Read Fever Page 21

far. He seemed very in tune with her limits and he’d exhibited extreme patience while working up to this point. She trusted him.

“Going to fuck that sweet ass,” he murmured close to her ear. “Been dreaming about it. You’re in a perfect position. Legs spread. On your belly. Helpless. Not a damn thing you can do. Going to come all over your ass. Inside, outside. I’ll be in you so deep you’ll feel me in your belly.”

A full-body shiver worked its way from her shoulders to her feet. Chill bumps broke out and raced across her skin until every part of her tingled with awareness.

He lifted himself off her again and left her only to return a few seconds later. Something warm dribbled over the crack of her ass. Then he spread her cheeks and squeezed more over her opening. His fingers glided over the area, spreading the lubricant, pausing over her entrance before pressing inward.

One finger slipped easily past the barrier, coating the opening and just inside. Then he added more lubricant and gently pushed another finger, stretching her to accommodate both digits.

She moaned softly, the burn in her ass edgy and sharp. Not unlike the crop. Both pleasurable. Just in different ways.

“I should spend more time preparing you,” he said in a strained voice. “But I can’t. Want you too badly. I need you to relax and work with me, baby. I’ll try to go slow.”

His fingers withdrew and then he added more lubricant, smoothing it around the opening. Then the blunt head of his cock pressed against the entrance. Pressure built as her body resisted, refusing him entrance.

A low growl sounded in his throat. She shivered again, aroused, on fire, burning. Just for him.

“Let me in, baby. Relax. Don’t fight it.”

She sucked in her breath and let it out in a long exhale as she tried to force herself to do as he’d commanded. She let out a whimper as he pushed relentlessly forward, opening her body to his advance. She clamped her mouth shut, worried he’d stop. But he didn’t. He seemed too far gone to heed any sign of distress from her.

He continued to exert steady pressure, pushing, pushing, until finally her body gave way and he sank halfway in. His hands tightened at her waist, his fingers flexing spasmodically.

“God, baby,” he groaned.

He pulled back, his cock dragging over super-sensitized, distended flesh. Withdrawal was potent, extremely pleasurable, the relief enormous. But then he pushed forward again and her body’s natural resistance to the invasion kicked in, making it difficult and painful as he pressed in all the way to his balls.

“Fuck me,” he said in a strangled voice. “Take me whole. Goddamn, Bethany. What you do to me.”

He dragged himself back, slowly retreating, her opening quivering around him. He nearly left her, only leaving the head of his penis tucked inside her opening. He waited for the opening to close, fitting snugly around his cock head, and then he ruthlessly opened her again, thrusting forward, his strength overcoming her resistance.

Her mouth opened in a silent scream. Her breaths rushed from her nostrils and then, not able to suck in enough air through her nose, she gave up and gulped in mouthfuls, her chest heaving against the mattress as she fought the bombardment of divergent sensations.

Pain. Pleasure. Fear. Arousal. Powerlessness. Strength. Unrelenting pleasure.



His possession.

“I’ll take care of you afterward,” he murmured as he leaned forward, his cock stroking through her distended opening. “This is for me.”

And then he began to pound against her ass, his thighs slapping against her cheeks, each thrust sending a shockwave through her body. He palmed her cheeks, pushing upward to make her ass more accessible. The movement stretched the opening around his cock tighter and he let out a low moan.

He levered himself up and over her, positioning all his weight so he was atop her fully. Blanketing her. Covering every inch of her back as his hips worked in and out, driving deeply into her ass.

His teeth grazed her shoulder. His hands reached over her head to find hers, cupped his palms over the wrists that were bound and he gripped her tight as he continued to hump himself over her body.

Hot spurts of semen exploded into her ass. He continued thrusting, each forward motion depositing more of his release deep into her body. On and on, in a seemingly never-ending stream, he pumped more into her until finally he collapsed against her, his body heaving with exertion.

His cock was wedged inside her ass and twitched with the last vestiges of his release. Some of the semen had worked its way out of her ass with the forceful thrusts and was sliding warmly between her legs.

He lay there a long while, still inside her, as his breaths calmed and he quieted above her. He kissed her shoulder and then smoothed his hands down her arms and then down her sides.

“So beautiful,” he whispered. “And mine. You’re mine, Bethany. You belong to me. Only to me.”

She wasn’t going to argue. She was perfectly content to be his for as long as he wanted her. And she tried not to dwell on how short a time that might be.

chapter twenty-seven

Jace rose quietly from bed, careful not to wake Bethany. She was sleeping soundly. She hadn’t stirred since he’d untied her and carried her into the bathroom to bathe and pamper her before putting her to bed. The moment her head had hit the pillow, she’d fallen asleep. Which was good because in order for him to pull off his Christmas morning surprise, he’d definitely needed her oblivious.

It had gutted him to hear she’d never had a Christmas tree, but what hurt him the most was that he hadn’t put up a tree in their apartment. Their home. He hadn’t even put one up for her in the other apartment she spent time in. Trees had been something he’d always done without fail for Mia when she was growing up. He’d taken her to see the lighting of the tree at Rockefeller Center. But when she’d gotten older and they had separate residences, he’d never bothered putting up a tree. It hadn’t made any sense when it was just him, and so he hadn’t even thought about putting up a tree for Bethany.

After they’d gotten home, and Bethany had fallen asleep after they’d made love, he’d made a few emergency calls and Gabe, Mia and Ash had come over with an artificial tree and ornaments and they’d quietly decorated it in the living room. Jace had left the lights twinkling so that Bethany would see them when she went into the living room the next morning. He couldn’t wait to see her face. Moreover, he’d make damn sure she never went without a tree again.

He went to his dresser and opened the top drawer, pulling out the small wrapped gift for Bethany. Then he returned to bed, glancing at the window as first light softly illuminated the room.

She was beautiful in the pale light of dawn. Her hair spread out on his pillow, her fingers clutching his sheets. In his bed. Which was where she belonged.

He crawled back into bed, putting the present between them as he propped himself on his elbow, content to watch her while she slept. He could wait. He loved to watch her wake up, her eyes all dreamy and content. Fogged with sleep, a soft smile on her face. It was the way she awakened every morning. As if she were grateful for every moment away from her old life.

It hurt him that she’d ever lived that life. He’d give anything to be able to erase it. But he couldn’t change the past. He could sure as hell change the future though.

After a few moments, no longer able to withstand the temptation, he reached his finger out to trace the soft lines of her face. He followed the curve of her cheekbone, enjoying the satiny skin.

Her eyelashes fluttered and her eyes opened, immediately finding his gaze. Her eyes were soft and oh so sweet, cloudy but welcoming as if she were the most content woman in the world. What man wouldn’t love his woman waking up with that kind of look on her face? Like there was no place on earth she’d rather be.

“Merry Christmas,” he murmured as he leaned down to kiss her.

“Merry Christmas,” she returned.

He pushed the box across the bed so it was right in front of her. “I got you a present. Well, it’s only one of the presents I got you.”

Her eyes widened. “Jace, we agreed no presents.”

She sounded genuinely distressed and Jace’s chest clenched. He put his finger over her lips to hush her.

“No, you agreed no presents. I never made any such agreement,” he said gently.

“But I have nothing to give you,” she said in agitation.

He smiled, his entire heart softening. “After what you gave me last night, you can honestly say that this morning?”

She flushed and dropped her gaze. He wouldn’t allow it, though. He tipped her chin up with his finger, forcing her to look at him again.

“Bethany, you gave me something more precious than I will ever give to you. You gave me your trust. You gave me yourself.”

Her cheeks went pink but pleasure sparked in her eyes.

“Now open this present. I wanted to give this one to you separately.”

She pushed herself upward so she could sit cross-legged in front of the box. She stared down at it as if it would bite her. Then she hesitantly pulled the bow from the top and tore the paper off.

It took two attempts before she managed to open the box and then she pulled out an intricate leather choker with a huge diamond teardrop in the very middle, designed to rest in the hollow of her throat.

He’d spent a lot of time searching for just the right piece of jewelry. It wasn’t just a necklace. Far from it. It was a stamp of his possession. A signal of his ownership. It was a . . . collar. Not that he would tell her that. Later. When she was more comfortable in their relationship. For now, he was content with the knowledge that he knew what it was and that she would wear it.

He’d looked at diamond chokers. He’d looked at beautifully rendered precious stones in an array of decorative patterns. But nothing had stood out as being something that suited Bethany. Until he’d seen the rustic leather design. He’d had the diamond teardrop added because it elevated the leather choker from simple to elegant and expensive. Something more worthy of the woman he considered his.

“Jace, it’s beautiful,” she whispered. “Will you put it on me?”

Even as she spoke, she held out the choker to him and when he took it, she turned, presenting her back to him. She reached back to lift her hair and he arranged it around her neck, securing it in back. It fit perfectly, snug against her slim neck.

When she turned back around, he was able to see the full effect, and it was magnificent. His cock swelled and his body surged to life at seeing his collar around her neck. She was his and now the world would know it.

The leather bands flowed in a delicate pattern, crisscrossing as they made their way around her neck. The diamond dangled in the middle, making the necklace look dainty and delicate. Just like Bethany. It was bloody perfect. She was perfect.

“I want you to always wear it,” he said in a low voice. “Never take it off. Promise me.”

Her eyes widened, but her face was flushed with happiness. “I promise.”

He leaned forward, taking her mouth, plundering it with his tongue until they were both gasping for breath.

“Put on one of my robes so you don’t get cold. I’ll go turn on the fireplace and you can open the rest of your presents.”

Her lips twisted into an unhappy frown. “I wish you hadn’t gotten me presents.”

He grinned. “Tough, baby. You need to get used to the fact that I’m going to spoil you at every opportunity. Getting you Christmas presents is my present. Seeing you happy is the best gift I could ever ask for. Watching you opening the stuff I bought for you will make this the best Christmas I’ve ever had.”

She surprised him by launching herself into his arms. She tackled him and knocked him flat on his back on the bed. She hugged him fiercely, peppering his face with kisses.

“Thank you. You can’t know what this means to me,” she whispered.

He smiled tenderly up at her as he smoothed the hair from her face. “Not as much as you mean to me. That I can guarantee.”

He patted her on the ass and then said, “Now, let’s get up. You have a surprise in the living room.”

She heaved an exaggerated sigh. “Jaaace.” His name came out as a plaintive wail but he only grinned and rolled her off him.

“Come on. It’s Christmas morning. Time to get your ass out of bed so we can celebrate.”

She grinned, her eyes lighting with excitement. Regardless of the fact that she’d been adamant that he not get her presents, there was no way in hell he wasn’t going to make the most of their first Christmas together.

He handed her a robe so she wouldn’t be cold. He didn’t want her dressed because he planned for them to spend the day in bed right after she saw her tree and opened her presents.

Pausing only to pull on pajama bottoms, he tugged at her hand and guided her into the living room.

She came to a full stop when she saw the tree with hundreds of white lights and the presents piled underneath. Tears immediately filled her eyes and her mouth fell open.

She turned to him, her expression one of joy and surprise. “How did you do this? Oh, Jace, it’s beautiful! I love it!”

He tugged her into his arms and kissed her forehead. “Merry Christmas, baby. Now go open your presents.”

She all but ran to the tree like an eager child on Christmas morning. His heart ached to think of her never having this experience, but he was damn glad he could be the one to give it to her.

“They’re so beautiful I don’t want to open them,” she said in a hushed, reverent tone.

He laughed. “The fun is ripping the paper off as fast as you can.”

Needing no further encouragement, she ripped into the packages, exclaiming in delight as she uncovered each one. Her favorite were the shoes. He’d bought her an array of sexy, high-heeled, sparkly shoes. Of all the things she’d loved when he’d first taken her shopping, the shoes had gotten her attention the most. She’d looked at several pairs wistfully and then flinched at the price tags.

Second on her favorites list was the huge basket of gourmet hot chocolate in a variety of flavors, from milk to dark chocolate.

After she’d opened all the gifts, she launched herself into his arms and they ended up on the floor, him flat on his back laughing as she peppered his entire face with kisses again.

He gazed up at her, taking in her beautiful smile and the joy burning bright in her eyes.

“Have to say, this is the best Christmas ever,” he said softly.

“Wait, that’s my line,” she protested. “And how can you say that? I didn’t get you anything!”

He shook his head solemnly. “All I wanted is right here in my arms. You smiling and looking at me like I just handed you the world. There’ll never be a better present than that, baby.”

chapter twenty-eight

Bethany stirred as Jace slipped from underneath the sheets. He leaned down to kiss her forehead and he murmured, “Sleep, baby. I have to go into work today. You can stay here.”

She sat up, pulling the sheets to cover her breasts. It was an absurd notion that she should try to hide herself. She’d spent most of Christmas naked. In Jace’s arms. He’d made love to her until they’d both fallen into an exhausted sleep.

But now she felt self-conscious and a little nervous. Her hand fluttered to the choker he’d given her and she traced the lines of the leather design with her fingertip.

She didn’t feel comfortable staying in Jace’s apartment all day when he wasn’t there. None of her things were here. It was Jace’s place. Definitely a bachelor pad. It looked and smelled all male. And while she didn’t have much, at least the apartment she was staying in looked feminine. She was comfortable there. It was starting to feel like something of her own.

“Actually, I thought I’d go back to my apartment if you’re going in to work,” she said quietly.

He frowned but recovered quickly. “If that’s what you want. I’ll swing by after I finish at the office. We can spend the evening there if you want.”

She nodded. Despite her having her own place, they hadn’t spent a night away from each other since they’d met. In fact, other than the time Jace spent at work, they’d been inseparable.

“If you want, I’ll drop you off on my way to work.”

“I won’t make you late?”

He smiled. “I’m the boss, remember? I can go in whenever the hell I want.”

“Okay. I’d like that.”

“Give me five minutes in the shower and then it’s all yours.”

She watched him walk naked toward the bathroom, all his masculine beauty and rough edges on display. His hair, which was tousled from their endless lovemaking, only made him look all the more delicious.

He paused at the doorway of the bathroom and glanced back, his eyes glittering with fire, almost as if he’d known the direction of her thoughts. Then he grinned, his face transforming. She caught her breath because his smile was extraordinary. He didn’t smile often. He had a darker look about him. Almost always serious. Brooding. But when he smiled, she couldn’t breathe.

She sat up when he disappeared inside the bathroom. He’d left the door open, though. An invitation? She licked her lips, her mouth suddenly dry.

If they showered together, they’d get done in half the time. Or maybe not. Because if she got in with him, they wouldn’t just shower.

Which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing.

No, it would be a very, very good thing.

Throwing aside the sheets, she crawled out of bed, shivering lightly as she left the warmth. Heat that was still present from when he’d been lying in bed with her.

She hesitated a moment, eyeing the bathroom, waiting for the telltale sign of steam from the shower. After a few minutes, she heard the water turn on and she quietly made her way to the door.

His shower was huge. Easily big enough for two. Or even three. Completely glassed in with multiple showerheads, one overhead and two jets mounted on the wall. His outline was visible through the fogged glass and she could see him washing himself, his hands drifting lower and lower . . .

She opened the stall door and stepped inside before she lost her nerve. His eyes came open, his hand circled around his cock. He blinked in surprise, but the surprise quickly turned to molten desire. His eyes went liquid and his hand stroked over the length of his cock.

He went from a semi-flaccid stage to erect and straining in two seconds flat. If there was any doubt in her mind that he’d welcome her into his shower, it fled as his body came to life in front of her eyes.

“That’s my job,” she murmured as she slid her hand over his erection, removing his in the process.

“By all means,” he said.

Water streamed down his back and rolled down his gorgeous body. His hair was soaked and she could see it was longer than she thought it was. With the weight of the water, there was no body to it, no slight unruly curl. It hung past his neck to the tops of his shoulders.

“You’re so beautiful,” she whispered as she moved closer so their bodies touched.

The water hit her, pulling her in, the heat an exquisite temptation.

His body tensed and his eyes grew rougher, darker. His arms came around her, molding their bodies together as she continued to caress him with her hand.

“You’re the beautiful one, Bethany. I never get tired of just looking at you.”

She smiled and rolled up on the balls of her feet so she could kiss him.

“I’ve never had shower sex before,” she said huskily against his mouth.

“Then we most assuredly need to remedy that right away.”

She slid down his body to her knees, water raining down over them. She glanced up to see his gaze locked with hers, and then it drifted to his groin, where she caressed him to further hardness.

As light as a hush, her mouth feathered over the mushroomed head, her tongue flicking out to tease the sensitive underside. Drops of water hit her tongue, filling her mouth as she sucked him deeper.

A tortured groan sounded above the spray of the water. His hands went to her hair, now drenched and plastered to the side of her head. He framed her face with