Read Fierce Obsessions Page 23

  Once inside the mountain, they made a mad dash for the living area. Dante jumped to his feet, almost sending his mate crashing from his lap to the floor. “What. The. Fuck?”

  “Ramón,” Tao bit out.

  “Long story short,” began Trey, “one of his minions tried to take Dexter—it seems that they sedated him first to get him out of the park without him making a fuss. Riley stopped the human in her raven form, but the bastard pulled out a knife and slashed her leg and maybe even her belly. The wounds don’t seem to be bad, but we can’t get close enough to tell.”

  “Take them both to the infirmary,” said Grace, all business.

  Tao tightened his hold on Dexter. “No need. He’s just unconscious, that’s all.” And, truth be told, he didn’t want to release the cub. He was just so small and still . . .

  Grace lifted her chin. “I’ll be the judge of that, Tao Lukas.”

  Trey shook his head and gestured at the raven, who was perched on the arm of the sofa. “You’re not going to be able to take him until the raven shifts back, Grace. She only trusts Tao with him right now.”

  Makenna approached the raven cautiously. “Riley, you need to pull her back. I know it must be hard, sweetie. She’s no doubt an absolute wreck. But make her understand that Dexter needs to be checked out. That means Tao needs to be able to release him.”

  The raven puffed up her feathers, not looking pleased with Makenna.

  At that moment Trick and Dominic entered the room and came to a stunned halt.

  “Well, fuck,” said Dominic. “What happened?”

  While Trey relayed the story, Tao squatted near the sofa and whispered to the raven, “Come on, shift for me. You’re bleeding all over the place, you need help.” The avian just blinked at him. “Riley, fight her if you have to, but shift. If you’re not healed soon, I’m going to lose my mind. Have pity on me.”

  The raven released a toc-toc that sounded like a harsh reprimand, but then feathers shrank and bones popped. He handed Dexter to Grace, distantly noting that the other kids followed her out of the room. Tao grabbed the throw blanket from the back of the sofa and wrapped it around a shivering Riley. “That’s my girl.”

  “I really fucking hate knives,” she ground out.

  “So do fucking I,” Tao growled. “You’re shivering.” Shock, he thought. “Don’t fall into a healing sleep.”

  “Not going to, the wounds aren’t that bad. The knife sliced my leg and nicked my stomach, but that’s all. I was moving around too much for the bastard to do any damage. Where’s Dexter?”

  “Grace took him to the infirmary. It’s the best place for him to rest.”

  Riley stood, meaning to follow him, but Tao caught her around the waist.

  “Oh no,” said Taryn, “you need healing first.” The Alpha tugged Riley behind the sofa and made her lie on the floor.

  Tao, knowing the drill, opened the window and then watched as Taryn laid her palm over Riley’s forehead. Luminous patches of light glimmered through Riley’s skin, showing where the damage had been done. Not that Tao needed to see the lights. “The wounds aren’t that bad,” she’d said. There was a deep slice on her leg and a puncture wound on her stomach.

  Taryn bent over, put her mouth to Riley’s, and inhaled deeply. Then she lifted her head, turned it toward the window, and exhaled heavily. Black particles whooshed out of her mouth and flew out the window.

  While the Alpha female repeated the process, her mate sidled up to Tao and patted him on the back. “You okay?”

  “No, I’m not fucking okay,” clipped Tao. “If that knife had hit an artery or stabbed—”

  “It didn’t.”

  “Nothing can happen to her, Trey.”

  “Nothing did. Look, she’s fine now.”

  A little shaky on her legs, Taryn got to her feet. “I need water and chocolate.”

  “Any excuse for chocolate,” teased Trey, supporting her weight.

  “I’ll get it!” Lydia volunteered before disappearing out of the room.

  Tao pulled Riley to her feet and held her close. She was still trembling, but it was no longer from shock. It was from rage. He tightened his hold on her, rocking her from side to side.

  Dominic folded his arms. “So, wait, someone tried to kidnap Dexter?”

  “One minute he was clinging to Trey, the next he was gone,” said Tao.

  “Clinging to Trey?” Dominic rubbed his jaw. “Do you think that maybe they thought he was Kye? I mean, they could have been thinking Taryn would be more likely to cooperate if they had her pup.”

  Taryn shook her head. “Everyone knows shifters are protective of all members in their pack. Ramón will have known that I wouldn’t let any kid die for me.”

  “What I don’t understand is why he won’t just approach another healer,” said Trick.

  Trey narrowed his eyes. “Maybe he did. Rhett, check to see if any well-known, powerful healers have died recently.”

  Their resident hacker got out his iPhone, presumably to search recent news articles.

  Tao gratefully took one of the bottles of water that Lydia brought in from the kitchen and unscrewed the lid. “Here, drink this.”

  Riley took a sip, still silently seething, so he gently rubbed her back.

  “I’ll kill him,” Tao rumbled.

  “Don’t go hunting Ramón,” Trey ordered. “I mean it, Tao. While we’re here, he can’t get to us. As much as I hate not being proactive, I refuse to put Taryn in a situation where she has to choose between her own life and that of someone from our pack.”

  “Are we assuming that Ramón backed off so we’d slacken our security?” asked Gabe.

  “I think it’s possible that he did back off for a while,” said Rhett. “Three healers in California died recently—one was a cougar, one was a bear, and the other was a fox. They all had brain hemorrhages.”

  Tao turned to Taryn. “Could that happen to a healer if they burned out their gift?”

  The Alpha female shrugged. “Probably, I don’t know. But it seems odd that three would die that way.”

  Makenna leaned into Ryan. “The guy is obviously convinced you’re the one who can help his brother.”

  “But I can’t,” said Taryn.

  “People like him don’t accept ‘I can’t,’” said Ryan. “They’re used to having everything their way and to having people follow their orders without question.”

  Taryn threw up her hands. “Surely watching three healers die would make him think that hey, shifters can’t heal diseases after all.”

  “Maybe he’s just not prepared to give up on his brother and he’s willing to exhaust every possible option,” said Rhett. “In a way, you’re like an experimental drug to Ramón, I guess. From his perspective, he has nothing to lose.”

  Trey squeezed his mate’s shoulder. “He’ll try again.”

  Rubbing at her forehead, Taryn sighed. “Trouble seems to be coming at us from all sides, and it’s pissing me off.”

  Taking Riley’s empty bottle from her, Tao said, “Come on, baby, you need to rest.”

  Riley frowned. “I need to see Dexter.”

  “He’s probably still sleeping,” Tao pointed out.

  “I need to see Dexter.”

  He held up his hands, sensing that this was a fight he wouldn’t win and that she was very close to freaking out. “I’ll take you.” With a hand at her back, he led her to the infirmary. Inside, Dexter was lying on a cot while Grace, Hope, and the other kids looked on. The cub’s eyelids were fluttering and he made a mewling sound.

  Grace smiled at Riley. “I was just about to call for you. Your name was the first thing he said when he woke up. He’s not very alert, but he’s all right.”

  Riley kissed his head. “Hey, little man.” Her raven wanted to tuck him under her wing. “You okay?”

  “Tired,” he whispered, as if he didn’t have the strength to talk. “Balloon.”

  Tao blinked, surprised. “You’re right, we forgot the balloon.

  Riley smoothed the hair off his forehead. “We’ll get you one next time.”

  The cub let out a little purr and closed his eyes. In mere seconds he was asleep again.

  “I don’t think he remembers anything,” said Tao.

  Grace fixed the coverlet. “It’s not uncommon with some tranquilizers. I’ll keep watch over him, Riley. You go rest.”


  “You’re wearing a blanket and you have blood on you,” Grace pointed out. “Go on, he’s fine. Scoot.”

  After she’d given the other kids a quick kiss on the cheek, Tao led her out of the infirmary and to their bedroom, locking the door behind them.

  Pacing, Tao shoved a hand through his hair and squeezed his eyes shut. “When I saw that bastard dragging Dexter away, I swear my heart stopped. And then he pulled out the knife . . . I’ve never been so fucking scared in my life.” Opening his eyes, he froze. Her stare was blank, her chin was tucked into her chest, and her stance was completely closed off. “Oh hell no.” Advancing on her, he growled. “You don’t get to beat yourself up about this. It was not your fault.”

  She swallowed, her rage and shame palpable. “I should have been watching him.”

  “You were. We all were.”

  “They couldn’t have taken him if I’d been watching.” Riley inhaled deeply, knowing she was close to snapping. She didn’t want Tao to feel the brutal edge of her anger, not when he hadn’t done anything to deserve it. If he was there, she’d take it out on him. “I need to be alone for a little while.” It wasn’t a request.

  He growled again. “Don’t you fucking dare. Don’t you pull away from me.”

  “I’m not.”

  “I can see you doing it. When you’re hurting, you shut down. You retreat and pull away.” Tao wouldn’t allow that. “Talk to me.”

  She flexed her fingers. “I just want a little time alone. What’s so bad about that?”

  “Would you leave me alone while I was hurting?”

  “This isn’t about me! It’s about a two-year-old cub who’s already been through enough!”

  “And you’re hurting for him, but you’re also blaming yourself. It. Was. Not. Your. Fault. You hear me?”

  “I need some air.” She whirled toward the balcony, but a hand snapped around her arm and spun her back to face Tao. Anger shot through her veins, making her extremities tingle. “Don’t you fucking manhandle me.”

  “I didn’t hurt you, I never would, but I’m not letting you go. I won’t allow you to punish yourself, Riley. That’s what you’ll do if I let go. You’ll shift and fly all over the fucking land until you’ve overexerted yourself.”

  He was right, she would. “Let go of me.”

  “Make me,” he taunted. “Come on, Riley, rant. Get it out. If you don’t, you’re going to twist yourself up inside.”

  “I don’t take my shit out on other people. That’s your thing.”

  He smiled at the acerbic remark. “That’s it, baby, keep it coming. What else do I do that pisses you off?”

  “You want too much!”

  “Damn right I do. I won’t be satisfied until I own every part of you, inside and out. Don’t stop there. What else?”

  “You try bullying me into doing what you want!”

  “I do. I’m doing it right now, as a matter of fact. Let’s hear the rest.”

  God, she wanted to smack that smug grin right off his face. Or maybe just claw it off. He thought he was so freaking smart. “There’ve been times when I’ve mistaken lust for love, but this bone-deep loathing I have for you is definitely genuine.”

  He just smiled softly. “You don’t hate me, baby. You love me and you know it, but you’re scared.”

  She flushed. “Scared, my fat ass!”

  “You are. You’re scared that I’ll leave you, scared that you won’t be enough for me in the long run, which is the most ridiculous fear you could have. I would never suggest claiming you as mine if I thought different.”

  She snickered. “If you think I’ll ever let you claim me, you can kiss my ass!”

  “So help me God, Riley, if you talk about your ass one more time I’m going to fuck it.”

  She sucked in a sharp breath. “Bite me, Fenris.”

  His chuckle held no humor. “Damn, you really shouldn’t have said that.” He shoved her against the wall, slammed his mouth down on hers, and drove his tongue inside. She fought him, clawing at his arms. But the fight quickly left her and she sank into him. The kiss was hot. Hungry. Greedy. He feasted on her, exploring every crevice of her mouth and sucking on her tongue.

  Whipping off the blanket, Tao wedged his thigh between hers, pinning her to the wall. “Undo my jeans.” Instead she clawed off his shirt and bit down on his shoulder—a dominating move that told him he wasn’t in control here. Too bad for her that Tao wouldn’t be dominated.

  Grabbing a bunch of her hair, he yanked her head aside and growled into her ear. “Fight me if you want, but you’re never going to be dominant in bed.”

  She did fight him. She struggled. Scratched. Bit. Snarled. Even kicked at him.

  Tao shackled her wrists with one hand and pinned them against the wall above her head. He collared her throat with his free hand and squeezed. “Behave.”

  “Fuck you,” she hissed.

  “It’s not me who’ll be getting fucked.”

  Riley was about to vow to rip out his throat, but then he gripped her hip and ground her clit against his thigh. The friction made her gasp. Again and again he did it, stealing every thought from her mind except how good it felt. Needing more, she took over, grinding herself harder, shuddering at the feel of the denim. He kissed her neck in reward and began to squeeze and plump her breast.

  He flicked her nipple with his tongue. “Are you mine, Riley?”

  His eyes glittered with warning. He wanted her to stop fighting him, she knew. But Riley wasn’t so easily controlled. “Sort of.” One brow lifted, and his mouth surprisingly curved in amusement.

  “Sort of?”

  “Sort of.”

  “Well, while I’m watching you rub against my thigh and I can feel how wet you are through my jeans, it tells me that your body knows it’s mine.” He bit her lip. “And let’s be honest, baby . . . so do you.”

  Tao picked her up and tossed her on the mattress. The sweet scent of her need made his head spin. He had to taste her. He fell forward and clamped his mouth around her pussy. Her hand fisted his hair as he licked and sipped and drank from her, drowning in the taste and scent of her. Wanting more, he drove her hard and fast into an orgasm that made her moan his name and almost yank a chunk of hair right out of his head.

  Licking his lips, he shoved off the rest of his clothes. The sight of her there all flushed with her mouth and pussy swollen . . . His cock throbbed like a bitch. “Perfect. And all mine.” Draping himself over her, he growled, “Mouth, Riley.” She gave him what he asked for, moaning softly. “Ready for me to claim you? Because that’s what’s going to happen.”

  At those words, Riley stilled. “If you leave a claiming mark on me, you can never take it back. It won’t fade, even if you change your mind about me, it will always be there.”

  “Good, that’s exactly where it belongs.” He curled her leg around him. “I know you’re scared. But I promise you, baby, you don’t have to worry about me changing my mind. I don’t have the strength it would take to let you go.” It was the God’s honest truth. “I want to claim you because you’re my choice, because I love you. And you love me, don’t you?” She nodded. “No matter what, I’m yours. Your turn—say it. Say it, Riley.”

  She swallowed. “No matter what, I’m yours.”

  “No walls, no doubts.”

  “No walls, no doubts.”

  He slammed home, jaw grinding as her pussy closed around him like a hot fist. Knowing he was about to claim her, that from this night onward she’d be irrevocably his . . . it sent his hunger raging and made his wolf’s control snap

  Riley clung to Tao, digging her nails into the hard muscle of his back, as he hammered into her, slamming deep. He was always rough, but this was different. Almost animalistic, as if his wolf was feeding his need to claim her. His thrusts were brutal, his pace was ruthless, and his features were set into a savage mask of raw hunger and pure possessiveness. And Riley loved every minute of it.

  Feeling his climax creeping up on him, Tao scraped his teeth over her throat, right where he’d leave his mark. She moaned, arching into him, showing him she wanted it. That was all he needed. Tao sank his teeth down hard, licking and sucking to make a permanent, definitive mark that told the world she belonged to him. Her pussy heated, tightened, and rippled. She screamed, fisting his hair and digging her heels into the base of his spine. Then she reared up and bit down on his neck, claiming him right back. Tao jammed his cock deep and erupted, pouring himself inside her.

  That was when it happened.

  The breath slammed out of Tao as pain crashed into his head and chest. It felt like the world had tilted and faded. His vision dimmed and blurred. The only solid thing was the female beneath him . . . and the mating bond that suddenly bound them, strong and vibrant and complete.

  Using what little strength he had left, Tao rolled onto his side, keeping her close. His wolf pushed against his skin, wanting to be near his mate. Tao hadn’t been lying when he said he wasn’t sure if she was his true mate; he also wouldn’t have cared if it had taken imprinting to permanently bind her to him this way. One very big advantage of their being true mates was that they wouldn’t need to wait for the bond to form. He loved feeling it, feeling her through their connection. He especially loved that their scents had mixed into one unique scent that would tell the world she was mated and belonged to him.

  Shuddering with aftershocks, Riley licked her lips. “That was . . . intense.” For lack of a better word, she thought.

  Tao stroked his thumb over the bite on her throat. “The bond is fully formed, that’s why.”

  Riley blinked, still a little in shock to discover they were true mates. Her raven was high on happiness. “Doesn’t it usually take certain steps to make it fully form?”