and saw that Cypher was falling to the ground and as his body crumbled, the veil burst open. The air filled with a scream that had the wolves' eyes watering, as their ears nearly burst from the pain. A dark form flew from the veil. Before they could even get a good look at the figure, it exploded, a shiny arrow whistling through its midsection.

  Mona roared as she watched the first demon be destroyed. Her head whipped around to where the arrow had originated. She started moving in that direction, but was brought up short when the Fae formed a wall between her and the elves on that side of the circle. Another dark form burst forth and another, and then another.

  The demons were enormous. They began screaming, as wings sprouted from their backs. Misshapen heads attached to insect like bodies stared down with beady eyes at the fighting forms below them. Their mouths opened, revealing rows of razor sharp teeth and, as they started to scream again, arrows flew through the air. The scene erupted in a shower of green ichor, as not a demon remained standing. Mona’s face grew red with unrestrained fury as she shot spell after spell, trying to reach the elves through the wall of Fae. The elves continued to shoot down demons, as quickly as they burst forth from the opening.

  Sally and Rachel had fallen at Cypher’s side and immediately laid their hands on him. With the exception of one enormous gash, Rachel began healing the wounds on his arms while Sally used the light in her to call to his blood. She was literally pulling it back away from the veil, reversing the flow and pushing it back into his body, forcing it through the one cut that Rachel had left open. She didn’t know if it would work, but as she called the blood back, she willed his heart to pump.

  “Do not give up Cypher, your time isn’t over,” Sally whispered to his spirit, calling him back from the brink of death. “Your people need you, and your mate needs you. Do not leave at such a time as this.” She continued to call his blood and she felt Rachel add to her power, now that the wounds on his arms were healed, save one. Sally could feel herself growing weak and she felt Costin at her side helping to hold her up. She felt the pull of the evil reaching for the blood, needing all of it to keep the veil open, but Sally refused to give up.

  “YOU CAN NOT HAVE HIM!” She roared. She reached her hand out toward the blood still running in a river to the veil and she pulled, imaging herself grabbing the blood like a rope and yanking it back as hard as she could. She pulled with everything she had in her and pushed it into Cypher’s body. She watched as the blood moved towards her, faster and faster it flowed back into the King’s body. As soon as the last drop was gone the veil snapped closed, but not before, like a cannon, ten demons shot out.

  She collapsed onto Costin as she watched the evil soar above her like a swarm of massive horne
ts. The demons’ wings beat and their screams made her nauseated. She tried to keep her hand on Cypher to make sure his heart kept beating, but her energy was gone and the evil bearing down on her from the demons was too much. Darkness enveloped her.

  Thalion notched another arrow as he yelled. “Faster, they’re about to be on the move.” Just as he said it, three demons shot off like bullets. Thalion bolted after them. Two of his fastest warriors matched his speed as they chased down the demons. The elves knew that the demons would wreak havoc on the world should they escape. They drew closer and Thalion pushed his legs faster, feeling his muscles resist at the speed. But he would not give up; he would not let Cyn, nor his people, down.

  “Ready your bow,” he yelled as they closed in on them. “Steady,” he cautioned them. The demons began to fan out, searching for those they might devour. “Release!” The arrows appeared to move in slow motion as they flew towards their targets. The elves didn’t hesitate. Each whipped another arrow onto the string, readying for another shot. It wasn’t necessary. Thalion’s breaths stopped as he watched all three of the original arrows find their home. Blood and guts, which both looked and smelled about like raw sewage, rained down upon the forest.

  “YEAH!” All three elves shot their hands up in victory.

  “That was a close one,” Revion muttered, as he leaned over, trying to catch his breath and wiping a bit of ichor from his clothes.

  “Too true,” Thalion agreed. “Come, we must get back.” He told them as he turned and once again took off in a sprint.

  Mona ground her teeth, drawing in her power, ready to make her escape. Once again, she realized that she had been defeated.

  “OH, NO YOU DON’T,” Peri yelled and she pushed even harder, attempting to wrap her power around the witch to hold her in place.

  Just then, Vasile burst through the trees, his power nearly knocking everyone to the ground. He never paused as he took one step and leapt across the thirty or so feet to where Mona fought the Fae. He landed on her chest as his massive jaws wrapped around her throat. He sunk his teeth until he felt them hit her spine. He pulled with all his might, swinging his head violently until he ripped her head from her body.

  The raging storm immediately stopped and the silence froze everyone in place. Vasile’s body heaved as he victoriously held the witch’s head in his mouth. He dropped it on the ground and howled a long, deep bellow into the still, dark sky.

  No sooner had the howl ceased than they all heard a loud slow clapping. Their heads turned towards a very tall, very large, unfamiliar man, who came striding through a billow of black smoke rolling out of the forest. His eyes were a brilliant yellow and his face was pale. His jaw was sharp and his lips thin and tight across his face. He strode casually into the opening where they had battled Mona.

  “Well done,” he drew out in a deep voice, as he continued to clap. Vasile’s eyes narrowed on the new comer and his lips curled back. The wolves around him gathered and followed the Alpha’s lead.

  “You have done what no one else could have, and honestly, I have to say thank you.” The man bowed his head slightly at Vasile, but they weren’t fooled by the false sincerity. “With that witch out of the way, my plans can proceed. However, since you have defeated such a powerful foe, you might think yourself capable of stopping me as well. Therefore, I feel it necessary to demonstrate that I shall not be so easily thwarted. So, you should think twice before getting in my way.” His words had barely registered when his hand flew outwards and a black bolt shot forth and slammed into Vasile’s chest. He was thrown back into a heap and Alina, who had already, began to run for her mate, dropped in mid-stride. One by one the members of Vasile’s pack felt the pain of their Alpha’s death, even those who were no longer in his pack sensed the loss and agony.

  Peri screamed and turned, firing her own power at the man, but he was already cloaked in the black smoke and then gone.

  “Alston, get the healers,” Peri yelled as she ran to Vasile’s still form. She ignored the howls of the wolves and focused on the fallen Alpha.

  Alston ran over to Rachel and Sally who lay exhausted on the ground, their mates hovering over them. “MOVE!” He yelled at the two snarling males. “If you want your Alpha to live then move.”

  Costin and Gavril phased back into human form, heedless of their nudity. Each male picked up their fatigued mates. They carried them over to where Peri crouched over Vasile. Peri handed Alston a stone and he took it and pressed it to Sally’s head. Peri did the same to Rachel.

  “DECEBEL,” Peri yelled. “Get over here and give your healer strength.”

  Decebel ran over, still in his wolf form. He laid his head on Sally’s lap and drew on his power as an Alpha. One by one the Alpha’s all walked over and laid a hand on the healers, using the power bestowed on them by the Great Luna. They gave freely in hopes of pushing life back into the Alpha who had united them as one and defeated an evil that none of them, on their own, could have beaten.

  Jacque, Jen, Crina, Elle, and Cynthia formed a circle around Alina protecting the Alpha female, waiting, and hoping to see her chest move.

  Sally felt the darkness receding, she tried to open her eyes, but stopped as soon as she felt the faint trail of a spirit she knew very well, a spirit she had brought back once before at a time when Vasile’s life had been hanging in the balance due to a deadly poison.

  “Vasile?” She called out. “Have you fallen? Vasile answer me!”

  There was no answer, nothing.

  She felt power pouring into her and her gypsy blood knew instinctively what to do. She sought out the source of the injury, what had brought down so great an Alpha. It wasn’t a spell it was damage. Vasile’s heart looked charred, almost like it had been cooked. Her heart fell, she didn’t know if she could heal this. She felt Rachel and could tell that the healer was moving Vasile’s blood through his body and willing his lungs to take in air. She was keeping him alive. Sally felt it was hopeless. Regardless, she pushed forward, determined to save the Alpha whom she had come to love as a father, who had given her a family and a home.

  She touched his heart with her healing light, and as she felt tears on her face, she called out. “Please, you said if we called on you, you would answer, you would help. Don’t take him from us just yet. He is still needed. Surely you are aware of this.” Sally continued to try and heal the damage done to his heart, but knew that she could not do it alone.

  “Sally, chosen of your blood line,” she heard the Great Luna’s melodic voice in her mind, “mate of Costin, and healer to the Serbian pack. I have heard you, you who are pure of heart, and give of yourself so freely without regard to your own safety. I will grant you this. Do not give up Sally the battle is not over. You have been tested and found faithful; my children have proven that goodness can prevail. So take heart now, your Alpha, my beloved, will live, and you may rest for a short time. But, where one foe falls, another arises. You must continue to stand firm, you must continue to be what I have called you to be, to follow the path set before you and if you stumble I will be here to help you regain your footing.”

  Sally felt renewed strength flow out of her and watched in awe, as a heart that was beyond repair, was healed, strong, and healthy once again. It pounded in the Alpha’s chest and pushed blood through his veins. His lungs drew in fresh air and filled the blood with oxygen. With every beat, life returned to Vasile.

  “He’s breathing,” Sally heard Peri say. She kept her eyes closed and felt strong arms pick her up.

  She was so tired. She just wanted to sleep, for a very long time.

  “Not too long Sally mine, you have a wedding to attend.” She heard the precious sound of her mate’s voice in her mind and took comfort in knowing he had her.

  “Always,” he whispered, against her ear.

  Chapter 23

  “Every little girl dreams of her wedding day. She picks out her wedding dress and the flowers. She imagines the music playing as she walks down the aisle to a fac
eless groom she has yet to meet. She pours her hopes and dreams into a day that may or may not come. My day has come. It is nothing like I dreamed. There is no music or flowers. There is no elaborate dress adorned in rows of beads. There is only me and my groom, who has an amazing face. No, it’s nothing like I dreamed; it’s better.”

  ~ Sally Miklos, Mate of Costin Miklos

  “What gifts have you brought to give your mate,” Vasile asked Costin as he and Sally stood before him. The only other people in the room were Decebel, Jen, Jacque, Fane, Peri, and Alina.

  It had been two weeks since Mona had been killed and the strange man had attempted to murder Vasile. Though Rachel and Sally had healed many of the wolves, there had still been casualties. The Alphas of the fallen wanted to bury their dead in their homelands. Vasile had declared a night of mourning and they all had shown their respects to the Alphas and the wolves that had given their lives.

  Dillon had stayed for two days after his pack had traveled back to the states. He spent this time with Jacque. He had even gone to Lilly and Cypher, wishing them a happy life together. Cypher had frowned the entire time while Jacque and her mom had tried to keep from laughing.

  Lilly was with Cypher, who had a very long recovery ahead of him. Vasile had granted him protection if he wished to stay and recuperate in the mansion.

  So, now they stood in the small indoor garden in the mansion, bathed in moonlight. Sally wore a simple white dress with lace sleeves that showed her skin beneath. The back was low, but her hair covered it completely, much to Costin’s relief. Costin was in his customary jeans, but he was wearing a white dress shirt at least, though it was un-tucked. Neither of them wore shoes, because of the customary washing of feet during the ceremony. Much to Sally’s embarrassment, Costin had washed not only her feet, but her calves all the way to the tops of her knees and probably only stopped there because she had swatted him with the towel. He had kissed down her legs to her feet and Sally was giggling like a school girl by, the time he was done.