Read Fear and Aggression Page 20

“Tammy, we are in 3D orbit around the planet,” Danny stated as he walked into the lab.

  “Has James confirmed his readings?”

  “Yes, he’s getting his readings, and we have a visual.”

  “A visual? Of what?” Tammy asked, excited.

  “A civilization,” Danny stated somberly. His manner was very serious, but Tammy could perceive a little anticipation on his face. Tammy was generally not expected to be on the deck, being a civilian. But she was expected to have the lab in order for whatever would be discovered. She, however, wanted desperately to be a part of the current excitement on the deck.

  “I’m calling to see if I can join in on deck,” she stated assertively. Just then Kenny called on the intercom.

  “Staff meeting on deck now. Mike, Danny, and Tammy please report on deck immediately.” Tammy didn’t respond; she was out of the lab door before Danny could even turn around.