Read Fighting for the Right Page 5



  The commander told Christy that he would probably find the person whohad brought the letter to him in the waist, for he knew nothing of hisquality, position, or anything else about him, and he did not know whereto berth him, though there was room enough in the ward room or thesteerage. He was dressed like a gentleman, and brought two very handsomevalises on board with him.

  "For all that, I did not know but that he might be a French cook, asteward, or something of that sort," added Captain Chantor, laughing.

  "He is a man who is said to be a Napoleon in his profession; but I willtell you all about him after we get under way, for I am in a hurry tospeak with him," replied Christy.

  "He is evidently a Frenchman," continued the captain.

  "He is; but I never saw him in my life, and know nothing about himexcept what I have learned from a long letter my father gave me when Iwas coming on board."

  "I have been told that you speak French like a native of Paris, Mr.Passford," suggested the commander.

  "Not so bad as that; I have studied the language a great deal undercompetent instructors from Paris, but I am not so proficient as you maythink, though I can make my way with those who speak it," replied thepassenger, as he moved towards the door of the stateroom.

  "And I can't speak the first word of it, for I have been a sailor all mylife, though I went through the naval academy somewhat hurriedly,"continued the commander.

  "Fortunately you don't need French on the quarter-deck;" and Christyleft the stateroom.

  The captain went into his cabin, but came out before the passenger couldreach the deck. He informed Christy that he was directed to heave shorton the anchor and watch for a signal mentioned, which was to be hoistednear the Battery. He might get under way at any minute.

  Christy found the person of whom the captain had spoken in the waist.He was dressed in a black suit, and looked more like a dandy than adetective. He was apparently about forty years of age, rather slenderlybuilt, but with a graceful form. He wore a long black mustache, but noother beard. He was pacing the deck, and seemed to be very uneasy,possibly because he was all alone, for no one took any notice of him,though the captain had received him very politely.

  "Monsieur Gilfleur?" said Christy, walking up to him, and bowing aspolitely as a Parisian.

  "I am Mr. Gilfleur; have I the honor to address Lieutenant Passford?"replied the Frenchman.

  "I am Lieutenant Passford, though I have no official position on boardof this steamer."

  "I am aware of it," added Mr. Gilfleur, as he chose to call himself,taking a letter from the breast pocket of his coat, and handing it verygracefully to Christy.

  "Pardon me," added the young officer, as he opened the missive.

  It was simply a letter of introduction from Captain Passford, intendedto assure him of the identity of the French detective. Mr. Gilfleurevidently prided himself on his knowledge of the English language, forhe certainly spoke it fluently and correctly, though with a little ofthe accent of his native tongue.

  "I am very happy to meet you, Mr. Gilfleur," said Christy in French, ashe extended his hand to the other, who promptly took it, and from thatmoment seemed to lose all his embarrassment.

  "I thank you, Mr. Passford, for this pleasant reception, for it ispossible that we may have a great deal of business together, and I hopeyou have confidence in me."

  "Unlimited confidence, sir, since my father heartily indorses you."

  "I thank you, sir, and I am sure we shall be good friends, though I amnot a gentleman like you, Mr. Passford."

  "You are my equal in every respect, for though my father is a very richman, I am not. But we are all equals in this country."

  "I don't know about that," said the Frenchman, with a Parisian shrug ofthe shoulders. "Your father has treated me very kindly, and I have hearda great deal about his brave and accomplished son," said Mr. Gilfleur,with a very deferential bow.

  "Spare me!" pleaded Christy, with a deprecatory smile and a shake of thehead.

  "You are very modest, Mr. Passford, and I will not offend you. I am notto speak of our mission before the Chateaugay is out of sight of land,"said the detective, looking into the eyes of the young man with a gazewhich seemed to reach the soul, for he was doubtless measuring thequality and calibre of his associate in the mission, as he called it,in which both were engaged. "I knew your father very well in Paris,"he added, withdrawing his piercing gaze.

  "Then you are the gentleman who found the stewardess of the Bellevitewhen she ran away with a bag of French gold at Havre?" said Christy,opening his eyes.

  "I have the honor to be that person," replied Mr. Gilfleur, with one ofhis graceful bows. "It was a difficult case, for the woman wasassociated with one of the worst thieves of Paris, and it took me amonth to run them down."

  "Though I was a small boy, I remember it very well, for I was on boardof the Bellevite at the time," replied Christy. "I know that he was veryenthusiastic in his praise of the wonderful skill of the person whorecovered the money and sent the two thieves to prison. I understand nowwhy my father sent to Paris for you when he needed a very skilful personof your profession."

  "Thank you, Mr. Passford; you know me now, and we shall be goodfriends."

  "No doubt of it; but here comes the captain, and I have a word to say tohim," added Christy, as he touched his naval cap to the commander."Allow me to introduce to you my friend Mr. Gilfleur, whom my fatheremployed in Havre six years ago."

  The captain was as polite as the Frenchman, and gave him a heartyreception. Christy then suggested that his friend should be berthed inthe ward room. The ship's steward was called, and directed to give Mr.Gilfleur a room next to the other passenger. As they were likely to havemany conferences together in regard to the business on their hands, theywere both particular in regard to the location of their rooms; and thechief steward suited them as well as he could.

  The detective spoke to him in French, but the steward could notunderstand a word he said. Christy inquired if any of the ward-roomofficers spoke the polite language, for his friend might sometimes wishto converse in his own tongue.

  "I don't believe they do, for they all got into the ward room throughthe hawse-hole," replied the steward, laughing at the very idea.

  When the passengers went on deck, the commander introduced them both tothe officers of the ship. To each in turn, at the request of Christy, heput the question as to whether or not he could speak French; and theyall replied promptly in the negative, and laughed at the inquiry.

  "Have you no one on board who speaks French, Captain Chantor?" askedChristy.

  "I don't know anything about it, but as it seems to be of someimportance to you and your friend, I will ascertain at once. Mr.Suppleton, will you overhaul the ship's company, and see if you can findany one that speaks French," continued the commander, addressing thechief steward.

  In about half an hour he returned, and reported that he was unable tofind a single person who could speak a word of French. Doubtless many ofthe officers, who were of higher grade than any on board of theChateaugay, were fluent enough in the language, but they were not to befound in the smaller vessels of the navy; for, whatever their rankbefore the war, they had all been advanced to the higher positions.Every one of the officers on board of this steamer had been the captainof a vessel, and had been instructed in the profession after the warbegan. Though substantially educated, they were not to be compared inthis respect with the original officers.

  "We can talk as much as we please of our mission after we get out ofsight of land; and as long as we do it in French, no one will understandus," said Christy to his fellow-passenger.

  "As soon as we are permitted by my orders to do so, I shall have much tosay to you, Mr. Passford," replied Mr. Gilfleur.

  "On deck!" shouted a man in the mizzen-top.

  "Aloft!" returned Mr. Birdwing, the first lieutenant.

  "Signal over the boarding-station, s
ir!" reported the quartermaster inthe top. "It is a number--'Get under way!'"

  The executive officer reported the signal to the commander, though hewas on deck, and had heard the words of the quartermaster.

  "Get under way at once, Mr. Birdwing," said the captain.

  "Boatswain, all hands up anchor!" said the first lieutenant to thisofficer; and in a moment the call rang through the ship.

  Every officer and seaman was promptly in his station, for it was awelcome call. The ship's company were dreaming of prize-money, forofficers had made fabulous sums from this source. In one instance alieutenant received for his share nearly forty thousand dollars; andeven an ordinary seaman pocketed seventeen hundred from a singlecapture. The Chateaugayans were anxious to engage in this harvest, andin a hurry to be on their way to the field of fortune.

  In a short time the steamer was standing down East River at moderatespeed. The Ionian could not be seen yet, and nothing in regard to herwas known to any one on board except the captain and his two passengers.As the ship approached the battery, a tug, which Christy recognized asthe one his father had employed, came off and hailed the Chateaugay. Thescrew was stopped, and Captain Passford was discovered at her bow. Hewaved his hat to his son, saluted the commander in the same manner, andthen passed up an envelope.

  The tug sheered off, and the ship continued on her course, with a pilotat the wheel. The missive from the shore was addressed to CaptainChantor. He opened it at once, and then ordered one bell to be rung tostop her. A few moments later a heavy tug came off, and twelve men wereput on board, with an order signed by the government official for thecommander to receive them on board. There had evidently been someafterthoughts on shore. These men were turned in with the crew, excepttwo who were officers, and they were put in the ward room. The ship thenproceeded on her course.

  "The Ionian is about two miles ahead of us, Mr. Passford," said thecaptain, after he had used his glass diligently for some time. And hespoke in a very low tone.

  "We have no business with her at present," added Christy.

  "None, except to watch her; and, fortunately, we have fine, clearweather, so that will not be a difficult job. By the way, Mr. Passford,the envelope I received was from your father, and he gives meinformation of another steamer expected in the vicinity of Bermuda aboutthis time; and he thinks we had better look for her when she comes outfrom those islands," said the captain, evidently delighted with theprospect before him.

  "What are these men for that were sent off in the tug?" Christyinquired; for he felt that he had a right to ask the question.

  "They are to take the Ionian back to New York, if we have to captureher."

  Captain Passford appeared to be afraid the Chateaugay would beshorthanded if she had to send a prize crew home with the Ionian.