Read Fitting In (Is Hard to Do) Semester 1 Page 18

THIS DAY WAS AN important day for the Tigers and the Cougars. Both teams were undefeated with ranks of 4 & 0 for the season. This game was not just an ordinary game because whoever wins it will move on to the championship.

  Roman Davis was considered MVP of the Westbrook Tigers. No games were won if Roman wasn’t in it playing on every play. It was easy for Quincy Garnett to say he’ll throw the game because his main position was watching from the sideline.

  One-point two seconds left in the quarter before half-time. Number twenty-four from the Cougars overthrows the ball to the in zone and Roman catches it creating an interception. With only seconds to go, Roman spikes the ball in celebration completely unaware that the whistle hasn’t blown and the ball is still in play. A Cougar sneaks up from behind grabs the ball and makes a touchdown! The whistle blows alerting everyone that the time has completely run out, and it was now half-time. Each team runs off the field in opposite directions. The score was 20-27 in the favor of the Cougars.

  “Psst yo!” Quincy grabs Roman by the arm and leads him over toward the sound of Remy’s voice. “You know, at first I was kind of trippin’ right?” Roman removes his helmet and squirts his water bottle over his head in an attempt to cool off. “But then after my cousin picked up that live ball and went right through you and scored that last touchdown, I knew you were a true game player. For that, seeing its half-time, half now… half later.” Remy handed out a wad of cash in Roman’s direction.

  Roman ignored Remy and his money and jogged off to join the rest of his team. Quincy however didn’t hesitate to grab the money and let Remy know he’d split it up with Roman. Remy and Patrón both shook their heads at the site of Quincy’s thirstiness. “We ‘bout to bounce. We’ll swing back around and pick y’all up later.” He gave the other wad of cash which was a thousand dollars to his twin sisters. “Handle that at the end of the game for me.”

  The band played for the half-time show. The dance team lead the band with the flutes section next and then the saxophones. They were to march halfway around the track and then meet in the middle facing the opposing team. Amber hated to walk past the cheerleaders because she knew Symphony and Hunter would be the first ones looking at her and judging her. She felt stupid in her band uniform. From the top of her head to the soles of her feet, she didn’t feel feminine at all. Amber hated the big hat they had to wear and the strap that had to go across her chin. She felt as if she were wearing a helmet herself. That jacket wasn’t any better. If felt huge compared to the skimpy wear the cheerleaders wore. Amber missed a note as she tugged on her tuxedo style pants that were a tad too long. Ugh! This sucks. She thought to herself. Her pants had gotten caught on the heel of her shoes which she thought looked more like ROTC boots.

  “I would die if I had to wear a getup like that.” Symphony whispered to Hunter while eyeing each band member as they marched passed.

  “Oh, you talking to me now?”

  “Bitch, you better be glad I am! You already know I don’t play that sneaky mess. I don’t care if you was my mama.”

  Symphony gathers all the girls. “It’s our turn to go out there. I want to see some pep in y’alls step and smiles on the faces! I bet not see nobody walking.” Everyone moaned and groaned because they thought Symphony was a cheer-a-holic. “Hands on ya hips and I want to see heels hitting butts. Ready? Let’s go!”

  “Davis! I don’t know what your problem is, but you better get your butt in gear! The play is not over until you hear the whistle! You know that! How can you let that man run through you like that?” Coach Thomas clutched the clipboard tightly in his hand as he pointed it in Roman’s direction.

  Roman knew he’d let the ball go too early and let the guy go through and score on purpose, but now, he wasn’t so sure that was the right thing to do. He felt conflicted. He felt bad for his coach and team if he just threw the game on purpose. He also felt bad if he won and Patrón and Remy made good on their threats to get at Symphony.

  It’s a few seconds left in the game and the Tigers are on their way to losing the first game of the season. Roman can hear Quincy cheering him on from the sideline, except for all the wrong reasons. His team and coaches are looking defeated. Quincy begs his coach to put him in one last time. Feeling they really had nothing left to lose, he let Quincy in on the last play.

  The Cougars kick off the ball and lines it all the way down the field. The ball bounces in front of Quincy Garnett and bounces over him. Even though it’s a live ball Quincy ignores it while his teammates are yelling for him to get the ball as they charge full speed towards him. Back by the goal line, Roman Davis is having a fight within himself. Should he or shouldn’t he? Roman sees his coach from the sideline cussing and fussing up a frenzy. He grabs the ball and runs to the five, he angles and jump over a few Cougars who have fallen over themselves trying to tackle him. He’s up the sideline and still running. He’s to the 20… 25… 30… He’s to the 40! He’s down the sideline and angles left… 35… 20… He’s got blockers! 5… TOUCHDOWN!

  Roman has made the winning touchdown! Everyone roars as the team rushes out onto the field to hug Roman, except Quincy. He looks onto the bleachers and sees the twins growling at him and rolling their eyes. He now knows he has signed a check to the devil, and it just bounced.

  “Why’d you do that man?” Quincy ran to catch up with Roman.

  “’Cause… that’s what I do… win.”

  “Bruh! Remy’em already gave me half the money!”

  “Give it back.”

  To Quincy, Roman just didn’t understand the dangers and repercussions that came from dealing with Remy. Walking up to the twins to give them that money back was like taking his final walk to get executed. “Here… give this back to your brother.” Quincy said handing the money over to Tanga’Rae.

  “Humph! I don’t know what you expect for us to do with that?” Tanga’Rae says with her arms still crossed.

  “Right! My brother paid you up front for a service he expected to be delivered. So I suggest you take that up with them.” Ta’keyla hissed.

  “Just take the damn money!” Quincy stuffed it in Tanga’Rae’s folded arms.

  “Oh Ta’Keyla… we got some shopping to do, wanna hit up the mall? This fool just gave us a “G”!”

  After coming out of the school Symphony ran up to Roman, threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. “I’m so proud of you bae!”

  Roman smiles, “For what?”

  “For not letting someone dictate to you what you should do. You stood your ground, which shows me you’re a real man!”

  Roman laughs, “Is that right?”


  “I had to admit. That was the hardest decision ever to make… especially when they had threatened you.”

  “Huh? What you mean, threatened me?”

  “I dunno… Patrón and Remy kept saying stuff like, “If you don’t throw the game, we going after ya girl.” I kept telling them nigga’s that you ain’t interested.

  “Wait…” Symphony moved a few inches away from Roman. “So… they were threatening to come after me and you think it’s to get on with me?”


  “So… it never crossed your mind they might hurt me?”

  “Calm down! Ain’t nobody goin’ do nothing to you!”

  “Oh, and you know this for sure… how?” Symphony was now getting upset, and it showed. She didn’t care who heard or saw. “You know what! Get outta my face… I’m done with you!”



  You don't accept me for who I am. You judge me, yet you haven't lived in my shoes. If you can't respect me for who I am, leave me alone and let me live my life.