Read Feisty Princess Page 7

  His mouth drifts open, and he stares up at me with lust-coated eyes as he works my hips in a slow rhythm. “Fuck. So damn amazing.”

  We rock in time, both getting lost in our own desire—both searching for our own release.

  Watching him as he enjoys my body is one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen. I like knowing that I can cause the asshole control freak, Alexander King, to lose all control. It’s powerful and liberating and makes me feel downright sexy.

  It doesn’t take long before that familiar tingle overtakes every inch of my being. “Oh, that’s it,” I pant. “Oh, God. Alexander, I’m coming.”

  No sooner do the words leave my lips do I fall apart, giving in to the wave of pleasure that Alexander’s given me.

  He tightens his grip on my hips and works them faster and faster until he’s biting his lip and sweat beads on his forehead. We lock eyes and a low growl escapes his lips as he explodes inside me, filling me full with his desire.

  We stay wrapped in one another’s arms, staring into each other’s eyes as we try to catch our breath. I don’t know what just happened, but this sexual encounter with him felt different—more intimate—and it feels like everything is about to change.


  AFTER A CHANGE OF CLOTHES at Alexander’s apartment, I’m heading back down the stairs. Hopefully, we make it to the event this time. I glance at my phone before dropping it into my clutch. We’re running extremely late.

  When I meet Alexander in the foyer, he takes my hand. The warmth of his fingers curled around mine feels so intimate. I’m not sure what in the hell happened between us back in that limo, but it’s more apparent to me now that keeping things strictly business between the two of us is impossible. Something just happens when we’re together. There’s a pull—a connection—I don’t understand, and I’m pretty sure Alexander feels it, too. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have allowed himself to end up married to me, causing himself a whole lot of grief in the process. He’s too smart for that, which is how I know the brain behind that beautiful face of his isn’t making the decisions when it comes to me.

  I glance down at our hands as we make our way outside to the waiting limo. I’m tempted to ask him if he’s merely pretending to show me public affection for the benefit of anyone who’s watching or if he’s holding my hand because he wants to, but I won’t. I don’t want to know the answer. If he claims it’s just an act, it might hurt.

  Inside the limo, I expect for Alexander to pull away from me, but he doesn’t. We ride to the gala side by side, still holding hands like a happily married couple.

  As we pull up to the building the party is being held in, Alexander turns his head toward me while wearing a devilish smirk. “You ready to try this again, or are you ready for round two?”

  A blush creeps over my cheeks. As much as I would love nothing more than to go another round with him, I know there’s simply no time for that. Tonight is all about convincing the board members of King Corporation that Alexander is more than capable of running the empire his father left behind.

  “As much as I’d like that, we have a job to do,” I tell him. “But I’ll take a rain check on that second round.”

  Alexander’s smile widens. “Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to make your battery operated boyfriend jealous.”

  I chuckle at his reference to my vibrator. “Don’t worry. B.O.B. only wants to see me satisfied. He’s probably enjoying the vacation.”

  “Bob might have to go. You know I’m a jealous man. I don’t share, especially when it comes to you.” He reaches over and slides one hand between my legs and then brushes my panty-covered folds with his thumb. “And this pussy is all mine.”

  His words cause me to shiver. Never have I been claimed like this before, and I have to admit, it’s a fucking turn-on.

  “Tonight, I want you in my bed.”Alexander leans in and brushes my lips with his. “But first, we have a little business to handle inside. Are you ready?”

  “Let’s do this.”

  A few lingering paparazzi snap photos of Alexander and me as we step out of the car—all of them clamoring for a shot of us to put in the society gossip columns.

  “Mr. King, is it true that the two of you are married?” one heavyset, balding man with a camera shouts, but Alexander doesn’t even bother to glance in his direction.

  Sure, I’ve been in the society papers before, but no one has ever been desperate to know so much about my personal life. It’s weird that people would even care, but things are different for Alexander. He’s been on the public radar since he was named youngest billionaire in the world ten years ago when he inherited his father’s company. People are fascinated by handsome young men who are extremely wealthy.

  Alexander reminds tight-lipped until we make it inside the building. “I’m sure we’re going to get a lot of that until the shock over our marriage dies down. As soon as they find another big story to cover, they’ll forget about us.” He extends his elbow to me, and I loop my arm through his. “Come on. Let’s get this ass-kissing over with. The sooner we can get away from these pretentious assholes, the better.”

  I can’t help but laugh. His blunt vocabulary is actually comical when I’m not pissed at him for talking to me that way.

  The ballroom is alive with Manhattan’s upper-crust society, milling about in their small cliques. A jazz band plays in the corner and a few couples are dancing while everyone else lingers about gossiping or discussing business ventures. A few heads turn in our direction, and it doesn’t go unnoticed that I’m clinging to Alexander’s arm.

  The men in the room nod as if approving Alexander’s choice of arm candy for the night, but the women are a completely different story. Their expressions range from pity to contempt. I’m guessing the ones who look like they want to punch me in the face are women Alexander has slept with and aren’t quite over him yet.

  “I feel like everyone’s staring at us,” I whisper.

  Alexander rubs the light beard covering his face. “Angry beehive, remember? This is where we’ll need to sell it most.” He gazes down at me. “I’m going to kiss you now. It’s best to get this over with. Let them know where we stand, just as we did at the office the other day.”

  He’s right. It will save me from having to explain our relationship status a million different times for the next hour.

  I nod. “Okay.”

  Alexander pinches my chin gently between his thumb and forefinger. “The countdown clock to get you into my bed starts now.”

  A genuine smile spreads across my face. “Looking forward to it.”

  He leans down and presses his lips to mine, and the weight of all the eyes in the room judging us falls on my shoulders. The kiss doesn’t last long, and it isn’t more than a sweet peck, but it’s enough to show everyone in this room there is definitely something going on between us.

  Alexander pulls back. “Let’s work this room.”

  And that’s exactly what we do. We spend the next hour rubbing elbows with some of the wealthiest people in New York. Most of the board members appear to be pleased with the match between Alexander and me. All but one, that is.

  A tall, slender blond woman with a little age on her approaches us with a smile, but I can tell right away that it’s not genuine. It’s a forced act for Alexander’s benefit as she leans in and kisses him on both cheeks. “Alexander, darling, how nice to see you.”

  Alexander’s posture is notably different. His stance has gone from relaxed to rigid. Something about this woman obviously puts his guard up.

  The woman’s eyes instantly flit over to me after she releases Alexander. “Are you going to introduce me to your date?”

  His nostrils flare as he inhales deeply. “Camille, this is Margo Buchanan—my wife.”

  Camille’s dark green eyes widen. “Your wife? Wow.” She turns her attention to me and extends her hand. “You’ll have to excuse my surprise. When Alexander dated my daughter, Jess, he never really seemed like the type to ever
settle down. It’s hard for me to picture Alexander as a married man.”

  I swallow down the lump in my throat. I never anticipated on meeting anyone connected to Alexander’s ex tonight. Especially not the one I’ve been told who broke his heart. It’s difficult to digest that the man I’m starting to open myself up to and feel something for was once very much in love with someone else. I’m jealous this woman exists and probably had a relationship with the easygoing Alexander I’ve witnessed from time to time. It’s also hard for me to grasp the reason Alexander is the way he is with women is because of Jess according to Yamada.

  I want to get back at this girl for hurting Alexander, even though I don’t know her at all.

  I turn and lean into Alexander, placing my right hand on his chest as I address Camille. “I keep hearing that my Alexander was quite the ladies’ man, but I assure you he’s a changed man.” I flick my gaze back up to Alexander’s smile. “He has my heart completely and I have his. We’re each other’s everything.”

  “How lovely, for you.” There’s a hardened edge to her voice. “I hope that it stays that way.”

  I level my gaze on Camille and the smile drops off my face while I place my left hanf on Alexander’s chest to show off the ring he just gave me. “Thank you for your concern, but I assure you it’s unnecessary. We’re completely in love with one another and will be very happy together. Nothing will get in the way of that.”

  Her lips twist and I can tell that she despises me and wants nothing more than to tell me off. I don’t understand why she would hold ill will toward Alexander. Her daughter is the one who dumped him. She can’t possibly be upset that he’s moved on with his life.

  Instead of saying another word to me, Camille turns on her heel and storms away from us. The sparkly dress she’s wearing trail behind her.

  I turn back to Alexander. “That was odd. What’s her deal?”

  Alexander wraps his arm around my waist, drawing me in tightly against his side. “She wanted her daughter to marry me. She didn’t exactly approve of the tennis pro that she ran off with when she left me. He doesn’t make enough money to suit Camille’s standards.”

  “So why blame you? Clearly the split with her daughter isn’t your fault.”

  “She knows that, but it doesn’t stop her from blaming me. Jess can do no wrong according to her parents, so no matter the situation, it’s always going to be someone else’s fault—never Jess’s.”

  “That’s crazy,” I say.

  “Agreed, but that’s how things work around here. You know that. Family is always going to defend their blood no matter what.” He kisses the top of my head. “Let’s get out of here. Kissing ass here tonight chapped my lips, and I’ve had enough of these people for one night. Besides, I do believe we’re on a tight schedule for the rest of our plans for the evening.”

  One side of my mouth pulls up into a grin as I think about all the naughty things he’s going to do to my body when we get back to his place. Being married to Alexander King does come with some perks.


  I KNEW MARGO WAS STRONG, but I never realized how protective she was until she stood up to Jess’s mother two nights ago. It felt nice to hear her brag about how much she was into me, even if she didn’t mean it.

  Time flew by after that night. It’s been much easier than I anticipated to be happily married to Margo Buchanan. In fact, it’s gotten so easy that the lines of what’s real between us have been blurred. The first word that comes to mind when I think of Margo is no longer hate. I’ve become quite fond of her, and when the time comes for us to part ways, I’ll actually miss her. It’s not just the sex I’ll miss either. I’ll miss how that smart mouth of hers is always there to call me out for being an asshole, and I’ll miss her audacity.

  I flip her over onto her stomach, yank her to the edge of the bed, and smack her ass with the palm of my hand. She groans just like she did when I spanked her last time. She’s a dirty girl underneath that tough persona.

  She’s the perfect example of the old saying about being a lady in the streets and a freak in the sheets.

  I slam my cock back into her tight pussy, causing her to moan. I grip her shoulders and continue to pound into her, searching desperately for my release.

  I have to admit that having a bedroom on my private jet comes in quite handy during long flights like this and keeps me from putting on a show for the crew.

  She curls her fingers around the sheets as her entire body shakes. “Oh, God. I’m coming. I’m coming. Alexander . . .”

  Hearing my name roll off her lips while she’s in the midst of ecstasy never gets old. I love making her come. It’s highly addictive to witness and even more intoxicating to know that I’m the one making her feel so damn good.

  It’s not long before every nerve inside me starts tingling, and I explode inside her, filling her full.

  I lean down, pressing my chest against her back while I catch my breath. I bite the bare skin on her shoulder and then kiss the exact spot. “I swear it gets better every single time we fuck.”

  Margo shakes her head, causing her long dark curls to bounce around. “I wish you wouldn’t refer to what we are doing as fucking. It sounds so . . .”

  “So what?” I probe.


  I pull out of her and then lie down next to her. “What would you have me call it then? Making love?”

  She props her head up with her hand and stares down at me. “Don’t be ridiculous. We’re not in love.”

  “Exactly,” I say. “Which is why it makes perfect sense to refer to it as fucking. We get each other off. It’s what we do. We fuck.”

  She’s quiet for a few moments, but then nods. “I suppose you’re right.”

  I pull her to me and kiss her forehead as she lays her head on my chest, effectively ending that topic of conversation.

  I trace the bare skin on her shoulder and try to memorize the softness of it because I know sharing moments like this with Margo is a fleeting pastime.

  We both lie there in silence—neither of us saying what it is that’s running through our mind—both of us knowing that this thing between us is only temporary.

  My cell phone on the nightstand rings, and I debate on whether I should answer the call or stay wrapped up just like this.

  “Are you going to get that?” Margo asks as she tilts her head up so she can look at me.

  I smile down at her as I pull away and reach for the cell on the nightstand. “King.”

  “Where are you, asshole? It’s almost midnight. When Yamada says be here Thursday, it doesn’t mean show up Friday morning.”

  I sigh. “I know. We got a late start. I had a few things to wrap up at the office before we headed out tonight. We’ll be there soon enough.”

  “Okay, but I don’t want this weekend to turn out like Vegas where you spend the entire time playing eat the cookie with Dime Piece.” There’s irritation in his voice. “Yamada expects a huge party this time.”

  “You got it. And I promise tomorrow we’ll party, but just give me tonight alone with Margo when we get there.”

  I know that I flew out here to spend the weekend with him and secure the Buchanan deal for his company, but I don’t want to pull myself away from Margo tonight.

  “Okay. Yamada will give you your fuck night with Dime Piece, but tomorrow you assholes better be ready because Yamada has a big surprise for you.”

  I chuckle. “Don’t worry, buddy. We’ll get it out of our systems tonight. Tomorrow, you’ll have our undivided attention.”

  “Oh, sexy, sexy. Can Yamada video you? We put that shit on the Internet and make you famous. Dime Piece could be a centerfold model.”

  “Good night, Yamada.” I quickly cut him off before he expands his idea about showing Margo’s body off to the world because I fucking hate the very idea of that.

  “Is he upset?” Margo asks.

  I stare down at her and run my fingers through her thick hair. “No, just
seemed disappointed. I wouldn’t worry too much about him, though. Yamada is pretty resilient. The man loves a good party, and it doesn’t matter who it’s with most of the time.”

  “He said you two went to college together.” It’s a statement, not a question. “It’s hard to picture the two of you as such good friends.”

  I smile as I think back on the night I met Yamada. “It’s hard not to like the little asshole. He has a way of making you have so much fun that you don’t care how absolutely ridiculous you look while doing it. The first night I met him, he was able to talk me into doing a few keg stands in order to get noticed by a girl.”

  “Was it Jess?” she asks, and instantly, my body stiffens.

  “How do you know about her?”

  It wasn’t a secret. Those who know me well knew I was in a long-term relationship with Jess, but I don’t like to talk about it. Some things need to stay fucking buried because they hurt too damn much.

  “Yamada . . .” She shrugs.

  Figures. He never did know how to keep his mouth shut. Now, I need to figure out exactly what my friend has been telling her about me.

  “What did he say?”

  “Not much,” she admits. “He only said that I was the second girl who you were ever able to get before him—Jess was the first, but then she broke your heart.”

  I blow a rush of air out of my nose. “I don’t like to talk about her.”

  Margo chews the inside corner of her lower lip. “I can respect that. Relationships suck. Promises aren’t always kept and people get hurt, which is why I decided a long time ago that I never wanted to fall in love.”

  “That’s good that you protect yourself because love is for suckers.” I trace the contours of her beautiful face and wish that I didn’t believe that. “I’m glad we both can see what we’re doing here for the physicality of it and nothing more.”

  There’s a flicker of pain in her expression before she nods. “It’s good we’ve both agreed this is just fucking then.”