Read Fear and Aggression Page 77

“Captain Jenners, I have much to fill you in on. We have just successfully completed a major mission. It included all of the ZX-120’s in the fleet, except for yours. We could not risk informing you, or anyone on your ship, until the mission was complete. Captain Carryman led this mission, but you are still the overall leader of the mission to that world. He was the leader of the submission—of the attack.”

  Steve looked on and listened without an expression. Kenny looked over at Steve, and raised his eyebrows as he saw his Captain listening at attention, and showing no emotion.

  “The President commanded us to destroy their entire technological infrastructure. We have destroyed all of their electrical stations and substations. We also destroyed their technology center and city capital. This entire mission was sent to earth on a live video feed. The hope is that it will bring stability back to earth—that the people will no longer fear this alien race. We have attempted to keep total alien casualties to a minimum; and hope still, that with time, we can open up a dialog with the beings of this world. But for now, we have to pacify the people on earth.

  “We were given perfect intelligence by your team, and the mission went off without a hitch. You will be given overall credit for everything, including this mission. Because of the quality of your intelligence, we did not have to hit any extra targets; the alien race will have to get along, again, without power; but they should be able to live fine.

  “I am sorry that I was not able to share this with you, before. But, we felt that, if your captive had any idea, she may do something that could hinder the mission. We felt it best to conduct it completely first; and, now, we are informing you of everything.”

  “I understand completely, sir.”

  “I am glad, Captain. Captain Carryman and all of the crews have left the stellar system. They are well on their way back to our space station. You will be completing your mission shortly, and you will be on your way back soon, as well.

  “This is what is required to finish your mission: I need one more flyby to confirm that the electrical structure is completely annihilated. It has been concluded that the final step, to ensure peace on earth, is that we must euthanize your captive. We cannot return her, living, to her planet. She has too much intelligence. We cannot bring her to earth, alive, for the people are in complete fear of having an alien on our planet. If we don’t bring back the body, there will be suspicion. The mood on earth is not good; so, we will bring them back their alien body. They will see that it is the same creature that was in the videos. That may pacify them; and knowing that it is dead will also pacify them. Independent studies will be able to confirm the alien DNA structure, and, we believe that in short order peace and normalcy will return. I know that this command may be difficult for you.”

  “No, sir; I understand completely, and will fulfill the mission. I am looking forward to seeing you, and speaking with you, in person, about the details of this mission soon.” Kenny’s expression was the look of bewilderment. He looked on at his Captain, but felt that he was looking at someone else. He had just been with Captain Jenners, in the galley, and he saw how he was looking at Aspiria. He had seen the time that his Captain had spent with her. They were friends. He was close to her. This could not be his Captain. Besides this, he felt a pit in his own stomach. How could they do this to Aspiria? There was no way that they could reject a direct command. But he expected some emotion, some protest, something—anything. Steve was a rock; he did not even seem to blink.

  “Very good, Captain. Thank you for your service to our country. You are a good man, and I, too, look forward to your report in person. You will report when these final conditions of your mission are complete and you are in route to the station. Good day, Captain Jenners.”

  “Good day, Commander Wiston.”

  When the communication was complete, Kenny turned to Steve, who was still expressionless. “Captain, I have suspected that this may happen. I’m so sorry. I feel sick inside about, Aspiria.”

  “Kenny, I need you to get yourself together. This will be hard on the crew, and I need your full support. We have to be brave. If we show confidence, and are in complete harmony with Central Command, the crew will follow. With time, they will all understand.”

  “Yes, sir,” he said, but with a little shakiness in his voice.

  “Aspiria is preparing our dinner as we speak. I am going to allow her one final meal—she deserves this much. Although, we cannot say goodbye, it will allow for us to at least internally offer our respects. I do not want to inform Bob or Danny. They are not ready for something like this. We will let them know as we head back to the station. I want you to tell Mike and James. I will go and tell Tammy. She will have to perform it, and she, too, has grown close to Aspiria. It may be hard for her, so, give me some time to talk with her. I would like everyone to be present for this final meal. It is out of respect to her.”

  “Yes, sir; I will let them know.”

  “Thank you, I will see you at dinner.”

  Kenny left, and Steve walked in the opposite direction. As soon as he was out of earshot of Kenny’s footsteps, he began to jog. He got to the galley, and looked in to see Aspiria, Bob, and Danny busy with the preparations. “Aspiria, are you okay in here for a while by yourself? I need Bob and Danny.”

  “But, Captain…” Bob did not like getting interrupted while preparing a meal.

  “You better go,” said Aspiria. “I’ll finish up for you.”

  Danny was already leaving, and when Bob saw the look in Steve’s eyes he quickly headed out as well. Steve turned and looked at Aspiria, whose back was towards him for a second, and paused. Then he quickly turned away and began walking. Bob started to speak, but Steve put his finger to his lips and hushed him instantly. The three continued to walk until they reached Steve’s private chambers. Danny and Bob looked at each other strangely as Steve opened the door. He motioned them in and looked around the corridor to make sure that they were not seen.

  “Gentlemen, we have been given orders to kill Aspiria, by Central Command.” He looked carefully at each of their faces, and saw what he had hoped for. They were white, and looked sick to their stomachs. “You will be in a position of potentially great trouble if you help me, but I do not plan on fulfilling this order. I do not want to bring anyone else in on it, and I don’t think that I need to. With both of your help, we can return her to her world unharmed.”

  “Yes, sir,” said Bob quickly. “I’ve made so many mistakes, I’m sure that I am already in trouble. But I can’t kill Aspiria. I couldn’t even tranquilize her back when we picked her up. I will help you.”

  “Captain Jenners, nothing would do me a greater pleasure than helping you to save her life and return her to her family. I will do anything that you ask.”

  “Thank you, gentlemen. I knew that I could count on the two of you. Here is the plan: Bob, you have made some mistakes, and they are well-documented. I am relying on you making another one.” Bob looked a little hurt. “I need for you to accidently land us back to where we landed on the planet before. I have already put in the coordinates, and it will be easy. You will be able to claim that it was a simple mistake, rather than a deliberate action on your part. I’m trying to keep you out of trouble. That’s not always easy,” he said with a wink. Bob smiled and nodded. “We will land, and you will wait until the door opens, and then closes. Once it closes, take off. I have that programmed in as well. We will leave her off at the clearing where we land. She will not be far from home and can walk there easily. I will back you up, and will do everything in my power to assure Central Command that it is my fault, and just a mistake on your part.”

  “Got it, Captain—door opens, and then closes; we get out of dodge, and she’s home safe,” Bob summarized; he wanted both of them to know that he actually knew what he was doing.

  “Danny, you just need to make sure that everyone is in the galley, except for
Bob. I will come in and get Aspiria. You keep everyone eating and entertained—keep the conversation going. Make sure that no one leaves, until I return. When I get back, she will be safely home, and we will be on our way back to the space station. I don’t think that anyone will suspect you for anything at all. But, I need to make sure that I am not interrupted as I get her out the door, and onto her world.”

  “No problem, Captain,” said Danny reassuringly.

  “How long until dinner is ready?” asked Steve as he considered their plan.

  “She probably has it done by now,” Danny answered.

  “Great, then let’s get going. Danny I will take Bob to the deck now, and get him oriented. Get everyone in for dinner. I’ll be in for Aspiria as soon as I can. Gentlemen, she deserves this, come what may. Should anything happen, it has been a pleasure serving with you.”

  “We’ve got this, Captain, everything will be fine.”