Read Ffion: Spirit of the Five Stones Page 14

Chapter 12

  Road to hell

  Jodie called Ffion over to her. “Once you’re in with Jack there’s nothing to be seen, pure darkness, but there are also other creatures more dangerous than Jack that will be out to get you. Just as Jack does, you need to carry a light, This will keep them far enough away to keep you safe but unfortunately also draw them to you. Be careful in there, I don’t care how many birthdays you’ve had, you're still my little girl. If my experience is anything to go by, Jack, as I’m sure you know, will do anything to trick and deceive you.”

  John held out his hand to pass his axe to her. “Here, take this to help you fend off whatever you might encounter in there, I can quite easily use a scythe while you're away with George to help at my side.”

  “Thank you father,” said Ffion who took hold of the axe. As her grip tightened around the handle she was filled with a sudden pain in her hand, causing it to cramp and squeeze tighter. The blue energy from the axe sparked around her hand and into her arm, travelling upward to her chest. She fell to the floor in pain, clutching at her arm as the energy travelled around and into her head letting out a deafening scream. Her eyes and mouth lit up and sent out a burst of light into the darkened sky, her arm gripping the axe glowing from within her skin from her fingers to her elbow. As the pain began to subside, her grip loosened, dropping the handle to the floor she fell next to it. John hurried to comfort her. “What was that? What just happened?” he quizzed.

  Ffion shook her hand in relief as she took a few big breaths to settle down again, rubbing her arm from the pain. “I’m not sure what’s happening. Ever since I touched that thing I’ve been getting these pains but that was by far the worst.”

  John helped Ffion to her feet as a concerned Jodie and George looked on, unable to help.

  “I’m ok” said Ffion. “Whatever happened it’s gone now." She lost her balance slightly, and John caught her arm again to support her.

  John sat Ffion on the floor and knelt by her. “Let me go in your place, I can enter the portal and find Jack. I know his face, back from when your mother first arrived in the village, and I watched him and you fight the night he came through the portal. Let me go and you rest by your mother. It’s been quiet so far so rest this one time for me?”

  Ffion nodded. “Fine, but I still need to open the doorway for you. George, will you be ok here until I get back?”

  George looked up and then over to Jodie, “Yeah sure, no problem, we’ll yell if anything happens won't we mum?”

  John lifted his daughter to her feet. “Come on, let's finish this.”

  In the attic of the webbed mansion Ffion began her spell. “This should be easy as I’ve already seen where this one opens from,” she explained. As the spell found the location, the portal fizzed and crackled into life, lighting the attic up with a blue hue that could be seen through the spider webs in an eerie glow.

  “Ok, here goes,” said John, and Ffion smiled at him as he moved forward to enter with one open hand and the glowing axe in the other.

  As John made contact with the portal it began to spit and stutter with power surges. The sparks converged around the edges and let off a bolt of lightning into John's chest, sending him flying across the room from the blow, the webbing holding him like a catcher’s mitt. The walls stretched and bounced him back across the room for a softer landing, except for the odd branch in the floor that snapped from the impact, causing him to tumble some more. Even Jodie and George noticed the flash from where they were, “I'm not sure what that was but it didn’t seem good” George said, as Jodie nodded in agreement back at him. In the Attic it was now Ffion who picked up her father from the floor. John laughed the incident off slightly “Well, that was unexpected” he said as he groaned like an old man with a stiff back, rising to his feet. “I don’t think that doorway wants me to go, or will let me go through to be exact."

  “But why?” asked Ffion. “Mother passed through so why not you?”

  “I don’t know,” said John, “but…I wonder if...”

  Suddenly they heard the loud scream of a cat. “GEORGE... MOTHER!” the pair yelled as they looked toward the stones to see a group of eight Reapers advancing on Jodie’s position.

  The Reapers swung their blades against the barrier as it began to crack and weaken from the repeated blows around it. Jodie stood helpless as she shouted in fear for help, barely audible over the banging and crashing of the scythes around her.

  With the first blow John's axe took down the first Reaper from behind while a second Reaper met its end from the swift strike of a scythe in Ffion’s hands. Four of the Reapers broke away to attack Ffion and John, covering the remaining two as they continued their siege upon the magic barrier.

  Ffion picked up a second scythe and spun them around her ready for a fight while John stood ready with the axe aglow with energy. The four Reapers moved around their targets in order to attack from both sides and once in position, attacked.

  Jodie watched on, seemingly helpless as the fight ensued. By the side of the stones was George, who had been knocked out from the Reapers' overwhelming attack. The magic dome around her began to splinter as the Reapers continued to break a small hole through the shield. Suddenly one of them stopped and noticed Jodie’s attention on the unprotected George. It raised its scythe to eliminate one of Jodie’s protectors. She screamed out to stop it as the blade came down.

  To the Reaper's surprise its blade was now stuck within a tree root, inches away from George’s neck. The Reaper looked shocked, as did Jodie, who was trying to understand what had happened. The Reaper pulled the blade free and raised it up to take a second blow at George. Jodie once again screamed as she banged her hands against the barrier. To her surprise a large tree root shot out from the ground and smacked the Reaper several feet through the air. Jodie acted quickly and turned to the other Reaper still trying to get in. With a wave of her arm and a punch to the air with the other, another tree root burst from the ground swiping that Reaper into the air with a second root punching the creature in the chest into the sky.

  On the other side of the stones John and Ffion battled on in more of a stand-off as the four Reapers' were trying to stall for time. They all gazed at each other, the body of the Reaper Jodie had just sent flying landing between them. All six of them turned to look at what was going on, to be met with Jodie standing between the stones and around the shield a number of roots stood tall into the air around her, ready to strike, while others covered the damage from the Reapers' attack. Using the roots, quickly she whipped the first of the remaining four attackers away, the second had its head wrapped and was crushed from the tightening grip, the third was impaled through the chest and flung away like a rag doll while the fourth was wrapped up and lifted into the air toward Jodie.

  The fourth Reaper struggled within the powerful grip of the tree root as it was forced face-to-face with Jodie.

  “You are only alive because I want you to send a message. I don’t know where you come from but leave me and my family alone unless you want more senseless killing to take place,” she scowled.

  The Reaper behind its skull mask spoke softly back “I will send your message but we cannot leave. You are too valuable to remain as you are upon this earth and if ‘they’ get you it will be a far greater bloodshed than anything that will happen now.”

  Jodie didn’t care for the creature's words or threats and with a wave of her arm threw the Reaper high into the air. “GET AWAY, LEAVE US!” she shouted as it spread its wings and shot off into sky up to the clouds, where a bright light glowed suddenly before fading.

  Ffion and John were speechless until Ffion broke the silence. “Mother! What?”

  At that point George awoke and limped around from the stones into view. “Hey, what did I miss?”

  Ffion and John approached the barrier where Jodie stood. None of them were able to speak as they took in what had just happened. Jodie broke the silence first. “Well that was new. Any ideas how that happened?

  John was the next to talk “The trees. How are they under your control? Not that it’s a bad thing, but why now?”

  Jodie and Ffion gave an awkward laugh as they stared at each other. “There was a change I felt when the Reaper's blade broke through, that’s when I think it started,” said Jodie. The sound of her voice was calm as if she was still trying to work it out in her head.

  An idea came to Ffion. “Maybe your magic can extend from the dome now the seal is broken, letting you control the first thing it found nearby?”

  “Maybe, but why the trees? It’s not something I’ve ever done before,” replied Jodie. “But isn’t it also the same power keeping me ‘alive’ and if it’s seeping out, what happens when there’s nothing left? Will the barrier drop? Will I disappear with no magic to sustain my ethereal form? I think they just made me into a sand timer and if I’m going to defend myself it’s going to cost me each time I use it. But I still don’t understand why it’s the trees I have control of.”

  Controlling the roots, Jodie did her best to plug the holes around the barrier while still in command of a defence, especially with George now injured.

  As the night became cooler upon the hillside Ffion lit several fires around the immediate area of the now-glowing stone barrier in order to see the surroundings and also to keep away the chill. She stood by one of the campfires as she thought hard about what to do before the next attack came for her mother. She couldn’t go through the portal unprotected against Jack and the creatures within as no-one knew how magic would react in there, if at all, but what could she use? The Reaper's scythe wouldn’t pass through as it was made from the same thing as her father’s axe. She thought about the witch's other words concerning having part of her mother’s remains to accelerate the resurrection faster.

  Ffion became frustrated that she had come so far but didn’t have any more answers to the problems. She also knew she had to go and find Jack to get the necklace back sooner rather than later thanks to the latest attack, but what then. What more could she do? Her mother was burned alive, they didn’t bury a witch in that era. Was it going to be another 24 hours of fighting until she became whole again? Ffion didn’t have a plan to deal with it or a weapon to help fight it with.


  John stood in the light of the stones guarding Jodie as George came over to her side. Ffion was shocked by the smile on his face.

  “Look, Ffion, I know it’s not the best thing to smile about but I think I can help you find something to aid you inside the portal to protect against Jack, but it’s a long shot if I’m right about this."

  George began to explain. “While you were away and before everyone left in a hurry, there were a few concerns among the locals as to what caused the events on Halloween, when Jack came through. Now I didn't fully hear everything they were saying but I did follow them on a few occasions to see what spooked them. On each occasion it was centered on visits to the basement of the church. It didn’t make any sense then but now you’re here I’ve got a feeling I know what they were looking at. It's best I show you.”

  Ffion agreed. “Fine but you’re hurt and we need to hurry.” She changed him back into a regular-sized cat again and picked him up. “Come on you big lump, I’ll carry you there. You shout directions.”

  George gasped at the remark. “I’m not a lump and I’m not big, I’ve just very thick fur.”

  “Yeah, right,” laughed Ffion as they set off into the village.

  Upon reaching the church grounds George told Ffion to go inside and make her way to the back. “Over there,” he pointed with a paw. “In that back room.”

  It was dark within the church and Ffion used her magic to light her hand. In the glow of the magic she could see there were sleeping bags and belongings strewn around the room. On a nearby stool was a storm lantern. She put George down and picked up the lantern to transfer the magic light into it. “There, that should last for a while until we finish looking around.” She held the lantern higher. “George, what happened here?” she asked in disbelief.

  “Well, after you left, the village was never quite the same. People just didn’t want to spend the night in their homes. Those who could leave did and in a hurry. Why do you think all the stuff still in those houses was never taken or returned for? Those with nowhere to go stayed here in the church through the night, thinking it would be safer for them. It’s been a bad time for the village and those who stayed.”

  As George lowered his head Ffion looked down at him and felt bad. “I left you here, I’m so sorry.”

  Ffion knelt down next to him and scratched the top of his head. George smiled and purred. “You always did know how to get around me. It’s OK though, you needed to be somewhere and I had a job to do, to protect that book” He pawed at Ffion’s bracelet charm. “Anyway you kept your promise, you're back.”

  Ffion smiled at her friend, “Yes, I am and I’ll never leave you behind again. Now why are we here again?”

  George led the way into the vestry and scratched at the rug on the floor. Ffion quickly moved it away to reveal a trap door. Lifting the hatch the duo went down to see what was being hidden. George hobbled off down the stairs. “Hold on, I can see the light switch in the dark, just give me a second… to…reach …IT.” With a click, the light flickered on and there before them was the Witch Finder Generals complete collection of outfits, torture tools and weaponry.

  “Why would they keep all this?” questioned Ffion. “This man was a murderer.”

  George nodded in agreement. “True, but to people at the time, your time to be exact, he was a saviour to those who believed.”

  Ffion frowned at George but his point was a valid one. “So why do you think these could help me? Do you think they would pass through?”

  “I’m not sure,” he replied, “but I figured that your father hasn’t been affected by Jack‘s ember and he can’t get through, but your mother was affected by the same ember and she passed through.”

  “Yes George but this is about me going in?” said Ffion, a bit flustered.

  “Exactly" said George, "We know you can pass through the portals, you’ve inherited your powers from your mother, but Jack also resurrected the General, which surely must effect all of his things?” George in his own flash of inspiration, had confused himself.

  “I see what you’re getting at George and it’s worth a shot,” said Ffion, finally understanding. “Jack's power would have affected everything in the area when the General was resurrected. The wave of magic was so great in order to bring back the dead it even knocked me off my feet until you and Arnie dragged me to safety, so it makes sense that if this was down here it would also have been affected. George you’re a genius.” Ffion picked him up to give him a hug.

  George swelled with pride. “Yeah well I don’t like to brag abou…. what was that noise?”

  The pair of them stopped and listened as the faint tapping of feet could be heard above them in the vestry. With a clop of each hoofed foot, three Imps made their way down into the room as Ffion and George ducked down behind a large crate.

  “So what’s the plan?” whispered George.

  “The plan is to get you out of here. I can't do much in this space without bringing the place down and you getting hurt” she replied.

  Reaching up and over, she grabbed a sword and slowly lifted it toward her so as not to make a noise. “OK, you wait here while I sort these out,” she said. George just nodded while still keeping an eye out.

  Ffion sneaked around the edge of the room using the dark corners as cover as the imps started to investigate. Having made her way to the stairs, she made her move and jumped forward, impaling the first Imp through the chest. It slid off the blade and slumped to the floor. The other two turned and gave chase as Ffion ran up into the room above where she had more space to fight.

  From below George watched as the wooden floor of the vestry rattled with thuds and scratches, bursts of bright light shining through. For a brief s
econd he was taken back to when he was a kitten and the day he met Ffion, to the fight in the alleyway with the dogs that had cornered him until Ffion came to his aid. As George daydreamed he didn’t notice the first Imp on the floor had begun to move. His attention was suddenly alerted as he heard a scuffle of claws and feet across the floor.

  Looking around the Imp had gone, but where to? As George searched in the light of the lantern nearby, a clawed hand slowly reached out of the darkness behind him. Going to take another peek around the crate, he suddenly noticed his shadow didn’t look quite right across the floor. He pondered for a second as he could see his body and tail were fine, his head was fine, but why did his ears look long and twitching, rather like a rabbit's? He turned his head and quickly jumped into the air with a fright as the wounded Imp lurched forward to grab him. With his back arched and fur on end his shadow would have resembled a bouncing hare if he'd time to look.

  George ran as best he could to escape his attacker. As a cat he didn’t hold out much of a chance of winning this fight as he scrabbled and hopped over the boxes and tables, smashing and knocking everything over. The imp gave chase as it began to smash up the room in order to catch its prey, slashing out with its long reach and claws.

  The room, with its lack of hiding places, began to seem very small as George ran straight into a corner with nowhere left to hide. The imp walked slowly over, clutching its wound with one hand and raising the other, ready to strike. As the claws swished down, George closed his eyes and waited for the end. Then waited a little bit more, and just a second longer before he peeped open an eye. Before him was the imp lying dead on the floor. Its arm to one side of its body and its head to the other. Looking up, he smiled at the silhouette of Ffion clutching a broken sword in her hand as Imp guts dripped from the tip of the remaining blade.

  “Hi,” said George a bit sheepishly. “Thanks.”

  Ffion looked around the room to survey the damage. “Is there anything that didn’t get damaged?” she asked.

  “Er,” came his quiet reply as he looked around for himself. “Possibly not?”

  Ffion picked George up and gave him a hug. “It doesn’t matter, as long as you’re OK. I don’t mind what happened here. It was worth a shot but we’d better get moving.”

  With George in one arm leaning over her shoulder, Ffion picked up the lantern and made her way out and up the stairs.

  “WAIT,” shouted George. “Over in the corner, there’s something there.” A flash of metal had caught his eye.

  Ffion placed him on the stairs and went to investigate. Under the pieces of wood, broken glass and metal she uncovered a small crossbow, quite unique in its design as it seemed to have two firing bows that fed from a cartridge on either side, full of silver-tipped bolts.

  “Give it a try, see if it works,” suggested George.

  Ffion fired off a few shots at a nearby box. The bolts smashed through the thick wood with ease. Both of them were quite impressed, as one bowstring fired, the force from the string reloaded the other side, ready to fire. “That’s what I call well-designed” said Ffion, inspecting the weapon further and checking how many bolts were left in each cartridge. Picking George back up, they climbed the stairs and left the church, setting off for the mansion.

  “Where are we going?” asked George. “The stones are that way.” He pointed with his paw.

  “I'm going after Jack, and you’re having a rest out of the way. Mother and father can handle the situation for the moment while you rest over here,” she explained.


  “BUT NOTHING,” said Ffion, cutting him off only to find him giggling slightly. “What’s so funny?”

  George calmed himself to explain with a cough and deep breath. “I said BUTT, then you said BUTT NOTHING.” He laughed again at his own joke “YOU HAVE NO BUTT” as he giggled some more.

  Ffion had walked into the village and approached her car. Opening the door and winding down the windows she placed George on the back seat.

  “YOU, WAIT HERE, OK? When I’m back I’ll come and get you bu…” George smiled at what was going to be said next, and Ffion thought about her words and the silly mood George was now in. “I mean, UNTIL then!” She placed her hand on his injured leg. A glow passed from her hand into him “There, that will help you heal faster. Now sit, stay and I’ll be back soon.”

  Ffion walked off with the lantern in one hand and the crossbow in the other, all the while she could hear George still laughing “AND BE QUIET, SOMETHING MIGHT HEAR YOU,” she yelled back at him, her voice echoing through the abandoned streets.

  Ffion set off to the spider-built mansion one last time, which glowed on the hillside from the open portal still spinning. Holding out her hand she created a new bubble of light that she placed in the storm lantern, lighting up the surrounding hillside as she drew near to the house. Slowly, she stepped inside. Out of all the encounters she had been through today, this was one she had hoped would never happen. From outside the house the light Ffion carried could be seen by Jodie and John watching their daughter climb up to the attic, illuminating the spider-webbed walls in an eerie glow. The leaves on the supporting trees now glowed a brilliant red in the darkness as Ffion moved higher into the house and up into the attic, her storm lantern in hand.

  Inside, she gave a deep breath to calm herself and raised her hand to see if the lantern and crossbow would pass through, or if she would be sent flying across the room like her father.