Read Fate of Thorik Page 28

With a striking of a hammer to the enormous hexagonal gong, everyone in the audience cheered as a tall thin man walked out into the center of the stage in white flowing robes that covered his feet and dragged behind him. His hands were together in front of him, hidden by the robe’s long sleeves. The hood of the robe also covered most of his face, allowing only his long white beard to be seen.

  Without saying a word, he raised his right hand with his palm out to the audience to silence the applause. His appendage was thin, pale, and bony with several age spots. All went quiet as the white robed man waited for all attention to be on him.

  “Before the Age of Man, and the prior Age of Altered Creatures, there was the Age of the Notarians. These rulers used their powers to breed the Altered Creatures to enslave our ancestors.” The man had a strong commanding voice for all to hear. “During this dark age for humans and Nums, they created the Rules of Order and the words of the Runestones in an effort to free themselves of the Notarian torturous rule and to stop the devastation of Australis. This is not Num folklore. It was the beginning of the strongest unification of our people in history.”

  Motioning at himself, he continued, “I know this to be true, for I was there. I was the Mountain King.” He paused, and the audience gasped. “My body has been reborn, but my soul and spirit are the same. I recall the paradise we had lived in prior to the destruction brought on by the Notarians.”

  “Threatened by the movement for freedom from myself and my allies, the Notarians created the Altered Creatures to destroy all human and Polenum life. Thousands of creatures were created from the depths of evil to wage war, and so they did. But in doing so they not only destroyed our civilization but the creatures went wild and turned on the Notarians as well. I was killed during the final battle and my thoughts and energy were set adrift.”

  Brimmelle was shocked at the concept. Sitting motionless, his anger grew over the misrepresentation of his faith. “This is obviously a hoax,” Brimmelle said to his mother. “The blood of a Polenum runs through the Mountain King’s body. A warrior, a leader, born of grace and honor. Not a human who hides his face and blurs the words of the ancient stones.”

  The Terra King signaled to one of his red cloaked guards, who then swung a hammer and hit the gong again. Two Unday were released onto the stage as the crowd gasped and screamed at the sight of these oddities of nature. One resembled a large wolf with long muscular tentacles thrashing about as small lightning bolts emanated from the ends. The second creature slithered onto the stage with its knee-high slug-like body as it spat acid from extendible spouts, which covered the boneless body.

  Ignoring the deadly creatures sneaking up on him from behind, the Terra King calmed everyone down. “After my death, the Altered Creatures ruled Australis for thousands of years as our people lived as nomadic tribes or as their slaves.”

  Gurgling and twitching its body, the giant slug turned from a dull brown to a bright red before shooting a stream of acid onto the man’s back. His cloak instantly began to dissolve, followed by layers of flesh from his leg. Bleeding on the stage, he was fortunate enough to have most of his muscle still intact. In great pain, he withheld his scream and stumbled a few steps to the side, pointing at the creature. “They tortured us and entertained themselves by having us fight to the death. When we could do no more, they ate us raw and still alive.”

  The crowd shuttered in horror while listening to the tale and watching the creatures surround him for the kill. It somehow justified the current reverse scenario that took place, where all three types of Unday are forced to kill each other for the sport of men.

  The Terra King removed his hood. His bald head and thin face were plain, causing onlookers to focus on his large solid white eyes, recessed in pools of shallow gray skin.

  Limping away from the two beasts, he had become cornered against the back of the stage. “And although the Age of Man has arrived, it still has not fulfilled itself. Instead of removing the Altered Creatures from our lands, we cower behind walls like rabbits hiding in their holes. This must stop.” Stepping forward he slapped his palm onto the slug’s body, causing it to liquefy. Starting at the place of contact the soft mass of the creature turned into water and splashed onto the stage. “We cannot continue to live in fear from them any longer. Why would we hand a cowards legacy down to our children. It is an outrage to procrastinate on such an issue.”

  The mutated white wolf curtailed his advancement after seeing the watery grave of the other. Growling, he stood his ground and looked at his options to attack.

  Turning, the Terra King walked toward the Del’Unday wolf and pointed at it. “We have made attempts to work with these beasts, these deformities, these aberrations with no honor. But we continue to pay the price. Three hundred years ago, the last Dovenar Wall was built, stopping the expansion of men and Nums. Peace was formed, until we were attacked in Eastland time and time again. And here in Woodlen as well. Unprovoked! Unwarranted! Inexcusable! We gave them no threats.” Touching his own leg, the flesh grew back into place to everyone’s amazement, including the wolf-like creature. “Our only crime was not torching them and returning their ashes to the soil from which they were created.” Retreating, the Del’Unday backed off and lowered its head to admit defeat.

  The crowd jumped to their feet, yelling death threats to the Altered Creatures. Raised fists and daggers showed signs of anger and desire for revenge. It took several minutes for the Terra King to regain control. While doing so, he waved the creature away as his guards escorted it behind the stage curtains.

  “Caution, my friends. The winds are changing and the creatures are gaining ground. We could easily lose everything we have and return to the Age of Altered Creatures. It is at your doorstep right now, as we speak. You must make a choice to help our cause, or die under the ruling of beasts.”

  He paused to get a sense of the crowd, who were violently agitated at the creatures as well as themselves, for not taking action. Yelling protests against the creatures, the crowd was nearly out of control. Those without anger in their eyes, pleaded to the King for help against these beasts. Their body language showed him that he was getting the response he wanted.

  The Terra King continued, “But all is not lost, for there is still hope. Actions can be taken to help us against them. With the guidance of the Rules of Order and the words of Runestone Scrolls we shall take back this land which is rightfully ours. And those who help will live forever as the Grand-Firs that saved Australis.”

  He paused again, allowing the audience to cheer and scream in support. Soaking it in, the King allowed the crowd’s energy to become contagious to those still in question. Even Emilen and Wess had been swept up in the shouting as the King continued. “Some of you have the strength to be the new heroes of this age. Legends will be written about you and lyrics will be sung about your courage. You know who you are, in your heart down deep. You know you can make a difference if given the chance. But I cannot take you all, so be sure you will commit to carrying out your forefather’s dreams before standing and joining my core of spiritual leaders,” he ended on a very enthusiastic note.

  The crowd cheered and applauded enthusiastically.

  Em stood up on her seat and raised her arms. “I will join you!”

  Thorik was shocked that she had been caught up in the excitement of the speech and forgotten what they had come to do. “What are you doing? Get down before someone sees you.” Red robed guards were moving toward various people that stood up. Thorik spotted one guard making his way up the crowded stairs toward her.

  Emilen spoke to Thorik as she gazed at the Terra King. “Don’t you see, Thorik? This is our way to help revive our beliefs. We finally have the help we’ve been looking for to spread our words of wisdom.” She looked down at him and reached out her hand for him to take. “Come with me. We will spread the glory of our faith across the land. We will be heroes and we will be honored. You’ve been looking for a way to be respected. Here it is, take it.”
r />   “No, this is wrong,” he replied as the guard moved closer to them. “This is not how we learned our faith.”

  “Maybe we weren’t told everything we needed to know.” She stepped down off the seat, grabbed both of his hands and looked deeply into his eyes. “Please Thorik, for me. I want you to come with.”

  He clutched her hands tight and tears swelled up in his eyes. “No, I can’t. Please don’t leave.”

  “I must,” she said as the guard reached them.

  “Just you?” the guard asked her.

  “No, I’m joining also,” announced Wess, quickly stepping forward and placing an arm around her to ensure they wouldn’t be separated.

  “Wess!” Thorik and Avanda choked out at the same time.

  Wess glanced over his shoulder as the guard began to escort them down to the stage. “Sorry Dain, I’m taking my opportunities when I can find them. Take care of Avanda for me,” he said to Thorik before looking over at his niece. “Enjoy every moment in your life, little girl. Thorik will bring you back home to your parents. Tell them about my heroic contribution to save the world.”

  Laughing, he walked down the steps holding onto Emilen, before yelling back to Thorik, “And good luck with your quest.”

  Avanda had tried to leave with him but Thorik wouldn’t allow her to go. He held onto her tightly as she cried for her uncle to return.

  The crowd showed their support with overwhelming approval as the new core of leaders stood before them. The Terra King asked each one to announce their name so that all could hear who the saviors of destiny were. As each one did so, the Terra King placed a leather necklace over their head. Hanging from the leather was a decorative brass disk with a small crystal sphere in its center.

  Thorik’s heart broke as Em announced her name, and then churned when Wess called out his.

  Avanda clung tightly onto Thorik. “Don’t leave me, Thorik. Promise that you won’t.”

  “I won’t leave you, Avanda. I promise,” Thorik said softly as his anger at Wess’ irresponsible action grew. He looked over at Brimmelle who was just as furious at their actions.

  After the new group of leaders had announced their names, they were all led off the stage to begin final teachings that were needed to reach these levels of wisdom. It was announced that isolation from all others would be required for an extended amount of time to prepare the new recruits for these tasks.

  Thorik now sat with Avanda, wondering to himself as to what he could do. “What were they thinking? We have a promise to keep for Ambrosius. They have a responsibility to Avanda.”

  He finally turned back to the people behind him that seemed to know a bit more about this process. “Where are they taking them?”

  “Don’t know. No one knows. Many people have tried to stop their husbands, fathers, and other family members from joining but have never found them. You would think that they would just be proud of them for their contribution.”

  It wasn’t the answer that Thorik wanted to hear.

  Time felt as though it was running fast and standing still all at the same time for Thorik. His mind was spinning with questions of what to do next. He couldn’t leave Brimmelle and Gluic at the resurgence and the crowd was too tight to make his way over to them, so he sat idle as it continued.

  The Terra King walked over to one of the large wooden Runestone mockups. It was the Health Rune. “As the reborn Mountain King, I have the responsibility and burden to provide all of the Fir with proper instructions of how to interpret the Words of Wisdom.”

  Brimmelle couldn’t believe his ears. “Firs are not told how to interpret them. The words are sound, solid, and speak for themselves.”

  The people around Brimmelle tried to get him to quiet down.

  The King continued. “With this burden, I also have my original abilities to carry out their true powers. This Health Rune, for example, means more than internal and external health. It holds the secret to physical repairs of the body. A broken limb or burns can be healed with it. Come to me if you have ailments and I will demonstrate.”

  Several people stood up. The guards directed them to Brimmelle’s side of the seating area before heading down to the stage.

  Brimmelle stood up and shouted, “This is an outrage. The Runestones are not to be used as some spectacle in a theatrical show. They are a belief system of words and the meaning of them. You don’t learn the true nature of what these rules and scrolls were created for by being entertained.” He looked sharply over at Thorik who was watching him with more interest than ever before. “You have to read them with your own eyes and come to your own understanding.” He had finished with passion in his voice that he himself did not know he had.

  Brimmelle turned to Gluic, to see her reaction, only to find her gone. In her place, two red guards grabbed him before they dragged him out of the event. While doing so, he looked toward the stage to see Gluic standing in line to be healed by the Terra King.

  He began to panic. Never in his adult life had anyone ever physically restrained him. The thought of it wasn’t even in his mind until after it was being done. He suddenly realized that he could be in danger by authorities with higher power than himself. A terrifying concept he had only begun to understand.

  What would come of him? More importantly, who would take care of his mother? The situation became even graver as he realized that his mother was in danger and he would not be able to help. Not now, perhaps not ever again. “What have I done?”

  “Where will he be taken?” Thorik asked the now familiar people behind him.

  “The Southwind mines are where most protesters are sent.” He was uninterested in Brimmelle’s fate.

  Thorik’s world was quickly falling apart and then to add to that, Gluic was now walking onto the stage as the man in front of her reached the King.

  Gluic smiled and waited patiently in line as others were being healed by the touch of the Terra King. As usual, Gluic had her own agenda that occasionally crossed paths with everyone’s goals. It was always a question of how her actions would help later, more than if they would.

  “My leg was crushed while logging and had to be removed.” The man displayed the wooden replacement below his knee.

  “I can see that,” the Terra King said. “Do you believe in the Rune of Health’s healing powers?”

  “Yes sir, I do.”

  “Do you believe in my power as the Mountain King?” Placing his hands onto the man’s wooden appendage, he used his powers to alter the makeup of the material into flesh and bone, veins and arteries, fat and muscle.

  “Yes, I believe,” the man shouted.

  “Again.” The Terra King continued the manipulation of matter from wood and air to living tissues. Everyone sat in silence as they watched in awe.

  “I believe in your powers and in the words of the Runestones.”

  Lowering the old man’s leg down to the ground, the Terra King removed the man’s cane. “Walk.”

  The man stood on both legs and took a step forward and then another.

  The crowd went wild.

  Gluic was next in line and she smiled at the white cloaked man, while walking over to center stage. She grasped a thin crystal tightly in her left hand. Its powers would come in useful.

  “I have stones,” Gluic told the Terra King in a serious manner.

  “And how long have you had them dear lady?”

  “For many years now, long before you were born.”

  “Show me where you hurt and I will lay my hands upon you so you will be healed.”

  Gluic smiled and reached out for his hands. “I will guide your hands to the spot.”

  He allowed her to take his hands, and upon touching them a sudden shock ran though his body. His chin wrenched down into his chest and his legs buckled, knocking him to his knees. Spasms shook his body as she held his hand tight within hers. Continuing to shake, he collapsed to the floor.

  Kneeling on one knee, she peered into his white eyes as s
he tightened her grip. “Do you hear me?” She thought while her face tightened.

  Shaking uncontrollably, he stared into her eyes and responded. “Yes.”

  “Good. Now, what’s behind this deception? What are your plans?”

  A flood of thoughts began to pour into her head. The images of violent deaths and suffering were overwhelming. Battles of creatures against the humans were seen as well as a flood wiping out a city and people drowning in horror. She saw his past and his plans for the future; slavery of humans and a Del’Unday kingdom of great power. Trying to wade through all of his hatred, she focused on his thoughts of his current plans and she saw them. She then saw his silhouette standing above her as she lay dead.

  Her mind link had been broken. She looked down to see new life in his eyes and he smiled from the visions he had just given her. She quickly placed the crystal in her side pouch as she tried to stand.

  But, it was now Gluic’s turn to suffer as he grabbed tightly onto her hand. She froze in her tracks for a few moments before she began to fall to the ground. Her flora decorations quickly began dying and tumbling off her. She reached over with her free hand, grabbed his wrist, and channeled her pain back into his hand, which had a hold on her. Squeezing his wrist she prevented the pain from deluding itself up his arm. His hand turned dark as heat blisters formed and his fingers began to thin.

  Everyone was speechless as they watched the two struggle back and forth on stage.

  The Terra King shouted in pain as his hand burned from the acid that oozed out of the blisters on his hand. He released her, and she did the same.

  She stumbled a few feet away while regaining her balance. Turning toward the audience she pointed at the King and announced, “This is-” Nothing else came out.

  The Terra King stood up slowly as he watched her. He had used his powers of alteration to change all the air around Gluic into a poisonous gas. She could not breathe.

  Gasping for air, she tried to make it off the side of the stage. She needed to get away from him before it was too late. A guard stepped in her path, blocking her escape. A second guard stepped in between her and the Terra King to prevent her from returning. Both guards began to choke from the poisonous gas, which extended from the Terra King’s hands and surrounded her body. She fell to her knees, then to her side. Then calmly and quietly, Gluic died.

  Silence came over Pyrth’s amphitheater while the Terra King worked his way back to the center of the stage. As he regained his strength, one of his servants ran over to show him a document and whisper in his ear.

  Thorik was physically and mentally numb. He didn’t know how to react to the sight of his grandmother lying dead on stage. He couldn’t even feel Avanda holding onto him and burrowing her face into his chest while crying. He couldn’t hear or feel anything.

  “We are under attack my friends, my patrons.” The Terra King broke the odd air about them. Pointing down to Gluic’s body, “This was a servant of Ambrosius. Sent here to kill me.”

  “And it continues to get worse. Our Grand Council has been destroyed and our final attempt to bridge this species gap has ended. Ambrosius, a longtime supporter of the Altered Creatures and their Unday descendants, has destroyed the Grand Council. Desire for corruption and his personal agenda has removed our only remaining chance for peace.” The Terra King knew how to play the crowd with a dramatic pause. “He has been spotted north of Woodlen traveling with several of these perversions of nature. He has come for you and your children. He plans to destroy everything you have in order to get what he wants, a return of power for the Altered Creatures. For he, my followers, is a Notarian E’rudite, a servant of the original Notarians, who enslaved our forefathers.”

  Over half of the crowd stood up to flee the theater, as Thorik debated his options with lighting speed. Grabbing Avanda’s hand, they headed for the exit along with many others in the audience who wished to save their families. However, Thorik wished to alert Ambrosius of his sighting and gain the E’rudite’s support to save his family and friends.

  “Be seated my children. You are safe for now. The guard duty at the gates is being tripled and we have dispatched several of my best enforcers to bring him to justice.”

  A few of those on the ends of the rows had already left, including Thorik and Avanda, as the red guards regained control and ordered the audience to sit back down to continue with the long ceremony.


  Chapter 23
