Read Fiction with Moral Page 2


  Insects were now just enjoying the sceneries. Soon the monster stopped in front of a building. The building was very tall. The beetle said that our destiny could be found on the top of the building. They all started flying up and up to reach the top of the building. Soon the sun set and the moon and stars started lightening up in the sky. The beetle said that now they should find a place to set a camp. Then butterfly advised that they can set up their camp on the window. They quickly reached the window and set up their camp. Just then the ants informed the beetle that they have mistakenly dropped the food supplies. The beetle was feeling very sad and hungry just then the beetle smelled a very delicious smell. The beetle started following the smell but just then hit something and again came to his senses the beetle knocked the thing that was stopping him but cannot see that thing. Then a voice from dark said that it is a mirror. The beetle at once understood that those insects were termites.

  The termites continued that on the other hand of this mirror there is lots of food to eat. The beetle knew that termites eat only wood so he asked the termites that can they make a shortcut route to go there. The termites said that the wood near window tastes bad but don’t worry we have made another route going through the tasty wood to the kitchen. The beetle had no other choice so he decided that he, grasshopper, 3 honeybees, 1 ant will go with termite. They all started following the termite into a dark wooden cave which seemed endless. The legs of the insects were now paining and now insects started losing their hope. Then the termite said that now there are 2 ways ahead. Termite gave a choice that they can either go to left to take some help from light insects or they can just continue on their path. Seeing the status of other insects the beetle asked the termite to show them way to the light insects.

  The termite started moving in the left entrance of cave. Soon they could see lots of light bulbs glowing at the end of the cave. At the end they could see thousands of insects flying with their backs glowing like stars in sky. The termite said that now they should ask one light insect to help them and show them way. Just then a group of insects attacked the beetle. The beetle tried to fight back but he was not able to fight so many insects. The light insects took beetle to the middle of a large pond where the queen light insect was standing. The beetle asked the queen the reason of trapping him. The light insect told her minions to go away. Then the queen said that no one can come here without her permission. The beetle did not have time to waste in talking so he asked that they are on a journey and need help from someone who may show them the way to kitchen. The queen became very excited and said that she was never allowed to go on journeys and asked that can she go with them. The beetle agreed and asked her to quickly move towards termite cave.

  All the other insects were already standing and waiting for beetle the beetle ordered the insects to close the entrance. The termite started eating up wood and slowly pieces of wood were stacking in front of entrance. The beetle was about to reach there when a huge light insect stood in front of beetle. The beetle threw the big light insect with its horn. And then just before the entrance was completely closed they entered the cave. The queen said that now she will show them their way to the kitchen. After travelling for a long time they finally reached the kitchen. The beetle ordered all insects to take as much food they can take. After taking a large amount of food they decided to move back just then the termite told that they can go from the window the beetle saw that the termite had made another hole which was going through the window. The beetle and other insects thanked the termite for making a shortcut route. That night everyone ate as much as they could eat with delight and also they got a new member in their mission. The next morning everyone flew till they reached the top of the building but that place was the worst place one had ever seen. Everything was in broken state and there was not a single plant. All their hard work had gone waste. The beetle became very sad. Then a ladybug came from nowhere and said “your journey is not over insect, your journey has reached to its deadliest challenge. Now I will show you the way to the insect heaven, the best place for insects”. Everyone was surprised; everyone was thinking how she knew about their journey. Then the ladybug continued “move through the sky of birds to the red tower, reach the top of the tower and see the setting sun. You will get your destination”. Then the ladybug flew away.

  The insects had no other way and so had to trust upon the ladybug. They all started flying high in the sky of birds. Then suddenly a group of birds started chasing the insects and was trying to eat. Most of the insects were panicking then the beetle quickly landed on the head of a bird and started pulling its feathers. After pulling different feathers finally the beetle understood to control the bird. Now the bird started fighting other birds unwillingly. Then the beetle said that they can travel the rest of their journey by this bird. Everyone was scared for a while then they understood that the bird is in control of the beetle. They all reached the top of the red tower and luckily the sun was now setting and so they all watched the setting sun. Then the butterfly saw a huge garden full of greenery. With happiness running over the faces of the insects they all flew towards the garden. In their way they saw that the garden was connected to the first road where Jojo honeybee got injured. They all ate there dinner from the food supplies in the garden. The dinner was very delicious. Then the beetle asked the honey bees to go and guide all the other insects till there.

  The next morning all the honeybees went to pick up other insects. The honeybees went to pick up other insects the next morning. They quickly moved as per the map which they made during their flight to the garden. Suddenly a very huge mammal stepped in the way of honeybees. The honeybees flew away but then a bird came into their way and started attacking the insects. All insects quickly ran towards the mouth of dog and then they suddenly changed their path, because of this the bird came into dog’s mouth. They quickly reached the main road. They looked backwards to see their journey till now. Jojo suddenly saw a sewage which led them to the jungle safely. Everyone laughed. They quickly crossed the road and they went back to garden safely through sewage lines. They all celebrated and all the insects in journey were given honor medal. Then the insect village nurtured.

  Water Voice