Read Fighting for the Right Page 22



  The Ovidio was one of the vessels of which Captain Passford had obtainedinformation in New York, and by which the traitor merchant had at firstintended to send the machinery on board of the Ionian into theConfederacy.

  "That vessel flying the British flag appears to be a man-of-war," saidChristy.

  "That is just what she is, confound her!" replied Percy bitterly. "Sheis the Greyhound, and she has seized the Ovidio which we just passed;but my father believes she will be released;" as in fact she was, aftera delay of two months.

  "That looks a little like neutrality," added the naval officer.

  "But what do you think of my scheme to get you out of this scrape beforeyou get into any trouble here?" asked Percy, who seemed to his companionto be altogether too much interested in his plan. "Flanger is a friendof mine, for I was able to render him a very important service, nothingless than getting him the command of the Snapper."

  "Of course I want to get out of the scrape."

  "I suppose you haven't money enough to buy the boat, if you escaped froma Confederate prison; but I will help you out on that by lending youforty or fifty dollars."

  "Thank you, Percy, you are behaving like a true friend, and I shallremember you with gratitude," replied Christy, as earnestly as theoccasion seemed to require. "Do you think you can trust Captain Flangerto put me in the way to get to Key West?"

  "I am sure I can!" exclaimed the schemer warmly. "He would do anythingfor me."

  "But perhaps he would not do anything for me."

  "I hope you don't mistrust my sincerity in this matter, my dear fellow,"continued Percy, with an aggrieved expression on his face.

  "Oh, no! Certainly not. I only suggested that your friend the captainmight not be as willing as you are to let me escape at Key West."

  "I will guarantee his fidelity. I am as sure of him as I am of myself."

  "All right, Percy, I will hold myself subject to your orders. But Ithink you had better buy the boat, and put it on board of the Snapper,for I could not do so without exposing myself," suggested Christy."I have some money that I concealed about me, and I will pay the billsbefore I go on board of the steamer."

  "I will do everything that is necessary to be done with the greatestpleasure. Perhaps you had better go on board of the Snapper on ourreturn to the town. Then you will not be seen by any person," suggestedPercy with as much indifference as he could assume.

  "What time will the steamer sail?"

  "About five o'clock, which is high tide."

  "It is only half-past one now; besides, I have to go up to the hotel formy satchel, and to pay my bill. Where do you live, Percy?"

  "We have a house on Frederick Street. At what hotel are you stopping?"

  "At the Royal Victoria."

  "What is the number of your room?" asked Percy.

  "No. 44."

  Christy was sharp enough to comprehend the object of these questions;and, as a matter of precaution, he divided the number of his room by twoin making his reply.

  "That makes an easy thing of it," continued Percy. "I will go to theRoyal Victoria at four o'clock, pay your bill and get your satchel.I will meet you on the public wharf at half-past, and see that you havea good stateroom in the cabin of the Snapper."

  "That seems to be all very well arranged," added Christy.

  "But I must see Captain Flanger before four o'clock. How much longer doyou intend to cruise in this boat?" asked the schemer, beginning tomanifest a little impatience.

  The conversation had been carried on in a low tone at the bow of theboat, where the boatman could not hear what was said.

  "I think I am safer out here than I should be on shore," suggestedChristy. "I might meet some other person in the town who knows me."

  "All right; but I ought to see Captain Flanger as soon as possible, forI shall ask him to buy the boat," replied Percy uneasily. "You mightland me, and then sail another hour or two yourself."

  "Very well; that will suit me exactly. Skipper, this gentleman wishes tobe put on shore; but I desire to sail another hour or two," saidChristy, addressing the boatman.

  "All right, sir; I will go to the wharf if you say so, but I can put theother gentleman into that boat which has just come over the bar. Theboatman is a friend of mine."

  "Who is he, David?" asked Percy.

  "Jim Peckson."

  "I know him, and I will go up in his boat if you will hail him,"answered the young Southerner. "I suppose the arrangement is wellunderstood," he added, dropping his voice so that the boatman could nothear him. "You are to be on the public wharf at half-past four, when Icome down with your satchel."

  "Perfectly understood," added the other.

  David hailed his friend Jim Peckson, and Percy was transferred to hisboat. Christy felt an intense relief in getting rid of him. Of course hehad not the remotest idea of going on board of the Snapper, whose brutalcommander had declared that he would kill him. But he realized thatNassau was not a safe place for him.

  The boat crossed the bar, and the passenger took his seat by the side ofthe boatman. David directed his boat towards the larger steamersoutside, which were loading with cotton from several small craft. Theywere, doubtless, to convey it to England. Christy felt no interest inthese, for the voyages of the blockade-runners ended when they reachedthe port of Nassau.

  "Shall I sail you over to the sea-gardens now, sir?" asked David, whenhis passenger intimated that he had seen enough of the vessels outsidethe bar.

  "Yes; anywhere you please, David. I don't care about going on shorebefore dark," replied Christy.

  The passenger was greatly interested in the sea-gardens, and for morethan an hour he gazed through the clear water at the sea-plants on thebottom, and at the many-colored fishes that were swimming about in themidst of them. He was desirous of using up the time until he could havethe covert of the friendly darkness. He looked at his watch, and foundit was nearly five o'clock.

  "What time is it high tide, David?" he asked.

  "Five o'clock, sir."

  "Are there any steamers to sail to-day? I suppose they can go over thebar only at full sea."

  "Only small vessels can go over at any other time. The Snapper was tosail at high tide."

  "Then I think we will run down by the light, and see her come out of theharbor," added Christy.

  "I don't believe she will come out this afternoon, sir," said David.

  "Why not?"

  "Her captain got arrested for something. I saw four officers taking himto the jail. Some one told me he was drunk, and had pitched into agentleman who was walking along the sidewalk in front of a saloon on BayStreet."

  "They will discharge him in time to sail on the tide, won't they?"

  "I don't reckon they will. The men from the vessels in the harbor atthis time make heaps of trouble," replied David. "If the gentleman hehit had a mind to complain of him, the court would lock him up for aweek or two."

  Christy was not disposed, under the circumstances, to make a complaint.The boat was soon in sight of the lighthouse and the bar. The Dinah madea long stretch to the eastward, and was in sight of the entrance to theharbor till it began to be dark; but no steamer came out on the hightide. The boat crossed the bar again.

  "Now, David, I want you to land me some distance beyond the publicwharf," said Christy. "How much shall I pay you for this sail?"

  "About three dollars, sir, if you don't think that is too much,"answered the boatman.

  "That is very reasonable for the time you have been out; and there is asovereign," added the passenger, as he handed him the gold coin.

  "I don't think I can change this piece, sir."

  "You need not change it; keep the whole of it."

  "Oh, thank you, sir! You are very generous, and I thank you with all myheart. I don't often earn that much money in a whole day."

  "All right, David; I am satisfied if you are."

  "I am more than satisfied, sir. B
ut where shall I land you?"

  "I don't know the names of all the streets, but go to the eastward ofthe public wharf."

  "I can land you at the foot of Union Street."

  "How will I get to the Royal Victoria Hotel?"

  The boatman directed him so that he could find his destination. He wassomewhat afraid that Percy Pierson might be on the lookout for theDinah; but by this time it was so dark that he could hardly make herout. David landed him at the place indicated, and he followed thedirections given him, which brought him to the east end of the hotel.It was too early to meet Mr. Gilfleur, and he found the guests were atdinner. He had eaten nothing since the lunch on board of the Eleuthera;and, after he had looked in the faces of all the men at the table, hetook his place with them, and did full justice to the fare set beforehim.

  He did not venture to remain in the hotel. He desired to see thedetective, for he had decided not to remain another day in Nassau. Aslong as Percy Pierson was in the town, it was not a safe place for him.He had decided to make his way across the island to the nook where theEleuthera was concealed, and remain on board of her until the detectivereturned. But he desired to see him, and report his intention to him,so that he need not be concerned about him.

  "Two men sprang upon him." Page 233.]

  Christy was entirely satisfied that he had correctly interpreted thepurpose of Percy to betray him into the hands of Captain Flanger. As hewas not on the public wharf at half-past four, doubtless he had been onthe lookout for him. He knew David, and his first step would be to findhim. The boatman would be likely to tell him that his fellow-passengerin the Dinah had gone to the hotel. He visited the place arranged forhis meeting with Mr. Gilfleur; but it was in advance of the time, and hewas not there. He walked about the hotel grounds, careful to avoid everyperson who came in his way.

  In the darkness he saw a man approaching him, and he turned about,walking away in the opposite direction. But presently this person movedoff towards the hotel, and he started again for the rendezvous with thedetective. He had gone but a short distance before two men sprang uponhim, one of them taking him in the rear, and hugging him so that hecould not move his arms. He began a mighty struggle; but two more mencame out of their hiding-place, and a pair of handcuffs were slippedupon his wrists.

  Then he attempted to call for assistance, but a handkerchief waspromptly stuffed into his mouth, and the ruffians hurried him outthrough a narrow gateway to an unfrequented street, where a carriageappeared to be in waiting for them.

  "Drive to the beach back of Fort Montague," said one of them.

  It was the voice of Captain Flanger.