Read Fire in the Hole Page 19

  This time, he sucked on her lower lip as he pulled back, that sexy, sneaky smirk on his lips as he headed toward where they’d left their things.

  Everett chuckled, drawing her attention.


  “He’s hung. Good job, honey.”

  She grinned. “Your boy’s not shabby in that department either.”

  “Oh, I didn’t say he was.” He leaned forward and ruffled Wylie’s hair. “I’m perfectly happy with him. And for those times our natural equipment is too tired to cooperate, neither one of us minds breaking out the stunt cocks.”

  She snickered. The only time they had to break out the stunt cock was when she wanted to plow Brad’s ass with it. And during those times, it was a toss-up which one of them enjoyed doing that more. There’d been plenty of times when she’d given him a choice, he’d begged for it.

  Especially if she had him tied up, held the dildo in her hand and fucked him with it like that instead of in the strap-on harness, and she was going down on him at the same time, making him beg for permission to climax. Their sex life was currently approaching a level of hot she’d never imagined possible, and which made their early days together look positively vanilla by comparison.

  Especially now that they were actively trying to get pregnant.

  She was watching for when Brad returned a few minutes later, his collar still in place, but now wearing slacks and a button-up shirt. She’d instructed him to stay barefoot, though.

  As he walked through the doorway and headed over to where they were sitting, she thumbed the controller and grinned as he bit down on his lower lip, a slight hesitation to his step before he continued on toward her.

  “Damn. That man has serious self-control,” Everett noticed.

  “Tell me about it.” She grinned. “If I put a cock ring on him, I’m the one calling red before he’s finally allowed to come.”

  “I can imagine.”

  If someone had ever told her she’d be sitting there one day having that kind of conversation with Everett, especially following their divorce, she’d have told them they were crazy.


  It felt like the most natural thing in the world, quite honestly.

  He was her best friend, despite their shared history. Or maybe because of it. She’d also given both Everett and Brad carte blanche permission to talk to each other about her, allowing Everett to give Brad painful details about losing Cameron that, to this day, she still couldn’t bring herself to talk about.

  Which allowed Brad more insight to her state of mind.

  And he’d given Brad plenty of tips on how to survive her bouts with PMS.

  She bumped the remote control down again as she smiled up at Brad. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, Ma’am.” It almost sounded like he was clenching his jaw to maintain control.

  * * * *

  Ooooh, she was one Ma’am who was going to get one hell of a fucking later.

  As soon as she finally let him.

  He’d never dreamed his life would end up like this.

  And he couldn’t be happier.

  They had settled into their “knight and his Lady” dynamic quite nicely. He was hers to use and play with as she desired.

  She didn’t mind the times he took over in bed and fucked her silly. It was a great compromise—they both got what they wanted…

  And hopefully before too long, they were going to be expecting.

  Hell, he was usually nailing her every morning and night now. It would likely happen soon.

  They weren’t going to stay very late for the play party portion of the night. Mark was at Breanna’s for the weekend, and they wanted to make full use of their nakey time.

  After dinner, and making sure they said their good-byes, they’d head home.

  And the knight could have a little fun.

  They made their way over to the dinner tent to take their places there. He didn’t want to rush through dinner, though. He enjoyed being able to get up and get her food for her, refill her glass, all those little chores. It was nice not having to hide this part of himself like he did around Mark, not having to “vanillify” things between him and Lara.

  When it was time for dessert, he brought theirs over and started to sit at the table when she stopped him and pointed at the ground.

  His cock had softened, because she’d turned off the butt plug while they were eating. But at that, his erection sprang to life again in a nearly painful way.

  Still, he dropped to his knees.

  Dessert was strawberry shortcake, and she picked up his bowl and a spoon and grinned. “Ready?”

  He struggled not to drop into subspace. “Yes, Ma’am.”

  She spoon-fed his dessert to him while alternating bites of her own. Next to them, Wylie, naked, had happily spent the entire meal being hand-fed by Everett. Brad enjoyed things like that between him and Lara when he knew she was having fun with it. For his part, he could take it or leave it.

  It was only fun if she was enjoying it.

  There were times they’d sneak otherwise innocent-seeming kinky moments into their lives. Like during cooking dinner, she might feed Brad a taste of something, dropping him a wink if Mark was around and she couldn’t put Brad on his knees.

  As time went on, they were getting progressively more creative.

  Once Mark was eighteen, and if he started asking questions before he left for college, of course Brad wouldn’t lie to him. He’d keep it age-appropriate, however.

  And Brad had totally approved of Lara’s explanation to Mark the night of the attack about titles and how they used them.

  One day, Brad knew, they’d have to have an uncomfortable conversation with Mark about their dynamic. Even though they wouldn’t flaunt it in people’s faces, they wouldn’t hide it.

  Then again, they had discussed having another baby after this one, once she got pregnant. At least one, possibly another. Not immediately, because Lara was only thirty-two. They had time.

  No rush.

  With a little one around, they could get away with things late at night, after a baby was put down for the night. Or subtle things that would fly over a toddler’s head.

  Not so much with a teen who was far wiser than his years.

  Once they’d finished dessert—and Brad didn’t even attempt to pressure her to leave—they said their good-byes and departed after final hugs with Wylie and Everett.

  On their way out to her car, Lara kept her arm hooked through Brad’s. “I’m glad you get along so well with them.”

  “I like them. I liked them even before you and I met. That’s kind of why I trusted you so much. I knew if you were on good terms with them, that had to be a good sign.” He held the passenger door for her.

  “Did I ever tell you how much I love you, mister?”

  He smiled and leaned in to give her a kiss. “Love you, too, Ma’am.”

  * * * *

  When they returned home, she knew it’d be too easy to let him fuck her silly, but there was something she wanted to do tonight that they hadn’t done yet.

  She sat in the middle of the bed. “Go get a towel, lube, glove, and the smallest butt plug we’ve got.”

  He arched an eyebrow at her. “The smallest?”

  “I don’t think it’s fair I make my pet do something I’m not willing to try, too.”

  A slow smile filled his face. “Oooh, one stuffed Ma’am’s ass, coming up.”

  What felt like seconds later, he was bouncing into bed with her with all the necessary supplies. She wasn’t even sure if she was going to enjoy the process, but fair was fair…

  Until he totally played not fair. He straddled her in a sixty-nine, playing with her clit even as his finger slowly worked to breach her ass. She was too busy focusing on licking and sucking him, and enjoying what his tongue was doing to her clit, to even notice when he finally worked her up to two fingers.

  When he eventually slid the butt plug inside her, he made her come as
he did. It felt like her body sucked it right in.

  He sat up, grinning. “That’s the second smallest one. I knew you could take it.” But before she could say anything he’d stripped off the glove, lobbed it into the bathroom, and turned around to go down on her again.

  Another orgasm later, she felt like a jelly-filled sponge when he rolled her over onto her hands and knees and took her from behind.

  She whined, knowing he could last longer like this, and knowing he’d probably make her safeword before he did.

  Sure enough, after he’d slid his cock inside her, she heard him turn on the vibrator, which he’d also snuck into bed, and reached under her to press it against her clit.

  It seriously felt like she exploded. Between the double fullness with his cock in her pussy and the toy in her ass, and the vibrator, she cried out and fisted the covers.

  “Oh, yeah. Ma’am’s in trouble now,” he teased. “Going to fuck this sweet pussy of yours like this. Look how hard you’re coming for me, baby. Maybe this is even the way I should fuck you every time to get in there nice and deep.”

  Another hard climax slammed into her, pulling a moan from her.

  He reached under her with his other hand and started teasing her nipples. “Yeah, my Ma’am likes this. I can feel your pussy, nice and full. Bet that toy feels great in there, doesn’t it?”

  She managed to mumble something she hoped passed for English.

  Time swirled and compressed and finally, she safeworded. He dropped the vibrator without even turning it off, grabbing her hips and fucking her hard and deep.

  “That’s what I wanted to hear,” he grunted before his orgasm hit and he thrust one last time, staying buried inside her.

  He didn’t let go, either, staying just like that. When she tried to roll over, he held on to her. “Oh, no, you don’t,” he teased, grabbing the vibrator and reaching under her again. “Ma’am’s going to get ridden until I get it up again and empty another load inside you…”

  * * * *

  Six months later, the four of them were crowded into an ultrasound tech’s room, the three men smooshed along the far side, Brad standing closest to Lara’s head and holding her hand.

  Mark would have been there, except he was in school and had tests today that Lara didn’t want him to miss.

  The tech eyed them as she walked in and closed the door behind her. “Oookaaay. I’m going to take a wild guess and assume she’s Mom, but who’s Dad?”

  Wylie and Everett pointed to Brad, who raised his hand. “Hi.”

  “And you two gentlemen are…?”

  “Her ex-husband and his husband,” Brad said.

  Lara smirked up at him. “Uh, yeah, like that didn’t complicate things any.”

  “Hey, she asked, Ma’am.”

  “Not the oddest I’ve dealt with,” the tech said, sitting at the console. “Actually, come to think of it, I did have another group in here a couple of years ago, a woman and her husband, and her ex-husband and his husband.”

  Everett laughed. “I wonder if that was Leo, Jesse, Eva, and Nate?”

  The tech’s gaze narrowed. “I’m not allowed to breach patient confidentiality, but that would be a danged lucky guess, unless you knew them.”

  “Leo’s my boss. They’re family friends, too. They recommended the doctor.”

  “Ah.” She smiled. “Well, we do love recommendations. Let’s take a look.”

  Ten minutes later, they were all staring at the screen. “Did you want to know if you’re having a boy or a girl?”

  Lara and Brad exchanged a glance, then Lara nodded. “Yes, please.”

  The tech highlighted something on the screen. “Looks like you’re having a little girl.”

  Lara squeezed Brad’s hand tightly. She honestly hadn’t cared what their baby’s gender was, as long as it was healthy.

  But she’d also decided she wanted to have at least two kids.

  If she hadn’t castrated Brad by then, she’d give thought to maybe having a third.

  His mother was already busy crocheting baby blankets for them. Lara didn’t have the heart to remind her they lived in Florida and wouldn’t need quite as many as she was making.

  Once the exam was over, Everett and Wylie left with the technician to give Lara and Brad time alone. He helped her sit up, kissing her.

  “A little girl,” he whispered, smiling.

  “I’m glad you enjoy rubbing my feet, because I’m barely going to be able to see them, much less reach them.”

  He grinned. “Oh, Ma’am, you’d better believe it. Love you so much.”

  “Love you, too.”

  Later that night, after Mark had gone to bed and they were cuddled in their own bed, she laced fingers with Brad.

  “How’s your fire doing?” she softly asked.

  He rolled onto his side. “You wanting into my hole, Ma’am?” He grinned.

  “I’m trying to be serious.”

  He leaned in and kissed her. “I feel more alive than I ever have before. I don’t recognize who I was before I met you. I didn’t realize how hopeless I’d felt. My fires are bright and blazing.”

  Mark had confided to her the week before that his dad seemed like a new person, happier than he ever remembered seeing him.

  Then he’d given her a big hug, told her he loved her, and apologized that he didn’t feel right calling her “mom, but he loved her like one.

  She’d assured him she didn’t mind what he called her as long as it was polite.

  And not “ma’am.”

  “Maybe I should start calling you Daddy instead of mister.”

  His cock hardened against her thigh.

  “Shit,” he muttered.

  She giggled. “What?”

  “Uh, I don’t know if that’s a good reaction for me to have.”

  “As long as it’s only to me.”

  “Yeah, I mean I don’t know if I need you reinforcing that particular trigger.”

  She snickered. “I’ll behave…Daddy.”

  He rolled over on top of her, tickling her, which quickly turned into fucking her. She’d discovered being pregnant was a blessing and a curse. If she wasn’t puking, she was hornier than hell…and apparently extra-sensitive. It only took him a couple of minutes to fuck her happy, leaving himself happy in the process.

  As he collapsed next to her, she giggled.

  “What?” he muttered into his pillow.

  “You practicing for the next one already?”

  “You’d better watch it, young lady, or this pet will do just that, you wait and see.” She whimpered, making him lift his head. “What?”


  His gaze narrowed. “No, no no. That’s not how this is played…” He grinned. “Young lady?”

  She chewed on her lower lip.

  He leaned in, grinning. “Oooh. Now someone has ammunition against Ma’am.”

  “That’s not fair.”

  “Never said I was fair. Just nice to know when you’re fucking me ragged that at least I have a little leverage against you.” He kissed her before pulling her into his arms. “Love you, Ma’am.”

  She closed her eyes. “Love you, too, mister. You and your hole.”

  He snickered. “It is a rather nice one. Thanks for noticing.”




  Siren Publishing, Inc.



  Tymber Dalton, Fire in the Hole



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