Read Fire Within Page 13

  Claris leaned over and hugged her friend. “You haven’t been happy. Maybe Andreas can change that. The night Yana died, he was the only one able to help you. That’s when I began to wonder if I’d misjudged him. Maybe we both need to give him a chance.”

  Ari’s throat was tight, and all she could do was nod. She didn’t remember much from the night her mentor was murdered, except the overwhelming grief and the safety she’d found in Andreas’s arms. Ari returned her friend’s hug. Claris sometimes understood her better than she understood herself. Or at least, before Ari owned up to things. But that’s what a best friend was about.

  “So, is there more to tell?” Claris asked. “Where do you go with this?”

  “Well, no, yes. I kind of lost it when I thought Andreas was dead. Made an ass of myself by shouting at Marcus. Poor guy. It’s embarrassing to think about now. My feelings were kind of hung out there. So Andreas and I talked. He said he’d missed me.”

  “And?” Claris smiled. “What did you say?”

  “‘Me, too.’ Or something equally stupid. Then, I suggested we stay friends.”

  “Friends? Bet that went over big.” Claris cut off a laugh.

  “Um, not exactly, but somehow he maneuvered that suggestion into something else. He’s very good at getting his way. So, now, I guess we’re dating.” Ari stopped and shook her head in disbelief. “At least I can go back to the club again and listen to him sing. We’re meeting there tonight. Oh yeah, before he left last night he convinced me to go to a concert this weekend. I’m not sure how this all happened.”

  Claris laughed, clearly entertained by her friend’s confusion. “Well, duh. He talked you into exactly what you wanted.”

  “I guess. So why am I so edgy about it?”

  “Isn’t that part of the attraction?” Claris asked, with a knowing grin. “You’re drawn to the mysterious bad boys. While I prefer them steady and reliable.”

  Hence Claris’s attraction to Brando—and Ryan. Ari grinned. She should have known Claris would find a way to accept it, whatever Ari did. In this case, they’d arrived at the same place. Not that there had been a lot of thought process on Ari’s end. More hormones, maybe. Or family history. Or magic.

  Or even fate.

  * * *

  Club Dintero at mid-afternoon appeared deserted. The vampire staff was asleep and the club wouldn’t open for another three hours. Sporting a smirk on her face, Lilith let Ari in the front door. Ari ignored the look and headed for Andreas’s office.

  “Hey, Russell.”

  The wiry werelion jumped to his feet and gave her a brief, awkward hug. “Good to see you,” he muttered.

  It was like old home week. Ari wished the rest of the team were there—big Mike and cute, flirtatious Benny, but someone had to watch the Prince’s back. She was glad to have the werelion husband-wife team. “You’re looking good,” she said. “Life must be treating you all right.”

  “Can’t complain,” Russell responded. “Had a cushy time these last months, compared to the days you were around.”

  Ari smiled. “Surely you’re not blaming me for that mess. I didn’t start it.”

  “No, but together, we finished it,” he stated with satisfaction.

  “For a while. These vampire feuds never seem to end. But let me explain the current problem.” Ari perched on the edge of the desk. “I can’t identify the enemy for you. We’ve had two vamp murders. One male victim, one female. Two separate incidents. Possible, but not proven, shootings. The forensics are inconclusive on the weapon. But there’s no doubt a handgun was used yesterday afternoon. Andreas saw it.”

  She sketched out the details of the investigation so far, even mentioning the weird vibes at the second murder scene. “Recently I’d been thinking we were completely off track, looking for the wrong weapon, the wrong kind of killer. Until yesterday.” She let out an exasperated breath. “Andreas clearly saw a handgun.”

  “You think it’s the same person?” Russell asked.

  “What are the odds it’s not?”

  “Small. But it’s not impossible.”

  “No, not impossible.” She sighed. “That makes it more difficult to predict what will happen next. The pattern we had breaks with the attack on Andreas. That’s why you need to watch his back every moment. The shooter could be anyone.”

  “You got us on this now,” Lilith said, patting the pistol in her right holster. “No one gets near him without us checking them first.”

  “I’m counting on it.”

  Russell scratched his chin. “How’d these other vampires get shot? Why didn’t they avoid the bullets, like Andreas did?”

  “Maybe he’s that much quicker,” Lilith suggested. “He is a master level vampire.”

  “Granted,” Ari said. “But we can’t assume that was the difference. Something’s hinky here.”

  “So, what do you suggest we do?” Lilith asked.

  “Protect his ass,” Russell said.

  “Oh, yeah.” Lilith polished her nails against her shirt. “It’s a cute one, too. Can I do that part?”

  “No,” Russell and Ari chorused.

  Ari grinned. “No handling of the merchandise, Lilith. You and your hubby can start by securing the building and training the club staff. Most of them are vampires. Plenty of skills but no training in security.”

  “You sure they can be trusted?” Russell asked. “Doesn’t sound like they did much yesterday.”

  Ari nodded, glad he’d asked, showed he was thinking. “In their defense, it happened fast. They’re untrained and weren’t expecting trouble. The only staff I know personally are Marcus, Gordon, Lorenzo, and Reno. Marcus is solid. You can count on him. And Gordon owes his life to Andreas. The other two are just kids. They idolize their boss, but I can’t predict their usefulness in a fight. The rest of the staff are unknowns. Lilith, why don’t you talk or flirt with them, take your pick, and make an assessment. Pull Andreas’s employee files. Russell, you’re in charge of setting up equipment. You can do the training together as soon as you’re ready.”

  “Sure. We can handle that,” Russell said, while Lilith nodded. “A little martial arts, basic info on firearms, building security. Shouldn’t be hard.”

  “I’ll be around to help in any way I can,” Ari said. “But I can’t do this alone. Or be here all the time. I have two murders to solve.”

  “Understood. The club is our responsibility,” Russell said.

  “Good, and that includes watching the street. We don’t need a repeat of yesterday. Maybe we can pin Andreas down to a definite arrival time.”

  Awareness hit Ari, bringing her to her feet.

  “Is this a council of war?” an amused voice asked.

  She whipped around to find Andreas standing in a wall opening, the bookcase offset at an angle. Damn, he needed to stop these sneak appearances, but she knew her racing pulse wasn’t just due to surprise. The black shirt and tight black jeans from his favorite designer emphasized his dark attraction.

  “No need for moats or barricades in the street,” he said, his eyes brimming with humor. “As you can see, I have arrived safely.”

  “A second hidden entrance?” Ari had known about the closet trap door that led to Prince Daron’s compound. It had been secured since an enemy used it last year. “You never mentioned this one.”

  “Not until now. I hope the knowledge can remain among the four of us and Marcus, of course. This entrance is private.”

  “No problem. But, jeez, Andreas. How many more rabbit holes do you have?”

  “You now know all my secrets.” He gave her an innocent smile, spreading his hands.

  “Yeah, like I believe that.” Not bloody likely. He had more secrets than the CIA. Ari was uncomfortable that he’d revealed the hidden entrance even under these circumstances. The passageway must lead to his day quarters. Due to their vulnerability while sleeping, vampires were justifiably paranoid about the location of their resting spots. Ari wasn’t sure she’d earned thi
s much trust.

  She checked her watch. Yep, as she suspected, it was only 3:15. She knew that master level vampires could beat the dark, but this was amazing. “Aren’t you up early?”

  He shrugged it off. “I wanted to speak with Russell and Lilith before they left.”

  Before she could point out that didn’t explain how he’d done it, Russell interrupted. “I’m not sure we should. Leave, I mean. Maybe we should bunk here. At least until the staff is trained. Particularly, if that bookcase leads where I think it does.”

  Andreas sighed. “The other end is secure, but suit yourselves. I have arranged for the storage area next door to be set up as a security office. A work crew should arrive by dusk. Perhaps you would like to supervise the changes.”

  “That’s great! Then I’ll know what we have. I assume there’ll be computers and electronic gadgets?”

  Andreas smiled indulgently. “Ask for anything I forgot, within reason.”

  They continued to discuss security details until everyone was satisfied he or she understood their role. When they finished, Lilith left to pick up some things from home, Russell disappeared into the soon-to-be security office, and Andreas and Ari wandered into the main dining room. Club staff scurried, prepping for opening: tables were set, chairs straightened, and a three-person band with guitar, bass guitar, and drum rehearsed on stage.

  “Do you have plans for this evening?” Andreas asked.

  “Only patrol. I can put it off until around ten. Are you interested in hearing the band?”

  “Maybe another night. I have something else in mind, something I would like you to see. We can take dinner and wine with us.”

  “Where? Take dinner where?” Ari was concerned about leaving the club. It would make Andreas more vulnerable, harder to protect. Yet, “taking dinner” didn’t sound like he’d planned a public outing.

  “Wait and see.”

  She watched the rest of the rehearsal while he disappeared into the kitchen. By the time they’d finished a couple of songs, Andreas returned with a tray of covered dishes, a pot of coffee and two bottles of wine, including his favorite Italian Chianti. Balancing the tray on one hand, he led the way into his office. With a flick of his fingers, the bookcase swung out.

  Ari hesitated, suddenly uneasy. His private quarters? She was wary of what he had in mind. He still hadn’t defined his idea of “getting to know” one another. Besides, she wasn’t exactly thrilled at the prospect of spending an evening in the caverns or underground tunnels. And there was more than one reason Ari wasn’t sure she wanted to see his sleeping quarters. If he actually slept in a coffin…too creepy.

  The passage they entered held little resemblance to the dark, cobwebby tunnels under the trap door that led to Prince Daron’s compound. This was newer, built from wood and concrete, scrupulously clean, and equipped with lights. There were four turns and no false tunnels, but each turn was protected with motion sensors and cameras. Within five minutes, they stood at the end of the passage before a thick, metal door. Andreas waved his free hand at a small mounted camera and punched a security code on a wall panel. The door slid away, and they stepped through the opening.

  Ari gaped as she stood in a hallway opening into a large parlor of a restored 19th century Victorian mansion. Antique furnishings, elaborate chandeliers. “This is your home?” She felt like Alice in Wonderland, only she’d stepped into another century. It fit him. Elegant, old world—very much like one face of the vampire beside her.

  A male voice boomed from an elaborate sound system, yanking her back into the 21st century. “Mr. De Luca, is everything all right?”

  “It is. Samuel, this is my guest, Arianna Calin.”

  “Very good, sir. Nice to meet you, Ms. Calin,” said the disembodied voice.

  “Likewise,” she said, arching a brow at Andreas.

  “Samuel is in the surveillance room. He saw us on the cameras. I will show you around later, and you can actually meet him. First, let us dine. The original dining room is on your right but much too formal. We will find a cozier table in the study. My favorite room.”

  As they crossed the hallway, she took the opportunity to look around. He didn’t seem to mind her dragging feet and encouraged her interest by answering questions. More cherry wood, clearly Andreas’s favorite, floors and furniture gleamed with a high polish. A quick look easily identified the rugs as Persian; the furniture and lamps appeared to be antiques.

  “These are authentic, aren’t they?”

  “Yes. Eighteenth and nineteenth century. The majority were shipped from my landholdings in Italy.” There was justifiable pride in his voice as he talked about his boyhood in Italy and shared his ties to that other world. Ari realized how much he treasured this part of his past. A complicated man, Andreas De Luca.

  “We should move on,” Andreas finally said. “Your dinner will soon be cool. The rest of the tour can wait.”

  The wainscoted study was impressive with floor to ceiling windows at one end providing an unimpeded view of well-tended gardens, dimly visible under a cloudy sky that had brought an early dusk. In the distance Ari saw dense hedges that surrounded the property and assured privacy.

  “Nice view.”

  The room was finished with wall hangings and period furniture, including a magnificent roll top desk. It stood open, a laptop on the surface, papers tucked in every cubbyhole. Bookcases lined one wall of the room and were filled, top to bottom. A few books had been pulled out and stacked on a nearby stand. A marble fireplace provided a cozy but elegant touch.

  A small round table was set with china, sparking crystal and lighted candles. His staff worked fast.

  She stood still in the middle of the room, trying to take it all in.

  “What is wrong?” Andreas held her chair, looking a little concerned.

  “Sorry.” She shot him an apologetic smile. “But it’s like a museum. I’m afraid to touch anything.”

  “Nonsense.” His face relaxed. “Beautiful things should be enjoyed.”

  “You’re not worried that something could be damaged or broken?” She glanced around. Except for the laptop, nothing in here was from the 21st century or even the 20th. It was daunting.

  Andreas shrugged. “It would be repaired or replaced. They are, after all, only things.”

  Easy for him to say. These particular “things” were priceless. Ari took her seat, careful not to bump anything.

  A smile tugged at Andreas’s mouth. “I have seen you face murderous werewolves with less concern, little witch. I hoped my home would bring you pleasure, not discomfort.”

  “It does. I do like it. Why wouldn’t I?” Responding to his easy manner, she grinned at him. “Don’t worry. This, I could get used to.”

  “I am hopeful.” His voice held so much meaning that she dropped her attention to the fine linen tablecloth. Ari’s skin warmed when his gaze lingered before he poured the wine.

  Halfway through the meal, the earlier storm clouds kept their promise. It began to rain, turning the starlight view into waterfalls cascading over the windowpanes. Andreas lit the fireplace, and they finished the wine and talked by the flickering light of a fire. When she asked about the roll top desk, she learned it had belonged to his grandfather. The house was a window into Andreas’s past.

  When the first bottle of wine was finished, they toured the house. The remainder of the first floor held a kitchen, living room, a parlor converted to family room/library and a modern bath disguised in early 19th century decor. A wide curved staircase led to the next two floors. She paused on the way up the stairs to study a series of paintings in ornate gold frames. The first was a family portrait: two dark-haired boys; a handsome, aristocratic man; a stunning woman with large, black eyes and raven hair falling to her waist. The woman’s features glinted with humor.

  “My family,” Andreas said from behind her, so close she felt his hand brush against her back.

  “Which one of the boys is you?”

  “The young
er.” He rested one hand casually on her shoulder and leaned forward, pointing with the other. “I was seven. My brother Luis was ten.”

  Aware as she was of his touch, she tried to focus on the portrait. His past was important if she was ever to understand this complex man. Luis’s portrait was solemn, but Ari thought Andreas looked mischievous even then. “Your mother was beautiful.”

  “Yes, she was.”

  Ari wondered if her loss was still painful after all this time. It struck her he must have loved and lost a number of people in two hundred years. She moved to the next portrait, a stern-looking gentleman. As she moved forward, Andreas’s hand slid off her shoulder and down to her waist.

  “My paternal grandfather,” Andreas said, “known throughout the countryside as ‘the Baron.’ And this is my great-great maternal grandfather, reputed to have been rather eccentric.”

  So Andreas favored the maternal side, she thought, studying this last gentleman with his striking dark looks. Each subsequent ancestral picture was examined and briefly explained as they continued up the broad staircase. The last portrait, hanging at some distance from the others, was a grouping of seven robed figures.

  “More relatives? They look like judges or clerics.”

  “No. They are the elder vampires, collectively known as the Original Seven.” He pointed a long finger at one of the men. “This is Daron’s sire. Our prince has a noteworthy lineage. It is rare to be a first generation descendant of an elder.”

  “What about your lineage?”

  “Much more ordinary.” He didn’t elaborate.

  According to Andreas-the-tour-guide, the second floor they by-passed held bedrooms. Curiosity about his sleeping abode—coffin, box of cemetery dust or otherwise—almost made her ask for a peek. She held back for fear of sending the wrong message.

  The third floor held smaller rooms, probably former servants’ quarters. They turned right into the surveillance room, and she was properly introduced to Samuel.

  He returned the introduction with a smile. Samuel was slender; small statured for a man, maybe five-foot-seven. Drab brown hair, human-looking, Mr. Ordinary. But she wouldn’t make the mistake of under-estimating him. He was running security for a master vampire, and her witch powers identified his aura as weretiger. Samuel’s energy came through the moment he spoke. “You’re the local Guardian, aren’t you?” When Ari lifted a brow, he added, “I know Steffan. Heard all about the big shoot out with the Frenchie wolves. Whipped their asses. Must have been exciting.”