Read Finding Her Way Page 22

  Corinne put her hand over his heart in a joking way. She laughed at the way he play-acted being near death by grabbing his chest.

  "I wanted to come to you as I have today, completely unattached and free to honorably court you. I will tell you everything I am feeling but first I must make it clear to you that I have been released of my previous engagement. Sarah Ballentine is no longer my fiancé but actually a married woman now. I had a long letter waiting for me when we arrived." Lucas relaxed when he saw Corinne drop her nervous shoulders and a hint of a blush was sneaking into her cheeks. Her smallest hint of a smile was his undoing.

  "If you give me a word or a nod, or even a swift kick I will run to your father and get his permission to court you." Corinne grinned and gave him a big nod. Without another word he kissed her soundly then bolted back toward the cabin. Corinne laughed at his antics but enjoyed how a grown man could be everything she wanted, strong and safe, but still someone who could surprise her.

  * * * * *

  Corinne made her way back to the party. Her time with Lucas had been exactly what she needed to unwind her nerves and enjoy the festivities. Within a few minutes she saw Clive and gracefully ran to him for a grandfatherly hug. He looked grand in a suit with a haircut that took years off the old-trapper look he had on the trip. He looked the proper businessman. He had Dolly with him and though she was overwhelmed she had a few English words learned and impressed Corinne completely by saying “hello.”

  Clive was brought over to see Corinne's father, as they were re-introduced.

  "Father, here is a man I greatly respect. He has started teaching me the Chinook language and he took me to a Shoshone village, and saved me from treacherous river crossings. He is a hero of mine." Then she introduced Bluebird to her whole family, as well. She would be teaching her about medicines and herbs once she knew more English. For now she would be staying with the Grant family.

  The Indian girl shocked everyone when she clearly stated, "Please call me Dolly." Her brown eyes were intelligent and she looked everyone in the eye as she shook their hands. Cooper was fascinated and had a hundred questions for Corinne's Indian friend. Dolly laughed and shrugged her shoulders when he bombarded her with questions. Corinne informed him gently that she would be learning more English soon. He was disappointed but everyone could see his head spinning with questions. They would have to wait.

  After the introductions, Corinne's father pulled her over and wanted to ask a few questions himself.

  "I can't help but notice that you have two men interested in courting you. I gave them both my permission, as long as they both come to dinner. Is that reasonable? I know you are a widow but are you ready for a new relationship?" He paused and Corinne could see how much he cared. "They both seem to be pleasant." Her father smiled a little, trying to hide a bigger one that was meant to tease her a bit.

  "I do have interest in Lucas Grant, father, he has been there for me in many ways. We are good friends, I am hoping for more perhaps."

  "Oh my girl I am glad you have found a good man. I will look forward to getting to know him. Can we talk later sweetie? I guess I have spent so much time with this party and helping you get to know your new stepmother that I never did ask about anything from the rest of your trip." He grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. "What about the Prince boy? He seems very interested."

  "Sidney is a boy who is infatuated with the idea of me. I have told him repeatedly that I am not interested in being more than friends. He is persistent and he has pushed his luck with me." Corinne remembered his unwelcome kiss and her anger was stirred again.

  "That is good to know, I trust your judgment. We can figure out how to shake the unwanted suitor."

  Her father led her back to the Grants and he invited them to share the meal at his table. Lucas somehow got seated next Corinne and her father; it worked well to give them a chance to communicate. Marie was enchanted by his sense of humor and even Coop got his attention. He was promised a spot on the special fishing log in a few days.

  After the meal the party’s events started, there were races for the young people and fresh ice cream. Her father and a few people from town Corinne didn’t know yet, judged the pie-baking contest. She recognized some people at the party from the wagon train and visited with them. She invited Lucas along and enjoyed his company. She was now allowing the idea to sink in that she and Lucas were courting. It made her heart feel light and sick at the same time. He was great at making small talk and his hand on her arm was very pleasant.

  She saw Sidney with his family at one point but conveniently kept at Lucas's side and Sidney left her alone. She somehow knew that he would still have to be dealt with but for today she just wanted to enjoy herself.

  Once the sun started going down the party got louder. Musicians were on stage and for once Corinne enjoyed being with Lucas when he wasn’t playing the music. They danced quite a few dances together. She also danced with Clive, Russell and her father too, but somehow the whole town picked up on the sparks flying around Corinne Temple and Lucas Grant. They seemed to approve of the couple and tongues were already wagging about her being too young to stay a widow.

  Sidney approached her for a dance toward the end of the evening but Corinne's father saved her from the awkward moment of saying no. He stepped in and claimed that he was to have the next dance. Sidney backed away and didn’t come forward again. He left the party with his family early and angry.

  Corinne said goodbye to her friends as the night got later and everyone started going home. Lucas promised to come by in a few days after taking care of some business. He kissed her on the hand and said “goodnight.” She floated to bed and had sweet dreams.

  * * * * *

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Sept 30 1848

  The next day Corinne had her own errands to run. She wanted to talk to Clive about ordering some bottles from California. She was running low on some of her specialty oils and wanted to know about his contacts in California. She spoke to her father in the morning, borrowed a horse, and rode into town by herself. It was only four miles and she wasn’t going to be purchasing anything today.

  The horse was a sweet palomino with a great temperament that enjoyed her easy pace. She was seeing the world with fresh eyes today. Lucas had missed her, had spoken to her father. She was in heaven.

  The fall colors were showing off with shades of gold and red starting on the tips of the trees but further up the hills and on Mount Hood the colors were taking over with the vibrant warm hues splashed against the dark evergreens. The artistry of God's paintbrush was truly magnificent.

  She made it into town and headed straight to Clive's mercantile. He told her the night before that he would be there. Clive was talking with his clerk when she walked in. He immediately called her to his back room where they could talk some ‘turkey’.

  After an hour of talking they both had an idea of what was available. She shared her plans with Clive, her dreams of being a lavender grower and creating a supply of American made medicinal oils. She had never really shared her dream with anyone besides mentioning it casually to Chelsea and Angela and was surprised at how well he responded.

  "I had no idea you had aspirations like that my girl. You can't be beautiful, talented and a brilliant businesswoman. You are gonna make us mortals look bad. Does your father know your plan?" Clive said with a wink.

  She blushed and shook her head.

  "No, honestly you are the first man I have told. I just have a fear that men will think it's a silly thing to pursue. I know the power within these flowers and plants, but many do not. I guess I fear being judged for growing something like flowers when people think food is more practical. Every good wife knows about lavender from their mothers, what they don't have is access to its medicine in the strongest form. I am hoping to change that." Corinne's eyes shone with passion and her dream came to life there.

  "If you want I can help you make a business plan. Hmmm.." He grabb
ed his chin and scratched it a second. "I coulda swore I saw you holding hands with a handsome farmer boy I know. Maybe I was dreaming it, but he will be a good person to talk about this business with. He did study agriculture my dear, in case, you had forgotten." His voice was teasing but he had a point. She had kept her dream so close that she failed to share it with people who would perhaps not find it so silly.

  "You are right Clive, sometimes I let my own fear of people's judgment keep me from speaking out. I know I have support, I guess some days I'm too foolish to use it." Corinne admitted.

  "Now, it isn't meant to beat you up my dear, but some advice from an old coot can help sometimes. Just remember, a good idea can never do any good if it stays in your head." Clive started to write out a few ideas for her and she listened closely as he shared his thoughts.

  Within a few minutes the back door swung open and Lucas popped his head in.

  "Hey Clive, I got a problem." He said before he saw Corinne and grinned, but the smile didn't reach his eyes all the way.

  "Come sit young man, let's talk out this problem." Clive gave the table a smack and he pulled out a chair. He gave a wink to Corinne that made her blush.

  "I can go, Lucas, if you need privacy. Clive and I are just talking out some dreams and wishes." She smiled and stood up to go. She really didn’t want to interrupt or assume she had any rights to hear his business.

  "Actually Corinne you can stay, I may need you and your father's help too, as character witnesses." Lucas regained his worried look, Corinne sat and listened to him explain.

  "I went to the land claim office today. I wanted to get my land papers in order and get the paperwork started. I know that all land claims here are decided from the land council. You can ask for a specific plot of land but the council will have to approve it. Well when I went to the land office they were nice to me until I told them my name. They said they refused to file my paperwork because I am an outlaw. They would not talk to me about it further and threatened to call the sheriff if I didn't leave?" He seemed very stressed as he spoke.

  "An outlaw?" Corinne gasped. She would never in a hundred years believe him to be a criminal. "That's impossible!" She could not help but grab his hand to comfort him.

  "You’ve only just arrived Lucas, you haven't had time to cause trouble yet." Clive laughed.

  "You laugh, Clive, and I want to as well but we need to figure out why the land office thinks I'm an outlaw. We need to get this cleared up so I can plan out my future." He slipped a glance over at Corinne and they shared a moment. Clive harrumphed when he got uncomfortable.

  "I will head over there myself and see what's the hullaballoo." Clive stood up. "Corinne, why don't you head home, if this is more serious than mistaken identity we may need to talk your father and find out who is on the committee. I was gone this year and missed the election for new members." Clive handed her the notes on the business plan and walked her to her horse. Lucas gave her a kiss on the cheek and said he would come by later. She rode home quicker than before. She didn't stop to enjoy the scenery but spent it praying and wondering what the mess in town had been about.

  Her family noticed her quiet presence at dinner and asked what was troubling her. She just told them she was thinking about something. They gave her the space she needed.

  Around dusk Clive and Lucas rode up on horseback. Corinne had been right and watched her father praising the big black stallion that Lucas rode. The conversation was cut short though when Clive asked John Harpole for some help for Lucas.

  They sat down at the dinner table to hear the story. Once they caught John Harpole up with the details Corinne already knew, they continued.

  "I went to the land office and got the same information that they told to Lucas, but I pressed them about who I needed to talk to about these accusations. They sent me to talk to the sheriff." Corinne sucked in her breath at the thought of Lucas being jailed. "The sheriff is informed by the land committee that Lucas Grant may be an army deserter from the war in Mexico. He said several character witnesses came forward with the information just this morning after seeing him at the harvest party. They said that they are doing their civic duty to not allow riffraff in the town. The sheriff said no charges can be made without proof but he will be sending out enquiries and should hear back by next spring from the US army."

  "I would like to set the record straight that I was never in the army. I was an Agriculture student at Yale until last year before I joined my family on the trip West. These accusations are completely without any merit." Lucas was concerned that this was going to ruin his chances with Corinne as well as deny him the ability to earn his living at farming.

  "I am not sure what the cause is behind people trying to smear your name Lucas, but I believe you. We will attempt to find out whom we need to talk to drop these charges. I need some paper, Corinne." Corinne ran to get some paper from her father's desk.

  John began to write down all the land council members but stopped mid-word.

  "Do you remember them all?" Corinne asked as she saw him struggle.

  "Yes, I may have the answer to the problem, but I fear this could get ugly. The name that stands out to me is the newest member of the land committee, Jedediah Prince, Sidney's father." He stated.

  Corinne groaned aloud and she instantly had all eyes on her. She had no choice but to share what she dreaded sharing.

  "The other night when the Prince family came by, I tried unsuccessfully to convince Sidney that I wasn't interested in him romantically." She was struggling with what to say. "Well, he grabbed me... and I smacked him and made him leave me alone." She saw the horrified look from all three men and realized they would want to know more.

  "He didn't hurt me but he was trying to win me over with a very unwanted kiss. This is so uncomfortable…" She sighed then continued. The room was getting warm suddenly. "He said he would never give up until he had me for his own. I walked away from him after I told him it would never happen." She ended her tale hoping they would not ask any more about that situation.

  They instead discussed a plan to clear Lucas’s name and talk with the other committee members. After a while Lucas asked Corinne to walk with him before he left. She gladly escaped into the dark evening with him. At first they said nothing but held hands and strolled along.

  "Corinne, thank you for believing in me." He turned her around to look at her in the bright moonlit night. "If you didn't I would be lost."

  "I am just so sorry if I brought all this upon your head. I am just a girl after all, hardly worth all this fuss." Corinne felt so guilty. If she had just communicated to Sidney better they would not be facing this situation.

  Lucas grabbed Corinne by the shoulders and though she acted shy he held her chin until she looked fully into his eyes.

  "Not worth the fuss! Corinne, you are worth everything. I feel so lucky that you even allow me to hold your hand. The fact is, I want to spend the rest of my days reminding you how worthy you are. Cori, I love you, I have never loved anyone else." Lucas bared his soul and was rewarded by Corinne throwing her arms around his neck. She just held on saying nothing but sniffing a little. She knew that this man was a miracle.

  "Cori, we will work through this together. I just hope to share your dreams and wishes like you did with Clive today. I want to know everything you dream. I think you may be surprised that they match up with mine." He kissed her softly and held her for a long moment before he felt Corinne let go.

  "Lucas, I believe in you, and I love you. I may sometimes doubt myself but I will never doubt what I feel for you." She pressed her head against his chest where it fit perfectly.

  * * * * *

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Oct 2 1848

  Two days of talking to committee members had proven unsuccessful. No one was willing to believe without proof. John Harpole finally decided to pay a call on Mr. Prince at his home. John Harpole came home deflated and broke the news to Corinne before heading out to Clive
's home to tell the Grants.

  "He will not back down. I believe he has threatened the land committee to refuse special pricing for government building deals on lumber." John's forehead was creased from the stress of the day and he sunk into a kitchen chair as they sat at the table.

  "They have been planning the courthouse to be built for five years and finally he agreed to help with the cost of the lumber for his spot on the committee." He took a moment and drank some coffee that his wife had brought him. "The next part is hard for me to say for it reflects poorly on a few people who are manipulating the situation. Mr. Prince said his son would be willing to negotiate with Corinne if she would give her consent to marry him… I am sorry but I laughed in his face. It was a preposterous suggestion and I told him to go back to the Middle Ages."

  Corinne laughed despite the seriousness of the situation. "I will go over the county by-laws but as far as I can see the committee is the only means to get land. I think Mr. Prince would block any future attempts made by Lucas as retribution for you withholding your affections from his boy." She made a face at the thought of marrying Sidney and watched her father leave.

  Corinne realized that Lucas might not be able to settle here. She wanted to weep. She followed her father out of the house and informed him she was going with him. The trip took longer than the trip to town. The path to Clive's house was uphill toward Mount Hood. Corinne expected a small trappers cabin with all the Grants squeezed in but was impressed by the lodge and how beautiful it was. The front porch was spacious and she saw Chelsea stretched out in a rocking chair holding hands with Russell while he sat in his own chair. Lucas sat on a stump next to Clive who seemed content to read a book.

  "I think they are waiting for us." John said.

  Corinne agreed.

  They jumped up anxiously when they saw them dismount. John quickly informed them that the news wasn’t good. That government buildings were being held hostage if they didn't go along with the blackball of Lucas's land grant. Everyone accepted the news graciously but Corinne pulled Lucas aside after they all talked over other possibilities.