Read Feral Sins Page 31

“It felt like someone grabbed my ankle.”

  “There was no one there when I got there.”

  “Someone grabbed my ankle,” she said with more conviction. “They grabbed it, and they pulled it to make me fall. Then I was being dragged down the steps.” She lifted her hands and stared at the burning abrasions on her palms. If the same burning and tingling coming from her elbows and knees were anything to go by, she had similar abrasions there.

  “That’s probably just from when you placed your hands out to break your fall.”

  Dante took a closer look and shook his head. “No, those are scrapes…You can see where the skin was peeling like her hands were dragging along the floor.”

  “Okay, well maybe she slipped down a few steps.”

  “I didn’t slip.”

  Not liking what this could mean, Trey shook his head. He didn’t want to believe it. “Baby…No one here would hurt you.”

  Her brow arched. “Oh really?”

  “Spray painting your car is one thing -”

  “What about LJ?”


  “The raven. Someone killed him and hung him upside down outside my window. That someone is not balanced.”

  Dante winced. “Yeah, that was some sick shit.”

  “Killing a bird and trying to seriously hurt you are two very different things.” He kissed the uninjured side of her forehead and scanned the room for Rhett, intending to tell him to go ask Grace to make Taryn a coffee. That was when he noticed Ryan. “Ryan, what’re doing over here? Have you left the gate unguarded?”

  He frowned. “I’m not on guard duty this morning.”

  “You’re not?”


  “Tao is the one on duty,” Trick informed him.

  Trey’s frown now matched Ryan’s. “Brock said you’ve been trying to call me from the security shack.”

  “I haven’t tried calling you at all.”

  An uneasy feeling came over Trey. “Where’s Brock?” Looking confused and defensive, the guy stepped forward. “Why did you say Ryan wanted to talk to me?”

  Brock double-blinked. “I didn’t. I haven’t spoken to you all morning.”

  “But you sent a message to my cell phone.”


  “Where is it?” demanded Dante. “Where’s your cell?”

  Brock dug his hand into his empty pockets and shrugged. “I must have left it in my room or in the kitchen.”

  “Well that’s convenient.” Dante marched out of the room with Marcus and Trick on his heels.

  Trey switched his attention back to Taryn. Suspicion was written all over her face. “They pledged their loyalty to you,” he reminded her, or maybe himself.

  “Not all of them.”

  She was right, and he knew Selma and Kirk disliked her enough to hurt her, he just didn’t believe for one minute that they had the guts to do it. Not only would they be very much aware that there was a strong chance Taryn would kick their ass, but they would then be branded traitors and exiled. Selma and Kirk didn’t have the nerve to take that kind of risk – which was partly why they acted so big and bad. As for Hope…he suspected that the only reason she hadn’t offered her loyalty to Taryn was because she was following Selma’s lead, just like always.

  Dante’s re-entry brought him out of his thoughts. “You have the phone?”

  His Beta nodded. “The message is right there.”

  Brock spluttered. “What do you mean the message is there? I didn’t send him any message, dammit.”

  “Well it’s right there in your Sent box,” said Dominic.

  Brock snatched the phone, read the message and his face reddened. “Then someone else must have sent it. I didn’t. Why would I? Why would anyone even lie to you about Ryan wanting to talk to you?”

  “Maybe you wanted Trey out of the way so you had a chance to snatch Taryn. You would have known that he would feel her panic and help her…unless he was far enough away that he wouldn’t reach her in time. Just what were you planning to do with her? Or to her?”

  “I didn’t send that message!”

  “If my dad says he didn’t do it, then he didn’t do it,” said Kirk as he stood beside him, folding his arms across his chest. “I’m not disputing that someone tried to pull you away from Taryn,” he told Trey. “But whoever it was used my dad’s phone, most likely to implicate him and shift the blame. It wasn’t him.”

  Taryn groaned. “I can’t deal with all this yelling.”

  “Come on, baby.” Trey rose with her in his arms and carried her out of the room, through the tunnels and into their bedroom. He placed her gently on the bed and lay down next to her.

  “Now do you believe me?” She sighed when he didn’t answer. “I don’t care what you say, someone grabbed me. If you don’t want to face the fact that someone in your pack – the people you’ve grown up with – could do that, then I can understand that. I really can. But it doesn’t change that I’m right. Like it or not, you have someone in your pack who would willingly hurt your mate, because I’m not lying.”

  Angry with himself for hurting her, he stroked a hand through her hair. “Hey I never thought you were lying, baby. Not that. Just that maybe you tripped.”

  “Oh I tripped. With help.”


  Okay so there was being possessive, there was being crazily possessive, and there was this: being a total shithead. Taryn groaned and slapped her hands over her face. All she wanted was to go shopping with Lydia. It wasn’t like she was planning to go shopping on a whole other continent or that she would be walking around naked the entire time. Trey, however, was totally opposed to the idea of her going without him.

  When attempting to bully her into taking him along hadn’t worked, he had switched to trying to manipulate her with a little reverse psychology. When that failed he introduced some seriously good bribes. As she had still refused, he was now trying his hand at emotional blackmail.

  Releasing her face she looked at her mate who sat at the kitchen table wearing a kicked puppy expression. “For God’s sake, Trey, I’ll only be gone a few hours. I’m pretty sure you’ll cope without me.”

  “Yeah, but I like being with you.”

  That should have sounded corny or pathetic, but it had managed to sound sweet and cutely protective. Oh he was so good at this. She had learned over the past few weeks that although Trey was mostly hard and antisocial, when he really wanted something he was more than capable of a little charm. He had a way of focusing totally on her in a manner that she would have expected to freak her out, but instead it made her feel adored and safe.

  What made it better for Taryn was that he was completely unashamed of how much he liked having her near him all the time. He didn’t hold back – except in a sexual sense – in front of other people. Maybe that was why they didn’t make fun of him for it. Maybe his complete conviction that it was normal, reasonable, and his right to act that way rubbed off on others so that they too saw it as natural and expected.

  They didn’t even poke fun at him when he agreed to let Taryn take him places he otherwise would never have bothered his ass with like the beach, the cinema, the bowling alley and even an ice-ring. “You can be with me as much as you want when I get back.”

  “Why is it you’re so set on me not going?”

  Because it was his birthday in a few days and she wanted to get him a decent gift as a surprise, but he didn’t have to know that. Just as he didn’t have to know that they were all planning a surprise party or he would probably hide. According to Dante, Trey didn’t like to celebrate his birthday – something about him not liking that kind of attention. Well that was just tough shit, it was time for him to stop being so serious. “You already know that it was Lydia who organized the trip. How can I justify taking you along when she won’t even let Cam come along? Besides, you hate shopping.”

  “No I don’t.”

  “It’s not like we’re only visiting one store. There’s going
to be a lot of browsing around shoe stores and boutiques and going bag hunting in the mall. You wouldn’t last five minutes in that jungle.”

  “Hey, I wear clothes, I’ve seen women’s’ clothes, I’m pretty sure I could cope in a mall.”

  “Trey, let me cast your mind back to the time when as a punishment for being a bastard I took you to Victoria’s Secret and tried on a load of lingerie for you but then never bought any.” His pained expression made her smile. “You remember how you were sweating and huffing and puffing and asking how long before we could go home?”

  “That was because you’d just made me watch you model all kinds of kinky shit, got me hard as a rock, and then expected me to walk without being in agony.”

  “No, Trey, that was before we even got into the store. You’re not cut out for this sort of thing. Leave it to the experts.”

  Taking her by the wrist, Trey pulled her onto his lap to straddle him. It probably wasn’t a good idea since that position sparked off some really dirty thoughts and quickly his cock began to harden. Then again, when was it ever limp when Taryn was around? The fact that she soon wouldn’t be around – even if it would only be for a few hours – was enough to cause his surge of lust to wane and to perturb his wolf.

  When she was there he was content and relaxed in a way he had never been before. She made him laugh and gave him a feeling of being anchored, of having perfect equilibrium. When she wasn’t there he missed her and didn’t think about much but her anyway, so he didn’t see the logic in her not being with him. It was really that simple to him.

  Of course he was aware of just how possessive and greedy he was being, but he also knew that Taryn would never let him steamroll her. If she thought he was taking it too far, she would let him know about it in a way that would make him seriously hesitate doing it in future. Brushing his lips against hers, he asked, “Is it really so bad that I just want to spend time with you?”

  “That’s not going to work, Trey. Especially since I know that this isn’t only about you wanting the pleasure of my company.”

  “Okay, I’ll rephrase. Is it really so bad that I just want to spend time with you and have you in my sight at all times?”

  Taryn sighed. As they were mates with an incomplete bond, no it wasn’t bad, it was normal. For wolves that hadn’t completely bonded, the possessiveness and protectiveness hit extreme levels because there was a lingering insecurity for both of them. Had it only been that, Taryn could have easily waved away his behavior. The problem was she knew from their connection that he wasn’t dishing out bullshit. He did like being with her, he did want to spend time her…and now he was kissing her neck. “Trey -”

  “Is it really that bad?” he prodded gently.

  “No, but -”

  “Is it really so awful that I like having you close so I can reach out and touch you whenever I want? Play with your hair, feel your skin, taste your lips, inhale your scent. Is it really so awful?” He briefly paused kissing her neck to lick over his mark.

  “Not awful,” she replied breathlessly, shuddering, “but -”

  “It makes perfect sense for me to come and – ow! Son of a bitch!”

  Regaining her mental composure, Taryn jumped to her feet, frowning down at her mate who was rubbing the sensitive tip of his ear where she had bit him hard. “That was for trying to manipulate me again.”

  As Lydia and Cam entered and took in her frown and Trey’s face creased in pain, Lydia arched a brow. “Have we walked in on a domestic argument?”

  “Trey’s just sulking because I’m not taking him shopping.”

  Cam scratched his nape. “You know what I don’t get? How women can spend the majority of their lives in shopping malls but still say they have nothing to wear.”

  Lydia snorted. “You know what I don’t get? How men can spend the majority of their lives playing sports where they’re being trampled on and listening to noisy mobs yet they’re put off by shopping when it’s no different.” Both males tilted their heads, conceding that.

  “At least let me give you some -”

  Holding up her hand, she said, “No, Trey, I have my own money.”

  He curled an arm around her waist and drew her close. “But I know you don’t want to touch that fund.”

  Combing her fingers through his hair, she smiled. “Back then I didn’t. Things were different then. Our mating was only about a deal.” She adored him for being so sensitive about it.

  Rhett walked in and looked from her to Trey. “You asked her yet?”

  “I nearly forgot. Don sent me a message over the pack web.” He smiled at her low growl. “It wasn’t to dish out more insults. He was apologizing for his ‘despicable behavior’ at the mating ceremony. He wants to come visit and apologize in person.”

  Taryn huffed. “I hope you told him you’d rather cram your cock in the ass of a bear with inflamed haemorrhoids than ever be in his company again.”

  He chuckled. “I figured I’d talk to you about it. He’s a prick, but he’s still your uncle. I want you to have people from your family in your life.”

  “No you don’t.” She could feel that what he really wanted was to be the only person she ever needed, wanted to be everything to her. However, as he thought that he should want her to have family in her life he had made the suggestion. “Yeah he’s my uncle, but you’re my mate and he insulted you. Badly. So he can go ride a donkey naked through the desert with snapping turtles attached to his nipples for all I care. Anyway, you’re my family. You and the pack.”

  An intense pang struck Trey’s chest. He tightened his arm around her, barely resisting the urge to take her upstairs and bury himself deep inside her body. Not so he could take her hard and fast, but soft and slow.

  “You might feel that way about your uncle now while you’re still angry with him,” said Lydia, “but you might regret it later if you don’t at least give him a chance.”

  Taryn cursed, hating that Lydia was right. She would feel like she had let down her mom if she didn’t give the woman’s baby brother one more shot. Sighing, she nodded. “Fine. I’ll give him a chance.”

  “He asked in the message if he could come tomorrow afternoon. That too soon?”

  Trey shook his head. Taryn just shrugged.

  “Then I’ll confirm the arrangements.”

  “What arrangement?” asked Dominic as he strolled into the room.

  “Taryn’s uncle Don’s coming to visit tomorrow afternoon,” explained Trey. “Apparently he wants to apologize.”

  What in that sentence sparked Dominic to think of a chat up line, she had no idea, but she could tell by the smirk on his face that one was coming. She shook her head at him. “No, no more!”

  He frowned. “Oh come on, it’s a good one. I suppose it must make you feel uncomfortable since you’re obviously attracted to me.” She snorted. “You’re denying it? Okay then, fine, let’s settle this once and for all. Smile if you want to sleep with me.”

  She tried her hardest to hold back a smile, she really, really did, but there was no way of doing it.” Of course he laughed, smug as all shit. She growled. “You’re a pain in the ass.”

  “Sorry, honey, we’ll use more lubricant next time.” He flinched when Trey smacked him over the head.

  Glancing at the clock on the wall, Taryn saw it was time to go. Having guzzled down the last of her coffee she gave Trey a kiss on his very inactive lips that were stuck in a sulky pout. “A few hours and I’ll be back.” The ass followed her and Lydia to the main door wearing that kicked puppy look. It was clearly one last ditch attempt at making her feel bad. Of course it didn’t work because she didn’t want him there when she bought him a gift. So she smiled, waved and left.

  Well it had been worth a shot, thought Trey, sighing, as he watched Taryn’s car leave pack territory in spite of his efforts – or ploys – to make her take him with her. His wolf wasn’t happy about it and was snarling his disapproval.

  As he turned to go back inside he notice
d Tao stood not far away, staring in the direction Taryn had headed. He didn’t look at her with the same coveting look that he used to wear, as if he had come to accept that she was unobtainable. He now looked at her the way the others did. Like she was truly his Alpha female – someone that although he revered, respected, prized, trusted and looked to when in need of something, he regarded her as being of senior rank and his co-leader. However, there was something that was still irritating Trey and he thought it was about time that he addressed it.

  Slowly Trey strode toward him, noticing how Tao stiffened as he sensed his approach, but he didn’t look at him. A month ago Trey’s irritation would have been due to Tao’s attraction to Taryn, but even though he still wanted to kick the shit out of Tao for it, his main problem with Tao now was that he was still distant with Taryn and it troubled her.