Read Fitting In (Is Hard to Do) Semester 1 Page 13

I LEFT AMBER IN the restroom with the mirror while I went back to eat and kick it with my squad.

  “Please tell me you didn’t make that girl feel any worse than she already did, Symphony.” Hunter dipped her fry into Quincy’s left over ketchup.

  “Now, why would I do that?” I answer a question with a question. “Y’all be acting like I’m a monster or something.”

  Roman wanted to be filled in on what we were talking about. I now realized that all of my friends looked at me as if I were the big bad wolf. “Anyway.” I change the subject and turned to face Roman. “If you ever call yourself sneaking in my bedroom again, I would get off for killing you, ya know!”

  Roman laughed before he replied. “You just mad because I caught you off guard and found out you were lying.”

  “Lying ‘bout what?” Quincy had to know.

  “Man, when she was over yesterday, she shut down all action saying it was because her “friend” was in town.”

  “Oh shit, is she cute?” Everyone at the table looked at Quincy as if he was Cole on Martin.

  “Man… I’m not even going to answer that.”

  Quincy laughed. “Nigga, I ain’t stupid. You the one sitting over there sounding like a chick talking ‘bout “her friend.” Quincy opens his chocolate milk and took a few gulps.

  “Um, can we please stop talking about this? You guys are so gross, I swear! Aren’t you supposed to be in detention or something Q?” I take a bite of my hamburger and toss it onto my tray.

  Quincy waves me off. “Man whatever, Mr. Morrison ain’t even here today. Sub don’t know shit.”

  “So, Roman… you give anymore thought to what I said?” Hunter leans towards Roman.

  “Doubt it… I don’t even remember what you said.”

  “Oh, yeah!” Quincy scoots his chair in closer and they both act as if Roman was a celebrity they couldn’t wait to touch.

  I already know what Roman is thinking so I hurry and speak for him. “Uh no! Scavengers! He already told y’all he is not throwing no game. Now leave it alone and back up!” I fan the air as if it would physically push both of them back.

  “Whose lunch is this?” Roman asked as he lifted a few fries from the lunch tray.

  “It’s mine.” Amber was back from the bathroom, helping herself to an empty seat at the table.

  “Oh, man… my bad.” Roman slides her tray towards her.

  “It’s okay. You can have some.” Both Quincy and Roman grabbed at the invitation until only one fry remained.

  It’s okay. You can have some. Echoed in my head and annoyed the hell out of me for some reason. “Why y’all eat all her stuff like that?” I move Amber’s tray closer to her. Not that I cared. I didn’t like the thought of Roman taking or eating anything thing she offered. This Frenemy thing is harder than I thought. It took all I had to do that chick’s make-up. Thank God, I carry extra cotton balls and Q-tips. I wasn’t using my stuff on her diseased face! I used the cotton balls for the foundation and the Q-tips to apply her lipstick, eye shadow, and anything else.

  “She just said we could have some?” Quincy answers for both he and Roman.

  “Some don’t mean all! Plus she said Roman, not you Quincy!” Hunter wipes her mouth with a napkin as she smacked Quincy’s hand and gave him a dirty look. Yup, she was probably thinking the same thing I was thinking. Hmmph… and she wanna call me thirsty and pressed!

  “It’s okay.” Amber barely looked at anyone in particular. “I’m not very hungry, anyway.”

  “Yeah, man… she said I could get some, not you.” There was an awkward silence at the table until Quincy broke it.

  “I see you got your face fixed.” Hunter slaps Quincy on his shoulder to remind him of his manners.

  “Symphony redid it for me.” Amber peeps up at me and looks back down.

  “Looks nice. I don’t know what was wrong with it the first time.” Roman licks his lips while he stares at Amber. She thanks him without looking up and I swear I just threw up in my mouth a lil bit.

  I get out my cellphone to check my Facebook because this whole table was making me sick right about now. “Dang Quincy! Facebook stalker!” I blurt out. “I see you went through all my pics and liked ‘em.”

  “Whatever. Don’t get too happy. I was bored.”

  I snarl at Quincy. “Amber I can’t seem to find your page.”

  “Oh, I don’t have a Facebook.” Everyone at the table looked at each other as if she had said something obscene.

  “Why not?” Quincy asked.

  “I don’t have many friends, just Ryder and Willow. They don’t have a Facebook either.”

  “Are you that damn shy? You need to get out of that.” Roman spoke up.

  I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. “Roman you’re stupid! Now who’s picking on her?”

  “Nah. I ain’t pickin’. I’m just saying people that shy just miss out a lot on life because they’re too scared to live and let go. I mean, (YOLO) You only live once, right?”

  “Okay, maybe you should change your Facebook name to Roman Philosopher Davis.” I place my cell phone back into my bag.

  “Don’t sleep. I just might.” Roman pinched the tip of his chin as if he were seriously thinking about it. “So what’s up? Y’all want to hit up skating this weekend?”


  Roll Bounce