Read Finding Hope Page 2



  Okay, Reg. I’ll play your little game, Lana thought, speeding out of the police station lot. She would meet Reginald, but not without backup. After pushing a few buttons the voice record application opened on her cell phone. If she worded her conversation just right, he just might admit to having Hope’s bracelet, and then she would have proof.

  Lana sped through town and whipped into the boardwalk’s parking lot, immediately spotting the bright red Corvette. Nearing Reginald’s car her heart began to race, pounding like a loud bass drum in her ears, and her hands shook violently.

  “Calm down, Lana,” she chastised herself. She took in a few deep breaths, letting each one out slowly, trying to calm her nerves.

  Reginald was already stepping out of his car when Lana pulled into the empty space next to him. She couldn’t help but stare at his tanned muscular frame and his piercing blue eyes partially hidden by locks of blonde wavy hair falling across his forehead. When he walked around the front of her car he suddenly reminded her of a cross between a Ken doll and a GI Joe.

  “What do you want, Reginald?” Lana spoke through gritted teeth.

  Reginald held up both hands in surrender. “Hold on, Lana. I just want a chance to explain. I know you think I’m the bad guy here but I’m not.”

  “Not the bad guy? Are you kidding?” Lana unknowingly balled both of her fists, clenching and unclenching. “I saw Hope get into your car the night she disappeared. And I found her br-” Lana stopped herself from blurting out loud about Hope’s charm bracelet and where she found it.

  “Found her what?” Reginald asked skeptically, pausing for a moment but continuing when she didn’t answer. “Look Lana, there are things about Hope you don’t know.”

  “Ha!” she snapped. “I know everything about Hope! She’s been my best friend since we were seven. We even picked the same college for Christ’s sake!”

  “I’m telling you, Lana, you don’t know everything about her.” Reginald eyes began to tear. “She’s pregnant,” he said quietly, and dropped his gaze to the ground.

  Lana’s eyes narrowed as she stared in disbelief a few seconds. Her face reddened. “You’re lying!” she shouted while poking him in the chest. If she were pregnant, I would know. She would have told me. Why would she tell someone she detests?” Lana glared at Reginald.

  “She told me because she felt I needed to know.” He hesitated for a second before adding, “she’s carrying my baby.”

  Lana immediately attacked him, pounding her fists against his chest. “You bastard … you’re lying,” she cried.

  Reginald grabbed her wrists, gently pushing her backward. He looked her straight in the eyes before releasing his hold. “It’s true, God damn it! She didn’t want anybody to know, especially not you, Lana! She was ashamed.”

  As his words sank in, Lana started to remember certain conversations between Hope and herself. All the signs were there. She had just been too blind to see them.

  “Oh my God,” Lana uttered, quickly turning away, not wanting him to see the fresh tears forming in her eyes. Using the back of her hand she wiped them away and then turned back around.

  “Where is she then? Why did you lie to my dad about not seeing her that night?”

  “I was scared. We were supposed to meet me at our secret place. I waited for two hours, and when she didn’t show I tried to call her, but she didn’t answer. I waited until a little after midnight and then went home.”

  “What about Amanda, your little rich girlfriend? Does she know?” Amanda Sedgwick was another spoiled rich girl. One who came from mega money and always got her way. Her father owned one of the largest oil companies in the world. Every weekend, she flew between the family’s mansions, Beverly Hills and Paradise Cove, via one of her father’s private jets.

  “I told Amanda about Hope and me that night. I wasn’t with Hope all night like you think. I took her back to her car, and we were going to meet later at the yacht. That’s our secret place. We’ve been meeting there all summer.”

  “They found Hope’s car at the marina, yet you say she never showed.”

  “She never did. or if she did, I never saw her.” He stared hard at Lana. “I swear it’s the truth … I would never hurt her.” Tears spilled from his eyes.

  “What were you doing with her charm bracelet?” Lana asked.

  Reginald frowned. “Charm bracelet?” He shook his head. “What are you talking about?”

  “I found her charm bracelet in your room,” Lana snapped.

  “You what?” His expression went from shock, to disbelief, to annoyance. “What were you doing in my room?”

  “Stop trying to change the subject. When I saw Hope that afternoon, she had it on. Now she’s vanished, and I find her bracelet in your bedroom.”

  “I swear, Lana, I don’t know how it would have gotten-” Reginald stopped in mid sentence. His eyes shot open wide. “Oh shit! Amanda!” He rushed to his driver’s side door and reached in through the open window, retrieving his cell phone.

  Lana stayed right behind him. “What does Amanda have to do with any of this?” she asked from behind him.

  Reginald turned toward her, his phone to his ear. He held up his finger gesturing for her to hang on.

  “Amanda, call me as soon as you get this message.” He closed his phone. His face lost all color, which answered Lana’s question.

  “Oh no! You think Amanda has something to do with this, don’t you?”

  “Lana, Amanda showed up at my house late the other night. She had this crazed look about her. She was rambling about something, but I couldn’t understand what she was saying. Then she just started screaming, telling me if I didn’t drop Hope, I’d be sorry. She must’ve had Hope’s bracelet, and dropped it when I jerked her by the arm, and dragged her out of my house.”

  Lana gasped. “Don’t you see? That’s what she meant! She has Hope!”