Read Finding Her Way Page 15

  "There's my sweet girl." Clive rode up to Corinne as she was starting the fire for dinner. She could not help but smile a little when she saw him. He was like a cool breeze to her parched hot day. His white and grey peppered hair had grown longer around his ears. It suited him perfectly.

  "Hello Clive, I have missed you." Corinne said weakly. She just had enough energy to fail at sounding perky.

  "You are looking peaked child. I have to say this is the hardest part of the world to travel through, I reckon, and it gets under everyone's skin. We git ourselves a few more weeks of this before the terrain changes and then it's just plumb difficult." Clive sat down next to her as she poked her fire with a stick." I am not doing well at cheering ya, am I?" He laughed at himself softly and put a gentle hand on her shoulder.

  "I wonder if you'd like a chance to get away from the trains for a few days and ride out with me and Lucas to talk to some of the local natives. We need some hints for water spots cause there's been a few dried up springs. We were counting on them for water. You can bring some of your good oil and make some good trades again." He looked to her hopefully. She smiled but shook her head.

  "My horse is lame and needs a few days with no rider." She went back to poking a stick at the fire. Her mood had lifted at the thought of a small diverting adventure but dove back into the depths when she realized it was impossible. She felt like a four-year-old whose candy had been stolen. Tears were threatening to fall.

  "Ah, well that's no problem. I have more than one horse on this trip. I have a nice ride for ya, no worries. I will bring him by tomorrow morning and you can see for yourself. Will ya come with us if the horse suits ya?" Clive was all cheeriness and Corinne nodded with a bigger smile.

  "I'm sure your horse will suit me, Clive. I will come. How many days will we be gone? I'll need to pack my saddlebags." Corinne felt her mood lift and she actually leaned over and planted a kiss on Clive's cheek. She looked up to see Lucas standing over them.

  "I was coming to check to see if we are leaving tomorrow morning and I catch you kissing Clive. What does he do to deserve it? So I can try to get one too." Lucas laughed as he approached the fire, his green eyes always teased her lately.

  "I just told her about the trip and loaned her a horse, Lucas my boy. I'm sure you can think of some way to get a kiss if you thought hard enough on it." Clive stood and accepted a mug of coffee from Cookie who joined the group. Lucas gave Corinne a wink, headed over to the coffee pot and came back with two cups.

  "Will a coffee be enough, my Cori?" He said low for her ears only when he handed the steaming cup to her.

  Corinne gave him a long slow stare that made him swallow hard and found her voice. "I think you can do better than that, Lucas Grant. A man has to work to earn a kiss... unless he's the kind that goes about stealing them." She watched his eyebrows rise up and she might have seen him blush a little under his tanned cheek. She was mortified at herself. Corinne had no idea why she had said that. Did she want him to steal a kiss? Would it really be stealing? Argh... her mouth had gotten ahead of her.

  Her face heated up and she turned away from the group and Lucas's reaction. She made her way over to see what was cooking for dinner. She was calling herself all sorts of names as she walked away from the group.

  She didn’t see Lucas playacting with Clive behind her as he acted like she had shot him dead in the heart. He landed with a thud on the stool behind her. She turned in time to see Clive and Cookie laughing quietly at Lucas. Her face was calm now as she sipped her hot coffee but her stomach was certainly jumping around still.

  * * * * *

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  July 12 1848

  Corinne was up, dressed and packed before her alarm went off. She grinned to herself as she thought of Andrew and his early morning habits. His memory was far away now, almost like she had never known him. Had he never made some of those hard decisions perhaps her mind would dwell on him more but even the pleasant thought reminded her of how Angela's road was shortened. Corinne prayed for her friend and for Andrew's parents as she got out of her wagon and stretched. They would certainly be sad when she arrived in Oregon City a widow. She wasn’t looking forward to that.

  The sun wasn’t up but there was light nearby at the Grant outfit. They had their fire going and Corinne caught the faintest scent of coffee drifting by. She had never been a coffee drinker before this trip but she surely was now. Three cups everyday if she could. It was a way of keeping her going. Grant and Lucas were sitting by the fire looking like they had just rolled out of bed themselves. They each brushed at their tousled heads when they saw her approaching all bright and pretty in the light of the campfire. Her improved mood had also put a light in her eye and a little bounce in her step.

  She was going on an adventure with two of her favorite people. She loved seeing them in their morning routine, a little tired and sloppy in that sleepy way, it was endearing. Men seemed less powerful when their hair was tousled and they looked a little vulnerable. They seemed approachable and Corinne felt comfortable with them. This trip would be enjoyable, she somehow knew they would see to her safety and make sure she was well entertained with stories and sights along the way.

  "Good morning men." She realized her voice was sing-songy and tried to remedy it quickly. Nothing was more annoying to her than a perky morning person. "I am usually never up this early unless forced. I cannot stay in bed any longer. I am more than a bit happy to be seeing new sights." She accepted a mug of coffee with the smallest hint of a blush after remembering Lucas's comment last night.

  "Clive, do we have a plan as to where we are going today, exactly?"

  "There is a Shoshone tribe west of here that I would like to visit. I have met up with them several times in the past and would like to gain some of their knowledge of the water system here. They will be able to help us. Lord willin’."

  Corinne nodded and finished her coffee. They packed up their bags and were ready and within a few minutes they were off. Corinne's mount was a sweet gentle one, black and white spotted. She had her own comfortable saddle and everything she would need in her saddlebags. They brought a packhorse too to hold extra supplies in case they were gone longer than a few days. Clive was always well prepared.

  The early morning sky was soon bright as they trotted along slowly. Clive shared a few stories of his earlier trips to see this same Shoshone tribe. They were relatively peaceful, only having certain issues with some Comanche who thought every few years they could hunt on certain grounds where the Shoshone hunted. It made for tense relations. 'Though some intermarriage of the two tribes has helped it along.' Clive shared and wiggled his eyebrows for effect.

  He explained about the battles that sometimes happened between these people. Corinne thought it sounded like the great wars of Europe with kings, queens, and their princes marrying for power and how there was always an undercurrent of dissent.

  With the light of day she could see the mountain range to the West. The wagon train dust trail kept visibility low but now she could make out wispy far off shapes. Like low-lying clouds.

  "It's the Wind River Mountains. We'll be heading a bit north. The wagon train will be setting down on the planned route. We have time to get some good information of any route changes we need to make. Animals cannot go so long between good grazing grounds." Clive shared his information with her as an equal; she enjoyed knowing how things worked. She wanted to make sure he knew how much she appreciated it.

  "You know Clive, I have always been treated as a child. My Aunt never spoke of anything but frivolous things and my father last spoke to me when I was fourteen years old. I feel suddenly thrust into an adult world and I enjoy being a part of it. I feel like I'm seeing many things in a new light." She felt more at ease as she rode along.

  "I see wisdom in your eyes Corinne. Your hands have healing in them. You have big dreams." Clive had a serious look for a minute then gave her a sideways smile as he rode along. The heat
of the day was building. They needed to find shade soon and rest during the hottest part of the day .

  Within a few hours the heat was melting them, Clive led them to a large boulder that would shade them from the heat of the sun and he set up two tents. Corinne protested at the extra work of setting up two tents but he insisted. She stretched out in the shady tent and settled into a mid-day nap. She recognized Clive's snore before she dozed off and it made her smile.

  She wondered why Lucas wasn’t talking very much, maybe she would have to try and get him to open up. She drifted while thinking up ways to bring Lucas into the conversation.

  Corinne woke up confused, it was getting darker, but she didn’t know what time it was. Her inner clock was thrown off with the nap and she worried for a minute that she was left alone. The crackling of the fire and Clive's tinkering with the coffee pot calmed her and her fog lifted. They would eat their dinner and then leave. She crawled out from the tent and shared a smile with her companions.

  "I nearly forgot what day it was, I cannot get used to traveling at night yet." Corinne laughed at herself.

  "I agree, I nearly panicked when I woke just now. I didn't know where I was." Lucas shared, he was skinning two rabbits near the fire, Clive sat on the ground, and the coffee pot was sitting on the grate over the hearty blaze. The heat was a little unnecessary but the night would turn chilly later, there hadn’t been clouds for a week and it made for cooler nights until late August.

  "Can I help with any fixins?" Corinne rolled up her sleeves. She sat next to Lucas and saw him react a little, just a hint of a smile.

  He silently handed her three potatoes. She cut out the eyes and peeled them with her own short knife. Clive had a pan of water on the cooking grate and within a minute she cut the potatoes into pieces and plopped them in. They were all quiet but the company was pleasant like a family gets when they feel comfortable. Dinner was delicious and after a few cups of coffee they packed up and began the evening journey under a cloudless sky and a bright moon.

  They traveled through the night with canopy of stars twinkling overhead. Clive told them they would find the Shoshone within a few hours but six had passed with no sight of any inhabitants. The land was mostly flat with enormous boulders, like miniature mountains jutting out of the ground. They all joked about how the rocks got there, they looked so out of place in the flat landscape.

  * * * * *

  It was near dawn when strangers on horseback approached. Clive and Lucas appeared on edge until Clive let out a whoop and a cawing sound.

  The two young men had long hair and big smiles for Clive as they approached. They called out several greetings and spoke animatedly to each other. They used the Chinook language when talking to Clive. Corinne watched them with interest. Lucas gave Corinne a bump with his elbow and a quick wink. Corinne could not help but enjoy the attention. The sunrise made the sky around them orange and pink. It was a nice moment.

  "Come along, we are a few miles out they say. This is Desert Cloud and his brother Black Hoof, they will lead us to their village. They are further north this year. Water is dry in several creek-beds." Clive reined his horse around after he explained and followed the boys as they darted off. Corinne and Lucas picked up the pace to catch up with them.

  * * * * *

  The village was larger than Corinne imagined as the vast tepees and dwellings spread across the flat landscape. The early morning routine looked similar to the wagon trains’ with many fires burning and women starting breakfast. Dark little faces peered out from the doorways of tepees. Corinne could not help but smile at the people she passed; the women had a welcoming look once they saw Clive in the party. Men, young and old made their way over to the group to see the long-time friend of the Shoshone.

  "They seem to love you Clive." Corinne was in awe.

  "I have been a friend of theirs for many years. I trapped furs with them and fought beside them against the Sioux and the Blackfeet years ago. Chief Washakie is a good warrior and friend of mine. We have had many good talks. He is a wise leader that has peaceful ties with our government..." Clive pointed out the riverbed on the far side of the village. Corinne could see it was clear and a few feet deep. She rejoiced inwardly at the thought of bathing in water not muddied from a hundred families, horses and oxen sharing and stomping around.

  They dismounted and were welcomed to a fire and shared plates of breakfast. Fish baked over hot rocks were served with berries and nuts. The long night of riding gave them all a healthy appetite. Clive and the men carried on a seemingly friendly conversation and Lucas and Corinne enjoyed the kind faces around them.

  "You are probably the first white woman ever to enter their village." Lucas gave her a wink and she rewarded him with a blush. The nearby children giggled as they caught the actions between the two. Children saw everything.

  "Well I hope to leave them with a good impression. I brought some lavender to share with them and hope to learn about any local fauna that has healing properties from the women and healers." Corinne missed the look of awe on his face while giving a little child a silly face.

  "Cori, you are a very special lady." Lucas leaned and whispered close to her ear. Every nerve ending she had stood at attention. She turned and stared into his eyes until she was sure the world had stopped. His eyes showed respect and something else. Something she had never expected.

  "Thank you Lucas." She whispered when she found her voice. She had forgotten what she was thanking him for but it broke the spell and they looked away from each other and ate a few more bites.

  "The women will help you get cleaned up after we have a chance to nap a little. I told them about your 'Good Medicine' and they all eagerly wait to see what you brought. Already five young men have offered payment to have you as a bride." Clive chuckled, watching her blush but was more fascinated to see Lucas's response.

  His jaw was tight and he took a protective lean toward her. He gave Lucas a knowing look and smiled. It was Lucas's turn for blushing, just a little.

  Two women came and escorted Corinne away to rest in a tent. Soft furs welcomed her and the warm earthy scent of the tent was pleasant. She was left alone and she thought of Lucas for a little while before finding rest. His intensity was pulling her in. Honestly, he always seemed so calm and sweet natured, but now she was seeing another part of him. She slept heavily; her dreams were of a land with many mountains and fertile valleys.

  A few hours of rest were all she found and she climbed out of the tent when she smelled smoke. Venison or beef, she thought as she opened the tent flap. Two women sat nearby sewing beads on a piece of leather while another sat at a loom. The area was full of children and adults all going about their lives. A tall device was twenty feet away that Corinne discerned as a smoker. The smoke made a thin haze around them but the scent made her hungry. She nodded to the women and gestured about where to find her saddlebags. One woman directed her to Clive and Lucas who were sitting at a nearby fire. Clive was still talking to the men.

  She called herself a childish fool when her stomach did another little jump when Lucas looked up at her but she tried not to react, knowing full well that she had been teased her whole life from every close relative and friend for never being able to hide her feelings from anyone. What makes her think she can hide anything from Clive and Lucas?

  "Corinne, we just woke up too. I hope you got enough rest." Clive welcomed her to sit next to him. "I was going to teach you a few words of Chinook to help you if you wish. Some simple hand gestures can make a big difference." Corinne promptly sat down on the ground and was given a very thorough lesson on communicating in the Chinook language.

  Clive described the Chinook talk as 'an old language used by traders and Indians for several generations' 'it was a passable way to talk between trappers and tribes, also the rugged men of the West who shared the world of the many different tribes here'. Corinne was a quick learner and had already grasped a few phrases but was eager to learn more. She wou
ld be using her future time with Clive learning this language for communication with native people in Oregon too, if possible.

  * * * * *

  Lucas and Corinne practiced the Chinook language skills they learned until five women summoned Corinne. She nodded a goodbye to Lucas and followed the women to the river's edge. They walked along the edge to a well-brushed area where a large rock gave them privacy. With a quick glance to determine the level of privacy herself she joined the giggling women and disrobed. The water was warm enough to be comfortable but cool enough to be refreshing. The women's beautiful brown bodies were playful in the water and soon Corinne was welcomed into the play with splashes and giggles of her own. The water was deep enough to swim in and the freedom to do so was delicious. Corinne spent nearly twenty minutes just swimming and splashing before getting to the business of washing. She was pleasantly surprised with the use of a creamy soap and the help of a young woman Corinne later learned was named Bluebird. She was tiny and sweet and Corinne saws a great sense of humor behind her eyes. She washed Corinne's hair with the sweet smelling soap. It reminded Corinne of milk baths she had enjoyed in Boston.

  She was shocked to even think of Boston after her world had changed so much now. That was such a different life. She was bathing naked with Shoshone Indian women. Her heart was happy here with these beautiful souls surrounding her. She climbed upon a nearby rock and sunned herself dry with the other women. Bluebird was bold and held her feet next to Corinne's in an obvious comparison. The dark tan foot of Bluebird next to the milky white foot of Corinne was a stunning contrast and Corinne found the humor and was the first to laugh. Another darker foot came in beside Bluebird's. Corinne wondered why Bluebird's coloring was a bit paler than all the other women. She gave Bluebird a look that hopefully welcomed friendship. There was something about her.