Read Fierce Obsessions Page 3

  Riley took another sip of her coffee. “I would have thought you’d be in a better mood these days now that you have yourself a boyfriend.”

  Greta gasped. “Allen is not my . . . my . . . boyfriend,” she insisted, stumbling over the word. “He and I just enjoy each other’s company.”

  “Right,” drawled Riley, winking at her. Allen was Cam’s uncle and, for some unknown reason, thought the sun rose and set with Greta. Riley struggled to understand how the guy could be attracted to Greta, but to each their own.

  Mouth tightening, Greta narrowed her eyes. “Don’t think I don’t know you were the one who first suggested he take me for a meal.”

  Riley’s mouth curved. “Like I told him, I just want you to be happy.” What she wanted was to make Greta feel awkward as revenge for her being so awful toward Savannah. The little girl had bitten her once—once—and she hadn’t even pierced the skin, but Greta persistently whined about it to make Savannah feel bad. Having Allen around, flirting and trying to charm her, wasn’t something that Greta was very good at handling without blushing like crazy—probably because she was a terrible prude.

  “You might have him fooled, but I see you for what you are,” sneered Greta. “Common through and through.”

  Riley put down her cup. “Look, Gretchen—”

  “It’s Greta.”

  “I don’t care.”

  As Greta proceeded to rant, Makenna leaned into Riley and asked, “Will you ever refer to her by her real name?”

  “It’s unlikely,” replied Riley. Not when not doing so was the easiest way to annoy the old crone.

  Savannah hissed at Greta, which made the other kids laugh.

  Greta dramatically put a protective hand to her throat and turned to Riley. “Do you have no control over that child? She’s vicious.”

  Riley sighed. “Are we back to this again?”

  “I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised by her behavior since she has you for a role model,” sniped Greta. “I mean, look at you. You’re supposed to be taking care of them, but you were drinking all night like you’re not responsible for anyone but yourself.”

  Riley snickered. “Lady, you have hair sticking out your nostrils—you don’t get to judge me.”

  Taryn nearly choked on whatever she was eating, and Greta instantly turned all that bitchiness onto the Alpha female, calling her one name after another.

  “Good one.” Makenna smiled at Riley. “But she still hates me more than she hates you.”

  “Really? Bummer.” Noticing Tao leave the room, Riley leaned into Makenna and asked, “Is there any chance you could watch over the kids for me for a couple of hours? I need to get a few things done.” She didn’t add that she was leaving pack territory; Makenna would insist that she take someone along for protection, and she wanted to have her meeting in private.

  “Of course,” Makenna agreed easily. “I love spending time with them. And they love climbing Ryan like he’s a fence post.”

  Yeah, they sure did, but he didn’t complain. Nope, the poor guy often just stood there, quiet and stoic . . . which was pretty much how Ryan always looked, really.

  Once she was done with her breakfast, Riley told the kids to be good for Makenna and Ryan and then headed through the network of tunnels. Out of the mountain, she jogged down the steps carved into the cliff face and into the concealed parking lot. There were several pack vehicles for everyone to use at their leisure. Riley headed for the nearest SUV . . . only to find Tao leaning against it.

  He opened the passenger door for her and asked, “So, where are we headed?”

  She sighed. “I don’t need you to come.”

  “You can’t go off alone, Riley. None of us do anymore. The anti-shifter groups are getting more problematic. Just a few months ago they were here calling for Dexter’s death, remember.”

  How could she forget? The two-year-old cub had been living alone on the streets for a while, surviving on scraps. No one was sure just how long he’d been homeless; he came to the attention of Social Services only when video footage of him partially shifting was uploaded on YouTube. That footage had also captured the attention of the human anti-shifter extremists, who had called for him to be “put down” like a rabid dog. Instead Social Services had taken him to a shelter for lone shifters.

  “Don’t tell me I’m staying behind,” said Tao. “You know I won’t.”

  “Look, it’s not that I’m being stubborn. Lucy didn’t explain what she wants to talk about. If it’s personal, she’s not going to tell me in front of you.”

  “Probably not, but her feelings aren’t more important than your safety.” Tao wasn’t budging, and he let his determination show in his expression.

  Riley sighed again. “You can come only if you agree to wait in the SUV. That way she can talk to me in private and you can be sure I’m safe. Everybody wins.”

  He twisted his mouth, considering it. “All right, I’ll wait in the SUV.”

  Eyeing him curiously, she walked to the vehicle. “You’re being uncharacteristically cooperative.”

  “I can be cooperative . . . when I’m getting what I want.” And right now, the very thing Tao wanted most was sliding into the passenger seat. Life was good.


  Nestled in the booth against the window, Riley drummed her nails on the scratched tabletop as she stared out through the glass. From there she had a clear view of the street and the diner’s parking lot. So far there was no sign of the person she’d agreed to meet.

  Maybe they should have chosen a different venue, she thought as she rubbed at her aching temples. The sounds of country music, burgers sizzling, and cutlery clinking were aggravating her hangover headache. Really, she had only herself to blame.

  True to his word, Tao had remained in the SUV. Proud as any dominant female, she couldn’t help but bristle a little at his insistence on accompanying her to protect her, but she knew it was a wise move. There didn’t seem to be any anti-shifter groups loitering around, but not all the radical humans carried banners and chanted bullshit. Some kept a low profile. The majority, however, were openly violent and destructive.

  They called for shifters to be confined to their territories, electronically chipped, prohibited from mating with humans, limited to only one child per couple, and placed on a registry like damned sex offenders. Many went as far as bombing packs, prides, and flocks in an effort to “cull” the shifter population.

  Shifters had retaliated by forming The Movement—people who hunted extremists and fought violence with violence. They had eliminated many of the radical groups and forced others into hiding. Humans rightfully feared them, but the prejudiced assholes didn’t seem to be smart enough to back down. It was an ongoing battle.

  Hearing her phone beep, Riley dug it out of her pocket. There was a message from Jaime, but she didn’t open it. She’d read it later when—

  Her head snapped up as the bell over the door rang and three familiar ravens entered, letting in a brief blast of traffic noise. The one in front did a quick scan of the diner. Spotting Riley, she smiled and made a beeline for her booth. No sooner had Riley risen to her feet than she was pulled into a tight hug. “You’re freakishly strong for someone so small,” said Riley.

  Laughing, Lucy pulled back. “It’s so good to see you. Video chatting just isn’t the same.” She had almond-shaped eyes, high cheekbones, and dark, straight hair—traits she’d inherited from her Native American ancestors.

  Lucy gestured at the two indomitable-looking males behind her. Like Lucy and Riley, they had a slight blue tint to their hair that was typical of raven shifters. “Hugh and Duncan are my assigned bodyguards for the day,” said Lucy. As the daughter of the Exodus Flock Alphas, she never went anywhere without protection.

  Riley smiled at the Beta and his son as they each gave her a brief hug. Drawing back, she asked, “How are you?”

  Hugh patted her shoulder. “Good, thanks. Mad at you for staying away for four years, though.??

  Duncan’s mouth curved. “I’ll be better when I’m home.” He’d never much liked leaving his territory. “But it’s good to see you, Riley.”

  “Good to see you both too.” Her raven was also glad to see them; she’d missed the flock, especially Lucy, who’d been a close friend since childhood. Riley slipped into the booth and gestured for Lucy to sit opposite her.

  “We need a little privacy,” Lucy told Hugh and Duncan. The males took a booth that was out of earshot, but they didn’t look happy about it.

  Before Riley could speak, the waitress appeared and asked, “What are you having?”

  “Just coffee, thanks,” replied Riley. Any other time she would have found the meringue pie inside the glass dome mighty interesting. But thanks to the aftereffects of the tequila, the smells of meat grilling and onions frying were churning her stomach rather than giving her an appetite.

  “I’ll have the same,” said Lucy.

  The waitress disappeared with a nod, the soles of her shoes squeaking on the checkered tile floor.

  “So . . . what’s it like living with wolves?” Lucy asked.

  “Fine, I guess. You’d like them. They’re good people.”

  “But you’re coming home at some point, right? Dammit, I promised Mom and Dad I wouldn’t pressure you. Honestly, I’m not here to bug you to come home . . . though I won’t lie and say I wouldn’t do it if I thought it would work—peer pressure doesn’t work on your stubborn ass.” Lucy rested her elbows on the table. “As I’m sure you know, the anniversary of your uncles’ mating is coming up.”

  Riley nodded. She’d already bought them a gift and a card, fully intending to post them soon.

  “My parents have organized a last-minute surprise party for them to honor it,” Lucy continued. “It would be great if you could come. Your uncles would be overjoyed.”

  Riley tensed, feeling mentally cornered.

  As if sensing that, Lucy leaned back a little to give her space. “They miss you, Riley.”

  “And I miss them.” Riley absolutely adored Ethan and Max Porter. Ethan was her mother’s brother and had mated Max before Riley was born. After her parents’ death when she was just four, her uncles had taken her in and raised her. She’d kept in contact with them since leaving the flock. They did a lot of video chatting and even met up occasionally, but she hadn’t seen them in over ten months. Her raven missed them as badly as Riley did. “The surprise party is a good idea, and I’m sure they’ll be thrilled about it.”

  Lucy smiled, as if assuming Riley was consenting to attend.

  “But I’m not sure my being there would be the best idea.”

  Lucy’s smile faded. “Why not?”

  “A party should be fun and exciting. If I waltz in there, it would stir up old memories.”

  “Yeah, but not in a way that would ruin the party. Everybody’s missed you. They’ll all be ecstatic to see you.”

  Riley shot her a skeptical look. “Everybody? Really?”

  “Look, four years ago, when emotions were running high, there were a few people who blamed you for what happened—no, they wanted to blame you; they needed someone to take out their grief on. But a lot of time has passed; they realize that they were wrong. Shirley will probably always blame you purely because it relieves her son of any wrongdoing, but I don’t think she truly believes you’re at fault. Not really.”

  Riley wasn’t so sure about that.

  “The only other person who won’t be particularly welcoming is Cynthia. You two have never seen eye to eye and she might worry that you’re back for Sawyer.” Lucy snorted, adding, “As if. But this isn’t about them. This is about you and your uncles.”

  The waitress appeared with their coffees, and the smell thankfully didn’t upset Riley’s stomach.

  Once they were alone again, Lucy lifted her cup. “Come to the party, Riley. Come for the weekend and have a proper visit. If you were honest, you’d admit that you miss all of us too. Not only that; you miss home.”

  Shaking the packet of sugar, Riley sighed. Like her raven, she did miss her flock, and she did miss Sedona; the flock’s territory had been Riley’s sanctuary, her safe place . . . right up until the end, anyway.

  “Just a weekend. Then you can come back here to be with the wolves if that’s what you want.”

  Riley sprinkled the sugar into her coffee and stirred it. “I don’t know, Luce.”

  “I talked to Sawyer. I told him I was coming to see you today.”


  “He said he figured someone would invite you and that I shouldn’t take no for an answer.”

  Well, that was a surprise. “Did you point out that his girlfriend wouldn’t like it?”

  “I wouldn’t go as far as to say that Cynthia’s his girlfriend. One of the things that made you and Sawyer eventually gravitate to each other was that you were both the most dominant unmated ravens in the flock. Without you around, Cynthia’s the most dominant; I’d say that’s all the appeal she holds for him. But Cynthia’s set on keeping him because she knows he’s next in line to be Beta. She’s always wanted to be Beta female.”

  Riley blew over the rim of her cup. “Does she know you’re here?”

  “Hell no. If she knew, she’d tell your uncles and ruin the surprise just to be a bitch. I haven’t told many people because I was worried your uncles would find out and get their hopes up that you’ll come. I’ve sworn Sawyer to secrecy—he won’t break a promise.” Lucy put down her cup. “Did you plan to never come back to Sedona?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Well, then, if you would have returned at some point, what better time than for your uncles’ party? They’d love it. It’s been four years since you were home, Riley. That’s too long to stay away.” The sticky fake leather cushion squeaked as Lucy leaned forward and grabbed her wrist. “Please come.”

  The bell over the door rang once again. Riley looked up and stiffened as none other than Tao strolled inside. Motherfucker. He flicked Hugh and Duncan a brief assessing look, and then the son of a bitch stalked straight to her. He didn’t speak. He bent down, curled a hand under her chin . . . and kissed her. Kissed her kissed her.

  Utterly shocked, she didn’t fight him. Didn’t move. Then the shock gave way to anger and she drew back, ready to hiss a reprimand. But as his eyes flared with a warning, instinct stayed her hand. Tao would have no problems with causing a scene. Hugh and Duncan would no doubt intervene, which could lead to fighting.

  “Hey, baby.” Tao slid in the booth beside her. “I was driving by and saw you in the window.” Taking a sip of Riley’s coffee, he flicked a glance at Lucy. “Everything okay here?”

  It took all Riley’s self-control not to pour the hot liquid all over his head. “Fine.”

  Tao sensed her irritation and, admittedly, felt the urge to smile. Instead he studied the female sitting opposite them. He’d watched their conversation avidly through the window, seen Riley’s conflicted expression and Lucy’s pleading one, and he’d worried she was trying to coax Riley into returning to the flock. Tao wasn’t good with that.

  He also wasn’t good with the fact that two male ravens had had their hands on her, so he’d been sure to make a possessive display. She might not be his, but he didn’t want anyone else thinking she could be theirs. “Introduce us, Riley.”

  Gritting her teeth, Riley tried to shift a little away from Tao, but his hand clamped on her thigh. It was her body’s reaction that made her freeze. Raw need pooled in her lower stomach. “Tao, this is a good friend of mine, Lucy. Lucy, this is Tao—he’s the Phoenix Pack’s Head Enforcer.”

  “Ah, you’re the Alphas’ daughter,” said Tao. “Riley’s told me about you.” The lie fell easily from his mouth and seemed to make Riley bristle. “She said you’ve been friends a long time.”

  Wide-eyed, Lucy said, “We have. Sadly, she hasn’t mentioned you to me, which is very disappointing.” Her eyes slid to Riley. “I’m assuming you haven’t mentioned him t
o your uncles either, because a little thing like this wouldn’t have slipped their minds.”

  “And how are Ethan and Max?” asked Tao. “Bored after retiring from their enforcer roles?”

  “I think they might be a little bored,” Lucy replied with a smile. “Other than that, they’re fine. Although they miss her like crazy.”

  “Well, considering they raised her, I’m not surprised.”

  Riley fairly goggled at him. He’d said he knew only “basic facts,” but he was reeling off plenty of details.

  He put down Riley’s cup. “You’re a long way from Sedona.”

  “I came to invite Riley to the surprise party we’re throwing to celebrate the anniversary of her uncles’ mating. You should come too.”

  “Thanks, I’d be happy to go with her.” Tao squeezed Riley’s thigh when she opened her mouth, most likely to object. She snapped it shut, so he stroked her thigh in reward.

  “Great.” She patted Riley’s hand. “Your uncles will be thrilled to hear you’ve met someone, even if he’s not a raven.”

  “Lucy,” Riley drawled.

  “You want them to hear it from you, I get it.” She took a long gulp of her coffee and then rose. “I’ll try to remember not to mention it, but I may just forget if you miss the party.”

  “That’s mean.”

  “That’s me.” Edging out of the booth, Lucy said, “The party takes place on Friday; that gives you a little time to think on it. You could arrive that day so your presence is as much of a surprise as the party. Then you could stay for the weekend. Seriously, Riley, they’d love to see you. It would make their year.” Her eyes slid to Tao. “It was good meeting you. Take care of her for me.”

  Hugh and Duncan said their goodbyes to Riley as they followed Lucy out of the diner—sparing Tao only a curious, unfriendly glance. With a sigh Riley let her head fall back and rubbed her aching forehead.

  “Going by the way you were so easily invited to a party that’s taking place on your flock’s territory, I’m guessing you were never banished.” Tao had suspected as much, but he’d never been able to find out for sure. “Did you officially leave the flock?” It was one thing to leave for a little while and a whole other thing to become a lone shifter.