Read Final Collection Page 7


  Although accounting had resolved the issue, Allen knew the company had overspent enough he needed to continue cutting back, so after wrapping up whatever work they could by a little after twelve, he and Adam were having an early dinner Mallory said she’d have prepared by the time they were finished at the office. One of the reasons Adam agreed to visit today was to tell Allen and Mallory about Eva coming after they had left last night, Adam thought he wouldn’t be able to hold back from telling Allen this morning, but the volume of work they both had was enough to prevent having a conversation at all. The other reason, and just as important to Adam was what Mallory was preparing, Adam knew it was still a mystery to Allen, but there was no doubt in his own mind that this afternoon they would be having one of Mallory’s deliciously simple recipes most probably Adam assumed, Shepherd’s Pie. The road was fairly open and straight so Adam took a few seconds looking to his left and over the openness that was always there when he drove to Allen’s house, he had already noticed the late fall turning into winter, but seeing it over a space that provided view of the scattered woods beyond the field and a nearly uninterrupted view of the large sky overhead, gave him a heightened sense of the warmth of summer and now the chilling feel of approaching winter. Adam brought his eyes back to the road and realized he had increased his speed enough that Allen’s car was obviously ahead rather than just a vehicle far ahead of him. Feeling excited to share the news with Allen and Mallory, Adam was bothered that he was slowing down, so he turned on the radio for distraction. The question Adam contemplated while he was standing over the inland lake was still rolling around in his mind, “What was I hoping to find?” The specific almost seemed irrelevant now yet the general remained an important question for himself as it led to the reason for his constant curiosity.

  “I’m hoping we can get caught up early next week,” Allen was explaining as he opened the front door to let Adam ahead of him, “but today’s work is laughable compared to what we have ahead.” Adam gave a friendly wrist-wave to Mallory as he pulled off his shoes and inhaled the strong scent of soup. Mallory smiled back at Adam as she came over to give Allen a hug, consoling him for what could only be the trouble at work. Allen appreciated the hug slightly less than he normally would as he recognized the smell coming from the kitchen, “Are you making Potato Leek soup?” he was almost pushing Mallory out of the way to verify his suspicion. Mallory looked at Adam noticing he wasn’t exactly surprised by what she had prepared, somewhat quietly she asked Adam, “Am I that predictable to you?” Adam grinned to the point of slight pain, “No, you are that reliable,” Adam slowed, making sure she understood what he was saying, “Allen is that predictable.” Mallory blushed a little as she took Adam’s arm walking after Allen who was already gushing about how wonderful it was, “Thank you Adam, I just know that when something bad comes up at work, it follows Allen home, and this time cutting back at the office means simplicity at home, but that doesn’t mean it has to be underwhelming, right?” Adam looked down at Mallory who was waiting for an answer, “Of course not, that’s why I always come over when Allen is frustrated with work,” Adam smiled to himself as they watched Allen already setting the table and getting anything, that wasn’t yet, ready. Adam pulled the pitcher of water from the refrigerator, as directed by Mallory, and unable to hold back any longer opened up, “So, guess who showed up last night after all?” Allen continued to work almost not hearing the question, “who?” Mallory stopped what she was doing knowing what was coming and seeing Adam so happy, filled her heart up to the point she burst “Oh Adam, how was she?” Starting to answer both Mallory and Allen at the same time, Adam said her name again, “Eva,” then paused for Allen to realize that everything was ready and now he could relax, have conversation, and eat at the same time, before continuing “Eva was fun to be around and so beautiful.” Allen now coming back to reality seemed to draw something out of ‘lost’ memory, “Murray. That was her last name, Eva Murray.” Adam’s face went blank.

  Time warp

  Eva was watching Mark, her handler, as he spoke from the other side of his picnic table. She always enjoyed the welcome and protected feel of Mark’s backyard with trees blocking view from and to the world outside. Mark didn’t look much older than when she first met him, Eva noticed, but he had the feel of her father and was beginning to look as if he were. She saw Mark’s mouth moving but wasn’t listening, Eva knew what he was saying, and was instead trying to decide if this is how it happened when he had brought her in to the operation, she hadn’t considered it before. It wasn’t the first time Eva had a target, but this was the first time she chose one, Adam. She remembered feeling sad for Adam and how it must have destroyed him to have his fiancé taken. Eva wondered if Adam’s induction would be as uneasy for him as it was for her, her fear was devouring her at the time, but Mark and his wife kept her away from everyone else until she was ready to learn more about what she could do to help in her own special way. Eva breathed deeply sitting up straight - letting her pride give her strength, now she was a collector. Mark noticed the distance growing in Eva’s eyes, “Eva…this is important, I know plans can change at any time, but you have to be ready to adjust.” Eva brought her focus the short journey back and started to feel her body getting numb from just sitting, “I know Mark, we’ve covered this before,” as she stretched her legs and moved around to stand behind Mark. Marks eyes followed her until she was behind him. “I just want to make sure you keep things relaxed if he starts to move away from you, you can’t force him or get angry, you will need to draw him back in,” Mark coached while Eva started to rub his shoulders. Eva didn’t want to discuss it anymore, “But like you said earlier, “What we’re trying to do is not let it get there; and that is where I’m the best,” she said with finality, pride swelling as she thought of how no one has turned her down for induction or tried to escape her, something not even Mark could imply of himself. Mark stood up, calm, shrugging Eva’s hands away, “So far but you’ve only collected a handful of people, some of us have been doing this for years, and it’s a new challenge each time, don’t let your confidence get in the way,” Mark took a breath still not completely convinced about Eva’s motives for choosing Adam, “And don’t let any feelings get in the way either.” Mark tried to read Eva’s expression which was unchanged as she began to quote Mark from when she committed to join ‘City’ as a collector, “What we do, our goals, are bigger than any one of us, and our emotions can be a tool to accomplish those goals, but they can also get in our way if we don’t keep control.” Mark let it end there and held out his hand for Eva to take, he was satisfied that she wouldn’t admit anything yet no matter how hard he pushed, “Let’s get inside and warm up, we have other things to work on today.” Eva took his hand and for a moment forced imagination to pretend that her father wasn’t dead; that for just the time it would take to feel it, he was right next to her.

  Time warp

  Adam’s chair was incredibly comfortable this evening. He played with ideas why it felt so good even though he was alone with his glass, “Maybe it’s the scotch…or how perfect Mallory’s cooking always was…,” Adam stopped, letting his happiness build before admitting the reason, “Eva wants to see me again tomorrow.” Adam determined Eva and Erin were sisters or cousins, it didn’t matter, he wasn’t curious about that anymore, he just wanted to enjoy Eva’s company again. The fact that she called him to make a date made Adam feel incredible. He finished what little was left of his glass and looked at the empty wall in front of him. Adam wanted to adjust his body but instead let it sink further into the worn leather as he projected on the wall how he imagined a walk through the children’s science museum would be. The idea seemed fun as Adam pictured kids racing around looking at all of the different and exciting things set up for their entertainment and learning. Adam thought about holding her hand and wondered if it would feel any different than the other night, he went so far as to imagine pulling her to a
hiding place in the museum and stealing a kiss, but it seemed too soon for that. He wanted to let their familiarity grow first; Adam trapped his imagination, since it was moving too quickly for his own comfort, then slowly suffocated it to reality and said, “I just hope this date leads to another, I hope she has fun.”