Read Felix Page 25

  She happily told him more about the cruise, describing the small room she’d be sharing with her dad and the bunk beds they’d be sleeping on. She even giggled when she told him about her drink—a Red Hot Momma.

  “I asked the guy at the bar to make me a foo-foo drink, something he thought I might like. It was pretty and very foo-foo with a big pineapple wedge and little umbrella, but the name made me laugh.”

  “Are you wearing red, Ella?” Felix asked, not sounding quite as amused as she was.

  She glanced down at her red sundress confused. “Yes.”

  The second she said it she felt like an idiot.

  “I figured as much,” he said a bit annoyed. “Go easy on those Red Hot Mommas. Those fruity tropical drinks are the kind that sneak up on you.”

  “I will,” she said, still feeling dumb.

  “And stay away from that bartender.”

  He was serious, but at the same time, she could hear the playfulness in his tone. There was no way she was ruining his mood. He’d been in good spirits from the moment he answered. Of course, she knew she had to tell him, but she’d wait until she got back or at least until tomorrow night when his special training was almost over. If he was going to be mad regardless, there was no sense in ruining his entire weekend and training this early on.

  The call ended with Felix blowing a few kisses into the phone, which only made her feel better about her decision not to tell him. Once off the phone she groaned, knowing she’d inevitably be having that unpleasant conversation with him. Then she groaned again when she thought of what she’d be doing next—hanging out with Grayson and his friends. There was no way out of it either. This whole cruise had been for her dad, and she’d seen the twinkle in his eye when Margie said she’d save a table for all of them. Great.

  She took a big sip of her Red Hot Momma and trudged off toward the upper deck where she could already hear the party was in full swing.


  Grayson may’ve pulled a fast one, but Ella would be damned if she was letting him get his way this whole trip. When she got back to the deck, she did her best to avoid getting stuck sitting next to him or alone with him. But it wasn’t easy. She’d been right about that twinkle she’d thought she’d seen in her father’s eyes earlier. Margie was a talker and yakked his ear off the whole time. Her dad seemed engrossed with her. And while that made Ella happy because her dad deserved to let loose and have a little fun for once, it left her at odds at the table.

  Worse yet, despite her efforts to not get stuck with Grayson, after the others got up to dance a few times, including her dad and Margie, they were coupled off. Unable to take it anymore, she excused herself, saying she was going to check out the dessert bar on the other end of the ship where many seemed to be walking from with lots of yummy desserts.

  Grayson had already made several attempts to engage in conversation with her, but she’d been curt. Fortunately, she’d made it obvious enough that she knew what he was up to and was not happy about it. So he didn’t follow her.

  Knowing her dad would stay busy with Margie, she decided to take her time and explore the ship. The Grand Princess was just that, grand. Ella walked around, babying her drink as she explored the entire ship in no hurry to get back to sitting with Grayson. She took several photos of the luxurious inside foyer that opened all the way down. You could see all the different bars and sitting areas on each floor from the top. She’d begun to text them to her brother, Carmen, and Felix then thought better about texting it to Felix. He’d likely seen much more luxurious than this.

  Instead, she decided to find the perfect spot to take a selfy with the ocean behind her, holding her foo-foo drink. After taking several and not liking her smile in any, she got an idea though she felt silly. Instead of smiling, she’d pout. That one actually came out cute. Go figure. She put the text together, telling him the cruise would be so much better if he were there with her.

  After sending it, she was determined to get a good one of her smiling so she tried again.

  “I can take that for you.”

  She looked up at Grayson, who smiled at her, holding another foo-foo drink for her. It was only then that she realized the drink she held was mostly ice again.

  “That’s okay. I got a good shot.” She didn’t want to be a bitch, but she had to make a clear point here. Whatever he thought might happen on this trip between the two of them was not happening, and there was a very good reason why. “I was sending them to Felix.”

  Grayson nodded but didn’t comment further. He held out the drink to her. “I saw you holding an empty glass.”

  She took it, thanking him, mindful of what Felix had warned her of. Already, she was feeling a little light-headed. This would be her last one, but she did need to get some food soon.

  “Your dad started worrying, so I told him I’d come looking for you.”

  “I was just exploring,” she explained.

  Her phone dinged and she looked down. She didn’t care if Grayson thought her rude for checking her texts in front of him. His pulling this stunt was beyond rude.

  You’re adorable. And that dress. No wonder the bartender thought you were hot. >=(

  Instantly, she felt all warm and fuzzy, and she smiled, texting him back.

  I’m on a cruise and all I can do is think of you. =( I miss you so!

  She added a few hearts and sent it off, feeling giddy. A little too giddy, she actually giggled. She’d never been a drinker, and these were big drinks. Vacation-sized drinks as Drake had called them and she was on her third.

  “So I take it things are going well,” Grayson said, looking down at her phone.

  “Yep,” she said simply then changed the subject. “I need to get food.”

  She glanced around, trying to remember which way the pizza bar was she’d passed earlier.

  “There’s pizza that way.” Grayson said, answering her unspoken question.

  They started in that direction as her phone pinged again. Instantly, she was smiling again, and she clicked on the text from Felix.

  I miss you too, baby. But I gotta get back to training before Noah and Gio tackle me and throw my phone out in the snow. I’ll call you tonight!

  This time she laughed but caught herself and covered her mouth. It wasn’t that funny. Okay, she needed food now. They reached the pizza bar where she loaded a plate with several slices so she could take some back to her dad.

  She made sure not to have any more alcoholic drinks for the rest of the evening. After her pizza, a shower to freshen up, and then later a sit-down dinner where Grayson managed to get them all assigned to the same dinner table, Ella had sobered up completely. She was glad she wouldn’t be silly when Felix called, but she did wonder if she’d have to take the call out on the deck and not in the comfort of her own bed as she usually did. She didn’t want her dad, who’d be in the bunk bed just below hers, listening.

  As it turned out, that wasn’t going to be an issue. As nine thirty neared, her dad was nowhere near ready to head back to their room. All of them, including Grayson, were pretty buzzed and still partying it up. She explained she was tired and headed back to the room, anxious to talk to Felix.

  As usual, she smiled silly the entire conversation she had with him. What she felt inside when she talked to him was beginning to feel less crazy and more relaxed as they got more comfortable with one another, but hearing him say he loved her would forever be nothing short of thrilling. She’d actually thought tonight’s call might be cut short because the roaming rates were so expensive, but when she tried to warn Felix by reminding him about it again, he laughed and said he’d just have to look into getting a second job because there was no way he was getting off the phone until he absolutely had to—just like every other night they’d spoken that week.

  The next day she got to finally spend some time alone with her dad. Apparently, Margie and her sisters were early birds. While the men stayed back and slept in, Margie and Meri had gotten up early and took o
ff into Ensenada where they’d docked for the day to have breakfast and do some shopping.

  Ella was up early to take Felix’s morning call out on the deck. His morning calls weren’t nearly as long as his night ones, so she was off quickly then went back to the room. She was still trying to decide if she should tell him over the phone about Grayson being there or wait until she could speak to him in person. The way she saw it, the outcome would be equally bad. She’d either ruin the rest of his weekend or ruin what should be an amazing reunion.

  She was able to avoid Grayson for the better part of the day because her dad slept in quite late. They ordered room service instead of going up to eat in the dining room for breakfast. Her dad was nursing a bit of a hangover, so he asked her if she’d be okay on her own for a little bit, while he stayed in bed a little longer watching TV until the aspirins kicked in.

  Ella was fine with that. She’d heard Grayson out in the hallway earlier with his cousin and Drake talking about going to Ensenada to meet with the girls. To her surprise, he hadn’t knocked on their door. She could only hope he’d gotten the hint, especially since she’d ducked out so early last night.

  Since they’d be docked in Ensenada all day, she’d taken advantage of her time alone to sunbathe on the deck and catch up on her reading.

  She and her father eventually made it out to Ensenada for fish tacos and a little shopping. Fortunately, they hadn’t run into Grayson and his crowd. By the time they got back, the band was playing again, and round two of the partying began. They went back to the room to refresh a little, but they inevitably had to join the group again, something it seemed her dad was a little anxious to do.

  “You like Margie?” she asked her dad in the elevator.

  It was weird to have this kind of conversation with him, and she could tell the question embarrassed him a bit. But Ella wanted him to know she was okay with it if he did. He’d been alone for years now, and she had a feeling he thought maybe that’s how she and Memo preferred it. From the way he and Margie had hit it off so quickly, if he decided once they got back that he might want to go to a Dodgers game with Margie or whatever, she wanted him to know she wasn’t just okay with it. She’d be all for it.

  “She’s nice.”

  Ella smiled big. “I think so too. I like seeing you have fun.”

  “I am having fun, honey.” He smiled. “Thank you for pushing me to do this. I needed it.”

  “Good,” she said, feeling even better about having done this. “And just so you know I think it would be cool if once we got back you and Margie maybe got together for a Dodger game or something.”

  In case there was any doubt, she wanted to be clear about that. Ella had been pretty disgusted yesterday when she realized what Grayson had done by bringing Margie. She didn’t want her dad to think she didn’t like Margie.

  Her dad had been saved by the elevator doors opening and the subject had been dropped, but she was glad she’d put it out there.

  The minute Ella saw Grayson she began having regrets about joining them again, but she had no choice. She had every intention of sneaking out early again to take Felix’s call, so she at least wanted to hang out with her dad for a while. Grayson had apparently started the partying early in Ensenada. They all had. Margie was quick to pull her dad out on the dance floor.

  “Let’s dance,” Grayson said, smiling a little too big.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Why not?”

  She gave him a look. “I’m sure you know why.”

  “We could dance in a group if you think your little boyfriend will have a shit if he finds out you danced with me alone. This is a party cruise, Ella,” he said, motioning around at everyone around them dancing. “It shouldn’t come as such a shocker to him that you did a little dancing.”

  Ella refused to let him upset her. “I do plan on dancing tonight. With my dad.” She shrugged. “I just need to wind down a little first. You guys are way ahead of me,” she said, glancing down at all the empty glasses on the table.

  “Oh, well, we can fix that,” he said quickly.

  He walked away before she could tell him she didn’t want what she’d been drinking yesterday. It was too strong, and the music was too loud to yell out. She turned, beginning to frown but then saw her dad laughing with Margie as they danced. It’d been so long since she seen him laugh that way she had to smile.

  Grayson brought back the same drink as yesterday. Obviously, he’d asked what it was called yesterday, and he’d just assumed she’d be drinking the same thing.

  She took it, thanking him, and sipped slowly. As the hours passed, she got up and danced with her dad and Margie. Of course, Grayson joined them and they ended up dancing together. She was just glad it was all party dance music because there was no way she was letting Grayson touch her.

  The band took a break and Ella’s group did too. Grayson had begun to get on her nerves, and she was getting close to ducking out for the night anyway.

  “Daddy,” she said, bending over so he could hear her. “I’m gonna go for a walk around the deck, but I don’t think I’ll be back. I’m kind of tired.”

  Margie and Meri had gone to the ladies’ room, and Grayson and his cousin were at the bar again. She waved at Drake and asked her dad to explain to everyone she’d gone back to her room. He offered to walk her back, but she told him she’d be fine and besides she wanted to go for that walk first.

  Ella hadn’t gotten very far when she heard Grayson call out to her. She turned to see him rushing to her, holding another one of the foo-foo drinks she’d probably had too many of already. Every time she’d turned around he’d bought her another. She tried to tell him she didn’t want that kind anymore, but the music had been loud the whole time. So when she’d leaned in to tell him, he’d totally gotten up close to her, and she pulled away quickly, deciding it wasn’t worth it.

  “I didn’t know you were leaving. I got you another one.”

  He held it out to her. The music they were playing while the band took a break was just as loud, and she didn’t want to give Grayson reason to try and lean into her if she said anything longer than thank you. So she took it and thanked him.

  “You’re really going back to your room?” he asked loudly.

  She nodded. “After I take a walk, yes.”

  “I was hoping we could talk.”

  She wanted to just say flat-out no, but he’d just bought her a drink, and he’d been buying all night. He’d even bought her dad a few. Ella knew the drinks weren’t cheap either. It was the least she could do after he’d set all this up even if he had been sneaky about the whole thing. She did have a few minutes before Felix called.

  Motioning to the outer deck that would be less noisy, she nodded. As soon as they were outside where she could definitely hear him and they could talk without her having to yell, he began. “Look, I know I’ve had a little to drink tonight, but what I wanna say to you right now isn’t anything I haven’t been thinking about for a while.” He stopped and took a sip of his beer. “I know you said things are going well between you and Felix, but do you honestly believe it’s gonna last?”

  “Don’t start, Grayson,” she said and began to walk. If she’d known this was what he wanted to talk about, she would’ve never agreed.

  Grayson walked alongside her. “I’m not trying to make you feel bad, babe—”

  “Don’t call me that, please.”

  “Okay, Ella. I know better than anyone that you’re good enough to date a big star like him. In fact, I think you’re too good for him, but that’s beside the point.” She shook her head, rolling her eyes. “I just don’t think he’s smart enough to see it, and I’m sincerely worried you’re gonna get hurt.”

  “You know nothing about him, Grayson, except what you’ve read.” She continued to walk without looking at him. “Most of the stuff is made up, and he’s explained all the other stuff. Not just made excuses either. He realizes he’s made mistakes and he’s learned from his.??
? Now she turned to look at him because she wanted to be sure she made this clear. “And I believe him.”

  “His rap sheet is not made up, and what about his publicist coming up and staying with him overnight Thursday? Did you know about that?”

  “Yes, I did,” she said, and she’d known that would surprise him.

  Grayson seemed stunned for a moment but then quickly added. “And you’re okay with that?” He shook his head, looking completely exasperated. “I know I said I was going to respect your choice, but I can’t stand it! You see what he’s doing to you already? It’s rumored they have more than just a business relationship, you know. He’s been seen checking into hotels with her.”

  That hit a nerve, just as she knew he’d meant to, but she’d die before she’d let on. Without a flinch, she shrugged. “He’s a huge celebrity. Stories about him sell lots of papers and get big ratings. There are a ton of rumors about him out there. I’ll decide which I believe and which I won’t.” She was getting as irritated by this conversation as he was.

  “Ella, babe—” He caught himself and exhaled loudly, confirming he was frustrated. “Be reasonable. You just said it yourself. He’s a huge celebrity. He’ll never settle for one girl. You know this. Are you seriously gonna be one of those girlfriends who turn a blind eye? I’m at a loss here. I really am. This is so not like you. Don’t you see what’s happening? This thing with you is all a game to him—”

  “He’s not the one playing games or being deceitful,” she said a bit louder because she was definitely pissed now.

  “What does that mean?” he asked, raising his voice as well. “I’ve never played games with you!”

  “You really think that I’m buying that your being here wasn’t all planned? That your room being right next to mine was just an incredible coincidence?”

  “It wasn’t planned, and the rooms my cousin had were all together. His room is on the other side of mine, but I didn’t plan it that way.”

  “Oh please!” Ella stopped to face him because she was ending this discussion right now. She would not let him get to her. “No wonder you think me naïve enough to open my heart to someone like Felix Sanchez without thinking it through first. You really think I’m falling for your bullshit, don’t you? You brought Margie, a single woman my dad’s age who loves the Dodgers just like him, to keep him busy so you could have time alone with me. All this was—”