Read Fear and Aggression Page 66


  “Mack, is the feed on?”

  “Yeah, this thing’s ready to go—let’s rock ‘n’ roll. First scene is the administrative building. I want it to go down hard, with lots of flames. I want aliens on the street; I want some close-ups—aliens running and screaming after the hit. Go to the building, then to the ZX-120 that is striking it. Let’s see the missiles fired, then the building hit, crumbling, and on fire. Then let’s get the aliens, scared on the street again—real close up, I want to see the fear on their faces. The key is to get the cameras from both ships focusing on the exact same thing at the same time. The distance between the ships will provide the stereopsis—the 3D effect for TV. It will be so impressive.”

  “Did everyone hear that? As soon as I say go, were following Mack’s direction. He’s making sure that the feed, back to earth, gives the people what they are looking for. Follow the plan—precision is the key. They have no defenses, and they have no way to attack us back. Make your mama’s proud back home, and don’t mess up the shots.”

  “Captain Carryman, it looks like everything is a go, we are just waiting for your signal.”

  “Alright Mack; Lights! Camera! Action! Let the show begin!”