Read Fire Master Rising Page 17

  She laughed. “Neither am I. You are my friend, one of the few I’ve ever made. I’m simply making sure you recover.” She tossed his clothes to him, aiming for the face. “You are an important member of this pack. Your actions today helped keep our alpha alive.”

  “She’s my sister. I’ll do anything to protect her just as she has done for me all my life.”

  “And for that, I am in your debt as much as I’m in her debt,” she pointed to the closet. “Now change.”

  Hunter did as he was told.

  When he returned from the closet dressed in night clothes, she pointed to the bed. “Now, lie down,” she commanded.

  “Okay, I get that I need to sleep. I will.” He flipped back the comforter before curling up onto the pillow top mattress. “You don’t need to--”

  She blew the dust in his face, and the peaceful abyss of slumber took hold.



  “YES, VIKTOR, I AGREE. THIS needs to end.” Savannah spoke in hushed tones into her cell phone. “I just don’t know how to get from point A to point B. Any suggestions?”

  “I have men trying to uncover any evidence to prove your vision correct, Savannah, but the guilty parties have covered their tracks well,” he told her. “The forensic accountant came up empty from his review of Abigail and Francesco’s financials. He is working on random COS board members tomorrow. Have you heard how the meetings with your grandmother and mother went?”

  “Yes, the truth serum got them very little information. In fact, it sounds like mother and grandmother made themselves more suspicious for asking the questions.”

  “Which probably means Abigail and Francesco have been spelled to resist magic.”

  “That’s what we’re thinking.”

  “Just to be on the safe side, I’ll assign some bodyguards to watch over your mother and grandmother.”

  “That is super sweet of you.” Savannah loved how protective he was of her and her family. “Thank you.”

  “Anything for my princess, and those she loves.”

  Savannah could see him smiling into the phone. “Will you be at the trial tomorrow?”

  “Of course. I can come over to your place tonight if you’d like.”

  “Sneaky devil you. I am actually at Rebecca’s compound tonight.”

  “Maybe we can get together tomorrow after the trial.”

  “Are you asking me out on a date, Mr. Romanov?”

  “I am. Is that suitable to you, Miss Winters?”

  “Sounds like fun. How about we decide on setting a date for the wedding during our get together?” Savannah asked boldly.

  “Are you ready for that step?” He approached the subject with caution. “We can take our time, wait for the trial to be resolved, and all these investigations completed. It seems like there is a lot in flux with your family, and we have an eternity to make good on our commitment.”

  She shrugged. “If we wait for a better time, that time will never come.”

  “How about we talk more about it tomorrow.” He slipped back into his comfortable tone. “I’m more interested in seeing you, touching you, and kissing those perfect lips than talking.” His easy-going, flirtatious mask slipped back in place.

  She blushed at the thought of spending time with him. There was something special about this man, and now that she had resolved to follow through with her commitment, she was excited to unwrap all his layers.

  “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow,” she promised as they said their goodbyes.

  She was so ready to start living her new life, but there were too many loose ends that needed to be tied up; the trial, Francesco and Abigail, the Convent of Souls application, and the possibility that they had more siblings out there. She was thankful her involvement with Lucky was resolved, and Rebecca’s promise to Becky was fulfilled. Becca’s alternate double was far from someone you wanted to cross. Tomorrow, Rebecca and Gabriel would deliver Ophelia and Brick to Becky, and they could close that chapter. She hoped.

  She put her phone in her purse, and continued her late night walk. The fresh air, bright light from the full moon, and the world seemed in that moment, right. It helped that she wasn’t in that alternate dimension pocket hellhole, but she had always enjoyed late night walks where the world was, for a few moments, hers.

  It was a miracle she’d been allowed to stay here for a couple of days. Her sire, Celestia, wasn’t a very trusting vampire, and she didn’t like to loosen the collar on Savannah’s leash very often. It was probably because the wedding was set in motion, and the commitment was made. Celestia was very pleased Savvy had finally resolved to marry the prince, which seemed to help reduce her prison sentence. Every moment she had in this realm was heaven in comparison, and she couldn’t wait for the day she was free of the bitch that killed her, and made her into this monster.

  She was so lost in thought, and the wonderment of nature, that she didn’t notice Persephone and Lucky until she was only a few feet away from them. She doubted the two would notice her unless she walked right up to them. They were engaged in an intense conversation. Savvy slipped into a better hiding place, and used her enhanced hearing to listen in to their secret meeting.

  “Are you positive your mother has a hand in this?” Persephone asked him in a hushed voice.

  He shook his head. “I wouldn’t put it past her, Seph. I left the Protectors because of all the underhanded dealings she had with multiple paranormal groups. It was a disgusting discovery.” His chuckle was cold and emotionless. “I used to respect her, wanted to be just like her, and now I can’t look at her without feeling fury and disgrace.”

  Persephone ran a gentle, comforting hand down his arm. Lucky looked defeated, and Savannah’s heart ached for his plight. She had no idea he was having such a traumatic issue with his identity. The man had been through so much. He deserved some happiness.

  He deserved a break. She just wished she knew how to help him.

  “I think you’re wasting your time trying to get her to admit her involvement. Your mother knows you and your abilities, and she isn’t going to fall into your trap. It’s time to use more underhanded tactics to get what we need.”

  He looked at her carefully. “What are you thinking?”

  “I’m thinking if you discovered her dirty dealings there has to be evidence. She has to have a boss, and we can gather that information, and send it to her superiors.”

  Lucky smiled warmly. “You have more faith in the establishment than I do.”

  “I’m the last person to have faith in the establishment, but I do believe the definition of insanity will drive a person off the deep end if they don’t break the cycle.”

  He nodded. “Such a brilliant woman you are.”

  She laughed, and then sighed heavily. “There is something else I want to talk to you about.” She pushed a lock of her black and pink straight hair behind her ear, and turned optimistic eyes in his direction.


  “How long have we been friends?”


  “And in those years, I’ve kept my distance because of your engagement to Felicity, then your involvement with Rebecca--”

  “Rebecca was an assignment,” Lucky interrupted her. “I mean, we had feelings for each other, but we’re definitely better off as friends.”

  “Yes, and I have to admit, your involvement with my alpha makes me nervous about what I want to talk about.”

  He turned intense blue eyes in her direction. “You’re beginning to scare me, Seph.”

  “Oh, hell.” She leaned in and kissed him. Savannah watched his surprised reaction, and felt a moment of sadness for Persephone, that was until he raised his hand to her neck, and began kissing her back. Savannah’s eyes grew large and she turned away. It was unnerving watching such an intimate moment with someone she’d kissed. A sliver of jealousy crept up her spine as Persephone played with Lucky’s blond waves, and he pulled her closer into the kiss. She pushed those feelings d
own. She’d made her choice. She was marrying Viktor. He was good for her, and he’d keep her safe. In time, she’d grow to love the man. And he cared for her, he really seemed to want this marriage, and was committed to the idea of monogamy, at least for the time being.

  Lucky was simply a passing fancy, and if she was being honest, a way for Savvy to get back at Rebecca. Deep down, she knew the angel was not right for her.

  “Are you going to remain in hiding, Savannah, or come out?” Persephone asked. “I can smell the death from a mile away.”

  Savannah slipped out of the shadows and smiled. “You seemed to be having a tender moment, and I didn’t want to disturb you.” She lied. She wanted to run in the opposite direction, but was caught, and knew she had no choice but to face the music. It was like she was a fly who couldn’t resist the light of the bug zapper. She flew too close and was going to feel the burn later. She couldn’t help but notice Lucky’s hand remained folded around Persephone’s waist as they both turned to look at her approaching form.

  “We were,” Persephone admitted. “But as you know, my wolf is not very comfortable with vampires.”

  “I know. So you two are a couple now?”

  Lucky and Persephone looked at each other. Neither one sure of what just happened.

  “Yes,” Lucky said.

  “No.” Persephone chimed in at the same time. Lucky looked at her with confusion. “It’s just that we haven’t talked about what this is.” She defended her answer.

  “Well, it looks like you have some talking to do. I’ll leave you two alone,” Savannah offered as the two started a heated discussion that she felt uncomfortable being a part of. She simply slipped into the shadows, and headed in the opposite direction.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  MYSTI KNOCKED TENTATIVELY ON REBECCA’s office door. She knew they were going to deliver Ophelia to Becky today. Then, they had the trial right afterwards, and she worried she wouldn’t be able to talk to Rebecca in between unless she approached her now.

  “Come in, Mysti.” Rebecca called from behind the closed door. Her sense of smell must be getting stronger. Mystery opened the door, and entered Rebecca’s sanctuary. Her older sister looked up from the files she was flipping through and smiled. “What’s up, sis?”

  They may be sisters, she may be a powerful witch, but Rebecca intimidated her, and after what happened yesterday, that intimidation had increased tenfold. “I was wondering if I could ask a favor?”

  “After what you did for me yesterday, I’m in your debt.” Rebecca closed the files, and came out from behind her desk to sit on the leather sofa against the wall. She patted the seat beside her in invitation. “I have a favor I’d like to ask of you too. I’d like you to come when I go to the alternate universe.”

  “Really?” Mystery sat down next to her unknown sister.

  “It’s probably going to be an easy stop and drop, but Becky is a wildcard. I never know what to expect.”

  Just like you are, Mystery thought quietly to herself. She never knew what to expect from either Rebecca or Savannah, but she wanted to get to know them better. They were blood, and blood was thicker than water. “I’d love to. I really would like to be more involved in family affairs.”

  “You’ve been a great asset to the pack.” Rebecca nodded.

  “You consider me a member of the pack?” Mystery asked with surprise.

  “Absolutely. You don’t need to be a werewolf to be in this pack, just a family member or friend.”

  Her words made Mystery happy. The only group she’d ever been a member of was her sisterhood with Miracle. She’d never really felt like she belonged anywhere. Her power had a lot to do with that. She controlled an element outside of the usual five; fire, air, water, earth and spirit. There were only a handful of witches with the ability to control electricity. “That makes me really happy. Although, it also makes me feel bad that I haven’t been able to confirm more information on the prophecy. It’s like it was made by an unknown entity, and there is nothing to back up its claim.”

  Rebecca shrugged. “Maybe there really isn’t a prophecy.”

  Mystery frowned, and looked at Rebecca with confusion in her blue eyes. It was one of the things they had in common, their unusual, sapphire blue eyes.

  “What better way to instill fear in a supernatural group than to create a prophecy? If it gets enough attention it could become valid. In this case, the prophecy seems to be something that people can use to keep the Authority and the COS in line.”



  SUDDENLY, MYSTERY’S DEMEANOR CHANGED, AND blue eyes flashed yellow, then back to the familiar sapphire color. She sat ramrod straight, and when she spoke, her voice sounded otherworldly. “Very good, sister.”

  Rebecca shrank back. “Mysti, are you okay?”

  “It’s obvious I’m not your sister. I’m just borrowing her body for a moment. I am, however, your brother.”


  Mystery laughed. “No, Hunter is a novice witch with limits in fire and empathy. I have control of the spirit element. I am Xander.”

  “Okay, Xander, why don’t you get out of my sister, and come and introduce yourself.”

  “I plan to, but we’ve already met.”

  “And you’re my brother?”

  “Yes. I’ve been waiting for one of our siblings to determine the secret behind my test, and you have. Congratulations. I’ll be in touch.”

  Mystery shook her head. “I don’t feel very good all of a sudden.”

  “You were just… possessed by our brother.”

  “Hunter? Why would he--”

  “No, the sorcerer, Xander.”

  “Xander is our brother?”

  “I know! Odd, right?”

  Mystery pressed her fingers to her head. “Why would he… my head aches.”

  “Why don’t you lie down? I don’t think you’re up to alternate dimensional travel at the moment. You can come with us another time.” Rebecca got up, grabbing Mystery some water and an aspirin. Why would Xander be spying on us, and why would he possess Mystery? Surely she had protection spells in place to keep others from using magic on her.

  Mystery gratefully accepted the water and aspirin. “Thank you, but I would have loved to study the alternate realm further.” Disappointment was clear in her voice.

  “It intrigues you?” Rebecca asked, preoccupied on the topic of Xander, and his surprise message.


  Rebecca shrugged. “Then I’ll talk to Becky, and see if she can set up a way for you to visit the realm under her protection. For now, rest. I need to talk to Catherine about what just happened to you.”

  Rebecca grabbed her phone, and dialed Catherine’s number while Mystery laid back and closed her eyes. “Grandmother, I think we have another problem.”



  “NO, THEY DON’T SUSPECT ANYTHING.” Miracle whispered into the phone.

  “They do now. I just made contact with Rebecca. She figured out the fake prophecy.” Xander, who spoke to her on the other end of the phone, said.

  “Maybe that is a good thing. I’m tired, and want to come home. I’ve got to tell you, playing the supportive sister is exhausting.” Mira rubbed her weary neck.

  “I’m sorry, but it is necessary to play the loyal sister for a little bit longer,” Xander told her with a sympathetic voice. “We need Rebecca, Savannah, and Hunter for our plan to work.”

  “You don’t think Rebecca is going to be suspicious now?”

  “She is, but that is why you’re there. Manage the situation.” He hung up.

  Miracle glared at her phone, sighed heavily, and turned to head toward Rebecca’s office. She had a feeling there was going to be some urgency around Xander’s contact.

  “What don’t they suspect, Mira?” Georgie slipped out of the shadows.

  Miracle’s heart skipped a beat at Georgie’s interruption. “Nothing, I was tal
king about a surprise I’m planning for Hunter,” Miracle lied.

  “Really? That’s funny since being a ‘supportive sister’ is exhausting.” Georgie took a menacing step toward Miracle, using her words against her.

  “I’m sorry, Georganna, I really liked you. I wish you hadn’t overheard that.” Miracle put out her hand and squeezed. She didn’t need to touch Georgie’s neck to strangle her. That was the beauty of magic.

  Georgie put up a good fight. She even morphed into a wolf, but Mystery was a trained assassin. She was the best at killing supernatural creatures, and Georgie stood no chance. It only took a couple of minutes to cut off enough airflow to knock Georgie out.

  Miracle conjured a fire-lit sword and raised it above her head. Just as she was about to swing down, and chop off Georgie’s head, Persephone and Lucky came around the corner.

  Mira spoke a few more words, and smoke covered her escape.



  CATHERINE KNELT OVER THE NOW sleeping Mystery, and started chanting unrecognizable words. Rebecca watched while Gabriel sat at her desk on the phone. “I want all the wolves that were not here to support the challenge to Rebecca in the cells by the end of the day. We’ll sort them out once everyone has been gathered. No excuses, Madison.” He hung up the desk phone, and reached a hand over to Rebecca’s belt loop, pulling her closer to him.

  Her worry eased a little at his touch.

  “It’s going to be okay, Becca. We always find a way to forge ahead. We’ll do so here.”

  “This Xander character said he was our brother.” She bit her cuticle, a nervous habit from her human days. “How many more people are we related to out there?”

  “Look at it this way, we now have more people to call family.”

  “This guy seemed ominous, and what he did to Mystery was not necessarily friendly.” She sighed. “I’m just so tired, Gabe. Why can’t we ever seem to get a break?”