Read Find Me: Faeries Lost Page 24

Chapter Twelve

  Pandimora summoned the goblins to her as she stood just on the outer edge of the earth realm. Using her sweetest voice, the one that exposed the truth in her heart, she promised to bargain with them for their help.

  Jonic materialized first, grinning with his stubby brown teeth, and Sirt appeared next, one eyebrow cocked as he stared at her. They both appeared delighted to realize they were very close to the earth dimension and tilted their heads back to eagerly sniff the air.

  "You have not brought the human," Jonic said with disappointment, and yet she noted his eyes shone with delight, no doubt for the mischief he hoped to create. At least he was honest in his dealings with her.

  Sirt nudged Jonic aside. "You're always thinking of your own enjoyment. She did not call us to frighten her human." He turned to her. "Why have you called us so close to the earth dimension?"

  "I knew it would interest you enough to answer my summons," Pandimora stated quietly. "I did not mean to trick you, but Aisywel is falling into ruin as we speak. I need to shift matter so that I might return and speak to the high elder council. There is information I must give them to prepare them for the turmoil that lies ahead. I need your help."

  Sirt looked at her, aghast. "In returning you risk stepping into disaster! The ground will be air and the climate will squeeze the breath from your faerie lungs. You cannot return."

  Fear sliced through Pandimora, and resolve. "I can and I will. Tell me how to shift matter so I can get in undetected, without the use of a portal. I need to be less than a grain of sand so that I might slip through the other side."

  Jonic put his palms together and quickly twiddled his fingers, his glance calculating. "And what will we get in return?" His anticipation was so sharp she could feel it.

  Pandimora bit her lip. "We will strike a bargain," she said slowly. "I will ask Drew if he can arrange for you an extra day in the earth dimension."

  "The human," remarked Sirt. "But he is not well. He lies dying."

  "He will get better," she said fiercely. "He will."

  "Well, of course I do hope you are right," Jonic said delicately, "however, if plans change, what else are you willing to bargain?"

  "I must act quickly," she said. "Can we discuss this later? I promise I will uphold my end of a bargain."

  "You swear?" Sirt asked, eyes narrowed. "On your immortal life?"

  Pandimora nodded, aware of the risk she took, promising an open-ended bargain with a goblin.

  Jonic took her hand, his fingers clammy. "We'll help an Aisywel faerie and hopefully live to tell about it. You must come to our world as the shift can only be made from Isidghe, just as the return must be to Isidghe. If you try to step into a different dimension, then poof," he blew a gust of air suddenly into her face. "You will be faerie dust. We don't usually do this with faeries, so we can't guarantee your safety when you shift over there."

  He looked at Sirt. "Do we need her to sign a disclaimer?"

  "Please trust me. I won't hold you responsible if something goes wrong."

  "Mmm." Jonic frowned, obviously not at all happy about this turn of events. "Goblins don't like to be rushed, but okay, we'll do it." He pulled a scroll of paper from behind him, held it up and let it unroll to his feet. She stared at it, then watched as he kicked it with his foot and unrolled it the rest of the way.

  "I-I --"

  Sirt hit Jonic on the shoulder. "Put that away. Can't you see she's in distress? She promised, and unlike goblins, Aisywel faeries don't lie."

  Pandimora nodded and took a deep breath.

  Jonic started to roll the scroll, but it kinked and the parchment began to crumple. With a sound of frustration, he dropped it to the ground. "All right," he said to Sirt. "But if this goes awry, don't say I didn't warn you."

  Sirt indicated the elven star on her arm. "As you shift you must concentrate on the star and invoke its protective qualities. Use all your powers of concentration. We hope doing this will bring you into Aisywel without mishap."

  She nodded. "I'm ready."

  "One other thing," Jonic snapped. "We're coming with you."

  Pandimora had not expected that. "It's very dangerous," she said somberly, but they merely stared at her with barely suppressed anticipation.

  "It sounds like great fun," said Jonic. "I can't wait to see the faces of those Aisywel faeries."