Read Finding Faith Page 12

  “Everything’s fine.”

  They made small talk for a few minutes. When he left the room, Paula sank back into her chair. All her organized notes and her developing story were in that file, not to mention the time line she’d meticulously worked out.

  She sprung upright. What did she do with the hard copy she wrote the story from? Her thoughts flew back to the night before. She’d tossed them into her trash can. She rolled her chair back and pulled the can forward.

  Empty. She let her head fall back against the chair. Five weeks of material gone. Sure, she had the original tapes and could get a copy of the transcript, but she’d have to start all over with writing the actual story. How could she have been so stupid not to save it to disk? David was always telling her she’d regret it one day.

  And today was the day. Now she had a virus or something. But weren’t all the computers in the office linked? If hers had a virus, didn’t they all?

  She scanned the room, and her eyes landed on the new information-technology guy. He would know. She strode over to his desk. “Do you have a minute, Stan?”

  He looked up from his computer. “Sure.”

  She perched on the side of his desk. “I have a technical question about computers.”

  “Fire away.” He ran a hand through his short, brown hair. The man might be new to the station, but it was already obvious he had more computer know-how than everyone in the office combined.

  “I lost a document in the Word program. I saved it last night, but when I got in this morning, it was gone. Is there any way to retrieve it?”

  “Did you back it up?”

  She could feel a flush spreading across her skin. “No.”

  “Well, let’s have a look.”

  He followed her back to her station and searched for the document a few different ways. Finally he shrugged. “Sorry, it’s not there.”

  “How can that be? I saved it last night.”

  “Could’ve accidentally hit the wrong key, I suppose.”

  “Could it be a virus?”

  “If yours had a virus, all the computers in the office would have it. I keep the network updated against viruses, so it’s unlikely. I can do a scan and check for sure.”

  “Would you please? I’d really appreciate it.”

  A while later Stan approached her desk. “I finished the scan. The system is clean. Must’ve just been a fluke.”

  Paula’s eyes fell on Darrick, who was talking to Miles on the other side of the room, then trailed down to the empty desks of Jaron and Roxy. Yes, it could be a fluke.

  Or a dirty trick played by a jealous competitor.



  Paula exited the plane and hurried through the hallway to the airport. David would be waiting for her, and she’d missed him more in the last two and a half weeks than she cared to admit, even to herself. Between her being swamped at work and the out-of-town conference David had attended the weekend before, getting together had been impossible.

  When she passed security, she saw him leaning against the tourist booth. She felt her mouth stretch into a smile as their eyes met.

  When she neared, he folded her in his arms. “Hey, baby.”

  Paula let her bag drop to the floor and enjoyed the feel of his strong arms around her. “I’m so glad to see you.” She’d almost said she was glad to be home, but that wasn’t true. When it came to the location, she’d rather be in Chicago any day. It was her husband’s presence she missed—not this town.

  He grabbed her carry-on, and she followed him out to the Escalade. Darkness obscured the distant mountains, but lamps lit their way as they crunched through patches of snow. The parking lot was chalked by the salt they’d used to clear the snow and ice, and Paula guessed there were four or five inches of snow on the ground. Even so, the cold air was still stagnant, not gusting and tugging every which way on her hair the way it did in Chicago.

  Once they were settled in the vehicle, David picked her hand up off her lap and drew it to his lips. He planted a tender kiss. “I missed you.”

  “Two weeks is too long.” Phone calls and e-mails just weren’t the same as being together. Especially when their marriage felt as new as newlyweds.

  Feeling playful and slightly giddy in his presence, she widened her eyes in naiveté. “Whatever are we going to do with two whole days?”

  She loved the way his eyes fell to her lips. “I’m pretty sure I can come up with a couple of hundred ideas.”

  “Do tell.” She couldn’t smother the smile if she tried. It was so good to be with David. She’d missed their banter.

  “I’d rather show.”

  Paula laughed. Being with David now was just like old times, and she hoped it would stay this way forever. As hard as the times had been lately, the events had brought them closer together. She supposed she should be thankful for that.

  David caught her up on his real-estate transactions and the goings-on at JH Realty, and then he turned the discussion toward her. “Is Linn all settled in at the apartment?”

  When she’d told David the day before that she was letting Linn move in, David had been a little wary. But Paula had explained Linn’s situation, and he seemed OK with the idea.

  “She brought her stuff over today on my lunch hour, and I gave her a key. Nothing like getting a guest settled in, then leaving town.”

  “Are you sure you trust her?”

  Paula shrugged. “I’m sure Nat wouldn’t set me up with a convicted felon.”

  “I know. I just worry about you.”

  She squeezed his hand. “I’m a big girl. Oh, I didn’t have time to tell you yesterday about losing my file.”

  “What file?” David guided the car out of the parking lot and toward Jackson.

  “All my notes on the Morgan story disappeared from my program. I saved it Wednesday night, but when I tried to open it yesterday, it was gone.”

  “Do you have a backup?” He nudged his glasses up.

  “Unfortunately, no. But you can bet I’ll be backing up in the future.”

  “So what was it you lost exactly?”

  When she reflected about the valuable information she’d lost, weight like a rock settled in her stomach. “Everything I had on the Morgan story. All the notes from all the interviews. All my questions about inconsistencies. In short, everything I need to help find answers for the Morgans.” She shook her head. “Stupid. I can’t believe I was so stupid.”

  “Are you going to drop the story, then?”

  She sighed. “I can’t. The Morgans want desperately to know the truth. Plus, if I can solve this, wow—talk about a career boost. It wouldn’t just guarantee me the anchor chair; it might open other doors in the future. All the other reporters at WMAQ know their chances at the anchor spot are very narrow now.”

  When David didn’t respond, she could almost feel the tension stacking up between them like cement blocks. It was the mention of the anchor chair. Why did she bring it up? That promotion would get her permanently planted in Chicago, and where would that leave her and David?

  “But,” she said quickly, “now that I’ve lost all my notes, I’m way behind a bunch of other reporters who’ve covered the story. Who knows how many of them are looking into this? It’ll be a miracle if I can solve it first now.”

  When David remained quiet, Paula thought she’d better move on to another topic before she ruined their weekend.

  But David spoke first. “Is it possible someone deleted that file, Paula?” He glanced at her as they drove into Jackson.

  She didn’t want to worry him, but she didn’t want to lie either.

  You mean lie again.

  She pushed the thought away. “It occurred to me. But you know how I am with computers, hon. I’m an accident waiting to happen.”

  “What about the reporter, Darrick?”

  “For that matter, there’s the two weekend anchors, Roxy and Jaron, who are up for the same anchor spot. But I’m sure it’s nothing
like that. They wouldn’t have known I didn’t have a backup file at the apartment or something.”

  Ahead the lights on the Snow King’s slope brought back memories of New Year’s Eve. She and David had skied for three hours, and she’d enjoyed every minute of it. The next day she’d paid for it with sore calves and thighs.

  “You know,” David said, “that makes me worried for your safety. What if one of your competitors did delete that file, and they think you have a copy of it at your apartment?”

  Though the thought of it gave her goose bumps, Paula smiled. “Yeah, and they arranged for Linn to work her way into my apartment to sabotage my story.” She laughed. “David, this isn’t CSI, for heaven’s sake.”

  “Didn’t you say you got a wacky note from some guy?”

  “I said ‘kid.’ It had to be a kid. His spelling was atrocious.” She remembered the second note she found only a few days before. It also had a spelling error, and it, too, could have come from a kid.

  “You haven’t received any more, have you?” David’s brow was knit with concern.

  She bit the inside of her lip. The last thing she wanted was David worrying about her in Chicago. He already had half a dozen reasons why she shouldn’t be there. Still, she wanted to be honest with him. “I did get one this week.”

  “And you weren’t going to say anything?” His voice crescendoed.

  Paula felt the prickling heat of guilt. She had wanted to hide it. “I didn’t want to worry you unnecessarily, hon. It’s just a kid.”

  “What did it say?” He turned up the winding street that led to their home.

  She thought back to the note that she could remember word for word. “Not much. He referred to his poem and said I was pretty.” She gave a shaky laugh. “I’m telling you, it’s nothing. Darrick says this kind of thing happens all the time.”

  “Maybe so, but it seems weird to me. I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  The seriousness of his tone wiped the smile from her face. “Nothing’s going to happen, David. You’ll see.”

  * * *

  Linn hurried as fast as she could down the icy sidewalk. She and Adam worked until closing, which always made catching the bus a close call. But tonight Adam had been talking with Joe in his office, and that left Linn to cover the register. Now she was going to miss the last bus to the apartment if she didn’t hurry. She rounded the corner to see the bus pulling away from the curb. Smoke curled out of the tailpipe and disappeared like a vapor.

  “No!” She stopped in her tracks and stomped a foot. She did it again for good measure. “This is not happening.” She threw her head back and sighed. In the glow of the streetlights, tiny flurries wafted toward the ground.

  How was she going to get home now? A taxi? She had about forty dollars in her bag, but that was supposed to get her through the next week.

  She stuffed her hands into her pockets and hunched her shoulders against the cold. Think, Linn. Think.

  She could call Paula, but she didn’t want to. The woman had practically taken her in off the streets, and Linn was determined not to be a nuisance.

  She couldn’t go back to the shop and ask Adam. Just working with him was hard enough, without being alone in a dark car for twenty minutes. Her skin went warm all over at the thought of him, and she huffed, impatient with herself. She had to stop thinking about him all the time. This silly infatuation was getting her nowhere. Hiding her feelings from him was wearing her out. She’d been irritable with him the past few weeks, and she knew it was unfair. But she’d taken Natalie’s husband away from her, and that had been so wrong. She wasn’t going to stoop again to taking another woman’s man.

  Maybe she should look for another job. But where would she find the time for that? Her classes, job, and studying were taking up every minute of the day.

  “Miss it?”

  She spun at the voice. Her hands darted out of her pockets and clutched her purse.

  At the sight of Adam, her body went limp and a thousand tingles shot down her arms as the adrenaline surge faded away. “You scared me.” It was an accusation, and her words were sharper than she’d intended.

  “Sorry,” he said. His lips moved into a wry grin. “I didn’t mean to sneak up on you.”

  How could she be angry at him when he looked so sincere? “That’s OK.”

  His nose was already pink from the cold. “Did you miss the bus?”

  She nodded. “I was just headed back to the shop to call someone.” Yeah, like she had a whole slew of friends waiting in line to help her out. To confirm her story, she started walking toward the coffee shop. She’d have to call a taxi. If it cost too much, she’d have to call Paula after all.

  “I can give you a lift.” Adam shoved his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket.

  Like she needed time alone with Adam. “That’s OK.” She quickened her steps.

  “Really, it’s no problem. Practically right on my way.”

  “I said no, Adam.” She cringed at the harsh tone. Her heart was racing faster than her mind, and her mind was in a dizzying tailspin. It was driving her crazy working with him every evening. Having him reach around her and brush against her in the cramped workspace behind the counter. It was wreaking havoc with her peace of mind.

  And he didn’t even know it. But she could hardly tell him, either.

  “Did I do something wrong?”

  His words nearly broke her heart in two. She’d been snippy and crabby with him lately, and you’d think he’d have written her off. Wouldn’t most guys? Wouldn’t they make some flip comment about the time of month and tell her to take a flying leap?

  But not Adam. No, Adam had only given her space when she’d bristled and curious looks when she’d snapped at him.

  “ ’Cause if I’ve done something wrong, I want to know,” he was saying.

  “You haven’t done anything, Adam.” Her feet couldn’t move fast enough. If they could get back to the shop, he’d leave and she’d be safe from the feelings that were bubbling up in her.

  He stopped her with a hand on her arm. She looked into his eyes. She couldn’t help it.

  “Then let me take you home,” he said. “It’s my fault you missed the bus. If I’d been out front where I should’ve been, you wouldn’t have been late.”

  His eyes were squinted against the cold wind, and a few flurries had landed on his eyelashes. He was so good, inside and out. He didn’t deserve her moody attitude. She could accept a simple car ride, couldn’t she? For twenty minutes she could keep her mind occupied with something else and forget he was sitting eighteen inches away.

  “All right.” Anticipation stirred inside her in a way that both excited and frightened her. What was she doing? Why was her heart so rebellious, always falling for someone she couldn’t have? She should have learned by now that this road only led to pain and heartache.

  When they reached Adam’s car, he opened the door for her and she slipped inside.

  You can do this, Linn. Just make small talk all the way, and everything will be fine.

  Then why did her mouth suddenly feel like it was stuffed with cotton?

  Help me, God.

  As Adam settled behind the wheel, the car filled with the musky scent of his cologne mixed with the faint smell of leather. It was like breathing in Adam. She wished she could plug her nose, or better yet, hang her head outside the window for the full ride. She imagined her brows and eyelashes turning white with frost, her face frozen in a smiling mask.

  No, Adam, I’m fine. Just needed some fresh air.

  She had to get a grip. Act nonchalant. This was no big deal.

  Adam turned out of the parking lot and headed toward the apartment. She’d told him the week before that she was moving in with Paula, and he’d known exactly where the building was located.

  There wasn’t much traffic this time of night so they made record time. Why was a part of her disappointed at the thought? She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth.
r />   Adam started talking about a story that was on the local news the day before, and Linn told him Paula was a news reporter. They talked about her living situation, and Linn described the apartment. Afterward Adam told her funny stories about the roommate he’d had in undergrad school. He had her laughing until her jaws were aching.

  Just when she thought she’d get a side stitch, he changed the subject. “Remember the last time I took you home?”

  She remembered. She’d been scared to death, walking down the sidewalk so late at night. Then those boys drove by, calling out to her. She decided to take her chances on Adam.

  “I almost didn’t stop because I figured you’d be afraid to hitch a ride with a stranger.”

  She smiled at him. “You looked trustworthy enough. Besides, if I hadn’t taken the ride, I wouldn’t have gotten the job at Java Joe.”

  “Still, you shouldn’t hitch rides from strangers.”

  “Yes, Dad.”

  His hands twisted on the steering wheel, and he appeared to focus on the pavement in front of them. “I’m hardly old enough to be your dad.”

  Though his words were spoken lightly, she thought she detected a bit of sensitivity. “I was kidding. You can’t be more than twenty-four.”

  “Twenty-six, actually.”

  She almost made a joke about old age but refrained since he seemed sensitive about it.

  “What are you, all of eighteen?”

  Was it her imagination, or did his words seem weighted? “Nineteen.” She wondered why he cared. His tone made it seem like more than casual conversation. She suddenly wished she were five years older and a lifetime purer.

  “Nineteen. Man, that seems forever ago. You’re just starting out. Old enough to make choices and young enough to have no regrets.”

  Maybe he’d had no regrets when he was nineteen, but she had enough of them to fill Wrigley Field. And she still felt chained by them sometimes. No, not chained. More like they’d tinted her a different color. If they’d tinted her charcoal gray, Adam was tinted off-white. So was Elizabeth, no doubt.