Read Fear and Aggression Page 84

A little more than five years had passed and Steve was working outside of his home—the Palador’s home—on a hot and humid summer evening. He had waited until after dinner to begin his gardening precisely because it would be the only part of the day that he could work outdoors in any degree of comfort. Steve was an accepted part of the community, now. He had worked tirelessly to help repair the damage done by the attack from earth. The electrical systems were restored, the buildings repaired, and life had returned to normal. Some families would never be able to be back to normal again because of the lives that were lost. Still, after some time even those families were making their way again.

  Steve felt that he was earning his keep during these rebuilding years. He would return to the Palador’s home late in the evening, or perhaps after a few days if his work took him to the city. The Paladors treated him like family, and he never felt out of place—at least he was not treated that way by them. In reality, he always felt out of place. In some ways he loved it. This was not earth, but in many ways he felt that it was better. He loved the cleanliness, the cooperation, and the work ethic with which the inhabitants of this planet (the people as he would have said) were filled. Still, he missed the excitement, the technology, and especially his brother. He missed the Space Force, and his role as a Captain. There were many beautiful young women on this planet, but, though friendly, never once did any show him any romantic interest. He, too, felt no romantic interest towards any of them. He learned to love the people, but not in that way. There was no point. He felt something of this sort missing in his life, and saw no hope of it ever being realized. He was an alien, and these human-like people were not compatible with him. He never thought of Tammy. He did not long for her, and in all reality he had repressed any thought of her deeply beyond his consciousness.

  He had come here expecting to be imprisoned or killed. Instead, he had been given his freedom, with which he devoted everything he had to giving help to those who were injured because of him. For a long while he expected the return of the Space Force in one form or another. Perhaps they would return for him, perhaps for Aspiria (or her body as they would have supposed), or perhaps another attack. He hoped they might consider diplomatic relations. For the first few days, maybe weeks, he worried and was even paranoid. But as silence ensued, and eventually, as years past he went from worry to concern—concern that they would never return; that he would be forever stuck here. He was concerned about Mark, and thought that they may never meet again.

  Now, even these concerns had somewhat faded. He was at home, and was very attached with Caryell and the Palador family. He was resigned to being somewhat lonely, but not alone. To living in a paradise of sorts, but always being a welcomed stranger. He was resigned to living the life of a beloved alien. His lot was what he had once given to Aspiria. Their roles were reversed, except that he had chosen his lot, and she had had hers forced upon her. Steve felt both blessed by his fortune, and justified in his punishment. He was happy and relatively at peace with himself and his circumstances.

  Once the repair work was completed, he had returned to live with the Paladors full time. He ate at their table and slept in their home. He was given, and allowed to do, anything he desired. After a week or two, he felt that he must make his own way. Roloff and he discussed it, and Steve understood that it would be better for him to stay with the Paladors than to live alone. But what would he do. He helped Aspiria in her little vegetable garden for a while, and then thought that he could turn it into something more substantial. He could work the soil, and provide some of the family’s food in this way. It was not necessary for the Paladors, nor did they particularly want this, but it was necessary for Steve. Roloff saw this at once, and gave Steve a large plot and any support that Steve needed.

  He now worked this garden with duty and purpose. Steve knew deep inside that this was not necessary, but he did not allow himself to ponder upon that. Caryell would sometimes spend the day with Steve working the garden. At first Steve objected—Steve was earning his keep—but with time it became a chance to bond together; and Steve liked that. Caryell was not like Mark, but he did partially fill a hole in Steve’s heart. On this stifling day, Steve had spent his day in reading. He had learned to both speak and now read this alien language quite well. He still spoke in English with Aspiria, when they were alone. He spoke in her tongue when anyone else was around. Both he and Aspiria enjoyed their unique bilingual abilities. No one else had ever taken any more than a passing interest in English.

  After dinner, with the sun closer to the horizon, Steve decided to do his gardening. Caryell and Roloff were gone, and Aspiria was in the house attending to various chores. Although cooler than at midday, the heat was still stifling and sweat was dripping, almost gushing, from his forehead. He stopped to wipe his brow, when he heard a man say, “Captain Jenners,” in American English. Steve stopped and turned around. Two members of the Space Force were standing about twenty yards in front of him. One was fully hooded, and his face was not visible. The other, the one who had spoken to him, had his helmet on but the shield up, allowing him to speak. The voice was familiar, and the features were as well, but Steve could not instantly place him.

  Steve did not move from his position, and neither did the men from the Space Force. They both looked at each other for a few moments. Steve eventually broke the silence, “Are you taking me back to earth?” He spoke in an assertive, unaffected manner.

  “Only if that is what you would like to do,” said the man in a friendly manner. Steve’s heart was not racing, he felt physically calm. But mentally his state was that of a firestorm. Did he want to return to earth? His life was currently a paradisiacal prison. Would he be trading this in for a true prison? What was earth like now? The men continued to stare at each other in silence. The man in the black space suit spoke again, “We’ve been instructed to either take you back, or leave you here, but that we cannot stay for more than a few minutes. If you are ready to return to earth, we need to leave now.”

  Strange, Steve thought, I don’t seem to be in much trouble. It could be a trick…get me to go easily and cooperatively. Even as these thoughts went through his mind, he began to walk towards the house. He would not leave without saying goodbye to Aspiria. Yes, he was going back home to whatever it was that would await him. He still thought of the two men as strangers, and was walking past them towards the house. But as he got closer he caught a better look at the visor-less man. “Danny,” he said almost joyously.

  Danny smiled warmly, enjoying the recognition. “Actually, it’s ‘Captain Wang’ now.”

  “Danny!” said Aspiria as she came out of the house. Even her English had a sing-song quality to it now. She ran right up to him and threw her arms around him. The man with the visor turned to look at the event. After the embrace Aspiria stepped back with her hands on her hips and her face glowing. Danny was bright red.

  “It is wonderful to see you, Aspiria,” said Danny in a forced attempted at his stoic demeanor. It occurred to Steve that he did not seem shocked that she was alive. Aspiria was in a brown and gold trimmed dress. Her hair was a little longer now. Danny could perceive a slight ageing to Aspiria, but all-in-all she looked better than she ever did in captivity. She really was glowing in the evening sunlight. “We’ve come to take Captain Jenners back to earth, if he desires that,” he said turning back to Steve.

  “So you’re a Captain, now,” Steve said proudly.

  “Yes, this is my first mission. Since I know you, it was easy to get this mission.” Turning back to Aspiria, “I am sorry that we cannot stay. I have always hoped to spend time with you on your world. I’d love to try some of your true homemade cooking.”

  “It’s everything that you could imagine and more,” said Steve.

  Aspiria was pleased, and then she looked over at the other man. “I remember this disguise. How come you still have your visor on?”

/>   Danny looked at his companion. “He is following orders—my orders. I told him to not take it off unless it is necessary. He is plan B.” Steve looked at Danny and squinted in a suspicious manner. “If you weren’t willing to come with me, I thought that maybe you would be willing to come with him.” Steve looked at the man with the visor, and Danny told him to lift his visor.

  The visor went up and revealed a handsome young man with blond hair and blue eyes.

  “Steve,” he said.

  “Mark!” and the two men embraced. Tears were slowly running down Aspiria’s cheeks. “You’re okay…you look great…you’re in the Space Force.” Steve was now emotional.

  “Are you coming back with me?” asked Mark, trying to hold back the emotion.

  “Yes, I’m coming back with you.”

  Steve turned to Aspiria. “Be safe,” she said. Then, looking at him directly in the eyes, she said, “Thank you, with all my heart. Thank you for everything,” and she gave him a warm embrace.

  “I thank you for everything,” said Steve. “Please tell Roloff and Caryell goodbye for me. I wish I could say that in person.” This he said in Aspiria’s alien language. Mark looked at him with a quizzical expression. Steve looking at him smiled and said, “Com’ on, kid. Let’s go home.”

  Aspiria stood and watched as the three men walked towards the woods. Part of her wanted to walk behind them to see the ship. She had never been conscious, or alive, when she had made her previous journeys to and from the ship. But she wasn’t that curious, and she definitely didn’t want to somehow end up back on the ship. From the time that she had been taken until now her life had been changed. She had not had her family back, just as they had been. She now had Steve in the home with them. It had changed the dynamics. She had had a constant reminder of her captivity with him there. Caryell loved Steve and that made her happy. Caryell truly enjoyed the companionship. She would be sad as she told him that Steve was gone. Roloff was never quite the same since the event. He never seemed to be himself, or as comfortable in the home. She hoped that family life might get back to normal for her. She would miss Steve as well, but just like Steve, she was ready for him to go back home.

  The journey back to earth was relatively uneventful. Steve and Mark spent every waking hour together. Steve asked question after question and was able to catch back up on many things. He mostly asked about Mark and their grandfather. Marks life had been very good since the incident. Steve’s pay had been given to them. He was still on the payroll of the Space Force, and it had been increased to hazard pay. So, Gramps could retire and they lived in a comfortable home near to the Gilmores. Gramps had maintained his friendship with them, and had become acquainted with some of their older friends and neighbors. He was as happy as could be. He hardly watched television because his social life took up too much of his time. Marks girlfriend Tess was quite the beauty. They had been friends for many years, but things had gotten romantic over the past year. Mark could have talked about Tess all day, so Steve had to keep nudging him towards other topics. Steve smiled as he heard Mark talk.

  Danny and Steve found some time to talk, also. Steve was thoroughly proud of Danny. After getting reacquainted with Danny, Steve began to enquire about the other crew members. Kenny was now a distinguished Captain in his own right. James was still at it as a technical guy. He and Kenny were together on a mission. No other inhabited alien worlds had yet been discovered, or if they had the info had not been declassified or leaked. James was probably itching to find another one by now. “And how is Mike,” asked Steve.

  Danny explained that he had taken a promotion with command. He was no longer flying missions, but was working on the command station. “I don’t think he wanted any more action,” Danny said with a wry smile. Danny was still serious and stoic most of the time, but not so much as he used to be. Being in charge suited him better than being on the bottom rung. He seemed to be more relaxed, now.

  “Well, what’s Bob up to?”

  Another, even larger smile crept across Danny’s face. “Bob stayed on with the Space Force for a couple of years—enough to finish out his enlistment requirements. I don’t think he did any further navigation. Anyway, he opened up a restaurant in New York City. It is doing quite well, from what I understand. His menu is based on Aspiria’s cooking methods. I’m not sure if it is so popular because of that, or if the food is just that good. Either way, you should go when you get the chance. He would love it. On my next leave, I am definitely checking it out.”

  Steve sat there smiling. What else could Bob be doing? Steve had been eating Aspiria’s actual cooking for the past few years. Bob couldn’t mimic what she did with her actual recipes—the vegetables and spices were so different—but he was curious about it. He thought about the words, ‘when you get the chance;’ what did Danny mean by that? He had said it offhandedly, but it still seemed to carry some significance.

  Steve did not inquire about Tammy, and Danny didn’t offer anything up. It was not out of any spite—Steve simply did not think to ask. He had not reflected on her at all over the past five years.

  “Captain Jenners, we will be arriving early tomorrow. I think that you should get some good rest, and be looking sharp in your full Captains uniform,” said Danny, more as Captain Wang.

  “Who will be debriefing me?”

  “The President.”

  “The President will be on the Command Station?” asked Steve in shock.

  Danny smiled again. “No, Captain Jenners, the President will be in the White House, and so will you. We’re not docking with the Command Station. We are landing in Washington D.C., just a short drive to the White House.”

  “What about quarantine?”

  “I am told that it isn’t necessary.”

  Danny left, and Steve was alone. If Danny wanted him to get some good sleep, that wasn’t the information to leave him with last. As Steve lay in bed, his mind raced over many things. He awoke early, and was not tired, but that was more due to his adrenaline rush, than to having had a good or peaceful sleep. Mark was tearful as he said goodbye to Steve. He would be on leave soon, and he expressed his hope that Steve would be available at that time. Danny offered him a full salute, which Steve returned, and then he walked off of the ship.

  There were guards awaiting him. Again, he wondered if he would be strong armed. But no, they treated him with dignity and deference. “Sir, if you would, our car is right this way. We will be heading directly to the White House. The President is awaiting you.”

  It was a hot summer August day in Washington D.C. The humidity was nearly unbearable. D.C. was practically a ghost town this time of year. It was surprising that the President was even in town. Why wasn’t he on vacation, or somewhere else, when congress and everyone else seemed to be away, Steve reflected. The car ride was less than ten minutes. The men, who sat in front, did not say a word to themselves nor to Steve. D.C. never changes thought Steve as he looked out the window. They entered the gate at the White House, and then walked inside. The men handed Steve off to the staff woman, and then left. The White House was expecting him. He and the staff woman walked alone to the Oval Office; he did not appear to be under guard or surveillance.

  “Have a seat here, Captain Jenners,” said the staff woman in a courteous tone. She was about fifty years old, and wore a cream skirt and jacket suit. She was a little plump with mid-length short white hair. Steve took the seat, and the woman asked if she could get anything for him.

  Steve didn’t answer immediately, he was mentally distracted. “I don’t know what time it is, or what time I am meeting with President…I’m sorry, I don’t know what his name is,” said Steve somewhat befuddled.

  The woman looked at him curiously and smiled. “You have been away, sir. It is not Mr. President, it is Ms. President and she will be with you in just a few minutes. Can I get you something to drink, or would you
like something to read?”

  Steve’s eyes widened and he nodded, more to himself than to the woman’s question. “Uh…no, I’ll just wait for her…for the President. I’m fine.”

  “Very good, sir.” The woman walked into the Oval Office and shut the door behind her. Within about two minutes she came back out. She did not say anything more to Steve. She nodded at him as she left the office, and then walked back to towards the way that they had come. Steve could hear muffled voices from various offices, but all-in-all the west wing seemed very quiet. Steve felt very alone, and he was used to that.

  His wait was about twelve minutes, but to him it seemed much longer. There were a number of things that were bothering him, and he began to consider them. No one was surprised to find Aspiria alive. In fact, no one had asked anything about her, or her world, or anything else. He was never even asked by Mark how he was doing. Steve asked anything he wanted of Mark and Danny, and they answered with ease and comfort. Yet, not one question was addressed to him. He had lived for the past five years on an alien planet, with an alien species, and no one seemed a bit interested in any of it. He was taken directly to earth, with no quarantine, and the first person he would see is the President of the United States. He had not received a psychiatric assessment or any physical at all. He was left unguarded, and supposedly going to meet alone with the President. Nothing seemed right, and he was beginning to feel particularly uncomfortable. Finally the door to the Oval Office opened and a strangely familiar voice said, “Steve.”

  He got up and turned to look. He stared at the President in amazement. “Tammy?—are you joining me and the President?” Emotions immediately began to swell within him. He had blocked this woman that he once loved from his consciousness. Now she was standing in front of him at the Oval Office. His feelings were not those of his last meeting with her, rather they were as when they first met. Her beauty and charm made his heart pump. She was unmistakably attractive to him, even now after all these years, and after all that she had done.

  “Steve, I am the President. Please come in,” she said while motioning him to enter. She wore a forest green skirt and jacket with a white blouse. The skirt was longer than he was used to seeing her wear, cut just above the knees. Her hair was as brilliant as ever—long, red, curly, and bright. She had aged some, but not much. She was as confident—no, more confident than ever. Yet, there was a certain sweetness in her demeanor. She did not seem as edgy as he remembered her.

  Steve followed her into the office. She did not wait for him, but walked toward her desk. As he entered the room, he paused at the door and watched her walking. He had been through a lot of unusual experiences, but nothing felt more surreal to him that what he felt at this moment. When she got behind her desk, she sat down and crossed her legs. “Please, come in and shut the door. Have a seat right here,” she said and motioned to a seat across the desk from her. Steve obeyed mechanically, and walked slowly to the indicated seat.

  Steve stood by the seat and stared directly at Tammy. “You can stand if you like, but I’d rather you sat down,” she said kindly.

  “What do I call you? President Rodgers…is it Rodgers? Are you married?—I’m sorry…I just…uh, I’m just surprised.”

  “Married!” she said with a laugh. “How could I be married? I thought that we were still going out. You don’t have an alien girlfriend back on that other planet do you?”

  Steve went white. “Uh…no, I…”

  “Sit down, relax, I was just trying to break the ice.” Steve did sit down. “Out there, call me President Rodgers. When we are alone, it’s still Tammy.”

  “Okay,” he mustered.

  “A lot has happened since you have been gone.” Steve nodded, continuing to stare at her as she spoke. “I take it you haven’t been filled in on much.” Steve shook his head. Tammy smiled reassuringly. “That’s good, I hoped that I would be the one to fill you in. The story begins, when last we met. I had just euthanized Aspiria—I’m told that she is alive. I really don’t know how that is possible, but we’ll get to that later. So, you took her body and went to her planet with her body. Now you are here, in the Oval Office with the President of the United States, and that President happens to be me. I guess you would like it if I filled in the gap.”

  “Yes, I would.”

  Tammy paused, and looked away momentarily. “I sat in the lab for a very long time. My boyfriend, whom I loved dearly, had just left me in a state of fury with the body of a dead alien that I had just euthanized. I did not know what you were doing, but I could never have imagined that you would take her dead body back to her world. I was devastated. I thought that I had lost you forever. I, too, was upset about having to do that to Aspiria. I really did think that you had given the command. They showed me a recording of you saying to do it. Anyway, I was more upset than I had ever been before. Finally, Kenny comes into the lab and asks where you and Aspiria are. He can tell that I am upset, and he looks pretty confused himself. I decide to not say anything. He doesn’t press, and everyone is searching the ship. When they come back to the lab, I had figured out what you had done. I was really worried about you. I figured that you were walking into a death trap, or worse, by bringing back her dead body after what we had just done to them. I told everyone that you, as the commander in the field, chose to sacrifice yourself for the good of the mission. That you had taken Aspiria back to her world, so as not to further upset them. To do it as a peace offering, but that you would stay with her yourself to make sure that she did not give away any of our secrets. I did not tell them that I had euthanized her. With how angry you were, I was afraid for my life. Since you were both gone, I figured it would be better for everyone to think that you had chosen to guard her alive, rather than sacrifice yourself to give back a dead body. That would have made you look foolish, or that you had lost your mind. I wanted you to look wise and heroic. At least that way we all had a chance of things working out, eventually.”

  “So, no one knew that you had killed her?”

  “You are the only one that ever knew. Central Command, and everyone else believed that you took her back alive. That you stayed to protect our secrets, and to become an ambassador. You are a hero, Steve. You have no idea how good this has all worked out.”

  Steve just stared at her with his eyes wide open.

  “I did everything I could to protect you. I know how you felt about the things that I did,” she looked down subconsciously as she said that, “but I hoped…hope that you still care about me.” There was a long and awkward pause. “I wasn’t really kidding when I asked if we were still going out. I haven’t been with anyone. I still consider myself with you.”

  Steve knew that it was his turn to speak. He was at an utter and complete loss for words. “You’ve caught me by surprise. I really don’t know what I think or feel right now.” Tammy nodded slowly, and showed a glimpse of disappointment on her face. “I’m still rather confused about everything. You’re the President, how did that happen?” The question was genuine, but he tried to smile good naturedly.

  The powerful Tammy came out now. The look of the long lost lover was gone. Steve had seen this look before, though it was rarely directed at him. “Things were in disarray when we arrived at the station. The President, who was trying to save his re-election with that attack on Aspiria’s planet, was now afraid for his life—forget the election. People were disgusted by what they saw during the attack. I don’t know if you were aware, but they filmed the whole attack and fed it as instantly as possible for general viewing. I doubt that you would want to see it, but it is available if you wanted to. It was sickening to watch. Somehow he, or his advisors, thought that he could get the people’s thirst for blood quenched, and that then he could begin diplomatic relations with the Aspiria’s people. Well, I guess it sort of worked, but he was ousted in a landslide on election day. Before he left he took
Commander Winton out. He tried to make him the fall guy for the full attack. People were glad to see him go to, but it didn’t help the President’s re-election.”

  Steve’s interest was piqued. “When was Commander Winton sacked?”

  “Within a week of the attack. He was essentially on his way out when we got to the station. Anything in regards to the attack, or in causing harm to Aspiria was now the greatest of evils. You, however, were quickly becoming the hero. I painted as heroic a picture of you as I could. The public was like a pendulum. They had been pushed through their irrational fear to a blood thirsty hatred of the aliens. But when they saw them up close, they saw themselves—they saw themselves being attacked for no good reason, like lambs to the slaughter. We were everything that we feared. The people wouldn’t blame themselves, so they took it out on the President and on Commander Winton.

  “Because of what you had done, at least what I told them that you had done, our ship and crew was beloved by the people. You had disobeyed direct orders by the President and the Commander, and had done ‘the right thing.’ Everyone’s career benefited by the circumstances, but I was in the best position. The clip of Aspiria and I together, showed us to be friends. I was the only witness of your choosing to go back with Aspiria. I was interviewed by everyone. My research became world renowned. I had everything that I could have ever wanted, except for you.”

  Steve nodded slowly. His attraction for Tammy had been reawakened.

  “As the fizzle of fame began to die down, and life became normalized again, I began to get very down. I was missing you and worried about you. I began to reflect on where things had gone wrong with us. I thought about the fetus that I had carried, and for the first time I wished that I had that child. I wished to have a part of you with me. I wondered about how the child would look, how it would be like you, and how it would be like me. That child would be nearly five years old right now. The child’s father would be the greatest hero in the world, and the child’s mother would be the President of the United States.”

  Tears began to slowly well up in Steve’s eyes. As he stared at Tammy, he could see glistening moisture in her eyes, also. “I also began to feel something deeper than regret for euthanizing Aspiria. I went through a period of soul searching. I felt a deep remorse for my choices and a great sorrow for your loss. I never thought that you had died. I think that was because of Aspiria. She was so forgiving and kind that I thought that you may have been spared by her people. Still, I worried myself sick sometimes. I felt that it was my fault, whatever may have happened to you. If I hadn’t euthanized her, you would have just let her go, and you would be back with me. I also felt for the loss of Aspiria. At first, I couldn’t look past her as an alien and my subject. But as the months past, I reflected on her with feelings of friendship. I had gotten so down and felt so much darkness that the only people that I wanted to see were my child that I had aborted, Aspiria who I had euthanized, and my boyfriend who I had caused to be marooned on an alien planet. These were the darkest days of my life.”

  There was a pause. Tammy was not looking at Steve; she had turned in her chair and was looking to her left. “The new President wanted to meet with me. I had a one-on-one meeting in here. He didn’t know what to do about you. He really didn’t want to send the Space Force anywhere near the planet. It hadn’t worked out so well for the last President. The Space Force was out and about anywhere that they were not likely to run into anything. The last thing that he wanted in his first four years was an alien crisis.

  “I was still afraid of everyone finding out what I did to Aspiria. I knew that I had obeyed orders, and that I was not going to be in any legal trouble, but I didn’t want to lose my reputation—my credibility. I really wanted you back, but at that time I feared that you would have nothing to do with me anyway. I told him that it would be best to leave the Space Force away from the planet. I told him that you would be fine, and that there was much that you could accomplish from there. I told him to wait until he had been re-elected to go on a reconnaissance mission.

  “I was sitting right where you are sitting, and he was sitting right where I am. He was putty in my hands. I was in complete control. I was sitting with the President, and he was powerless compared to me. Steve, you are the only man that I have not felt more powerful than. Anyway, I left feeling better inside. I felt that I could still be useful. Our last President was a joke. He would have never won the election if it wasn’t for the circumstances. He was a completely useless President. I began to realize my place in the world. I was not just a famous scientist, but I was a power to be reckoned with. I could do this. I could become the President, and I could actually provide leadership. The people trusted and adored me. I could get things back; I could set them right. I had a mission and that was to be the person calling the shots. I could then get you back, and then we could, together, truly build a peaceful relationship with Aspiria’s world. It was within my power, and I knew it. The darkness was gone, and I was ready to take on this cause.

  “I’m yet to discover anything that I am not good at. As it turns out, I’m a top notch politician. I was elected with ease—not quite the landslide as the previous election, but still 56% isn’t bad; forty-six states, too. I won’t bore you with the details, but among the things that I am doing, I’ve actually got the Space Force back looking for the other worlds that Aspiria was so confident in. Kenny and James are hot on the trail as we speak. I’ve got you back, and I’m ready for the most important step. We need to setup peaceful relations between our worlds. Steve, I want to do this together. You and I, together. We can set off in a few days. I know that you just got back, but we could do something more important than has ever been done before. We’ve already done that, literally, hand-in-hand. Finding them was huge; but bridging our worlds and making a peaceful union between them, now that would be something.”

  Tammy’s eyes bore deep into him. His attraction and love for her had been reawakened. What she said made so much sense. Still, there was a nagging discomfort in his soul. He could not place it though. Maybe he wanted to spend some time back on earth. Perhaps he just wanted to let Aspiria and her world alone. What was the point of setting up relations at all with them. Just let them alone, they are fine without us. No, that wasn’t’ it. He was kind of excited to go with Tammy; would the President really travel aboard my ship? Plus he wouldn’t be gone that long, this time. Aspiria and her people would love to learn about our world, and there was much that our world could learn from theirs. It was a good thing. So what was it that was bothering him.

  “We’ve better get going, or people might start wondering what’s going on in here,” she said smiling and raising her eyebrows. “I’ve arranged for you to have accommodations here at the White House, and we can talk again tomorrow.” She got up from her seat, and Steve did the same. Rather than walk towards the door, Tammy met Steve and embraced him. She gave him a short kiss, and he could feel the electricity. He felt both the exhilaration of romance and an increased uneasiness. Was he bothered by what she had done, by the abortion and her trying to kill Aspiria? If that was it, then what about forgiveness? He had been forgiven for all that he had done by Aspiria and her family. The people there had forgiven them for the attack. He had lived amongst a people ready to forgive and had enjoy the fruits of receiving forgiveness. He had not, perhaps, actively forgiven Tammy, but he did not feel bitterness towards her—quite the opposite. He felt as though he may want to rekindle the romance.

  They were now walking towards the door and Tammy had her arm around his waist. The nagging feeling began to eat at him, while his heart began to swell towards her.

  That’s it, he thought—deception. Everything that is, here on earth, is based on deception. Deception: that I took Aspiria back alive and chose to stay and guard our secrets. Deception: that Tammy had not tried, and actually succeeded in killing her
. Deception: that Tammy and I have never been together, that our relationship is professional alone. She is the President because of fabrications. I returned to earth as a hero because of lies, and they will continue. We will always know what is real, but we will live out this falsehood for our own protection and fame.

  Tammy had Danny go and get me, and leave immediately. No time to talk and find out what is happening on that world. ‘Don’t ask Captain Jenners any questions, I will question him alone. Don’t take him to the space station, take him directly here.’

  Aspiria is alive, she could tell the tale. No, because Tammy and I will go alone to set up diplomatic relations. No one, other than those who already know the truth, will ever find out. She has this set up perfectly, but it is all based on lies. She said herself that she is a ‘top notch politician.’

  “It’s so good to see you again, Steve,” Tammy said as they approached the door. “I will see you tomorrow, and we should be on our way soon. Everything is working out just as we had always hoped,” she said with a smile as they walked a few more paces.

  That’s the thing about Aspiria’s world: it’s true. There’s no deception. The people aren’t perfect, but they are honest. I loved that about living on her world. I have live honestly among them for these many years. There was no pretext as to who I am, or what I am. I was accepted and forgiven, and allowed to live as a better man in spite of all that I had caused to be done to them.

  But before…oh, before! I was secretive about everything. I let Bob navigate before he was ready so that I could carry on a hidden affair with Tammy. I tried to conceal her pregnancy so that I could figure out how to get away with it. I lied to Central Command and most of the crew, and told them that we would kill Aspiria when I intended to save her. Death has been the fruit of the dishonesty that I have sown. The attack on Aspiria’s world, the abortion of my child, and even the poisoning of Aspiria were all directly related to my deceits. I don’t want to live a life of deception anymore.

  “Just remember, when we’re alone we are Steve and Tammy, but at any other time we’re President Rodgers and Captain Jenners,” said the President with a wink as she opened the door of the Oval Office.

  About the Author:

  Dane Bagley studied philosophy at Brigham Young University, but received his bachelor of science in physiological optics from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, in 1999. He then received his Doctor of Optometry degree from the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Optometry, in 2001. He is the owner and doctor of Perfect Optical Eyecare Center in Huntsville, Alabama. He resides with his wife, two sons, and two daughters in Madison, Alabama. He enjoys sports, games, and gardening with the family. He also enjoys serving in his church.


  Through multi-dimensional travel it is now possible to reach the outer edges of the universe and return to earth, within a person’s lifespan. The Space Force is on the search for extra-terrestrial life; but initially, everywhere they look it is eerily quiet. What they do find is unlike what anyone had imagined. This book explores in its underlying theme a comparison of faith and forgiveness to Fear and Aggression.

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