Read Fio Page 11

He reached over quietly to pull at his bag, stopping his breath he listened after any sound; nothing. "Just my heart beating" he said through his breath.

  Crawling out from beneath the train he moved over the track and slowly popping his head up level with station looked: nothing. He popped down and back up again: nothing. He jumped up looked and strode towards the nearest cover; a hallway. Slinking and snooping about scurrying from cover to cover all was clear like the glass window he now came across where he looked out to bountiful greenery, “lush blooming green” he said covering his mouth. Immediately pushing open the glass door leading out he stepped onto the balcony, the sun was beaming down he didn't blink. Quickly looking around and checking nothing was behind him he threw his stuff over the edge hitting the ground just after it.

  Far off to his left he could hear what sounded like the main entrance into the station people were chattering but mostly moving. He pressed on taking a staunch B-line blinder approach as he headed across a small road into more parkland it was intensely green the grass the trees it gave him a warm buzzy feeling which he felt was bad for him considering. Pushing on up a the hill side and over he was awe struck at the sheer size of what he saw; the city an eclectic mass of structures, greenery, greenery structures and architecture from quaint, bold, massive, flamboyant (he craned his head at this one)… He thought he heard yaps of concern coming from behind down the hill and immediately he thrust his attention downward and scuttled on still surrounded by a wash of speckled yellow and green light.

  He noticed the trees were all evenly spaced but randomly placed. The grass looked very inviting. There were not too many places to hide he noticed the tree trunks although tall were not very wide; if he stepped sideways maybe. It didn’t seem like anything was following but he heard noises still, a twig snapped, of his own accord he shuddered shook his head and moved on.

  Leaving the park across a quiet street into a neighbourhood, ducking down a side street through a smaller park out and around a building coming in between a house and some shrubbery a tall paling fence with someone shuffling behind it, pausing across from a four story building which connected to another through a glass bridge. Taking a few steps on there was a lower section. Stepping out from cover walking over a small bridge from which he could see below a vigorously chortling stream which moved across river stones and was lined with small shaggy puffs of grass. Walkways followed the stream up and down either side bending out of sight. At the other side was an entrance to a building nothing really very noticeable which was unique given every inch of everything else was. There was a majestic tree to the right of a non-descript door and underneath it on the far side was a park bench with ornate metal handles furling like sapling growth. Its smooth timber panels gave off warmth in colour and in touch. Such carpentry. Exhaustion overwhelmed him; rolling his gear underneath he lay down on it to sleep.

  He awoke to someone talking over him “Are you awake?” Fio jerked awake.

  “What! Yes sorry did I do something wrong.” He said half a mind to pelt or go all chameleon and try and fit in.

  “Oh no nothing wrong, but you could use some better clothes if you want to try and fit in.” He paused waiting for a response from Fio, Fio was blank. “Come with me, I will get you something to eat, you'd like that yes?”

  “Um." Fio said trying to hide his anxiousness and tell-tale signs he was still holding onto the thought of ‘run for it!’ He said nothing while his mind raced, but got up on instinct and followed well composed. After taking a few steps he could feel his exhaustion, it was lucky he had had some rest or he would have fainted. He scurried to catch up to the man who still chattering hadn't noticed he was well behind.

  Fio scuttered in close as the man turned to look behind “ condition though. You must have a shower as you smell like you have been living in a shoe at the bottom of a lake. Gah it gets stronger by the minuite.” He said waving in front of his nose honestly trying to hide his disapproval. Fio had already lost track of where he was still not quite sure what was happening. He couldn’t believe that he couldn’t believe his luck or so he believed.

  “I am just happy for the company.” The old man gave a little nod of a gesture as he opened the door for him to step inside his house. “On second thought your things can be left by the door for now he said in a hurried voice. I am guessing you have no plans hmmm? Oh I ask too many questions” he gave a wave of his hand. “Just relax, make yourself at home…” He waved to his lounge room only to give thought. “Mmmaybe after you’ve had a shower.”

  Fio laughed giddily as he scratched the back of his neck. Surprised at his giddy laugh emotion dropped from him.

  “The shower is over there.” The old man snapped at Fio from behind the kitchen bench. “Just slide the door towels are in the cupboard I will put the kettle on and fix us something to eat."

  "Oh thank you."

  Fio stepped into the bathroom sliding the door closed at which point the shower turned on, fan and lights. He opened the door again and quizzically looked back at the man for some sort of answer to this wizardry. He looked up from the bench to see Fio leaning out the door looking for an explanation but he just shook his head and ushering Fio in with a wave of his hands he started shuffling about in the kitchen again.

  The steaming hot shower not only washed away the dirt and grime off of Fio but his aches and pains and sore muscles were rinsed he almost collapsed in a state of relaxation naked with his hand resting on the wall the other drooped lose he didn't want it to end from the moment the steaming water hit his body.

  “My name is Echart by the way!" the old man yelled at the bathroom door. Fio slowly came back to the world, turned off the shower and stepped out.

  “Pleased to meet you Echart!” Came a reply as the shower turned off. “My name is Fio.”

  Fio couldn't help but be astounded by the quality of the clothes that Echart handed to him from around the door he had never worn such wonderful things although he did like his mono attire come rain or shine this was something else more decorative, lighter, exceptional stitching, they had nice earthy colours sliding them on he couldn’t of felt more snug.

  “These shoes are so comfortable. Not much air though…”

  “Yea, no need to thank me just hurry up let’s eat while its hot, we’ve got a lot to talk about. I bet you’ve got some questions for me ha? More than I probably have answers for.” He said putting the food on the table.

  Fio slid into the table still hesitantly but letting his base instincts clutch his bones he started stuffing his face; food, drink only to stop and notice what he was doing with a side long glance at Echart who was doing his best to not erk as he sipped his tea. Regaining composure and with forced restraint he continued composed. Echart was a little aghast, but always slightly fascinated. When communication resumed Fio was unable to talk without eating. Echart slid his chair back from the table “I will get some more food on shall I…” Returning to the table Echart patiently waited for Fio to slow down once again. He said with caution when losing his patience “There is one serious question I must ask you otherwise I will be in the shit so please excuse me but, I think as for the question of you getting here, well I don’t want to know but if it was easily done then it is important you tell me about it.”

  “No I assure you it was shear fluke I almost died. I mean you saw me didnt you.” Fios face went a little forlorn.

  “Righto, well.” He huffed quite visibly relieved. “You know you look like you might of lived here all your life, apart from your eating habits."

  "Nobody needs to let anyone know. However if I was to tell I am sure they would still grant you citizenship in fact this might be something we should try if you like down the track, how long do you... have? May I also ask what your plans are?” Echart fell silent leaning back drinking his tea.

  “In short I have none… There has never been much thought behind my travels other than to travel. "I merely came on a whim and I am just walking the wo
rld. I think I would like to stay, this is starting to seem possible…” Fio shrugged.

  “Is that so. Well, I am delighted to have you here there’s room of course should you wish to stay but if you wish to stay permanently I must insist you try… we need to get you citizenship.”

  "Is it possible I settle here? You really think there is a good possibility?" Fio's gaze was now lost in his cup of tea.

  “Oh but you can, it won’t be anything to get set up I can take you to the paymasters. Oh sod it lets do it tomorrow, if you think you will be up to it?”

  “Ha, if you think that can happen I am ready and willing... not a table full of food could stop me.”

  “There is no rush then, but if you don’t mind we can do it in the morning."

  Fio slouched a little and murmured "In the morning."

  The conversation continued over high mountain and under whispering willow.

  Toast popped Echart fluttered and Fio walked still a freeman. After enjoying one another's company over a cup of tea and breakfast it wasn't long before they were on their way briskly walking through the sanctuary. Fio getting caught up in admiring the city scapes, townships, parks, plots and whatever else as they went by. It was beautiful you didn't even really have to lift your head to see