Read Ffion: Tail of a Witch Page 2

  “Oh great…as if it wasn’t hard enough, you should have told me before our agreement!” she kicked the dusty floor with her paw.

  “Trust me little Witch, there are far worse things in there than Jack. They were put there for a reason. If the doorway is not shut they will find their way out into this world.”

  “Any clues as to how I might do that, you know, me being a cat and all" Ffion asked.

  "To help you I can only offer some advice, seek out the necklace your mother gave you, it has a power in it you might find useful," came the cryptic reply. Ffion, shocked at how this person knew so much, asked back, "How in Hell do you know about my mother's necklace".

  "Exactly, my dear. You have until midnight and the clock is ticking" came a final wisp as the intoxicating voice faded away.

  In the distance, the church bell struck once. It was 1am already. From the attic doorway, George had caught up.

  “Hey, there you are! Who were you talking to?” Ffion looked at her friend and then turned her gaze back to where the strange yellow eyes had been but they were no where to be seen.

  “Erm… Nobody…” Said Ffion slightly confused.

  “What’s the matter?” Asked George. She did not reply but was deep in thought, her mind racing with possibilities.

  “Err…what? Oh…sorry…I’ve er…got to do something,” and she ran out of the attic room.

  “Hey wait up! I’ll come with you…wherever that is!” cried George trying to keep up. The two cats ran out of the mansion grounds, through the village streets, towards the fields and across the stone bridge that stretched over the river.

  Chapter 3

  Witch Stones

  George caught up with Ffion who had stopped at the base of the hill.

  “So, where are we going?”

  “To the old shack" Ffion replied, pointing with her head.

  “Why?” George quipped, he wanted answers. For well over 350 years Ffion had lived and slept in the safe haven of the little shack, but it had lost that comfort factor in the current predicament.

  “I need my mother's necklace!” she cried. “I must find my necklace!”

  George rolled his little green, crescent moon eyes, “Ffion, not the witch thing again!”

  “I knew you never believed me!” Ffion ran ahead, hurt and angry at the discredit of her best friend.

  George, regretting his quick tongue, tried to catch up with her, he huffed and panted along the way hoping to go and make amends.

  The soft breeze in the air was tapping against the wooden frame of the shack as Ffion peered inside. The events of the night raced through her head, as she turned her attention to the thought of her mother. For the first time in years she began to recall noises and smells of memories past from her youth as a young girl of seven and she tried to breath it all in. She opened her eyes to look around the dark shack, remembering how it stood as her home, long before her feline sentence. The aroma of her mother’s cooking on the stove and the sound of her father chopping wood outside started to come alive, invading her senses with overwhelming heartbreak which she clung on too just to feel them close to her once more.

  “Hey! What are you doing?” said the ever-inquisitive George. Ffion was quickly brought back to the real world and shook the past off.

  “Hey, you scared me!” Ffion cried at George, startled, heart racing and disappointed to have woken from her dream state.

  “Sorryyyy… Didn’t mean to make you jump” George said, drawing a big smile that made him so easy to forgive. “Hey look who I found outside while you were in here, doing whatever!”


  “He can help us find that thing you’re after, a neckl…”

  “A necklace! Now who’s here?”

  In strolled a large shadow that drew closer to reveal a huge jaw and slobbering tongue which gave a wet, happy welcome to the two cats.

  “Arnie?” Ffion called.

  The large German Shepherd came into view by the streaming moonlight that made its spectacle through a broken pane.

  “Hey! How you doing big guy?” Ffion beamed at the sight of him and rubbed her head against his giant rusty coloured legs, reassured and overwhelmed to see him.

  “WOOF!” said Arnie with excited volume.

  Ffion and George had known Arnie since he was a puppy when his owners moved in to the village a few years back. They would sneak into the yard when his humans were not about and play together to keep him company. It was an odd trio but a good one nonetheless and Arnie had become a dear friend to them both. Although to a human or other animal he seemed mean being obviously much larger and intimidating than most dogs in the village, Ffion and George knew their friend had a soft side he would only show when they were around.

  “Aww thanks George” Ffion said forgiving her friend.

  “Look Ffion, we’re your friends and this witch thing, if you believe what you say, then it’s good enough for us, right Arnie?”

  Arnie nodded his head frantically, with more drops of drool hitting the dirty floor, whilst George felt happy to have put things right with Ffion having redeemed himself.

  “So a necklace right? Gotta make use out of this big fella!” chuckled George.

  “Yeah, a necklace. It’s kinda small, polished and pebble shape with orange streaks running through it. I used to wear it as my collar, but one day I took it off, having lost hope of finding what I needed and it dropped through a gap in these floorboards,” said Ffion, directing with her paws.

  “Right ok, if Arnie finds something with your scent on it Ffion, we can start digging. Let’s do this!”

  Arnie began his search, sneezing and coughing from the accumulated dust, which clung to the memories of the place. Ffion and George watched him intensely as he covered the floor from wall to wall. Suddenly, Arnie stopped and barked, going berserk. The two cats ran over, making their way past the dog's manically wagging tail. Ffion peered through the crack in the floor.

  “See anything?” asked George.

  “Something shiny I think, I can just about see it,” as she popped her slender leg through the hole, trying to reach with her paws and claws.

  “Yes! Got it!” She cried with glee.

  “So why did you let it go in the first place?” wondered George.

  “I gave up, it was a constant painful reminder, so I chose to lose it, but now… I need it and, until the spell is broken, it can help me focus my powers.”

  “So that’s why you’ve been down?” Rather than a reply, feeling too guilty to muster words, she threw George and apologetic smile. She gracefully slipped the necklace around her neck, thanked her two furry friends and then made her way into the cool night air.

  “I’ve got to go and see somebody, I’ll be back in a while…” And she made her way off with a renewed spring to her pounce.

  George could look on feeling a little more light hearted as he hadn’t seen her this alive in a long time. He would wait for her and help her in any way he could just too be close to her happy mood.

  Arnie nudged him as if he was thinking the same thing.

  “I know big fella, I worry about her too…”


  “Wanna play some ball?”

  “Woof!” came the response in agreement and the two ran down the hill.

  Ffion had made her way over the next hill where five large upright stones stood. Amongst the litter of magazines and empty drink cans that visitors had left, were the five black obelisks that stood out of the ground in a circular arrangement. Their etched markings though still evident, had faded over the centuries from the battering of wind and rain. At the centre of the stone circle the ground was bare with no grass cover. Village lore had named these monoliths the ‘Witching Stones’, as it was believed that no living thing could grow inside the circle. Ffion bowed her head with recognition, respect and love and waited as she used to do for the presence of the necklace to summon the power in the stones. She walked inside the confines of the circl
e and her necklace began to glow blue, synchronizing to the pulsing light that was emerging from the middle of the stones, with every second it’s brightness increased to reveal a human form.

  “Hello my loving daughter,” spoke the figure within the light.

  “Hello mother, it’s been a while.” Voice shaking whilst tears were welling.

  “I have waited so long for this moment to arrive my little girl. You must know that events are now in motion that cannot be undone. It is your destiny and our very existence that you are fighting for tonight, for if you fail this task then we will both cease to exist.”

  “Mother, I’m sorry I’ve not been here for a long while, I gave up, but things have changed, I know you can sense something is happening. Please tell me what I must do?” Ffion asked with an emotive mix of sorrow, fury and desperation. The voice from the attic never said anything about failure directly affecting her and she hissed at the thought of being duped, but she had to shrug off the anger so she could focus and listen.

  “Its ok Ffion, I understand. You always were a sweet child and your abilities far surpassed mine. You were never any problem and always there to lend a hand, ever curious to learn and grow and that is why you will succeed tonight.

  The person you seek is named Jack. He will cause a series of events tonight that will ultimately affect you and me. These Witching Stones contain the wisdom of the past and the knowledge of the future. As long as I am trapped within them they will help me to foresee the paths that are set before you this very eve. Know that this is where your true journey begins.” Her mother continued.

  “If you know what needs to be done, please, tell me mother.” Ffion returned.

  “I cannot reveal what will happen tonight. It is forbidden sweet one, however, I can guide you but first I must give you a gift.”

  Ffion looked on intensely.

  “Quick child! Bring the necklace into the light.”

  Ffion walked forward until it was possible for her mother’s spirit to brush the necklace around her neck. It turned a deep hue of orange as it absorbed her mother’s power.

  “Now become the young woman you should have been!”

  Ffion withdrew from the stones as the necklace continued to glow fervently.

  “Use your gifts, tap into the power of the pendant. Choose the form you wish to be and become it! Now concentrate child… Imagine walking as a human…”

  The orange glow throbbed and pulsated with more life and energy. Small sparks of light fizzed and crackled like a firework, focusing their magic dance around Ffion's form. Their motion started quick and chased each other until she could no longer be seen. The colours now ran vertically, sparkling into the air, as if on ascent, to reveal a young seven year old child in a raggedy dress.

  Hands stretched out, toes wriggling on the floor, Ffion was once more her old self again. The feeling was indescribable. She had waited for this for so long and now it was suddenly here, she just had to cling onto it. Funnily enough, she missed her black velvet coat to keep her warm as the cold started to hit her snow-white skin allowing it to seep in to the bone.

  A magazine, blown from a bin, was amongst other litter left by teenagers who visited the stones to see if they could witness a ghost. It lay on the floor near to her new feet as it's pages blew in the wind. A photograph of a gothic beauty in punkesque stripy tights caught her eye along with a black outfit on the following pages looked pretty appealing to her.

  “That’s exactly what I want," she said to herself, “and I think I need to look a little bit older now given my true age.”

  With a fizz of sparks that twirled around, Ffion began to grow and her ragged clothing transformed.

  She admired her now older teenage modern self, looking stunning in her black tank top, short black dress and purple and green stockings that accentuated her human legs down to her buckled boots. Feeling good about herself, she remembered to draw her attention back to her mother.

  “How will I get Jack back to the portal?” she asked with a newly determined spirit, growing stronger with every second of resolve. “I know very little magic mother. If I don’t complete the task I’ll cease to exist, no life, no death, just gone.”

  “I acquired my powers by accident daughter, yet I bore you, so these powers you have inherited naturally are stronger than my own, even when you were still a child. Your power source is similar to the token ember Jack carries, yet it has evolved within you. That is why it is you who was picked tonight. Only you are strong enough to stop him. Use the spellbook I created as your guide until the time comes when you no longer need it. I’m sorry I can't help you in the same way I had assistance discovering my powers.”

  Ffion paused to soak it all in.

  “When you are strong enough you must force Jack into the open. Travel to the Village Hall. At the rear of the building that leads to the forest’s edge, lies a pumpkin patch. Collect six pumpkin seeds and combine them with the growing spell in the book. Then, before midday, you must plant them, any later they will not have time to grow to full size… Only magically grown pumpkins can be used with the ‘Expel’ incantation, which is the only thing that can flush Jack out of hiding if you are to succeed in your mission.”

  “How do I do that?”

  “Go to our home Ffion and search within the fireplace for the book. Look for the longest brick and remove it, it is behind there." Her mother revealed.

  Her light began to fade and so did her voice, so she spoke quickly, “Unless your spell is broken, you cannot hold human form without the power in the necklace. I love you my daughter. Return to me when the task is complete, for there is a second task that I must ask of you.”

  “I love you mother, I’ll do us both proud, father too…” A lonely tear that shone like crystals from the moon’s light streaked down her porcelain cheek.


  Chapter 4

  First meeting

  As much as Ffion liked her human form, she could travel much quicker as a cat, so she transformed and ran for the Village Hall, which also served as the local library. Following her mother’s instructions, she went around the back of the building to the pumpkin patch and found herself staring at them, willing them to open. Her necklace burst with colour again as her powers began to grow. With a crunch, pop and splat, the pumpkins exploded, exposing the seeds she needed to collect. The necklace magically drew them in, storing them safely for later.

  A light was coming from one of the Village Hall windows.

  “Who could be in there at this time of night?” She immediately went to check. The rear security door had been forced open and was now creaking in the breeze as it swung. She stepped inside, making her way down the hallway to where the light seemed to be coming from. She entered the main hall only to find that there by the fireplace, stood a tall spindly figure of a man who turned to greet her. He was ghostly white with what looked like an old blood stain upon his shirt and holding a glowing lantern in one hand.

  “Hello little cat and your name is…?” he asked in jest not expecting an answer.

  “Ffion” she spat.

  “A talking cat?” He laughed. “And what magic is this?” He had to bend over with the hilarity.

  “Have things changed so much since I was last here” he quizzed with himself? “Oh, wait, I’m sorry, it’s just when you’ve seen what I’ve seen, nothing surprises you any more…” His chuckling started to fade and he caught more breath as his demeanour changed for the worse “So little one… Where are you from” came the words hissing from his mouth as he approached Ffion, suspicious of anything and anyone.

  “I live here, always have. I used to be human until my mother turned me into a cat to escape The Witchfinder when he came to the village. So, how about you?” Ffion took a few steps back away from him.

  Jack’s emotions changed again to become more inquisitive. “That’s a pretty intriguing story but mine is an even stranger tale, or should I say tail?” He laughed again as Ffion looked on, unable to
read his erratic changes of mood as he continued to speak.

  “Well my dear, I died a long time ago. I played a few tricks, dabbled in magic here and there, then when I died my soul was cast into the darkest limbo, the one where all the horrid things you should never see are kept. This lantern was my punishment, so I could catch glimpses of those grotesques, but… I got wise and escaped. I was ready for him, made plans for my escape long before he trapped me. The last laugh will be mine” and he gave a laugh at the thought that his own genius plan had worked.

  “You’re Jack!” She cried without thinking. Jack’s face turned to horror as she called his name.

  “He sent you, didn’t he? DIDN’T HE?” He lunged at Ffion, swiping her with his arm and knocking her clear across the hallway. The bump caused her to change back to human form as a reflex so she could fight back, but it was too late, he’d already escaped. The door clicked shut with an echo that filled the empty hall.

  “Damn it” she said under her breath.

  Chapter 5


  It was a long, slow walk back to the shack as she made her way tripping and stumbling, unaware that she was upright on her own two feet after the blow from Jack.

  She pushed the door hard and it opened with a bang. Entering the room Ffion positioned herself in front of the fire place. With a small rotation of her finger, the fire lit up and the shack was warmed by dancing flames. Ffion lay down and gave a feline stretch on top of the old rug and yawned. The thoughts of what had happened back at the hall raced though her head.

  Many minutes later, she heard somebody approach from the path outside, when George entered the shack. He was completely unprepared for the surprise. A human lay on the floor before him. He crept further around the room for a better look. Moving slowly his paw came to rest on a loose floorboard which emitted a loud creek. He quickly cowered behind a small table, hoping to go unnoticed so he could look for an escape.

  Ffion caught a glimpse of his fuzzy white tail.

  “George, hey George! Is that you?”

  George became even more scared, how on earth did this human know his name and furthermore how come he could understand them? Deciding that he would rather not find out, he made a bolt for the door.