Read Feral Heat Page 13

Another wolf ran out of the darkness and straight to Deni—Ellison, large and gray, his wolf’s eyes meeting hers. Ellison showed sorrow but also anger.

  What the hell are you doing here? his body language said. What part of ‘don’t you dare come out here’ didn’t you understand?

  Where’s Jace? Deni snapped back, stopping herself from throwing herself at him and howling in anguish.

  Don’t know. Lost his scent.

  Deni growled and rushed past him. She heard Ellison snarl a curse behind her and follow.

  Deni dashed into the firelight, earning a startled look from the Shifters there. Sean, sword on his back, started to step in front of her, but Deni ran around him to Tiger. You’re supposed to be so good at search and rescue, she growled up at Tiger. Where is he? Deni glared at him, willing him to understand, but she was a wolf, and he a tiger, and who knew what got through?

  Tiger watched her, his brows furrowed over his golden eyes. “You have to find him,” he said.

  Why haven’t you?

  Tiger kept staring at her. “You have to.”

  “Tiger, a little help here,” Ronan called to him.

  Tiger locked gazes with Deni a beat longer then he turned away to where Ronan was doing something near the burning debris, Deni had no idea what. Deni growled in frustration and ran from the firelight, searching the perimeter of the crash site for Jace’s scent.

  She picked it up a little way beyond the wreck, when the wind blew the smoke from her face—Jace, loud and clear. She started off after him.

  Already tried that, came Ellison’s growl. Lost it pretty quick.

  Deni wasn’t listening. Each species of Shifter had an advantage over the others. Felines could see brilliantly in the dark, and they were fast. Bears had great strength and also stamina, probably because they slept so much, Deni had always privately thought.

  But wolves beat both bears and Felines in the ability to follow scent. No Shifter could outdo a Lupine on a scent trail. A wolf’s second prowess was communication. Wolves howled from hill to hill, passing information, warning, claiming territory. Their nonverbal skills were the best of any Shifter.

  Right now, Deni needed only scent. Let Ellison howl at her—she had a mate to find.

  She lost Jace’s trail fairly soon, as Ellison had warned her, near another oil well, this one capped. The metallic stench of old oil and rusting machinery cancelled out the warmer scent of Shifter, and Deni sat down on her haunches, bereft.

  Jace had come this way, though, that was certain. Whether he’d doubled back, or was lying hurt somewhere, Deni couldn’t tell.

  But Jace was her mate. They shared the mate bond—no doubt about it. Deni felt it inside her, its warmth around her heart, filling her with strength.

  Deni’s accident had robbed her of most of her confidence. She’d gone through episodes where she’d forgotten who she was and didn’t know anyone around her—she’d attacked Ellison, and she’d turned on her friends and sometimes her own cubs. Terrified of hurting those she loved, she’d locked herself into a tiny world, where she went out little, and kept herself from fighting, or even enjoying herself too much. She’d not been able to ride a motorcycle, even behind someone else, as she’d explained to Jace, after she’d been run down, growing terrified even at the thought. Seeing the dangerous man who’d hurt her die had helped her begin to find closure, but the lingering fears died hard.

  The loss of control—the feral rising up in her and taking over—bothered her the most. But in this place, in the darkness, Deni realized that the only way she would find her mate would be to surrender to the beast inside her.

  She moved away from the oil well, then sat down and closed her eyes. Deni drew long breaths, scenting past the barrier of the oil and the fire, searching the night.

  She remembered what had gone through her when she’d seen Broderick attack Jace at the fight club. She hadn’t known Jace was her mate then, but something in Deni had made her attack Broderick, to fight alongside Jace and protect him.

  Deni brought to life the rage that had washed over her then, remembering the feel and taste of it. She let go of all rational thought, and let the beast come.

  Her Collar sparked once, but her coherence left her, and instinct took over.

  The wolf put her head down and sniffed the ground, walking at first, then moving faster. She crisscrossed back and forth over open earth and then down a rocky wash.

  She found nothing, but Deni’s wolf wouldn’t let her grow frustrated. Tracking by scent took patience and time. She climbed up the other side of the wash, continuing to hunt, covering every inch of ground she could. She moved farther and farther from the wreck, leaving the other Shifters far behind. Still she found nothing. Either Jace had left some other way than his own feet, or he’d hidden himself well.

  Deni sat down in the darkness, hearing the slither of snakes in the dried grass, they giving her a wide berth. She could scent nothing but the night now—the grains of dust on the wind, the coolness of water far away, the wild dryness of Texas, unchanged for centuries. No wildcats, except those at the wreck behind her, no Shifters at all.

  Maybe scent wasn’t what she should be following, the dim thought came. Deni contemplated that in her quiet wolf way, then she closed her eyes, wrapped herself around the mate bond, and sent it outward.

  There. An answering tug, far to the west and south of where she stood. Jace was there. False scents could be laid, and scents could be covered, but nothing could disguise the almost painful tug of the mate bond.

  Deni loped back the way she’d come, across the wash, and started running, drawn to Jace with surety.

  She heard Ellison howl in frustration somewhere behind her. He’d lost her scent and couldn’t find her in the darkness. No matter. Deni would find her mate and bring him home, and all would be well.

  * * *

  Jace sensed her coming. The snow leopard stopped in midrun, pulled up short as though someone had snapped a tether on him and yanked him to a halt.

  He’d been running, putting as much distance between himself and the wreck as he possibly could. Whoever found him—Shifter or human—would want to drag him back to captivity, Collars, and rules. Shifters taming themselves, Jace was realizing, didn’t mean safety. It meant submission.

  But his mate was coming.

  Jace stopped on a little rise, a rare thing in this flat world. He sat down, panting, wrapping his cat tail around him as he waited for her.

  Deni raced out of the dry grasses, her body a streak of gray under the moonlight. She came fast, running up the rise, not stopping. She let out a joyful yip and barreled into Jace so hard they rolled together down the other side of the little hill and ended up in a heap on the bottom.

  Deni shifted into her human form, naked, her body outlined by starlight. Tears streaked her face.

  “I found you.” She wrapped her arms around Jace’s leopard, who huffed and nuzzled her. “I found you.”

  Jace licked her face, tasting her tears, and Deni laughed as his rough tongue nearly pushed her over. Come with me, my love, Jace urged. Into the wild, where we belong.

  Deni pulled back, studying him. “Are you all right? It looks like they’re taking Marlo to a hospital. You should get looked at too.”

  For answer, Jace jumped on her, knocking her to the ground. Deni’s mouth curved to laughter as she held an armful of fur. “Seriously, Jace. I was worried about you. Everyone is. I thought you were dead.”

  The tears returned. Jace licked them away again, this time being gentle.

  “I was so scared for you that I jumped on my motorcycle and rode away without realizing it. Did you hear me? I rode. My motorcycle. By myself. And I wasn’t afraid!”

  Jace licked her again. I’m glad, my heart. You are healing.

  “Ride back with me. That will be even better.”

  Nope. Not going back.

  “Jace.” Deni stroked his head, and Jace wanted to purr. “I don’t speak Feline very well. Change and tal
k to me.”

  Jace didn’t want to change. He’d stay cat, she’d stay wolf, and they’d make a den somewhere. They were smart enough to hunt and evade hunters, and to teach their cubs to do the same. He loved her scent, which was stirring his mating frenzy.

  “What’s wrong?” Deni asked him, stroking him again. “I let go of my biggest fear just now—losing control of myself—to let my wolf take over so I could find you. And you know what? I’m fine. Look.” She spread her arms. “I didn’t go feral. I found you, and I didn’t lose myself. I don’t have to be afraid anymore.” She held Jace again, his mate strong and warm. “The crash must have been horrible. But don’t lose yourself, Jace. Please. Come back to me.”

  There was nothing wrong with Jace. He was free, and Collarless. But it was dark and Deni hadn’t touched his neck. She didn’t understand yet.

  “Please, Jace. I need you.”

  Tears trickled from her eyes again, tugging Jace out of his animal focus. He shifted, not as smoothly as he usually did, but jerking and groaning with the pain of it. His cat did not want to let go.

  “It came off,” Jace said, the words bearing a Feline growl. “Look. The Collar. Gone.”

  He took Deni’s hand and put it to his neck.

  Deni’s eyes widened. She brushed Jace’s bare neck, which didn’t hurt at all, skimming her fingers around to his throat. “What happened?”

  “Don’t know. Was out of the wreck before I realized. Maybe the fire. Maybe it takes intense heat to melt them off.”

  Jace touched Deni’s face, his need for her kicking him hard. Deni moved to his touch, then she grabbed his hand and stared at it. “What is that?”

  Jace glanced at his palm. It still hurt, and now he saw why. His palm was burned but crossed by a gold streak, which he realized was Deni’s bracelet. The slender gold band had been fused into his skin.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Hurts,” Jace said. And itched too.

  Deni kissed his palm, her lips cool. “I can see that. What happened?”

  “It must have heated and melted,” Jace said. “Sorry, Den. I promised I’d bring it back to you.”

  “You did.” Deni touched his face and gave him a smile that tightened the bond around his heart. “Let’s go home.”

  “We are home.” Deni was under him, her body soft, her scent and warmth making him forget pain. “Stay here with me.”

  She looked worried again. “We need to go back. You have friends and family who love you, and they’re afraid for you.”

  Jace nuzzled her. “But I’m free of everything. I’m done with being used, hurt, experimented on. I’m finished being easygoing Jace, in the background. I have my mate, my life. I have you.”

  Deni’s expression softened. “Yes.”

  The mating frenzy was kicking in with her too; Jace saw it in her eyes. Her fingers were hot as she brushed his face, finding his hurts.

  The touch of the mate healed. Jace closed his eyes and knew his wounds were closing, his burns easing, his Shifter metabolism helped by the gentle caress of his true mate.

  “Jace, stay with me.”

  Jace opened his eyes, realizing he’d started to revert to his leopard. He forced himself into human shape again. He needed to stay human right now, because he wanted to have her.

  He growled low in his throat. Deni recognized the sound, her eyes becoming darker, filled with need. She ran her hands up his back and to his neck.

  Jace knew that once he started kissing her, he’d not be able to stop, and he didn’t care. He slanted his mouth over hers, tasting her heat, her frenzy. It built and grew, calling to his own frenzy, which answered.

  The kisses turned fierce. Jace bit down on Deni’s lower lip, eliciting a gasp from her but also laughter. She arched against him while she laughed, her body moving in wonderful ways.

  Jace held her down with a strong hand and entered her. As he slid inside, his world changed.

  The selfish wildness that had infused him when he’d realized he’d lost the Collar whirled into one tight focus. Deni. She alone mattered. He wanted to be with her—forever—and nowhere else. Even if he had to return to Shiftertown with her, to still be a captive, it didn’t matter anymore. Jace would find a way to be with her, he vowed this. And with Deni, he’d always be free.

  He fit into her as though she’d been made for him. Jace kissed her lips, her face, her lips again as he drew back then stroked inside her even deeper.

  Deni sucked in her breath and then she smiled, her eyes darkening in pleasure. She touched his cheek as she liked to, her fingertips a soft counterpart to the crazed need inside him.

  Jace rocked into her, her body squeezing down on him and turning him wild. Raw need flooded him, relieved only by the wonderful feeling of thrusting into her. Stroke after stroke, loving her, cradling her body with one arm so the hard dirt wouldn’t cut into her.

  “My mate,” he whispered. “I saw you, and never wanted to be without you.”

  Deni shook her head, fingers threading through his hair. “Jace.”

  “Be mine,” Jace said. “Say it. Always mine.”

  Deni smiled. “Mine.”

  He returned the smile, his fierce. “Forever.”


  The word turned into a groan. Deni’s grip bit into his shoulders, and she held him while she shuddered and cried his name, her thrusts meeting his. Jace bent his head and nipped her neck, tasting the metallic tang of her Collar.

  He’d have it off her—he’d figure out how. And she’d be free, with him. The pain would be gone, and Deni would heal. He’d be with her, next to her, helping her all the way.


  Deni’s groan filled him with frenzy. His thrusts grew faster, his growls deeper. He’d go to ground with her, and they’d do this all day long and into the night. She’d smile at him, beautiful and sensual, and wrap her arms around him, wanting to do it again.

  “Deni. Goddess.” Jace lost his seed into her, pumping his hips while she laughed to the stars.

  Jace raised his head, his body slick with sweat, and kissed her lips, her mouth hot with afterglow. “I love you,” he said, his heart in every word.

  “I love you too, Jace. Always my mate.”

  Jace was still hard, pulsing with need for her. He gave her a feral smile as he thrust into her again, beginning the rhythm once more.

  Deni gave him a startled look, and then she laughed. The laughter soon turned to groans, and they gave themselves over to the frenzy, their cries ringing against the millions of bright stars.

  * * *

  Ellison found Jace and Deni where they lay together in the warm Texas night. Of course he did—Deni knew they’d given him plenty of time to find their scent, and they must have been throwing off pheromones like crazy, providing an easy trail to follow.

  Ellison came trotting up as his wolf, then shifted to human and groaned. “Not again. I swear, I can’t come near you two without finding you tangled together.” His voice held relief though, even rejoicing.

  Jace helped Deni to her feet and put her behind his warm body, but when he faced Ellison, he wasn’t defensive and angry—he showed his open hands, a posture of peace.

  “Congratulate us, Ellison,” Jace rumbled. “I’m mate-claiming your sister, Deni Rowe, under the light of the moon, the Goddess, and in front of a witness—you. I plan to ask Liam or my dad to perform the mating rituals as soon as they can.”

  Ellison stopped, moonlight gleaming on his light hair and wolf-gray eyes. He was Deni’s alpha, the leader of her small pack, but answering the mate-claim was Deni’s choice. “You good with that, Den?” Ellison asked, his voice going soft.

  “Yeah.” Deni slid her arms around Jace from behind, loving the tall solidness of his body, his warm scent, the feel of his skin as she kissed his shoulder. “I’m good with that. I accept the mate-claim. Jace?” She heard the shaking in her voice. “You ready to go home? To my home I mean—it’s closer right now. We can call your dad fr
om there. I be he’s worried sick.”

  Deni held her breath, waiting for Jace to want to return to the leopard, to insist Deni come with him into the wild, or leave on his own if she wouldn’t. He wore no Collar now—there was nothing to stop him.

  Even so, life in the wild was dangerous. Jace could be found, hunted, killed. And he could still go feral—Shifters who lived on their own, letting their beasts take over, often did go feral. The Shifters Ellison’s mate, Maria, had been rescued from had refused to take Collars, hidden out, and become feral and cruel. Collars, for their pain, and the Shifter laws, for their restrictions, at least worked to help keep Shifters sane.

  Jace turned in Deni’s arms and looked down at her, his face in shadow. Ellison waited behind him, tense, uncertain.

  Deni’s heart ached, both with the bond and with worry. Jace looked better, his burns pale streaks in the moonlight. He looked stronger too, and more at ease, any uncertainty he might have felt for his place in the world gone.

  Then he smiled. Every bit of love was in the smile, every bit of tenderness. He brushed back a lock of Deni’s hair, his fingers warm.

  “We’ll want to tell your cubs you accepted my mate-claim,” Jace said. “So yeah. Let’s go home.”

  * * *

  A Shifter meeting was called in Liam’s house the next day, after Jace and Deni had rested from the long drive back to Austin—well, Deni remembered with a blush—they’d done more than just rest. The meeting included Eric Warden, Jace’s father.

  Deni’s heart squeezed as Eric strode across the house to meet Jace when he came in, father enfolding son in a long, hard embrace. Eric’s mate, Iona, who was heavy with Eric’s child, also hugged Jace, wiping away her tears when she released him.

  Jace reached for Deni, who’d hung back from the family greeting, and pulled her forward. “You remember Deni Rowe, Ellison’s sister.”

  Eric understood their connection as soon as he looked at Deni, and Iona caught on a second later. Eric gazed at Deni with eyes the same color as his son’s, then he put his big arms around Deni and pulled her into an embrace equally as tight as the one he’d shared with Jace.