Read Fate of Thorik Page 44

Ambrosius woke with a jolt, soaked in his own sweat. Shaking off the dream-like state, he realized he was back in the Mognin rowboat. They had run aground on a small island to take a break from rowing on Lake Luthralum. Thin tall columns of rocks pierced the sky from the tiny island, which only had a few safe sandy beaches to land on. Draq could be seen perched on top of the rock pillars surveying the ocean landscape.

  Everyone stared down at the E’rudite, quietly waiting for him to speak.

  Ambrosius organized his thoughts and realized that his pushing of the Mountain King statue’s face caused the rocking of the giant stone head and the final tumbling onto the council. “It was I,” he exclaimed. “I was the one that destroyed the temple and killed the council.”


  Chapter 32

  Australis Weirfortus