Read Fifty Shades of Love Page 1

Fifty Shades




  A.M Rees


  Published by A.M Rees

  Copyright©2014 A.M Rees


  Dedicated to my one true love

  Neil – The Artist

  Who inspires my poetry and my life

  Forever yours



  A Woman’s Guide – The Search for the World’s Best Lovers

  The Reason

  The Magician’s Trick

  The Betrayal

  The Affair

  The Darkness

  The Forgotten Past

  The Long Distant Love

  The Engagement

  The Naked Truth

  The Artist

  The Vows

  The Argument

  Author Notes


  A Woman’s Guide – The Search for the World’s Best Lovers

  I have been quite international my closest friends may say,

  And I suppose there is variety with the men I’ve chose to lay.

  It started in my hometown, the green, green grass of Wales,

  But soon enough it was not enough and foreign seas I sailed.


  Next stop for me was England, whom a few men I did try,

  But to say that I’m impressed with them would clearly be a lie.

  And then I went for tartan and spent evenings with a Scot,

  With his rough and rugged accent I really liked a lot.


  The Irish had potential with their singy songy voice,

  And falling for them was easy, I did not have a choice!

  Then I had a fleeting moment with a little French,

  And with his passion I must say my thirst he soon did quench.


  I’ve heard that the best lovers are found in old Italia,

  But I did not fancy breaking hearts of gangsters in the mafia!

  Then there was the singer, who seduced me out in Spain,

  And it made me sick that leaving it did cause my heart pain.


  I especially liked the Aussies, I slept with quite a few,

  And I must admit, without conflict they taught me a thing or two!

  The fun and games then ended when I left Australia,

  And ended up with a man I met when in Bulgaria.


  He was very stern, believed that women had their place,

  So I left him soon in the bedroom with plenty of speed and haste!

  And then there was a guy, who came from the Ukraine,

  And after once, another go I politely did refrain.

  Then there was a Cypriot, they’re what we call the Greeks,

  Who worship all their women, he even kissed my feet!

  Next there was a Russian but not much will pass my lips,

  As I did not like the way this guy moved his ridged hips!


  You see I’m trying to make it easier so all my friends may know,

  To arrange a list so they can see the best places to go,

  But problems arise every time with every tale of passion,

  As no matter where they’re from, men let you down some fashion.


  So on that note don’t bother with Russia or Jamaica

  ‘Cos if you want a trusted love, girls stick to your vibrator!!!


  The Reason

  At first I loved you for how you made me feel,

  You melted the iron bars made of steal,

  That surrounded my heart I thought kept me safe,

  Until you replaced them with courage, with kindness and faith.

  But now I love you for something more,

  For your smile I admire - for your eyes I adore,

  For your heart of true kindness and soul of pure light,

  For the moments we share with euphoric delight.

  For the passion you show me from the touch of your hand,

  As you discover my body like an unexplored land,

  Leaving me breathless with desire - I always want more,

  I want you inside me, in my heart, in my core.

  You have made me complete, you have made me whole,

  Whilst you've taken my heart, my body, my soul,

  And replaced them with love that feels so true,

  These are the reasons why I love you.


  The Magician’s Trick

  And so you watch the Magician with wondrous awe,

  Each spell enchanting you all the more,

  No white doves needed, no sleight of hand,

  No answers to help you understand.

  Your mind knows it cannot be true,

  But your heart wins over in spite of you,

  You don’t seek answers from rabbits in hats

  Because you want it to be real, you want it to be fact.

  You have become the centre of the Universe’s core,

  No scars are seen, no imperfect flaws,

  And the world seems to shrink inside of your heart,

  Where stars shine brightly and fear departs,

  Where the sun rises upon your command,

  With the slightest touch of the Magician’s hand,

  And you fly through the clouds of soft whispers and dreams,

  Then it happens – that nothing is as it seems.

  The hand is shown, the illusion uncovered,

  The flaws and the cracks are soon discovered,

  The rabbit is dead, the white dove is a crow,

  This is not the lover you’ve came to know.

  So you’re left with, ‘What used to be,’

  The spell, the illusion, the ‘Wish it could be,’

  The echoes of magic, the echoes of light,

  The echoes of what was love at first sight.


  The Betrayal

  There is not a cell in my body that can’t feel the pain,

  No hiding place in which to escape from the shame,

  The shock of my life, turned upside down,

  And the sorrow that lingers along with my frown.


  The empty promises still ring through my head,

  With fruitless love now undeniably dead,

  Fooled by the poison that accompanies blind love,

  And the earth shattering feeling of no heaven above.


  Blackness takes over and engulfs any light,

  The heavy burden of sorrow - black like the night,

  And the shattered hope he left fallen at my feet,

  Makes me howl in despair at love’s lost defeat.


  But in this moment I could finally see,

  His love was not true, he was never for me,

  His heart was not mine -it was shared with another,

  My mind numbed with pain with thoughts of him and his lover.


  The Affair

  I will not look into your eyes I do not dare,

  Afraid of your gaze of what I may find,

  Intrigue takes hold I won’t stop my longing stare,

  And the image of you face etched forever in my mind.

  Your eyes undress my body expose my naked soul,

  I fail to move, my mind forgetting how to breath,

  I wonder how to maintain control,

  As I know the emptiness when you leave.

  And you do leave, I feel nothing but cold,

  Skin frozen but where your fingerprints burn,

  Your lips have yet to stain my skin, yet to be so bold,

  The contours of your body my hands are yet to learn.

  Your v
oice sings through my head, burns my ears,

  You whisper ‘Your beautiful’, words that don’t belong to me,

  But I hold onto them, but they’re not my words to hear,

  Your heart belongs to another, your love is not my destiny.


  The Darkness

  Darkness would be more desirable than the nothingness,

  It would be more carefree than this hole, this emotionless,

  More sustainable than clasping onto my empty soul,

  A soul I don’t recognise, broken, fragile and old.

  And the hole in my heart, the edges torn and burned,

  Where reckless memories reside, haunting lessons learned,

  Clasping my body to hold together the pieces of my heart,

  Fooling myself endlessly as my body, soul and world falls apart.

  If I allow one memory, one fleeting moment of you,

  Or bare to remember the million love words you spoke, still to few,

  Or allow the perfect image of your face to become etched into my mind,

  Then I shall see nothing else, to the world my eyes will become blind.

  But the pain, it’s all I have, reminds me that you were real,

  That I did once feel your touch, that your love I did once feel,

  So leave me darkness where I lay, tortured and slightly mad,

  Because the pain is the only reminder, the one thing left of you I have.


  The Forgotten Past

  Suddenly there was no past,

  no earth my feet had crossed nor seas I had swam,

  no autumn when the last golden leaf fell

  into memories under feet that once walked beside me.

  The broken, trodden dreams disappeared.

  There was no past.

  There was no sun –

  Not like I know it now,

  nor fire neither burnt as wildly nor smoke ever choked my lungs.

  The smouldering had gone as if it never was,

  ashes blew away with the east wind.

  There was no past.

  There was no hope –

  Not like I understand it now.

  No, before you there was nothing. The crashing seas,

  the walk-worn clay, the fire, the smoke, the blazing sun,

  all as if born from new.

  There was no past.