Read Fio Page 3

exercise ha, I will make us some dinner."

  Fio didn’t hesitate. He set off north-west through the forest hitting the top of a landslide which he climbed as you would a jumble of head high steps. As he reached what he thought was almost the top he looked behind him at the view and down the dizzyingly steep incline. He wavered a little and clung to the rock face then climbed a little more. Yet another expanse of it unfolded towering above him he was quite possibly only half way up the landslide, maybe… he pressed on. Noticing to the side a snake tumbling down only to stop and slither off.

  It wasn’t long before Fyodor was spending his entire days like this away from camp. But sometimes coming back into to camp noticing things didn’t seem quite right. One time Fio stumbled in and they were just sitting there blank faced. Fio noticing it stood still, a bird fluttered past and was cut in half skewered by an axe to a tree lodged from Kaiver’s hand, all of them looked at it in silent surprise and then their gaze just sank again. Every time Fio asked them he got “Hunting.”

  Fyodor had now moved and built quite a few camps, mostly around the base of the mountain there was one they had stayed at for a few days that was deep in the forest. However it was becoming noticeable as time went on that Pell, Brewr and Kaiver were growing restless and it wasn’t long before things blew up. Late at night around the campfire it came to a discussion. Pell would of been yelling had Brewr not settled things: “I think we all know its for the best you keep your voice DOWN.”

  "I am telling you their here already” he replied scrunching his fists at his sides. “I will be damned if I can see it or hear it but you cant tell me you haven’t sensed it. Their closing in we’ve got to go." Pell strained.

  Brewr of course being acknowledged as the diligent one always had the last word. It was agreed upon that they should move immediately. “You can’t flee from this, you know this.” Pell said. This was the first time Fio had heard his voice so stern you’d a thought he was chewing rocks. Brewr knew exactly what to do and he didn’t even stop to consul he just got up and started packing "Fio were off." and they gladly followed suit hurriedly. This was why they always told Fio to keep camp tidy at all times they were packed up in no time at all. Kaiver seemed a little reluctant as he packed things with a slight disdain.

  Putting a hand on Fyodor’s shoulder Brewr whispered "make your way to the landslide and on your way grab the rest of the meat, and take this. Oh and try to keep your eyes on the forest move backwards if you have to." as he trudged past catching a bag thrown from Kaiver while holding a torch lighting the camp as he went.

  Kaiver threw Brewr another torch, "Cheers." As a spear landed between them. Kaiver started running and yelled at Fio to do the same “Run!”. Brewr not long after came darting out of the forest behind them.

  It was from up the landslide that Pell loosed arrows down through the trees as cover-fire. "Dont stop for anything." Pell said to Fio without looking at him as he went on past into the mountains. Kaiver had made it just below with Brewr just hitting the bottom. Spears landed about Brewr the ones closest enough he returned yielding a scream.

  Throwing a sack over his shoulder Kaiver tapped Fio on the back. "Time to test those legs out.” As he grabbed his gear and leapt ahead with an uncannily delighted grin. A spear landed next to Pell as he stopped firing to help Brewr, taking one look at it he pulled it from where it had lodged and flung it back down from whence it came; a scream let out it might of hit he wasn’t sure as he’d shot a fair few arrows down after it. He kept shooting using the plumes of smoke as a guide to where not to shoot. As soon as Brewr was above him he held out a hand and they climbed like the wind.

  They had been climbing non-stop now at full pace for what seemed like half a day “How you doing back there Fio?” Brewr asked as he continued to climb.

  “Good!” Said Fyodor bedraggled. He took a second to look back at the world sinking below him. The path they took was constantly meandering one if a path at all. They had to stop at times and haul their equipment up via rope, traversing along long tiny ledges it was also a humbling experience given the landscape was so monstrous. “These ledges are so precarious, I feel like I am going to die.”

  “You’re not alone Fio.” Said Pell.

  “You can thank Pell for this” Said Brewr.

  “Oi.” Retorted Pell “you can thank me later, when I am not trying to save your arses.”

  “Choice is sometimes not an option.” Kaiver said with half his mind on trying to get across the ledge safely.

  Dropping off a rocky path onto a large vegetated steep slope, into and onto more and more of the mountainous landscape its sheer scale in places bewildering, they pressed on and on. Pell putting both hands on his right knee to push up stopped before doing so to look at the animal trail winding away in front of him, and after a small gasp of breath heaved to press upwards. Fyodor constantly contemplated and hoped that they would hit easier walking which at points they did but it wasn’t often until they were well into the mountains. Brewr had discussed it with Pell, the plan or one of them was to go up as high as possible to make the down trip easier no back tracking no large diversions and using the best part of the high ground. Two days on and they were now well within the mountains, no glimpses of the forest or any horizons could be sought anywhere nearby and one of the very first mountains was well behind them.

  “This is it I am sure of it haha there is my marking.” Pell pointed excitedly showing the others behind him, he was practically jumping pointing at a few oddly placed stones now dancing over them doing a squirmy jig. "Yeeeeaaaahhhhhssssss." He said throwing his hands up in the air then rested them on his hips looking down and into what would be there main camp while passing through the mountains. It was here they could catch up on some much needed rest, survey the land, stock supplies, hamper and pick off any enemy encroachments; which they doubted: the Exgruin were known for their fierceness but not their stupidity maybe ruthlessness went hand in hand with craziness, better to be safe than sorry.

  Stepping close to a small ledge showed below a large hollow this was definitely the camp. On the opposite side it had a big enough depression or cave in the rock for shelter. On its farthest side there was a large gap that looked down into a steep rocky outcrop descending into what Pell said was a very small canyon. Brewr looked at Kaiver and Kaiver at Brewr puzzlingly at the choice of camp but decided to quiz Pells choice later and carried on. Seeing Fyodor had faded a little they let him pot about camp putting the fire together and set things up while they went off gathering, laying traps, and getting a grasp of the lay of the land.

  “I've just climbed a mountain and I still feel cold.” Kaiver Said

  “We may be gone for a while finding wood Fio best get camp ready.” Said Brewr.

  “No problem!” Fyodor replied as he got to work.

  Pell went off in the opposite direction to find and collect water. Fyodor was happy to of been left to pot about camp alone, it took his mind of things. He knew he would be as stiff as a plank come tomorrow morning.

  Muddling about setting up the beds under the large but shallow alcove he noticed a birds nest in a crevice.

  He dug the fire out as per usual with a metal spike, it was full of rocks which made digging it easier than you might think. A small crop of spindly trees just outside camp were cut and thrown in for any number of purpose. The armoury as always was put amongst the beds so as it was never far from hand.

  The first time it happened Fio got a bit of a scare: stack upon stack of wood was thrown into camp from Brewr and Kaiver’s gathering. They kept peeping in from over the ridge just before you would here the crash. They continued to throw more and more wood into camp and it was awhile before the avalanche of wood subsided.

  "Looks good Fio!" said Brewr. Climbing down into camp he got an axe and started hacking and stacking an impressive wall of wood in no time. "Any sign of Pell?” He said as he threw a hacked branch over his shoulder onto the pile.

  “Not a sound. He should
n’t be long he did tell me where abouts he would be heading and it didn't seem too far."

  “Oh good. Its new to me you know, this place, this part of the forest is new very new except for Pells description I hadnt known much, maybe I think he always wanted us to come up here. I can see why now it really is very beautiful there is a sense of harmless mystery… maybe, it’s the birds the friendliness of the birds.”


  Brewr was now sitting by a large fire sharpening his axe as he merrily chatted away occasionally stopping to examine its sharpness. Fyodor meanwhile had to resign getting up quietly he walked over solemnly and collapsed onto his rucksack head falling short of the pillow. Brewr out the corner of his eye saw this and quietly walked over to put a blanket over him. Sitting back by the fire he readied to go out looking for Pell. Kaiver appeared and yelled from above “head-sup!” and lobbed his last pile of wood in to the cove. “Pell not back yet?”

  “Nope, just about to head out looking for him.” Brewr said finishing the polishing off of his axe with a sturdy swipe.

  “Ahh hold that thought here he is.” Brewr pointed.

  Kaiver turned around to see Pell coming into camp. “Welcome back.”

  “Hi all!” Pell said with a brief wave. “You will never