Read First Taste of Darkness Page 2

“You won’t need these tonight.”

  He eased the panties down her legs and over her high heels, then he tucked them into the pocket of his coat. Seconds later, he smoothed down her dress. “I told you that I’d take you someplace safe…we’re here.”

  And she was supposed to just get out of the limo and walk around people, acting normally, as if she hadn’t experienced the best orgasm of her life seconds before?

  He opened the door. Exited the vehicle. Offered his hand to her.

  Yes, that’s what I’m supposed to do.

  But when she managed to climb from the limo, she saw— “We’re at my hotel,” Jess said as she stared up at the glittering lights of the Imperial Magic Hotel.

  “No,” he corrected her as his fingers curled around her hand. “We’re at my hotel.”

  Her brow furrowed. She was squeezing her legs together, and she had the unnerving sensation that she could actually still feel him touching her sex. “J-just how many hotels do you own?”

  “In Vegas? Or overall?” He started to lead her toward the brightly lit hotel entrance.

  “Never mind,” she muttered. “I don’t want to know.” Knowing would just remind her that she was playing way out of her league.

  “Mr. Landon! Over here!”

  A bright flash lit the night. A photographer had just snapped a fast picture of them.

  Blake didn’t slow down. He kept heading for the hotel’s entrance, and he kept his grip tight on her arm.

  A security team rushed to meet them. As soon as they crossed the threshold of that hotel, with its lavish decorations, the team closed in.

  “Sir, I personally just confirmed that your suite is secure.” A man with dark blond hair gave a firm nod. His gaze was so dark it appeared nearly black, and that hard stare reflected no emotion. “Your private elevator is waiting to take you upstairs.” He motioned to the right, toward the elevator that was flanked by two guards.

  “Thanks, Carson. Now get over to the Landon Hotel and find out how the hell that guy got passed the guards there.”

  Blake guided Jess onto the elevator.

  Not another one…Her stomach tightened.

  Before the doors could close, Carson threw up his hand and stopped them. “Sir, are you sure she’s safe?”

  Her eyes widened. The man—Carson—was staring at her with suspicion in his dark gaze.

  “Don’t worry, Carson,” Blake murmured. “I’ve already searched her. Jess is clear.”

  That burn was back in her cheeks.

  Carson gave a grim nod, but he cast one more suspicious glance her way before he finally stepped back.

  When the elevator doors closed, Jess immediately rounded on Blake. “What the hell was that about?” She demanded. “You searched me?” Was that what they were going to call it?

  “Um.” He smiled at her. The man didn’t have dimples. He had deep, hard slashes in his cheeks that just made him look super sexy. “I had to be sure, you see.”

  “Be sure?”

  “You could have been bait, a beautiful woman sent to distract me…so that your partner could close in for the kill.”

  She realized that there was a hard edge to his smile, and his green eyes—they were flat and cold.

  The elevator stopped. When she heard the little ding of sound, Jess flinched.

  “Don’t worry,” Blake told her. “This time, there’s no one here but you and me.”

  That was the part that worried her.

  He stepped from the elevator.

  She didn’t move. “You think I could have been involved in whatever was happening at the last hotel?”

  He glanced back at her. “I think you’re a woman with a lot of secrets, Jess, and before this night is over, I intend to discover them all.”

  His words sounded like a threat.

  Probably because they were.

  Chapter Two

  The gold of her eyes matched the shimmering gold of her dress.

  Golden hair, golden eyes, golden skin…she’d caught his attention the instant she walked into the Landon Hotel’s bar.

  He’d wanted her from that first sight, and, over the years, Blake had become quite used to taking what he wanted, no matter the price.

  “Jess Delaney…”

  She jerked when he said her name. She’d finally come out of the elevator and entered his suite. But she wasn’t looking at him. She was staring out the window, gazing at the always bright lights of Vegas.

  “I’m—I’m not part of some scheme to attack you.” Jess said this without looking over her shoulder. He liked her voice. It was husky, slightly accented with the faintest of southern drawls.

  “Why are you with me?” Blake asked her as he tossed aside his coat and loosened his tie.

  She glanced back at him. Every time he looked into her eyes, he felt as if he were taking a punch to the gut. “I wanted you,” she said as her shoulders gave a small shrug. “Isn’t that enough?”

  Not in his world. The women who came to him were usually after money or power. Lust entered the equation, but the encounters weren’t just about need.

  She’s different.

  Jess turned fully toward him, putting her back to the window. “I was scared to death when those bullets started flying—”

  “You didn’t scream.”

  “I was too afraid to scream!”

  He stalked toward her. “Are you afraid now?” He wanted to hear her say the words because he needed to know how Jess sounded when she lied. He needed to know how she looked.

  Jess hesitated, but then she said, “Of course I am. You terrify me, Blake Landon.”

  He stilled. Those words weren’t a lie. He could see the fear in her gaze. “Then why stay here with me?”

  “I’m trying to figure that out myself.” She bit her lip. The woman had lips made for kissing. Full, red. Tempting. “I’ve decided that maybe it’s because I’m scared, and I know that doesn’t make any sense.”

  He wanted to close the distance between them. Wanted to take her into his arms.

  But…even more, he wanted to hear what else she had to say.

  “I’m not a risk taker.” She gave a little laugh that fucking captivated him. It was soft and light and sexy. “Actually, I’m as far from that as you can get. I think standing here with you, right now, is the biggest risk I’ve ever taken in my life.” Her shoulders straightened. “I’m not some kind of bait. I wouldn’t even know how to be bait. I’m a woman on vacation in Vegas, and I—I wanted you. It’s as simple as that.”

  Could she really be that honest?

  His fingers had fisted because he wanted to touch her so badly. “I told you before that I wasn’t an easy man.”

  “I’m not looking for easy.”

  He took a step toward her. “You want the danger.” Some women did. They thrived on the rush.

  She shook her head. “I want you. I like the way you make me feel.”

  Sonofabitch. He took another step.

  Blake’s phone rang, vibrating in his pocket. He yanked it out. “This had better be fucking important.” Or else someone was about to get fired.

  “Uh, an attack on your life counts as important, right, boss?” Carson Anderson asked, coughing a little bit.

  Blake growled, then snapped, “You haven’t had time to get back to the Landon Hotel.”

  “No, but I’m on my way. I got a report from the team there, though, and I figured you’d want to know…”

  Blake’s gaze was on Jess.

  “There’s blood at the scene, so you definitely wounded the guy, but the team couldn’t find him.”

  His back teeth clenched.

  “I’ll pull up all the surveillance cameras,” Carson promised. “I’ll get an ID on the guy—”

  “And you’ll find him,” Blake ordered. An attack in his own hotel—hell, yes, they’d be finding the SOB.

  “I’ll find him,” Carson echoed. “But you might want to stay in for the night, just to be safe.”

ke Blake cared about playing it safe. Eyes still on Jess, he said, “I’ve got plans until dawn. I’ll stay plenty busy.”

  Her lips parted.

  “Find him,” Blake demanded once more, then he tossed the phone aside. It landed with a soft thud on his couch.

  Another step took him ever closer to Jess. He inhaled her scent. Strawberries. The woman definitely smelled good enough to eat.

  His gaze slid over her body. She had curves. Wonderful damn curves that he couldn’t wait to explore.

  Once he had the dress off her.

  Before he could reach for her, Jess’s hands came up. Her palms flattened on his chest. “The man who shot at you—he got away?”

  For the moment. “My chief of security, Carson Anderson, will find him.”

  Her chin lifted, and she stared at him with a determined intensity. “I’m not working with him.”

  “I believe you.” Now that they’d gotten that part out of the way…

  She pushed against him. “Aren’t you worried? Someone tried to kill you!”

  Not like it was the first time. As he built his corporation, Blake had made plenty of enemies over the years. He hadn’t gotten to the top by always playing nicely.

  But then, he’d never really been the nice type.

  And he also wasn’t the type to let go of something—someone—that he wanted. His fingers curled around her shoulders. “I have a security staff that is looking for that man right now. He’s not getting away.”

  “The police—”

  “I told you, the police will be contacted.” When he was ready to contact them. He’d skirted the law a time or two in the past, and before he turned this SOB over to the authorities, Blake needed to know just why he’d been attacked.

  Blake also enjoyed handing out his own punishments.

  You came after me, so now you’re going to wish you’d never made that damn mistake.

  Her gaze searched his. “Does anything scare you?”

  “There isn’t room for fear in my life.” A simple truth. No room and no time.

  “What do you have room for?”

  “You.” He bent his head and kissed her. Not softly. Not lightly. But hard and fierce, showing her the hunger that coursed through his veins. The lust and the need that were consuming him.

  During the car-ride over, she’d nearly driven him out of his mind. The rush of adrenaline from the attack and the white-hot tide of lust that he felt for her had left him on a razor’s edge of control.

  She’d climaxed in his arms. Shuddered in pleasure.

  When she’d cried out his name, Blake had promised himself that the next time Jess Delaney climaxed, he’d be inside of her.

  His cock was so hard and full right then that he knew he was about to erupt. This time, there wouldn’t be a chance for a long seduction.

  This time—it was going to be hard and fast and wild. Just the way he liked it.

  Still with his mouth on hers, with his tongue driving into her mouth, Blake stripped her. The golden dress hit the floor in a pool of light, and her naked body pressed against his.

  She hadn’t worn a bra. Fuck. He lifted his head and gazed down at her. Her nipples were tight and pink and perfect. His hands covered them, and a gasp broke from her lips.

  So damn responsive.

  There was no pretending with Jess. He touched, she reacted. Her pupils had flared, swallowing the gold of her eyes even as a flush covered her cheeks. He lifted her into his arms, holding her easily, and he put his mouth on her breast. He licked, he tasted, he went fucking beyond control.

  She arched her hips against him. Whispered his name.

  His teeth scored her flesh. Right then, he wanted to mark her. This woman, with her wild passion and those gorgeous eyes—she was his.

  For the night. Just the night. He never kept a lover longer than that.

  But they had all night.

  He lowered Jess to her feet. Backed away a few steps. They needed to be clear. “Just tonight…” He barely recognized the hard growl of his voice.

  She jerked a bit, and her eyes widened. “Th-that’s all I want.”

  He yanked off his shirt and tossed it to the floor. He stripped completely, with his eyes on her.

  She swallowed when she saw his cock. Licked her lips. Later, he’d get her mouth on him. But this time—this time, he couldn’t hold back. He needed her too much.

  His gaze flew around the room. Locked on the pool table. So close…

  He guided her toward that pool table.


  He lifted her up. Set her on top. Fucking sexy. “Brace your hands behind you,” he ordered.

  Swallowing, eyes heavy with desire, she did.

  He spread her legs wide and put his mouth on her.

  “Blake!” Her hips arched up against him. Hell, yes, but he loved the way she responded to him. There was no holding back. Fast and wild and—

  Her body bucked. He knew her orgasm was close. Already. Damn. Blake eased away from her. He licked his lips again—and tasted her once more.

  His cock was so full he ached. “This time, I’ll feel it when you come.”

  Her eyes met his. The gold was almost gone, swallowed totally by the darkness of her pupils.

  He grabbed for his wallet—and the protection he kept there. Her breath came in fast, hard pants.

  He took care of the protection, then he pulled her against the edge of the pool table. He drove into her, as deep as he could go.

  She moaned and her body tensed.

  He hesitated, afraid that he’d hurt her.

  He never hurt a lover. He held back his strength, locked tight to his control…

  Blake withdrew.

  But I have no control with her.

  “I’ve never wanted anyone this way,” her voice was husky and low. “This isn’t me. Why do I feel this way?” And her sex tightened around him.

  Fucking paradise.

  Her body felt like hot silk closing over him.

  “Jess?” Blake gritted her name. Sweat covered his brow. He needed to drive back into her, to plunge again and again and again.

  Her legs rose. Curled around his hips, urging him closer.

  Hell, yes. Blake stopped holding back. He let go. He thrust into her, driving as deep as he could go. Her sex was slick and tight and perfect—so perfect. Her gasps and moans filled his ears.

  Then her climax hit. He felt her delicate, inner muscles squeeze tightly around his cock.

  Yes, that’s what I wanted.

  He erupted within her.

  The pleasure swept through him, hitting like a tidal wave, consuming and sweeping him the fuck away.

  His body shuddered as he pumped into her. Blake was used to pleasure. Pleasure was a way of life for him. But this…

  He thrust again. Again.

  Too good.

  He kissed her and he swore he could taste her pleasure.

  His heart thundered, pounding fast and hard, and he kept his cock buried deep inside of her.

  The pleasure slowly ebbed. Her legs slid down his hips.

  “I…um…thank you,” she whispered.

  Blake’s head lifted as he frowned down at her. “Why are you thanking me?” Blake asked. He still didn’t leave her body. He didn’t want to.

  Her eyelashes flickered. “Because you’re the best lover I’ve ever had.”

  He searched her gaze. No subterfuge. No secrets. When he looked into Jess’s eyes, he just saw…her. “Baby, my goal is to fucking ruin you for any other man.” And he was surprised by the truth that had just slipped from him.

  “Is that always your goal?”

  Blake eased from her body. “No, but you’re different.” Again, a truth.

  She slid from the pool table. Her body trembled.

  He scooped her up. Held her easily. His gaze rose, following the spiral staircase that led up to his room.

  His bed.

  He headed for those stairs and his hold tightened on her.
br />   “Blake?” Jess whispered as her fingers curled around his neck.

  He glanced back at her. Got lost in the gold of her eyes. “We’re not close to being done.”

  Like he’d told her before, they were just beginning.


  Carson Anderson stared at the drops of blood on the floor. He wasn’t surprised that Blake had injured his attacker. Blake Landon wasn’t the suave businessman that he presented to the world.

  That image was a cover. A lie. Blake Landon was very, very good at lies.

  The man’s life was more about danger and secrets than most people realized.

  And it’s my job to make sure those secrets don’t come back to bite him in the ass.

  His job was to cover for Blake. To protect him.

  No matter what the consequences were.

  Blake Landon wasn’t a man who ever cared much for consequences.

  Blake had his empire, and nothing else—no one else—mattered.

  That was why Blake’s enemies had an unfortunate habit of winding up dead.


  Jess tip-toed down the spiral staircase—a spiral freaking staircase—and headed back down to the den. The suite was insane, and so totally beyond her.

  When she’d first walked in the place, she’d been too distracted by Blake to really take things in.

  But now, for just a moment, Jess paused and let her gaze sweep around the lavish suite.

  A grand piano was to the left, waiting at the edge of the den. Leather couches were positioned perfectly near a massive TV. A juke box sat near the pool table.

  The pool table. Jess felt heat burn her cheeks.

  Her gaze jerked from that pool table and she focused on the dining room that connected to the den. That marble dining table had to seat at least a dozen people.

  The suite was easily three times as big as her home.

  Three times.

  She didn’t belong there.

  She didn’t belong with Blake.

  But she’d sure as heck been enjoying herself.

  Jess continued padding softly down the stairs. Blake was in the upstairs bathroom, and even though he’d told her not to move, she’d slipped away.

  The sheet was wrapped around her body, and her knees wouldn’t stop trembling as she eased away from the stairs.

  What am I doing?

  Escaping to Vegas had seemed like such a great idea. A way to get free from all those prying, pitying eyes back home in Seaport.