Read Fear of the Uninvited Page 5

that she was worried.

  “Wait! I’m tired!” Remilia said as she slowed down trying to catch her breath.

  “No time for resting!” Her friend exclaimed. She grabbed Remilia by the arm and pulled her along.

  “Wait! You’re going to kill me!” Remilia said and felt a stitch coming up on her left side. She pressed on it hoping that it would feel better. And it did, sort of.

  “We have arrived! Are we late?” Her friend said, trying to catch her breath. Remilia felt worse, as if she was going to collapse.

  “Just in time girls, take your seat.” Said the teacher, as she went up to the board. Remilia was glad she could sit down.

  “That feels better!” She said and relaxed on the chair drinking a lot of water from her bottle and placed it on the side of her desk.

  “Alright class! Enough chitchat! We will be learning about Astronomy today, get your science books out.” Remilia immediately sat up straight. Astronomy was Remilia’s favorite subject and was really good at it. Always comes top of the class. Her friend leaned towards Remilia.

  “You may better than me at this but your running is worse!” She whispered. Remilia just giggled softly.

  “Didn’t I just say no chatting?” The teacher said without turning around. Remilia and her friend quickly turned to the front of the class and paid attention.

  ‘This is going to be fun!’ Remilia thought and smiled.

  Time passed by quickly, before she knew it the bell rang and the lesson was over. Remilia couldn’t wait to tell her mother about her first day! She called her, she answered.

  “Hi mom! Are you going to pick me up today? I have so much to tell you about school! I’m still the top in class and--” She said but was interrupted.

  “Oh I forgot to tell you! Daddy and I are on a forest trip near your school with some friends, you’ll have to come home by yourself. I must go now, I’ll be back at 4:00pm before dinner, and then you can tell us about your day. See you later! ” She said cheerfully.

  “Wait! Mom I can’t!” It was too late; Remilia’s mother already hung up the phone. “Snap! I didn’t bring any money! Oh well, I’ll just walk home then.” She took her phone out of her pocket and went on Google Maps to see what the shortest way home is. “Alright the route through the forest is definitely the shortest, that’s the one I’ll take.” She said while picking up her bag. Remilia walked out of the school gates and walked towards a forest, “Hmm…there are two paths into the forest but Google Maps only shows one. I’ll just take this one.” She walked into the forest; it slowly turned dark and very quiet as she walked further in. The beautiful flowers distracted her. Suddenly the phone went dead, “What?! No way why now?” Remilia had no guidance; all she had was her instincts…

  As she walked deeper into the forest, she saw more and more trees that had fallen down and some that were about to. There were also no more flowers; all she could see was dirt, torn trees and bushes. Suddenly there was a low growling noise, “Grrr!” “What was that?” She thought. Her blood ran cold. Her heart pounded faster and louder. “Grrr!” She heard it again and tried to remain very still. Something appeared out of the bushes, its fierce eyes were glittering and its teeth were stained with blood. She ran as fast as she could away from the creature. “Help, anybody out there? Help!” It was no use. She tripped over a root. When she looked up, she saw a pack of wolves running towards her, with yellow eyes hungrily searching for prey. ‘How could I be so stupid! Why did I choose to go through the woods?’ She thought to herself.

  Remilia crawled up and ran as fast as she could. She didn’t bother screaming for help and tried not to look back. Another sound emerged. This time it was different. It sounded more like screams, screams that were echoing. “Is this all just a dream?” Remilia said to herself, she heard the screams again. She ran towards the sounds and found that all the trees were knocked down and plants were covered in dark blood. Now she heard a scream behind her and quickly spun around, nothing…nothing at all. Remilia became even more scared than before, “What have I gotten myself into…” She said and fell on to the ground.

  “Remilia…Remilia…Your next!” Said a voice, she quickly stood up again and ran.

  “Ghosts! They were GHOSTS!” She couldn’t help but scream. “Grrr!” The wolves were back. She took her bag and threw it at the leader of the pack. Remilia didn’t care about her school supplies and kept on running, only thinking about getting herself into safety. Some of the wolves stopped and ripped the bag apart, searching for food. Finally she saw some sunlight coming through the treetops. “Light? Is this the end of the forest? Yes! I made it! I can’t believe it!” She quickly ran out of the forest and looked behind to see if the wolves were still chasing her. They had stopped and barked angrily, then disappeared back into the dark forest.

  ‘That was sheer luck!’ Remilia thought to herself in relief and then thought about her mother and father. “Wait! That time…!” She remembered what she saw in the forest; there was blood all over the ground as the ghosts claimed that she was next. Remilia started running back home; ‘Mom and dad said they are going on a trip to a forest near my school! Could it be…?’ She got worried, without stopping she ran all the way home. Opened the front door and rushed inside. “Mom? Dad?” She searched the house and then looked at her watch; it was 4:30 pm. ‘They were meant to be back by now…’ Remilia fell on to the floor, “Mom!! Dad!! Where are you?!”

  Dead Mine

  “Jake, could you be any slower?”

  “Just a sec Andy! Don’t leave okay?”

  Jake and Andy were both coal miners, they were changing out of their work clothes. They were covered with black coal dust and wet from the sweat working deep down in the mine all day. Andy was already outside waiting for his friend Jake.

  “Could you at least change a little faster?” Andy said, Jake could tell his friend was getting impatient.

  “Curse these clothes they won’t come off! They’re all wet and sticky” Jake tried to convince Andy and hoped that he would calm down a bit

  “Well alright. Just tell me how much longer.” Andy’s voice did calm down a little.

  “Five minutes okay?” Jake said. Andy didn’t answer back. “You still there?”

  “Yeah, yeah, five minutes is okay just hurry.” Andy’s voice sounded distracted. He was checking his phone. It was 5:20pm already.

  “Done!” Jake swung the door open and saw Andy leaning against the wall with his phone in his hands.

  “Well finally, okay lets go.” Andy put away his phone and started walking, Jake caught up with him. “Do you like working here?”

  “Sure, it’s not all that bad.” Jake said looking at Andy, “Why do you ask?”

  “Last night I had a nightmare, there were two people who entered a mine and one of them died, I don’t know what happened. It freaked me out, I was wondering what if it happened in our mine?” Andy looked behind him to see if anyone was following.

  “Are you really all that freaked out? We’ve worked in that mine for ages and nothing bad happened.” Jake said bravely, he wasn’t a kind of person who thinks about the bad things that could happen in this job.

  “I know! But what if a mine shaft collapses or something like that. Have you ever considered that?” Andy looked back again and turned to Jake.

  “Oh come on! Don’t always think like that! There are many of us in that mine, if something happens they are here to help.” Jake’s voice sounded irritated. “Stop worrying okay?”

  “But that miner--?” Andy said and Jake made a face.

  “I’m not listening! What’s the chance that will happen in our mine?” Jake said in a stern voice. Andy went on.

  “His head was chopped off.” Jake quickly turned to Andy.

  “What? No way!”

  “Ha! Now look who’s interested?”

  “How did that happen?”

  “How should I know? I thought I told you no one knew?”

  “Are you making this up?”
r />   “What? No!”

  “If you are then I will--”

  “I’m not! I promise!” Andy’s voice sounded a little shaky, he was frightened that something like that would happen to himself or his friend. Jake sighed and walked faster. Andy glanced around. “Where are we? This place does not seem familiar…did we go the wrong way?”

  “How could we have gone the wrong way?” Jake looked behind him. All he saw was forest. “Did we cross that forest?”

  “I don’t remember.” Said Andy. “I guess we were too busy talking about my dream. Hey look.” Jake looked to the direction Andy pointed.

  “Is that a new mine? Looks a lot smaller than ours, maybe it’s not finished?” Jake stared at it and walked closer. “Let’s take a look, we still have time.”

  “No, I don’t want to!” Andy shook his head and stepped backwards.

  “Come on! Are you still worried about that dream of yours? Jake said bravely and started walking into the mine.

  “Jake, don’t! What if this mine is dangerous? I mean, look how small it is! How can you just simply walk in?” Andy rushed forward and tried to pull Jake back out.

  “It’s just a mine, not a place to die in. There are no gates or equipment here, maybe it has been abandoned.” Jake said calmly and walked inside again. Andy again pulled him back out.

  “I hate it when you act like this! All brave and strong as if nothing is going to happen, while you’re walking to death itself!” Andy yelled and immediately regretted it. He knew