Read Ffion: Spirit of the Five Stones Page 1


  Book 3: Spirit of the Five Stones

  by Paul Simpson

  Ffion is a re-release of: Tail of a Witch - Book 3

  Copyright © Paul Simpson, 2017 Paul Simpson has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, incidents and dialogues are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead , events or locals is entirely coincidental

  'Ffion' may not be reproduced in whole or part in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system now known or hereafter invented, without written permission from the owner of this material.

  All characters and story in the 'Ffion' are the sole creation of P.Simpson with the exception of Jack who is based in part upon the Irish and Scottish legends of ‘Stingy Jack’ and the origin of the Jack O’ Lantern pumpkin. All other occurrences of Jack here in, including his image are the sole creation of P.Simpson

  All illustrations by: Paul Simpson

  This book is also available in print.

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  Prologue Legend of the 5 stones - 4 years earlier

  Chapter1 The house Jack built (1638AD)

  Chapter2 Present day

  Chapter3 1st Witch / Element of life

  Chapter4 House of webs

  Chapter5 1645 AD – Hell’s Welcome

  Chapter6 2nd Witch / Element of Water

  Chapter7 Resurrection begins

  Chapter8 Up against the odds

  Chapter9 3rd Witch / Element of Air

  Chapter10 4th Witch / Element of Earth

  Chapter11 5th witch / Element of Fire

  Chapter12 Road to hell

  Chapter13 Limbo

  Chapter14 Alive

  Chapter15 Falling to earth

  Epilogue Back to Life

  Book 4 Preview - Ffion: The Dark Lights


  Thanks and Acknowledgements


  There are Characters and incidents referenced in this story that continue from Book 1 and 2 of ‘Ffion'. Although it is not necessary to have read Book 1 and 2 to follow and enjoy the main tale being told, the reasons and actions of characters and events would make more sense after reading them.

  Spirit of the Five Stones – Ffion, Book 3

  by Paul Simpson


  Legend of the five stones (four years earlier)

  It was October 30th and close to midnight. Several hours earlier, two teenagers had been dared by their friends to venture up to the old mansion on the hill. Everyone thought the place could be haunted, some even believed it was, but all agreed it was no place to visit late at night.

  No-one really knew the mansion’s history. Some said it had been built for a rich, eccentric gentleman many years ago, although tragedy had befallen him so he never lived there, leaving the house to rot and decay. Others said that it was built overnight by a cult who used it as a meeting place for their rituals. Either way it no longer mattered, the house was old with a morbid emptiness enough to excite any imagination into believing there was something not quite right with the place.

  The teenagers glanced at one another, peering through the bars of the looming gates which stood guard over all threats to the odd abode, yet they easily opened as the two leaned on it, with a deafening screech of rusty metal.

  “It’s open!” said the boy with surprise.

  “Race you to the attic!” shouted the girl, already well on her way.

  The abandoned attic was cold and damp from the crisp autumn air. The moonlight shone romantically through the broken roof tiles, setting everything aglow.

  Their footsteps grew louder as they climbed up to the attic. When they got to the door the girl shouted “Ha! Beat you!” said the girl to her friend, pleased with herself as she turned the doorknob, which was met by a loud creak as the door opened.

  The boy fumbled about for his torch as they paused to catch their breath.

  “This place gives me the creeps," he said as he lit the torch. “Let’s go back to the others…”

  “Hey! I can see the church clock from here,” the girl said, peering through the gaps in the roof. “Look! It’s nearly Halloween! I hope you’re not afraid of ghosts!” she teased.

  The pair decided to look around while they were there. Busy hands tore through all the old junk in dusty boxes. The boy knocked a stack over in his curiosity and on to the floor toppled a dusty old book. He knelt down, picked it up and began to sift through the pages.

  “Hey! Come look at this…” He spread the book out so she could look too, as he wiped off the dusty cover to reveal its title, ‘Local Legends’, quickly cleaning off his hands on his trousers.

  “It’s about our village” she pointed out. They scanned some more, when he became drawn to a page for no apparent reason and read a passage aloud.

  "The book tells of a witch and her daughter.

  Disobeying a coven’s rules by having a child by a mortal man and, as a way of saving themselves, they turned her over to the Witchfinder General who was visiting the village. During the struggle, the girl’s father was killed while her mother was taken and burned at the stake. The child was never found, but it is said that to protect her daughter, the mother using powerful magic transformed her into a cat, hoping that she would escape unnoticed and eventually break the spell to avenge her parents' wrongful deaths. It is said the cat still visits the standing stones on the hill, where it is believed her mother’s soul is trapped until the spirits of the five are joined together… or the Reaper comes and claims his prize."