Read Final Collection Page 11


  Adam shut the door behind him, turning the handle so it would be quieter than just pulling it closed. His head and eyes were slightly down as he analyzed the information and directives Eva had given him. It had only been about twenty minutes of conversation, but he was trying to piece out what hadn’t been said and the impact of his possible participation in her plans. He watched the steps as he stepped up each one, feeling his foot applying pressure to the stairs and holding the railing gently to feel his mind focusing on other things while still working out what he should really do. The walls in the hallway didn’t have the same texture as Eva’s, Adam noticed as he held his hand outside the frame of the door he was about to open, she took extra care to ensure the paint in her entryway was smooth. Adam wondered about her attention to detail and how maybe he shouldn’t be examining what was missing from what he was told by her. Eva certainly had a better view of what was ahead and all he could do was trust in that. Adam wasn’t entirely comfortable walking away now because it left him with what seemed only two actions: never return or return and play the way she wanted. Adam held the handle to the building door with his other hand not desiring to feel the cold outside but also and mostly trying to maintain his focus before being distracted further. The hot chocolate had been perfect and he considered having more when he settled in at his apartment, yet the bitterly honest conversation he had with Eva soured the idea for having anything more than the warmth of a hug. Adam moved his hand to the door frame itself which was cold and smooth, he continued to move his hand down the frame until he finally brought his arm to rest by his side while he stood, facing the door to leave the building.

  Adam had always imagined he would find himself in a family, being a husband and raising children, working, shaving regularly, making decisions about which car would be right for the family, and how to manage the finances of the home. He thought he was to be part of something bigger than himself and fully be part of it, sweet embraces and kisses, pride of family, love, laughter and disappointment, aging and watching those around him grow and develop. Adam assumed this was going to be with Sarah at a time, imagined that even without her there would be someone; a somewhat straight course through life to the end without interruption or necessity to involve himself with anything more than what was in front of him, experiencing loss, death, failure and the opposites that come with them. The idea that his hope of living in moments was being crushed, not to mention that he was now being asked to involve himself in something for a greater purpose, was tearing him apart. Adam stepped away from the door by putting his back to the wall he had been previously touching. Walking away would be giving up in his mind, letting massive quantities of people down and especially one, Eva. If he came back there would be the opportunity to share many special moments with her and possibly to the end just looking into her eyes as she had done to him more than once, but it would be at the cost of everything, he would have to become more than he ever expected he would have to be. Adam’s eyes glistened and he didn’t try to hold it back. Eva’s handler would be there any second and this is the look she had recommended he have while leaving. Eva had said he was sure to see her handler on the way out and it was essential he not look contemplative.

  Adam turned and opened the door preparing himself for the cold that was about to hit him, he kept his view slightly down and noticed a man coming and passing him only pausing to thank him for holding the door without much commitment to gratitude. That must have been him Adam thought as he looked up to see a car pulling up next to his. Through the window Adam saw a slightly older man opening the door to get out he looked extremely cold and angry. As he moved closer to his own car he recognized the penetrating glare the man was giving him, one that would be hard to pretend to ignore, but Adam attempted to anyway, focusing on the mood he was supposed to give off and was certainly feeling. The man stepped extremely close to Adam giving him no room to ignore him anymore so he stopped and turned to look at the person who was not as intimidating as he was trying to be. “Is that your car,” the man pointed to Adam’s car, Adam gave a nod, “how blind are you, the blue lines mean not for you.” The man was clearly quite upset but Adam wanted to laugh at how little it seemed, not unimportant, just little. He hadn’t noticed the blue lines in his rush to get to Eva’s, Adam glanced around for a moment checking to see if there was a sign. “I’m sorry,” Adam kept from becoming too loose with his expressions, “I’m leaving now.” The man pushed Adam hard enough that he had to take a step back but this was not as hard as the man assumed he had pushed as he approached for a second shove. “I said I’m leaving,” Adam spit out with a laugh as he stepped aside with a slide of his feet, now finding the man’s anger more humorous than the mistake he made by parking in a space reserved for those who required it yet wasn’t signed with anything more than blue lines. The man was now turning red and his eyes had the look of letting all life’s rules not apply as he pulled his arm back just enough to give Adam time to wait, then duck using the man’s momentum to cause him to fall over Adam’s back. Adam stood up and put his hands in his pockets trying to give every impression that he had no intention of fighting, “You are only keeping me from leaving, relax.” The man got up a little dazed from what just happened, “If I ever see you again, you’ll get worse.” Adam tried to imagine what exactly the man meant and used all of his control to keep from laughing, instead nodding and walking by him toward his car-door.

  Time warp

  Mark was already in Eva’s apartment so he was unable to witness Adam’s trouble in the parking lot, his mind set on discovering what exactly happened as things were off from plan. The look Adam had on his face meant things were set right at least for the moment, that maybe he had no reason to take things further and overplay his hand. “So you’re sure you have this wrapped up then, because he needs to come back,” Mark said looking down at Eva sitting on her couch. He moved to Eva’s rocking chair giving the impression he would be staying for some time while waiting for her to explain more about what happened. Eva watched Mark sit down feeling only slight frustration that he used her spare key to get in to her apartment; at least she knew he still had it. “You and I both know there is at least an outside chance he won’t come back, but in my opinion, he will so you shouldn’t worry, only wait.” Mark ran his hand through his hair again; clearly frustrated that she wasn’t giving up more. Eva instead began questioning him, “And now it’s a need to have him?” Eva knew this meant the committee was involved because Mark usually ran his own affairs with little consultation with anyone else. Mark frowned recognizing the mistake in words he used, “Being this close, I think we need him otherwise the time will have been wasted,” he tried to cover. Eva had never known Mark to care about time when it came to collecting; it was always lengthy and sometimes ended with death. She could read through the lie with ease, but let it drop feeling Mark’s agenda had changed and that he really was suspicious of her, the last things she wanted were for him to figure it out or keep a closer eye.

  Eva wished Mark would leave, but was in no position to give off that impression, Mark was trying to get her to talk and the longer he stayed the more he would wear on her, but if he was uninvited, there would be no question in his mind. “If it all works out, do you think you and Adam will be having children?” Eva grimaced at Mark’s change in direction, “I can’t say I haven’t thought about it with any companion, but it’s too early to decide when considering we don’t know how he will be after being turned. From what we’ve seen before, it’s likely he’ll be too focused in working in ‘City’ so the question is irrelevant.” Mark had a look of dissatisfaction he was hoping Eva would apply to her answer though it was from his appraisal of his current situation. Eva was essential to turning Adam which his position depended on, so he couldn’t press her too much, yet he knew something was still churning inside her that was likely too dangerous to allow continuing. He was being left to wait and this time waiting was a r
isk he wasn’t sure he was ready to take but at this very moment, he had to. Mark stood up from the rocking chair and let his eyes look on Eva’s new colors in the apartment, a little upset that he hadn’t noticed sooner. Making his way toward the door, Mark asked with sincerity “Why do you change the colors?” He paused in the entryway for a response. “Did I Mark, I hadn’t noticed.” Eva said coolly. Mark pulled the door shut behind him. Eva leaned back on her couch thankful that everything was moving as she intended.

  Time warp

  Adam called Allen as planned only moments after leaving the apartments and now understood why the conversation could be lengthy, as the phone continued to ring, Adam was trying to decide whether or not he would be going back to Eva’s, trying to fight the decision he had already made and giving it one final opportunity for reversal. He couldn’t tell Allen as much as he knew they both wished him to, Allen was the last action and Adam hated putting him in that much danger; the weight of the decision nearly made him close the phone. “Adam, I wasn’t expecting the call so soon. What’s going on?” Adam took a breath as he turned the wheel to follow the road as it curved left, “Maybe you could come over and we can talk about it over dinner.” Allen hesitated, “I’ll be over soon, but get something for yourself, if you don’t mind I’ll finish what Mallory has prepared.” Adam blushed at being so wrapped up in what was happening to himself, “Of course, I’m sorry to have interrupted dinner, and tell Mallory ‘hello’ and that ‘I’m sorry’ as well.” Adam closed his phone thinking himself to be lucky having more time to process how he was going to keep Allen’s family as safe as possible. The blinker’s repetitive clicking as he waited for the lights to change was the only sound and it was bothering Adam, he turned it off watching the other vehicles pass in front of him going to whatever their destination would be. Adam wasn’t in the mood to think of it, but to a certain extent, he had no idea what he was getting himself into and therefore, his destination was unknown.

  Time lapse

  Adam had only just settled in before hearing his phone ring. Adam didn’t usually screen his phone calls as usually no one called, but tonight seemed like a good night to in hopes of keeping focus on what was approaching. He had determined that the risk of Allen’s family was in the greater interest if things were as serious as Eva had led him to believe, if not, there would be little risk. It was Allen so Adam picked up saying “Hello,” waiting for Allen to continue. “Adam, I’m pulling up now.” Adam was surprised at how quickly Allen had finished with dinner and made his way here, “I hope you finished dinner before rushing over,” he replied. “Just come let me in.” Allen demanded before hanging up on Adam. Adam briskly made his way to the front entrance not feeling any adjustment in temperature from his apartment from the hallway or the entrance when he opened the door. Allen walked in carrying a bottle of Bushmills Irish whiskey not feeling much more comfortable being inside except for a lack of wind. Adam walked them into the apartment as Allen continued the conversation they were having on the phone, “Mallory rushed me out the door with no intention of allowing me to enjoy any more dinner for the evening, so I brought this as whatever you are going to share may warrant it, plus the last time I was over I finished your scotch.” Allen presented the bottle to Adam; it was twenty-one year old Bushmills single malt. Adam considered this overpriced for his taste, then overpriced again because of limited supply, but he appreciated the thought and the price Allen had gone through. “Thank you Allen, I hope this will be all the dinner you need outside of conversation.” Allen sat down at the table while Adam set the bottle on the counter before pouring two nearly full glasses, leaving a little extra room for ice in Allen’s glass. “So what is going on; is this going to impact work?” Allen suggested, hoping that was all it was going to affect. Adam sat down and took a good sip of the whiskey, trying to determine how well it would settle with him tonight. The taste was familiar but not quite the one he was looking for, he was focusing on the wrong thing and he knew it so pushed forward with an uncomfortable feeling in his mouth and throat, “Not entirely, I will just be gone more often outside of work, I’m getting into something with Eva that could be incredibly dangerous and I want you to gradually know more as this continues, for now just understand that if I am found dead, it was no accident and right now I’m not sure I can give you any more information to stop what could be coming.” Adam waited as Allen stared at him blankly at first, then with a twisted smile that passed into a frown; Allen wanted to say something but couldn’t and instead took a comparable drink to the one Adam had and was grateful there was ice in his drink as he suckled it to offset the taste. Taking a moment to clear his mind and mouth, Allen questioned, “You seem pretty calm looking into possible death, should I assume it’s unlikely?” Adam knew Allen was trying to play the games they had done in the past, but was trying to be as clear as possible so put his hand out in front of him as if reaching out to Allen but holding his palm tightly to the table, “This is more dangerous for you and your family even if I can’t get Eva out of what she’s into, as far as I know or can best guess, it’s some sort of collection of people hell bent on making people ‘see’,” Adam pulled his arm back to use his hands, accenting the idea of seeing with air quotations, “the right way to live and apparently I have been chosen to either ‘see’ or be in the way of what this group of people is trying to do.” Allen wasn’t sure what to make of it, he only knew that when Adam spoke directly there were no ‘but if you’ or ‘what if’s’ only bitter truth, but no truth had been more bitter than this for Allen. They looked at each other, Adam waiting for everything to sink into Allen, and Allen hoping Adam would simply continue; Allen broke first, “So what am I supposed to do with this?” Adam recognized that Allen was at full attention now, even if the first drink hit Allen harder than it should have, “I just need you to be there for a connection with reality, because I am going to enter this seemingly demented world of…I don’t know what it is other than distorted from what naturally is; as it stands, I may not be back to work the day after tomorrow and from there each day is supposed to bring more doubt to my opportunity to continue ever seeing you again until I commit and finish this.” Allen finally found the courage to bring up a sort of ‘what if’, “So what is it that gives you the opportunity to make a difference and have a hope of not being killed?” Adam swallowed hard on the second sip, possibly because it was larger than the first, “I don’t know, otherwise I don’t think I would be bringing you into this, I would just handle it, right now, I just know I will make as much of a difference as I can.” Adam reflected a moment then refocused, “Just keep your family safe, safe as you can anyhow; as well as I know you, I think you have the resources to ensure they are. And from now on, I can only see you at work.” Allen looked into the glass, wishing he had something to say instead of taking a drink, after a long pause, he pulled the glass up almost glaring at Adam for what his own part in this was going to mean.