Read Fire & Ice Page 23

  Rage boiled through me, activating my thirst even more. “I need a drink,” I growled, my voice sounding gravelly. She left the room, bringing me back a glass of water. It wasn’t what I needed, but I was desperate to feel something wet in my mouth. Holding it for me, she helped me guzzle it down. It didn’t help at all. It only made me thirstier.

  My skin felt like it was crawling with the need for blood, but slowly the sensation began to ebb. Shelly suddenly tilted, swimming in my vision.

  “What was in the water?” I asked.

  “Just a bit of something to help you rest. Don’t worry. Your mom is trying to get some fresh blood for you.”

  Blood. It was the last thought on my mind as I fell asleep again.


  “Vance?” Portia’s trembling voice filled the air and I lifted my head to find her standing in front of me, a look of horror on her stricken face.

  The hallucinations were getting more vivid. I didn’t know what was real and what was fake anymore. I only knew I could smell her this time.

  Fear shot through me. “Run!” I ordered her, not wanting her anywhere near me, or the people here. The drug Shelly had given me was still working and my head slumped to my chest. I felt myself drifting back toward unconsciousness.

  Cool hands brushed my fevered skin.

  “Hang in there, Vance,” Portia’s voice came again and I felt her fingers sliding around the manacles that held me, but I couldn’t seem to wake myself.

  “He’s mine now!” Shelly’s voice rang viciously through the air, causing me to jerk.

  “I don’t think so!” Portia countered.

  There was a loud noise, followed by a grunt. Then the room fell silent once more. I fought to rouse myself past the drug, the scent of Portia’s blood calling heavily to me.

  Her cool hands rested on my arms. “Think, Portia, think!” I heard her say out loud. After a few moments, a terrible freezing cold began swirling around one of my wrists. The sound of metal hitting the concrete floor filled the room. The cold sensation moved to my other wrist, followed by both my ankles. I’d been released from the manacles, but I couldn’t seem to make myself move.

  Clapping filled the air, followed by the voice of my mother. “Bravo, Portia! I didn’t think you had it in you.”

  “Who are you?” Portia asked warily.

  Silence filled the air, and I found myself sinking away into oblivion once more until suddenly someone slapped me hard on the face, causing me to flinch.

  “Wake up, son! We have company!” my mom ordered. I tried desperately to claw my way to the surface. “Surprise!” she continued with a laugh. “You weren’t expecting to see me, were you?”

  “It’s been you all this time?” Portia sounded completely baffled. “Why? How?”

  “I’m guessing you got the whole sob story from Vance about how I ran away with him. Well, his daddy found me and showed me what I was really missing. All that power—who could resist it? Damien and I have been looking for him ever since.”

  “But why?” Portia was obviously floored by this revelation, but I couldn’t concentrate on what she was saying, allowing myself to drift as her words continued to seep into my mind. “You worked so hard to get him away!”

  “I didn’t understand the truth back then. Power is everything. And my son has plenty to spare!”

  What? I had plenty of what? Nothing made sense.

  “I can’t imagine Damien will be too happy with you. After all, you’ve been feasting on his prize. Where is he?”

  “Don’t you worry your pretty head about that!” My mom laughed. “Damien sent me for Vance, and I’ve bottled plenty of blood for him. I’m taking Vance to him later, after his conversion is finished. It will be much easier to travel with him that way.”

  My dad. I was going to see my dad.

  “How’d you get Shelly involved in all this?” Portia asked, but I was having a hard time following for an entirely different reason. All I could focus on was the scent of her blood. It smelled so incredible. I needed to have a taste, and my own pulse rose in anticipation.

  “Who? That twit in the corner?” my mom asked. “She’s not even a witch—just my little puppet on a string. It was easy to place a spell on her and then channel my magic through her. She had no control over her own mind.”

  I shifted, dragging myself to the surface, my mouth watering.

  “Son! It’s time to wake up! There’s work to be done,” Mom called again, loudly.

  Slowly, I opened my eyes, my gaze narrowing in on Portia. This wasn’t a dream. This was real. And I wanted to bite her hard—more than I’d ever wanted anything in my life.

  “Isn’t it fitting that you’ll be his first kill, the one that’ll help him complete his change?” Mom laughed, clearly enjoying the fear on Portia’s face. “Time for dinner, son. Trust me; you don’t want to pass on a fresh-blooded witch. It will taste better than anything you’ve ever had.”

  My gaze focused in on the spot where Portia’s pulse fluttered rapidly at her neck. I could hear it racing, filling the room with its echo. Days strapped to this chair made me feel stiff and weak. Now was my chance to replenish all that. Slowly, I stood, briefly stretching out my muscles and began advancing toward her.

  Portia swallowed nervously, highlighting her delicious looking throat even more. With every step I took toward her, she backed away, until she was plastered against the wall.

  Moving closer, I pressed my body against hers, effectively pinning her there. Running a hand down one of her arms, I grasped her hand, lifting it above her head, before doing the same with the other. Both of her wrists were soon securely captured under my hand.

  The full contact of her body with mine brought other intense reactions to the surface for me. Every quick breath she took made her chest heave, and loved the way it rubbed against me. Slipping a hand behind her head, I grabbed a fistful of her hair, pushing her face closer.

  My mouth descended to hers and she stiffened, but didn’t fight me. Instead, she opened it, giving me full access and I dipped my tongue inside to taste her there. She kissed me back, but I could feel the wetness of her tears.

  “Finish her!” my mom yelled, and I pulled away, focusing on the pulsating point in her neck. My teeth naturally lengthened into fangs.

  “I love you,” Portia said hastily, right before I bit into her neck and a pang shot through my heart, her words slicing right through to the center of my soul. Love radiated from her, pushing past her terror, riding through our mental link and it threatened to drown me.

  God help me! I thought, sanity breaking through the bloodlust at the sound of her words. Don’t let me kill her!

  She screamed at the pain of my bite, and her blood bubbled to the surface, rushing into my mouth. It was mind-blowing! Truly, the most wonderful thing I’d ever experienced. I could actually taste the sweetness of the magic that ran through it, and it began to add to my own strength, filling me with power. Suddenly I understood what it was to be demonic. I loved it and I wanted more. I drank heavily, gathering her power to strengthen my own as I desperately tried to maintain my focus on what needed to happen. I could not fail.

  Now! The voice in my mind screamed at me. It took everything I had to wrench myself away. Turning around I propelled a large arc of flame across the room.

  Screams filled the air as my mom ignited, quickly bursting into flame as her skin burned away. She stumbled and fell to her knees, crawling, and eventually stopping as her life ebbed from her. I didn’t stop the flame until her bones were nothing but a pile of ash.

  I slumped heavily against Portia’s trembling body, so depleted I couldn’t even stand. She stood completely frozen and I felt myself falling toward the floor, my vision going black as I passed out.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Rampaging thirst dragged me back to the surface and I blinked several times as I tried to figure out where I was. The walls of Milly’s dungeon filled my view, and I realized I was in the ritual room on a
cot. Lifting my head, I glanced around, immediately noticing the strong glass-like magical shield in place, dividing the room in half. It seemed I had exchanged one prison for another.

  Portia lay sleeping on a cot outside the barrier and my mouth watered heavily as I remembered how good she tasted. Getting up, I went to her, touching the glass between us.

  A hard pulse zapped through me, letting me know they were intent on keeping me from escaping. I didn’t care. I welcomed the jolt.

  “Portia,” I spoke her name softly, trying to wake her. Her heart rate accelerated and I closed my eyes, relishing the sound of her racing blood.

  “Vance?” her voice faintly spoke back into my mind. “Where are you?”

  “Portia. I need you!” I said, trying to rouse her again, crouching down so my face was level with hers. She stirred slightly. “Portia!” I growled, irritated. “Wake up!”

  Instantly, her eyes popped open and we were face to face. The reflection of my red eyes glowing rippled in the glass, signifying my intense need for a drink.

  “Help me!” Placing my hand on the barrier between us, I didn’t move away when the current shocked me, allowing the burst to tear through my senses.

  “You’re awake! That’s wonderful!” she exclaimed, sounding relieved, her eyes traveling over me.

  “Please, Portia. You have to help me,” I pleaded again, the thirst threatening to drive me insane. She was so close—if only I could reach her.

  “What do you need me to do?” she asked.

  “I’m thirsty. I need a drink,” I replied, encouraged that she seemed anxious to help me.

  “We left water for you on the stand beside your bed.” She pointed to it. “There’s food too, if you’re hungry. I’m sure you’re feeling very weak now.”

  “No!” I said, feeling extremely irritated with her. “I’m thirsty!” Dammit! How naïve was she?

  “So, go get a drink!” she replied, sounding frustrated herself.

  Standing, I stepped to where the waiting tray rested and flung it across the room, spraying the contents everywhere.

  “What’re you doing?” she asked, irritated, and I went back to the partition, placing my hands against where hers were flattened on the other side. My muscles twitched heavily, tremors racing through me.

  “I need a drink, Portia. Please! Just come in here with me. I promise I won’t take too much.” I didn’t know how else to make her understand. This thirst was driving me crazy.

  Recognition finally dawned on her expression. “I’m sorry, Vance. You know that’s impossible.” Sorrow filled her eyes as she shook her head.

  “Bull!” I yelled, slamming both my fists against the glass as fury ripped through me. She gasped and moved away, her face a mask of shock.

  “Let me out of here, Portia!” My anger flooded to the surface and I continued beating against the barrier with all my might, glaring at her. She didn’t move a muscle, only stared at me with that same stupid expression.

  Shoving away, I paced the small cage, wringing my hands, rubbing my arms, grabbing my hair, as I tried to figure out something that would stop the incessant itching and burning under my skin. The cravings were so bad I’d drink my own blood if I thought it would help. I couldn’t take it. Somehow, I needed to make her understand how desperately I needed this.

  Returning to the divider, I stared at her, pleading. “I’m sorry. Please come here.”

  She hesitated only a moment before coming back toward me.

  “Portia, I need to have some blood. I’m getting sick.” I tried to keep my voice calm, wanting her to hear me and see my reasoning.

  She shook her head. “No, Vance. It’s the blood that’s making you sick.”

  “You don’t understand.” Turning away from her, I leaned against the wall, sliding down it to the floor. “If I don’t get any, I’ll die.”

  Her terror at losing me tore through her heart. I could feel it pulsating strongly. Finally, I was getting through to her.

  “Portia! Don’t even consider it!” Sean’s voice broke in. “He’s trying to trick you.”

  Vaulting angrily to my feet, I began pounding the barrier, incessantly. How dare he try to undermine what I was trying to accomplish! I’d rip his damn throat out! His blood would work absolutely fine for me too. “Let me out!” I snarled ferociously.

  Sean grabbed Portia, pulling her away toward the door.

  Stepping backward I started throwing fireballs at the partition, one after another, pissed when I realized the magic they’d placed there easily absorbed the shock. But I didn’t stop. The rage felt good to me.

  “Let him get it all out,” Sean said, comforting Portia, as tears streamed down her face, but she didn’t move or argue. Suddenly, I realized she wasn’t going to help me.

  That thought threatened to destroy me.

  Drained, I slumped onto the floor next to the bed. “I thought you loved me,” I said weakly, letting my head droop. I refused to even look at her.

  “I do love you, more than you can comprehend right now,” she replied, with a hitch in her voice. “That’s why I’m doing this.”

  Giving an irritated huff, I rolled so my back was facing her. I was done. I wanted to sleep so I could escape this sickening feeling inside me. Giving in, I let the darkness consume me once more.


  Awakened again by the same cravings, I didn’t even bother to try communicating with Portia, who was sound asleep on the cot outside the glass again. What was the point? She’d made it clear she wasn’t going to help me.

  I regretted that I’d thrown my water away now. Feeling anything wet in my throat at this point would be helpful. My mouth was so dry. I stood, my body trembling viciously, and instantly realized how weak I’d become. There was no way I could survive like this much longer. Slowly testing my strength, I walked the length of my prison, only to discover I was too weak to walk back. Sliding down the wall, I folded my arms on my knees, resting my head there. Tremors shook my muscles uncontrollably and I couldn’t take it anymore, I let the tears spring free. It was too much.

  I had no idea how long I’d been there when Portia’s voice broke in.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, sounding sympathetic.

  What a stupid question. I refused to acknowledge it or her. She stayed silent for several minutes and I thought perhaps she was going to leave me alone.

  “Is there anything I can do for you?” she asked, compassion filled her voice.

  Slowly, I raised my eyes to meet hers, staring at her cynically, allowing her to see my tears. She knew exactly what she needed to do for me. I’d been begging her for it.

  “Vance. Please try to understand,” she pleaded.

  I placed my head back down, unable to look at her anymore.

  “I love you more than anything. If giving you my blood would cure you, I would happily do it. It’ll only make things worse, though.”

  I wasn’t even going to dignify that with a reply. She’d made her decision, as far as I was concerned, we were done talking.

  We stayed like this for hours, without speaking, while I shook uncontrollably. I wanted to go back to the bed to sleep, craving comfort of some kind, but I was still too weak to stand—so I crawled.

  I didn’t care that she was watching—let her see how bad things really were. Reaching for the blanket on the bed, I dragged it off and covered myself. I was starting to feel cold.

  “Vance. Talk to me please. Don’t shut me out. I don’t know what to do.” Finally. There was the desperation to help I’d been hoping to hear, but I was beyond caring.

  “There’s only one thing you can do, Portia, and you aren’t willing to do it,” I said shakily, still refusing to make eye contact with her. “It doesn’t matter anymore, anyway.”

  “What do you mean, it doesn’t matter?” she said, slapping the glass hard.

  Turning my head toward her slowly, I stared at her, trying to keep my eyes open with some effort. “I wasn’t lying to you. I’m dying
.” My voice was barely a whisper, but it spoke the truth clearly enough. She believed. I could feel it.

  “I’m sorry. I want to help. I just don’t know how.” Tears slipped down her face.

  “It’s too late for apologies,” I muttered, closing my eyes.

  “What do you mean, it’s too late?” she shouted, slapping the glass again to get my attention. “Answer me, dang it!”

  My limbs felt so heavy. “I mean my time is running out. I won’t be able to hang on much longer.”

  She fled from the room, and I tried to stay connected to her but it was difficult.

  “He says he’s dying!” she blurted out to someone, obviously upset. “Help him, please!”

  “Portia, sweetheart,” Sean’s voice spoke. “We’ve been researching everything we can get our hands on. There’s just nothing else we can find to do.”

  “So, you’re just going to let him die?” she yelled.

  “We expected it would happen,” Milly explained. “We just hoped for some sort of a miracle.”

  “No!” Portia shouted at them.

  They’d given up. There was no point in hanging on any longer. No salvation was coming. I quit listening, allowing myself to succumb to the waiting abyss. My life was over.

  Someone started shaking me. “Vance! Wake up, please!” Portia’s frantic voice called to me.

  “Portia! What’re you doing?” Milly’s alarmed voice cried.

  “Don’t try to stop me!” Portia responded, shaking me again. I struggled to do as she said, but my limbs felt so heavy.

  “Take the barrier down now!” Sean yelled.

  “Vance! Wake up!” Portia shouted. Pain burst through my cheek when she slapped me.

  Groaning, I forced my eyelids open to find myself staring into Portia’s frantic face as she held me in her arms.

  “Hurry!” she pleaded. “We don’t have much time!” Pulling her hair to the side, she pressed my face into the crook of her neck, the smell of her blood filling my senses.

  “Portia! Stop!” Sean yelled, sounding desperate.

  “I’m sorry, Dad,” she apologized, crying out as I bit into her skin.